Thug’s army

Cartoon by Alain Moir (

The L/NP tree-house club, like many RWNJ organisations, is defined by what it’s against rather than what it’s for – where conservatism is a constant battle for preservation of the status quo; where anti is easy, and initiative is hard. It’s where bias beats brains.

The only constant is change yet these trogs forever fight against it whenever it threatens their privilege and their incumbent pandering to the greed interests of their cohort. National well-being and vision? Phhht! Their thought bubbles and brain farts are reflexive responses based on the crude Tory dogma of Hayekian and Randesque fuck-you-Jack neoliberalism seasoned with the Lib’s very own game of mates and the Nat’s agrarian socialism and fossil fuel boondoggles.

Which brings me to The Thug. The head veg is wholly defined by who he hates and he’s driven by the reichwingers’ grievance manifesto of hostility to lefties, greenies, those with darkish skin tones, gays and trans, gig workers, unionists, academics, scientists, clean energy advocates … fundamentally, anyone not a fellow RWNJ punisher and straightener who’s in on the grift.

A head kicker, the hard-right, glass-jawed potentato to whom ‘going clubbing’ means baby seals, flatters himself that he’s PM material. He has the instincts of a goon but lacks the intellect for original thought or leadership. His is a “what would Joh do?” cronyism and a try-hard-Trumpy trashing of integrity and basic decencies. His cultivated hard man persona is but a variation of Tony Abbott’s bulging ball-bag affectation. But Abbott’s bunking with the boofy AFP wallopers when in Canberra had homo-erotic undertones – flicking each other with wet towels in the showers and plaiting each other’s hair no doubt further disturbs the macho vigour of The Thug’s self-image.

Contributing to the laddish character of the Potato patch is an oft-basted root vegetable, the empurpled member for New England, Drunkerby Joyce. The David Copafeel of federal politics has now added a new skill to diversify his sex pest and lagerphile repertoire – backstroking on the asphalt swimming pool. In 2017 the then Tory government called for alcohol and drug testing of welfare recipients with Barnaby declaiming “You can’t go to work if you’re smashed…” hypocrisy being one of Drunkerby’s most versatile talents.

Meme from The Shovel

All of the Big Swinging Dick bombast, the boozing and bullying, the staff fondling, allusions to shooting toey women protesters, the tabling of seminal works by a Lib staffer, tea-bagging and rusty tromboning in the Prayer Room and plausible rape allegations, surprise surprise, tends to turn the wimmins off and they fled in their thousands to Independents, Greens and Labor. And so The Thug, PM option number two, resolved to soften his image as a reboot. Cuddly Pete and Smiley Pete though had the shelf-life of a Liz Truss lettuce.

The Lib/Nat brains trust relieved the ladies ga-ga of kitchen duties and pointed them at the cameras when the Great Schmo’s gynophobia became too apparent to ignore. These ScoHo’s are now rebadged as Spud’s Noisettes. Perversely, to be permitted access to the boy zone the girls need to demonstrate they can be just as egregious as their male colleagues – a challenge they’ve readily risen to.

Ley Zee the flying none is the most prominent. Suss drew the ‘beligerent outrage’ role during casting. I won’t drag out the slur that Mad Abbott and the RW crazies used against Julia Gillard – let me just say that it’s been posited that Suss weighs the same as a duck and would float if thrown into a pond. Suss’s performative indignation is a natural fit for someone whose life choices have collapsed her face into a permanent sulk of disappointment.

Phlegm fatale Michaelia Cash provides back-up vocals. Waving her arms about lke she’d walked through a spider web, her bogan-toned hyperbole delivered in a mad cat lady on crack meets North Korean news reader lady style sends a warning to our youth of the dangers of VO5 addiction. (Although perhaps her hysteria is due to the wind changing direction on her when she’d dialled the Just For Her© “muscle toner” up to 11).

Calamity Jane Hume graduated 3rd in the nasty class at the National Arboretum behind a Hydnora Africana and a Amorphophallus titanum which goes some way to explaining the inane, smug condescension that belies her role in 9 years of Tory incompetence and graft.

One of the first things Morrison did as PM in 2018 was to intervene in the Senate preselections in Victoria to ensure that Jane was re-endorsed. Luckily Hume’s ex-husband got the contract as one of the debt collection companies for Robodebt. Jane’s thoughtful insights include: “We don’t have policies. We’re in opposition, we’re not in government” and that an ICAC could deter “good” people from entering public life!

Jacinta NameYa-Price, the RWFW’s “some of my best friends are aborigines” cover for their overt racism has maybe outlived her usefulness now that The Voice has been successfully sabotaged. Jacinta could find out anew what it’s like to be pushed to the fringes.

Rortess fantastique Bridget McKenzie.xls is as come hither as the dot of shame on Barnaby Joyce’s moleskins. That this shot-gun wielding, fat-shaming, belligerent loudmouth is seen by the Nats as softening their image says a lot; particularly about their perspective that their electorates are populated by credulous rubes – not that they’re wholly wrong on that angle.

But, back to the main theme – The Thug. His embrace of autocracy, his inherent peeing-in-the-hotel-kettle nastiness, his rigid adherence to Tory dogma and a wit that is a 3G modem in a 5G world makes him entirely predictable. A national leader? He is more out of his depth than Harold Holt. In naval terms he’s a rudderless shit. He will never be PM.
There go my people. I must follow them, for I am their leader * (Image from
*Apocryphyly attributed to Alexandre Auguste Ledru-Rollin, a French lawyer, politician and one of the leaders of the French Revolution of 1848.


This article was originally published on Grumpy Geezer.

