Sometimes, interesting things go on in the background to the main ring event at Cirque du Scomo.
The Herald Sun reported on the Senate committee looking into the AFP raid of a Home Affairs employee, over the Peter Dutton au pair leaks.
The Australian Federal Police is facing the humiliation of being found in contempt of the Australian parliament for a raid of the Department of Home Affairs building over leaks in the au pair saga involving MP Peter Dutton.
Apparently, the warrant mentioned the Senate Committee which is a real problem because the AFP had said they were investigating leaks to the media, not the parliamentary committee.
Under the laws of parliamentary privilege, warrants should not be executed which improperly interfere with the functioning of parliament.
The Guardian are reporting the Senate Committee has tabled its findings. Should be very interesting revelations shortly.
On a similar note, we will have to wait until February for the next instalment in Michaelia Cash’s involvement in the AFP raid on AWU headquarters. The focus has been on who told the media. Perhaps they should look at the warrants there too to see who is pulling the strings and why.
In another, but not entirely unrelated, side show, Samantha Maiden reports that Queensland MP for Wide Bay, Llew O’Brien, is looking at crossing the floor to ensure the national integrity commission gets up.
Which is somewhat ironic, as pointed out by Amy Remeikis at the Guardian, considering Mr O’Brien was not so long ago the subject of adverse findings by a police ethical standards investigation for accessing and releasing police information about potential political candidates.
There will be a lot of pressure to vote on a federal integrity body this week. Cathy McGowan has introduced it into the House of Reps and Bill Shorten sounds keen. The Coalition should agree in order to stop another banking RC revolt and so they can determine the terms of reference.
Meanwhile, in centre ring, Victorian politicians Jane Hume and Tim Wilson are not buying their leaders’ spin that the state election result was solely about state issues. Scott seems to be using a similar excuse as he did for toppling Turnbull – since he didn’t go to Victoria to campaign, it’s got nothing to do with him that they lost.
ProMo will carry on “listening” but not “hearing” and remain incapable of “doing” because his party is at war with itself and out of touch with anyone in the community who is to the left of One Nation.
Labor has some good ideas. Gonski and the NIC being but two. But it has a habit of vacating the field at inopportune moments thus leaving a political vacuum to be filled by others. Did it with Gonski (appropriated by the LNP) and now with the National Integrity Commission (the crossbench seems to be currently driving the political bus.)
In politics – he who hesitates is lost. Wouldn’t wonder if the LNP do a deal with the crossbench and in so doing bathe in the resulting political glory. Bill had better be quick and really know what he wants. The momentum is there.
I can’t see the libs voting for a NIC at all. They have way too much corrupt baggage to hide. They already know they are toast. The ToR mean nothing, they can be upgraded when Labor is installed and the real adults take charge.
It is great that the “also rans” are now running the government, can’t be any worse than in incumbent (read incompetent) mob.
Victoria’s Upper House is going to be interesting, hopefully Labor friendly, and support the broad agenda laid out by DA.
Pilot, when it comes ‘corrupt baggage’ both of the majors have plenty to hide. If they want to be significant players re the proposed NIC, then it’s in their interests to stay in the game.
Inside the tent, the majors can blunt any hard, uncomfortable edges advanced by the crossbench – who have little to hide in the corruption stakes – no real power to do corrupt deals and all that. I suspect that Labor and the LNP will do deals to get legislation that they can live with (not necessarily want) – in the same way as they did with political donations and proposed real-time disclosures.
Anticipate a new (temporary) alliance.
“Even Victoria’s election was more a Liberal loss than a Labor win.” says Ian McAuley on John Menadue’s’ Blog.
I don’t agree with that (re: more), but it certainly played some part of it. Even the young,19 year old student, ( very new to the Labor Party) got elected….
It was also a protest vote; some Liberals are ashamed of their party and want something better…
It’s also interesting what he writes about the Oz Greens compared to the more successful German Green party.
Kaye Lee
Loving the photo.
Some entertaining times ahead, before the federal election – timing is everything. Even if the focus is trained upon the peripheral aspects of media leaks rather than the puppet masters.
