The AIM Network

This man is dangerous

This morning, George Christensen posted the following on his Facebook page:

I’m setting up a new website – – and am looking for writers and researchers to help in this endeavour. The website will seek to expose radical Islamic practices, its adherents and its appeasers within our midst. The site will also root out political correctness and its purveyors who seek to stymie free speech on this, the most important subject for the future of our Western civilisation.
It will take an Australian point-of-view but articles and items featured on the site won’t be limited to events and happenings within Australia. The site will not only be critical of radical Islam but will offer solutions and, in doing so, will advocate for an internal reform of Islam and promote moderate Muslims who are seeking to change their faith for the better. But where practices of so-called moderate Muslims in this country or elsewhere are found to be less than moderate or appeasing the extremists, this website will call it out.

The pay rate for writers and researchers is a whopping total of nothing but you’ll be helping fight for a cause which could determine the future of Western civilisation, freedom, liberty and humankind. It’s no small task.
If you’re interested in being part of this project, please e-mail me at with your expression of interest and, preferably, an example of your work. Please ensure the subject line in all e-mails pertaining to this project read “War on radical Islam.”

Already there are hundreds of likes, shares, comments, and offers of help along these lines:

“I’m interested in helping you with your endeavors. While I am an American living in Australia by choice, I have chosen Australia as my home and I’m just waiting for my citizenship to be granted. I’d also like to know if posts made will be anonymous because as we all know radical Muslims most assuredly do try to harm bloggers and authors of papers denouncing Islam. Facebook is bad enough, but at least on here no one knows where I live.”

or this

I accept the pay rate George & I’ll do any overtime pro bono.
Been studying about Islam for years & not an awful lot I don’t know about it. What I don’t know, I know where to find & whom to ask.
Seems like there’s only you & Senator Bernardi who’s got the cajones to speak about Islam & the Marxist agenda of attacking families.

If enough people email Malcolm expressing concern, we might be able to stop the hurt and harm this man seems intent on causing.


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