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Union calls for Julie Bishop to be sacked from ANU role over shocking comments

National Tertiary Education Union Media Release

The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) has called for Australian National University Chancellor Julie Bishop to be sacked after appearing to blame staff for the organisation’s financial woes.

ANU management has announced a restructure which risks more than 600 job losses, while also asking staff to forgo an already agreed pay rise of 2.5% in December.

Asked whether it was fair to ask ANU staff to forgo their December pay increase, the Ms Bishop told the Canberra Times:

“It depends to whom you refer, because many members of staff have been part of the inefficiencies that the university is now seeking to address.”

Ms Bishop also rejected suggestions of financial mismanagement, despite the ANU’s budgeted $60 million deficit ballooning to a forecast deficit of more than $200 million for 2024.

Quotes attributable to NTEU National President Dr Alison Barnes:

“These disgraceful comments blaming staff when it’s clear there’s been managerial incompetence are simply staggering.

“Bashing workers might have helped Ms Bishop climb through ranks of the Liberal Party but an attack like this makes her role as chancellor completely untenable.

“If Julie Bishop won’t resign today, she must be sacked. At a time when 600 jobs are on the line, blaming staff is reprehensible.

“This is emblematic of a broken governance system that needs an urgent federal parliamentary inquiry.”

Quotes attributable to NTEU ACT Division Secretary Dr Lachlan Clohesy:

“NTEU condemns the callous lack of contrition, empathy, and accountability displayed by the Chancellor.

“Her position as Chancellor of the Australian National University is untenable. NTEU calls for Julie Bishop to resign or be sacked.

“This blatant blame shifting exemplifies the lack of accountability in relation to university governance across Australia.

“We need an urgent federal parliamentary inquiry into university governance.”


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  1. Kerri

    Should never have been appointed in the first place. Square peg.

  2. Phil Pryor

    J Bishop as a chancellor type of a University was laughable enough.., and why did that happen and through what support by behindthescenes non-thinkers? Are there or were there courses in law manipulation, lack of justice, victim bashing, overbearing oppression? Shiny, cosmetically enhanced, camouflaged, ironed and dry cleaned, Ms. Bishop represented an aspect of astronomy there, a black hole.

  3. Canguro

    Lest we forget; Asbestos Julie acted for corporates as they defended themselves against litigation claims from people dying of mesothelioma… a fatal condition contracted as a function of exposure to asbestos fibres.

    It takes a certain kind of person – in her case, harridan – to, as PP alludes, possess a black hole where a heart ought to be, by using the court to argue for no compensation for dying victims of corporate malfeasance.

    What strange times we live in, when a black-hearted witch like Bishop can enjoy the career trajectory that she has. Is she a psychopath, or merely the lesser version, a sociopath?

  4. Pete Petrass

    I would like to know just what qualifications she has to be university Chancellor, and also how much they are paying her to not be there most of the time??? She seems to have literally a whole string of jobs, she is always popping up in the news celebrating some new job or position………so as Chancellor is she paid as a part-timer???
    And of course she is a former Lieberal politician so of course she is all about sacking workers and reducing pay……….what elese did they expect when they hired her………..oh wait, that is why they hired her.

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