Looking forward to introduction of ICAC, after all it’s not as if the LNP has anything to hide? Right?
Michael Kroger claiming Labor win nothing to do with HQ, but Labor’s policies … aw, isn’t that nice? Well, it’s all the free stuff offered, dental, solar batteries, implication being public easily bought?
Expecting rusted on conservatives to learn is the same as expecting them to be capable of change. Sad but true.
Fair comment MN, but in comparison with the dirty, lying Libs mate, the ALP are squeaky clean, lmao.
First thing I’d do is place a 6 year SoL on investigations….. That’d f*ck ’em……
But please don’t worry, the NIC has plenty to work on for the next few years. but they’ll have plenty to keep them busy when the Libs are voted back in.
Too bad we can’t trust MSM to print the truth rather than Murdoch trash and outright lies. You know he won a court case in the US, basically saying that there was no place for truth in his newspapers.
helvityni, Landslides tend to produce some unusual and unexpected wins – resulting in surprises even for the Premier. In Queensland, the thumping victory by Campbell Newman some years ago gave him a backbench that he wore like a crown of thorns – one is still in gaol. Good candidates don’t want to run in (supposedly) unwinnable seats so anyone who is prepared to run is endorsed because it matters not – they aren’t going to win and will soon be forgotten. No need to vet.
Pauline Hanson was endorsed by the Liberal Party was for a Federal seat that the Liberals thought they couldn’t win. And even though they dis-endorsed her before the actual election, she won against all the odds. The rest is history.
Pilot – will retrospectivity be allowed? If so, will there be any limitation?
I can guarantee that any NIC legislation will NOT be retrospective.
Nnoe of the current Mps, of any persuasion, would risk an NIC with retrospective power.
Anyhow my best wishes to Declan Martin, nice young man (boy), just watched his interview with Channel 9, I like anyone who makes me laugh…a bit of humour in Oz Politics is needed…
Good to see Oz growing up; we are starting with our very own Victorian Era…one day we’ll reach The Northern Territory…I leave the Queensland in your capable hands, MN…( only kidding)
The Australian federal police may have acted in contempt of parliament by failing to warn Labor senator Louise Pratt of a raid investigating leaks about Peter Dutton’s au pair decisions, a report has found.
The Senate privileges committee suggested in the report, which was tabled on Monday, that the failure to warn Pratt meant she did not have a proper opportunity to claim parliamentary privilege over seized documents, a possible interference with the functioning of parliament.
The committee upheld Labor’s claim that documents seized in the raid are covered by parliamentary privilege, and said it will recall Australian Federal Police witnesses to provide further evidence before making a conclusion on whether the failure to warn Pratt constitutes a contempt.
Bill Shorten to Scott Morrison:
Does the government support a national integrity commission, yes or no?
I refer the Leader of the Opposition to the answer given by the Attorney General. He’s already been working on these matters is several months and we are following our process through the Cabinet process and that’s how things be done.
We are not going to engage in half-baked ideas from the opposition, whether it’s what they are throwing around in this chamber or whether it’s then you pink batteries claim. Remember pink batts? We now have pink batteries, that’s what we got from the Leader of the Opposition and the Labor Party who have learnt nothing from their time in opposition. All the failures from when they were last in government, it’s just a distant memory to them and they haven’t learned a thing.
Shorten comes in with a yes or no point of order.
I addressed it and said we have a Cabinet process to address it in a way that is prudent, responsible and works to all the unintended consequences and makes sure we have a process that doesn’t go around and vilify people who work the public sector, whether they be journalists or public officials anyone else. We have a calm, considered a mature approach to this issue.
calm, considered, mature … relevance of pink batts, batteries to ICAC?
Scott Morrison continues to piss on Australians while telling us the drought has broken ….
And now Scummo and Crony Co. are in, to put it bluntly, shit scared mode if the anti-corruption bill went through –
The lies and screaming have started as they scramble desperately to crush it.
