By Peter MCC
Yesterday we were treated to the painful video of Trump and Turnbull spruiking man love to the gathered reporters complete with “alternative facts” which was dutifully accepted by those in attendance. I think it’s a photo finish as to who grovelled more; Malcolm or the reporters. With just one question about resettlement Trump could have imploded.
Most disgusting of all was the opening comment where Malcolm congratulated Donald for stripping away healthcare from about 24 million of America’s poorest. He was so excited his eyes were watering. Don’t be surprised if this floats around in the next election campaign.
This is the very same chap who decried that Labor ran a scare campaign about his support for Medicare because apparently we should ignore history and believe it when he said he loved the program (while actually making cuts to Medicare at the very same election).
No sign at all of any embarrassment.
One observation I would make though, is that if Trump had really paid any attention to MT he could have learned something. Trump uses the Tony Abbott approach of crash through or crash and we all know how that ends. MT already knows how to move up to the next step and it’s really quite simple.
Donald doesn’t even have to turn away from any of his policies. He can keep them as is. Just change what you announce but then do the opposite. If folk are worried about the environment, tell them you are too, then claim you are making it better. When they start to get worried announce the very same thing but present it as new. Simply rinse and repeat.
If your mates want to prop up coal mining you do the same. Say you are making big changes, make an excellent speech. Then keep it handy for the next time someone realises nothing has happened. It works a treat.
Malcolm has companies in tax havens and makes great speeches about tax avoidance, then does nothing until the speech is required again. Same goes for energy security, housing affordability, superannuation, climate change, debt levels, all these he presents as something he cares about, but then nothing happens. Folk actually think he is different to Tony even though he has exactly the same policies. It’s amazing what learning to smile can let you get away with.
So the takeaway for Trump could have been better for him as far as popularity goes. MT has it sown up, and let’s face it folks, Trump has such a fragile ego that any help in that department would be gratefully received.
This article was originally published on 1petermcc’s Blog.
Hostility to Trump expressed in New York:
Don’t you thinks it’s weird how America got a demented clown with a whitewashed understudy on standby just after Rupert Murdoch tested the concept in Australia with Toned Abs?
The ass-clown was replaced with the understudy and they fooled the News Corps readership into thinking they had solved the problem, while still keeping the regressive policies which the shameless stalking horse had snuck in.
If the test-run in Australia is repeated, we can expect Trump to be impeached soon and Pence to stand in as the “moderate” savior.
I admit that in my 69th year there were times when I feared confrontation, but I faced my demons, stood my ground, and took my beating. And yes it fcuking hurt.
Turnbull is a coward – is all !
So sue me you cowardly piece of shit
I wish Turnbull would keep his hands where his balls used to be.
When you do not know how to gesticulate convincingly, don’t !
Thanks Peter, you’ve said it exactly how it is. What a fake, deceiving world we live in. From another AIM blog: ”This Governments performance over its time in office has been like a daily shower of offensiveness raining down on society.” It’s taking its toll.
Yitzak, “they fooled the News Corps readership” shows your lack of insight to this demographic. “the News Corps readership” overwhelmingly want Abbott back in his rightful place. His faults are many, but he is a good communicator (Stop the Boats, Axe the Carbon Tax etc) and a formidable campaigner as well as a good example of Australian volunteerism: RFS and Surf Lifesaving. He would have lost half the number of seats that Turnbull did, and will keep Big Power Bill, the Union Puppet on the opposition bench when the next election rolls around.
Shallow Mal meets the Donald
And sucks up to the clown
The big question left unknown
Is his nose now orange or brown
Malcolm shows The Donald how he pretends to drive a car from the back seat of his limousine. The Donald’s brain seems to have switched off (definitely no nutritional value there for zombies).
Down down deeper and down ,
Most of Australia’s major metro mastheads have once again posted double digits declines in the
last round of print circulation figures.
According to figures released today by the Audit Bureau of Circulation, Fairfax Media’s The Age
posted the largest metro year-on-year circulation fall recording a 17 per cent decline on
weekdays with the newspaper falling from 157,480 copies to 130,767.
Sister Fairfax newspaper, The Sydney Morning Herald also posted a 16.60 per cent decline with
its print circulation numbers hitting 131,737 in the last quarter of 2013.
Amongst the News Corp Australia stable many of its newspapers also posted double digit
declines with tabloids The Daily Telegraph and Herald Sun posting weekday declines of 12 per
cent and 12.3 per cent respectively. The Telegraph had a weekday circulation of 293,512 last
quarter while its Victorian counterpart had 394,597
Other News Corp weekday newspapers papers posted smaller declines of 10 per cent for the
Courier Mail, 9.4 per cent for the Adelaide Advertiser, and 8.5 per cent for Tasmania’s Mercury.
Both major newspapers have today sought to put a positive spin on the continuing declines.
Fairfax Media noted how it had removed unprofitable circulation and was seeing an improvement
in revenue and yield per copy for their metro mastheads.
This demonstrates the deep connections our
titles have developed with their audiences.” And our very good crossword puzzles.
And this also demonstrates that the AIMN continues to grow and grow.
Please boycott right wing corporate “news”
Trump looks utterly bored.
Michael, looks more like Trump is kind of amused. Thought bubble:
‘Here we go again, Malcolm and that story about how he climbed the corporate ladder, got to the top and then realised crap, now what? Then I gritted my teeth and decided why not? PM or bust.’
Tell me about it! Hope he comes up with a something new by the time I visit Austria.
Either that or Tony is PM.’