The AIM Network

The smirking arrogance of the LNP

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By Kathryn 

Not a single day goes by that we are not confronted with yet another LNP rort, another criminal act of fraudulent misappropriation of taxpayer funds, yet more and more revelations about LNP depravity, more lies, ceaseless broken promises, relentless chaos and inner-party political back fighting, treacherous instability and traitorous, power-hungry backstabbing!

Every day, never-ending news highlighting the LNP’s unspeakable bible-thumping hypocrisy, incidences of sniggering, smirking arrogance, barely disguised misogyny, the appalling defence and support of predatory paedophiles (like George Pell). Not a day goes by when we are not bombarded with endless examples of the LNP’s hopelessly inept mismanagement and waste of countless millions of hard-earned taxpayer funds that have been channelled into their own “pet” projects (thus enriching themselves) or used to further enrich and empower the LNP’s obscenely rich and powerful donors!

Never before in our history have we seen a government so steeped in corruption, so depraved, so condescending and so arrogant! Make no mistake about it, this is a morally bankrupt, born-to-rule pack of barbaric, callously inhumane fascists who have exhibited an absolutely appalling disregard for the laws and moral codes that bind the rest of us. The fact that this monstrous regime have the undisguised support of the, now, thoroughly discredited AFP and dubious judiciary, says so much about the inexorable decline our country is now undergoing in every imaginable way!

Our international reputation as a (once) respectable leading democracy has found its way into an open sewer ranking us almost on the same level as corrupt dictatorships like Zimbabwe or Uzbekistan. Morrison is now modelling himself on the self-deluded and openly corrupt Donald Trump – not surprising, considering that Morrison openly paraded himself as a cloying, salivating lapdog to Trump on SlowMo’s (internationally embarrassing) recent trip kowtowing to the worst president in America’s history!

Our police force are now militarised with semi-automatic assault rifles in order to enforce the acceleration of our deteriorating “democracy”;

In less than seven years, the LNP have created nothing, achieved nothing, given nothing. A pack of stone cold neo-liberal capitalists whose regime has benefited no one except, of course, themselves and their billionaire, non-taxpaying donors in the coal and iron-ore mining industries and the rapacious grubs in the Top 1%.

Under the fascist jackboot of the LNP, Australia has gone from hero to zero in a terrifying short time!

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