The AIM Network

The eve of destruction

Sometimes people say the best of things. Their words stick with you, they strike a chord, they have us all nodding in agreement. They say exactly what everybody else was thinking.

As was the case with a comment yesterday from ‘Salstarat’. It was a comment worth sharing. It was a comment worth spreading. Here is a slightly edited version of Salstarat’s comment:

When one stands back and has a good long look at the catastrophic legacy of this horrendous ‘fascist’ government, the only diabolical things they have actually managed to do are:

1. Tear down any semblance of democracy, equality and do everything in their power to stomp on free speech or, with the help of the despicably biased Murdoch press, try to shut down all debate and opposition to their fascist, cold blooded ideology.

2. Defund the ABC/SBS and stack the ABC Board with a range of ex-LNP politicians and Murdoch journalists who will endeavour to mute and silence any opposition to the LNP and control every aspect of our media to ensure that the people of Australia only get to hear what THEY want us to hear!

3. Vilify, target and demonise the poorest, most vulnerable people in our society.

4. Encourage, foster and increase their savage, brutal inhumanity against innocent, vulnerable asylum seekers. Turning a blind eye to the torture, rape and assaults inflicted upon them and their children by LNP delegated thugs that has caused the complete traumatisation of little children. The LNP go on and on defending their appalling fascism and stone cold cruelty that has caused Australia to become one of the most despised, condemned Western countries in the world.

5. The LNP have managed, in just over two years, to completely devastate our international reputation. It will literally take decades to recover and undo what they have done.

6. In just over two years, the reckless mismanagement of the LNP, in every facet of government, has quadrupled our national deficit from only $24 billion to a whopping $100+ billion and yet they still keep lying and lying about the economic ‘mess’ bequeathed to them by the Labor Party which, in reality, was the third lowest deficit in the world (only Estonia and Chile were behind us).

7. Pander to the relentless rapacity of the greediest, most predatory multinational corporations in the world, allowing them free reign to vandalise every inch of our environment.

8. Sell off every taxpayer-owned asset they can get their claws on for a quick, transient profit that was expended within two months on their own self serving agenda.

9. Spending countless billions and billions of dollars on ramped-up terror campaigns, war and weapons of war.

10. Use their political power to benefit their personal bank accounts and feather the professional and financial nests of their families and cronies. Abbott’s relentless nepotism in relation to the ‘corrupt’ abuse of his power to favour his daughters was blatantly apparent over and over again and should be the subject of criminal investigation!

And speaking of Abbott, his appalling obsequious subservience to British imperialism and elitism with his nauseating reintroduction of knighthoods and, shockingly, a sickening nod to a vile, unpopular Prince Philip – a man whose hatred of Australia and Australians is well documented.

Abbott and his band of bible thumping, pseudo Christian hypocrites standing by and defending their never ending homophobia and outrageous misogyny yet protecting and defending the likes of George Pell!

The LNP have managed to defund just about everything that is of any benefit to Australians and the future of our children: defunded and dumbed down our children’s education into obsolescence yet spent billions on a mind numbing, regressive chaplaincy program that nobody wanted (except the bible thumping rednecks on the lunatic fringe of Abbott’s Flat Earth Society); sacked every scientific researcher on climate control in the CSIRO; defunded scientific and medical research to the point where Australia is now labouring under the biggest brain drain in our history with outstanding, talented scientists rushing overseas because they know that the new, dumbed-down Australia will not tolerate any factual research or finding that goes against the Neanderthal, regressive views of the most stilted, primitive government in our history.

The LNP have proven over and over again that they are nothing but ‘media whores’ to Murdoch and the unelected swill of dangerous, neoconservative Oligarchs in the IPA – following the IPA agenda to the letter, trying to tear down our unions, get rid of penalty rates, desperately endeavouring to enslave unprotected workers, getting rid of their benefits and forcing them to work for a pittance so the employers represented in the IPA, eg the mining, tobacco, oil, power, gas industries can go from being billionaires to becoming obscenely rich at the expense of the working class who will no longer have union representation to protect them! And who else are signed-up members of the IPA? Gina Rinehart who earns $680+ for EVERY minute yet pays minimal tax, old Rupert Murdoch himself, and none other than the notorious George Pell!

There are other ignominious, horrendously shameful things that the Abbott/Turnbull/Murdoch/IPA Alliance have undertaken – too numerous to list here – and none of them good. In fact in 29 months of staggering destruction, annihilation and vandalism, the LNP have not achieved one single thing to benefit the ordinary people of Australia who are, in fact, their real employers! This unholy alliance has made Australia the object of scorn and derision throughout the world and has changed our once friendly, intelligent, progressive country into a national haven for screaming, crass, parochial, xenophobic bogans! The lying LNP has made Australia almost unrecognisable to what it was only 30 short months ago … how far we have deteriorated. God help us if these repugnant, morally bankrupt, self serving ‘fascists’ win the next election … what they have not had time to destroy, defund, annihilate and vandalise … they will finish off over the next three years – you can count on it!


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