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Traditional Custodians and climate disaster survivors call for a climate trigger to stop coal and gas

Traditional Custodians on the frontlines of fossil fuel extraction and survivors of climate disasters are converging in Parliament House to put the Albanese Government on notice over coal and gas approvals. The delegation of 20 representatives from communities across the continent is calling for urgent reform of Howard-era environment laws to include a climate trigger.

The community members say they feel betrayed by the Albanese Government’s abandonment of major reform to national environment laws earlier this year, following pressure from coal and gas companies.

A Senate Inquiry is expected to report next week on scaled-back Nature Positive bills currently before Parliament, and the government is yet to commit to a timeline for the major reform promised. It was reported yesterday that the Coalition will reject the government’s current bills, meaning the Government will need to negotiate with the Senate crossbench.

Gomeroi Traditional Owner Raymond Weatherall said: “The government ran a referendum to provide a voice for Aboriginal people. Now Gomeroi people are speaking out against the Narrabri Gas Project but the government doesn’t want to listen.“

According to Gomeroi Traditional Custodian and Narrabri Coordinator for Lock the Gate Karra Kinchela, “Gomeroi people are before the Native Title Tribunal right now arguing that Santos’ Narrabri Gas Project should not proceed because it would fuel dangerous climate change. Santos wants to damage our sacred Pilliga Forest just so it can build this polluting gasfield.

“Increasingly severe weather events like droughts, fires, and floods are already having a devastating impact on our land and waters – we can’t let Santos’ gas make it any worse.”

Gurridyula Gaba Wunggu, a Nagana Yarrbayn Cultural Custodian and Gadabama (representative) of Waddananggu, a Tribal Estate inside Wangan and Jagalingou Nation, said: “This is urgent. Adani’s Carmichael mine on our homelands is contaminating and drawing down the water in our sacred Doongmabulla springs. The springs are the final resting place of the Rainbow serpent Mundangarra and an ancient spring system that has been running since the dawn of time.

“We’re here in the belly of the beast of the Australian Government – Parliament House – to tell the politicians to do their job and save our sacred sites and the water for everybody.”

Regional Pacific Campaigner for 350.org, Jacynta Fa’amau, said, “The Pacific will not stop fighting. The Pacific will continue to prepare, and ensure our stories are heard, whether it is in these Parliament halls or on the frontlines of climate disasters. You will continue to hear our voices, our demands, until our future is safe and secure.”

According to President of Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action Jo Dodds, “Climate impacts are already taking an incredible toll on communities around Australia. Supporting and implementing the climate trigger is the most critical opportunity we have – right now – to slow and prevent fossil fuel emitting projects, and to keep communities safer from catastrophic fires and floods.”

The community representatives warn the government is facing backlash in marginal seats and communities impacted by fossil fuel extraction and climate disasters.

Recent polling in five Labor-held seats facing pressure from the Greens shows more than two-thirds of voters believe the federal government should be able to reject developments if the climate impacts will harm Australian wildlife.


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1 comment

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  1. wam

    A simple look at the conduct of the bandit shows a greedy ambitious dissembler. Only intellectually challenged Labor voters will contemplate giving the greens their electoral cash.
    Labor has to work hard in the flood areas to expose the loonies disingenuous bullshit.

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