Anyone else get the feeling that the MP Dorothy Dixer is going to be asking loads of questions to try and waste question time in the LNP kindergarten, oops, parliament?
It’s time! ….. again!
Stasi, KGB, The Potato –
Sorry Matter Not, had to tend to family, then sleep, lol. (We got 8 in our household)
Limit? 6 year Statute of Limitations (SoL) – First thing I’d do is place a 6 year SoL on investigations….. That’d f*ck ’em……
My Christmas Wish
The whining and whinging of Erica –
And this I believe is why we need the anti-corruption bill to go through. It has the stench of LNP corruption all over it.
Pilot, I haven’t read the proposed legislation so I’m not in a position to comment in detail. However, what I do know is that these bodies can quickly get out of hand if the legislation is not carefully drafted because there can be many issues. Here’s a few. Are anonymous referrals to be taken seriously? If the answer is yes (which is the common sense response) then expect a flood of (anonymous) complaints from disgruntled public servants attempting to make life miserable for those higher up the chain of command including the Minister and his/her staff. Is there to be a penalty for complaints made in bad faith (mala fides)? (It became so bad in Queensland years ago that the ‘independent’ investigator was forced to refer such complaints back to the CEO for investigation – which sort of defeated the purpose.)
Apply for a position – not successful? Must be cronyism (after all I was clearly the best candidate) so I MUST refer that corrupt decision to the NIC. And so on. It becomes a growth industry and does so very quickly.
In my opinion, Labor should have produced a ‘white’ paper (or equivalent) for discussion so they could have set the agenda. Become the driver of the political bus and not merely a passenger. One thing the majors will be very conscious of is that they are making a rod for their own backs. The nature and success or otherwise of Amendments will be worth watching. Lots of water to flow under this political bridge. A good spectator sport for political tragics.
Well stated, Matters Not.
Particularly your point Labor should be a driver instead of passenger, opportunities like a minority government should not be wasted.
Wow. Julia Banks has moved to the crossbench.
And to add to Scummo’s woes –
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
Treasonous, bellows Chris Kenny.
Have to love Luke Howarth:
Here’s a clue Luke. When you have no policies worth speaking about, then there’s no likelihood of any policy differences.
He’s Dutton’s political neighbour and one would hope they have plenty of time to spend together after departing the Federal Parliament in the new year. Watch for Banks to run as an Independent in a different seat next time around. She’s laying the groundwork.
The crossbench is dominated by women. Give the blokes a go.
By the way MT, Chris doesn’t bellow. He barks. All the better to communicate with his various canine lovers. I believe there’s a picture or two on the net courtesy of … the ABC.
Ya just gotta laugh. In the Senate, the government passed a Greens amendment that said, in part, the Senate notes that “the Government has proven itself completely unable to deliver meaningful reductions in vehicle emissions and therefore cannot be trusted to reduce deaths from vehicle pollution or meet our international climate change obligations.” Julie Bishop has written an article calling on the Coalition to agree to the NEG. And Julia Banks has quit the Liberal Party and joined the Crossbench. The leader of the Senate, Scott Ryan, and Tim Wilson have both come out lashing the right wingers, as has Jane Hume, and Kelly O’Dwyer said the party is viewed as homophobic, anti-women climate change deniers.. Great day at the office. It’s amateur hour in Canberra.
The Dorktator of the Dorkocratic Repubic of ‘straya has spoken –
This afternoon Scomo referred to the speaker as “Mr Belief.” LOL.
A true sign of pure unadulterated fear and desperation from the spiteful children, sort of in charge, in Canberra –
Julia Banks, the member for Chisholm, has formally resigned from the Lib coalition and joined the crossbench.
Methinks a federal anti-corruption body just got a big step closer, and a crisis of confidence can’t be far off.
Then this horrible nasty little man sticks his beak in –
You want money then you crawl and grovel at our feet and we might consider giving our money.
Bloody hell!
Perhaps Scott would do well to keep his head down.
When will the students of Australia earn an international mention? Scott will ensure that via his tin ear – no doubt.. Great!.