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About Grumpy Geezer 103 Articles
Having been released from the constraints of the red in tooth and claw capitalist running dogs by retirement the grumpy one now expresses opinions that would have previously limited his career options. (The pseudonym is used simply to avoid familial arguments with Tory-voting kin.) A loathing of Tory politicians is supplemented by an equal disdain for bad language - the corporatese and the flim-flam of sales spruikers, marketers, spin doctors, bureaucrats and politicians. Red-penning the tosh from such types was an upside to having to work with them. The crankiness is offset by a love of motorbicycles, the occasional glass of claret too many and the sun glittering off a blue swell just down the road. Could possibly be identified from the ash down his shirtfront and the egg in his beard.


  1. One thinks Joyce led the Nationals, via a mining magnatress linked to Atlas or Koch Network think tanks (also behind the Voice No campaign & equivalents on Brexit in the UK), with RW media support, to replicate the US fossil fueled Koch ‘bill mill’ ALEC.

    ALEC the American Legislative Exchange Council is used to do PR and lobby reps on behalf of big tobacco, big oil etc. pressuring and wedging their own side; from the outside and some insiders.

    Locally it seems to be the Nats rat f*cking both the Libs and their own colleagues on climate science, renewables, partisanship on the Voice etc.

  2. Not a joke actually.

    Parliament was again a Question Time debacle.
    At one stage Teal Zali Steggal got angry enough to bounce th e Opposition for its straw-person politics, asking Milton Dick for a ruling on a lie involving the people released by the courts from detention centres. Dick did an eyeroll and looked askance of the Opposition, but still it rolled on..

  3. Ahhh, at last a use for Sussy and her colleagues – thhere are plenty of places that need new bridges. Not that I’d be game to cross any bridge of which any of them constituted a part.

  4. “Ode to Barnaby”
    Twas an evening in November,
    as I very well remember,
    I was strolling down the street in drunken pride
    when my knees went all-a-flutter
    so I landed in the gutter
    and a pig came up and lay down by my side.
    Yes, I lay there in the gutter
    thinking thoughts I could not utter
    when a colleen passing by did softly say
    “Ye can tell a man that boozes
    by the company that he chooses”
    and the pig got up and slowly walked away.

  5. I’ll be the leader if none stand against me
    I am strong ruthless and knowledge free
    I am now the leader your political pro
    So follow me where do you want to go??

  6. @10.40am
    Bananbababy “…doesn’t have a drinking problem…” Nope, it’s all the fault of those supposed nasty prescription drugs and not the heavy drinking that went along with his latest public fuck up. How many more times do we have to put up with his bullshit excuses and promises about curbing his alcoholism?

  7. Re: “the Prayer Room” … Institutional Christianity/Christians [i.e. those most resistant to Christ’s fundamental teachings of non-violence, compassion and non-wealth] seem to insist upon creating their Creator’s nature in their own fallible and often angry, vengeful image; for example, proclaiming at publicized protests that ‘God hates’ such-and-such group of people.

    Often being the most vocal, they make very bad examples of Christ’s fundamental message, especially to the young and impressionable. This is why I openly critique those in public life who claim to be Christian yet behave nothing like Christ nor his basic teachings.

    Many institutional ‘Christians’ undoubtedly find inconvenient, if not plainly annoying, trying to reconcile the conspicuous inconsistency in the fundamental nature of the New Testament’s Jesus with the wrathful, vengeful and even jealous nature of the Old Testament’s Creator.

    The Biblical Jesus most profoundly washed his disciples’ feet, the act clearly revealing that he took corporeal form to serve. And that he, as a hopeful example of the humility of the divine, joined humankind in our miseries, joys and everything in between.

  8. He certainly has gone apeshit over one boat, as has Hanson.

    What’s their effing problem?

    Where’s their effing humanity?

    Dutton’s probably pissed off that he’s not in government so can’t dish out contracts to his mates to lock ‘em up and starve ‘em.

  9. Imagine Peter Dutton being gifted with the executive powers of someone like Vladimir Putin, he’d probably exploit the opportunity to behave like Vladimir Putin.

  10. Roswell,
    Me, I’m starting to come around to the idea that this chaotic democratic turnover of leaders promotes nothing but weakness, and we actually need the consistency of a strong, steady hand at the helm, just like what Russia has.

    Mind you, not exactly sure the AIMN would thrive under Vlad’s media laws.

  11. But Roswell,
    Putin’s Special Military Operation was launched out of the urgent Responsibility to Protect, because the Ukraine had been shelling Donbass for 8 years and was probably preparing to invade, and anyways, the whole thing would have been little more than a skirmish except for Boris Johnson in April 2022.

    I have it on credible authority…

  12. I notice that Peter Dutton has a spring in his step in recent days. His prayers are being answered, an asylum seeker boat has breached Border Force security and landed on the WA coast.

    Spud sees this as the best thing to happen in his otherwise unremarkable leadership of the Liberal/National/One Nation coalition. According to him, our border security is in disarray, Albanese has rolled out the red carpet to irregular maritime arrivals and the prospect of a Dutton leadership surge is imminent.

    This he believes will rally his supporters and with the unfailing support of Newscorp and in particular SKY this revival of boat arrivals could be his parachute to the Lodge.

    What a fraud !

  13. “He certainly has gone apeshit over one boat, as has Hanson.
    Where’s their effing humanity?”

    I’ve been trying to write an answer to that for over an hour but the brain keeps glitching at the very idea of either of them being capable of even understanding the concept.

  14. Dutton does look disturbingly credible in SS officer uniform.

    Dutton’s demeanor always reminds me of the patronising joviality with a heavy undercurrent of controlling menace of country cop Jock Crawford, so ably enacted by Chips Rafferty in “Wake In Fright” – the 1971 original).

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