By Christian Marx
Hypocrisy Censorship Spin
Time and time the left is attacked for being ‘totalitarian’, for protecting the rights of minorities and the less fortunate against privileged white, capitalist extremism.
The hypocrisy from the racist far right is mind blowing. A few days ago, Murdoch sock puppet Rita Panahi calls the ABC and SBS racist for daring to promote multiculturalism. How is cultural promotion racist, Rita? Is it because your thug boss does not like it when rich white capitalists cannot control the narrative of bigotry?
The history of Western colonialism is soaked with the blood of hundreds of millions of indigenous people from every continent. Not only do the elite, rich and largely white want to continue to push the blacks and minorities into the dust, they will not admit their crimes of centuries past, but nor will they stop killing and exploiting minorities in the present day. They are actively engaged in land theft for their sick oil games, even today. The recent attack on the Sioux Indians for daring to protect their water is one example. In Australia we have big mining thugs continually pushing for stringent controls on the Indigenous population and whipping up as much hatred toward them as possible. All for their disgusting greed for oil and other minerals which are on Aboriginal land. Yet it is the decadent, wealthy whites who scream they are being persecuted. LUDICROUS!
Today in every country we see the far right, white supremacists groups on the move. Not only are they on the fringe of society, they are actively working from inside our own government and pushing their hatred like a cancer. Mainstream media is also full of cowardly ‘journalists’ wanting to please their owners like a loyal dog.
Lately we have been seeing the extremist and censorious nature of the right on show daily.
Not content to have a fair and balanced media in the ABC, the IPA and their sick puppets in parliament have systematically stacked key positions within the ABC with far-right apparatchiks, determined to gag and stymie any narrative that is remotely progressive in tone. The interference in ABC radio is the latest in a long line of meddling with the objectivity of the ABC.
Just yesterday we see that the LNP want to force a grandfather to take down his Save Medicare page. These Fascists have threatened to sue if he does not comply. It appears they do not like to be exposed when it comes to their tinkering of Medicare. The fact is that the freezing of the Medicare rebate forces people to fork out more money for their healthcare. This is essentially, privatization by stealth. The Sydney grandfather responded to Fairfax, saying “I’ve committed a terrible crime, I don’t agree with a government policy.”
The LNP and their coterie of goons seem to think that any speech criticizing their disgusting policies needs to be censored. Of course any regulations such as 18C that protect minorities is ‘totalitarian’ and must be removed. These muppets forget that history clearly illustrates that when a press is permitted to spew endless scapegoating and hatred, it brainwashes the uneducated, creates deep division in society, and if left unchecked can lead to holocausts. Nazi Germany being an extreme example. Perhaps this is their ultimate plan? Just as in 1930s Europe, capitalism is failing, so the elites need to divide the working class along racial and religious lines once again.
The wealthy elites have never known what it is like to be a scapegoat. They live in a decadent, almost bestial mindset of extreme hatred for the poor and the various ethnic minorities. It is not the left that kill millions every year in wars. It is not the left that bomb multiple countries for their banking masters. It is not the left that cause mass immigration due to capitalist wars. It is the right, and in spite of all this wickedness on their behalf, they have the gall to demonize those whose countries they have destroyed for their sick greed.
Ultimately freedom of speech is only permitted by the right if it defames, destroys or distorts the rights and well-being of others. George Orwell warned us about these evil creatures. They will if permitted have the populace believing ignorance is strength, war is peace and lies are the truth. Beware the creeping censorship and blatant spin from the right.
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Excellent article, Christian Marx.
Anybody with a brain, heart and conscience can see what the Right have managed to impose on our quality of life and sense of self-respect. The current LNP Government’s brazen, foul political agendas are committed with open glee. Little do they realise that this pleasure in committing gross institutional abuses becomes buried in people’s minds and when the time is ripe, will come back to hit the LNP between the eyes.
I used to hate only what the LNP stands for because I considered them monsters. I now have another name for that existential force that identified them. It is Neoliberalism. I can comfortably accuse all Liberal lovers, National numpties and hell-house Hansonites, as toxic Neoliberalists.
Sadly, if I’m going to be honest with myself, I have come to realise to my horror, that many Labor stalwarts share the same disease. Labor needs to purge itself of Neoliberalism to regain its self-respect and its right to share the charge against the LNP Degenerates, so Australia can again be proud of its social fabric and socio-economic advantages for inclusive society based on respect for innovative policies and respect for the environment.
Yes Jennifer, Neoliberalism is a cancer and will destroy us all if we don`t fight back.
Christian Marx, your reference to:
is unfortunate. (Or you being deliberately ironic?) If not, then it demonstrates Murdoch’s power to influence the ‘discourse’. By way of explanation: fair and balanced is the mantra used by Murdoch controlled media outlets across the world. It’s now a joke – fair and balanced is anything but when it comes to Murdoch.
But apart from that, I agree with the points you make in this article.
Great read, CM.
Did ‘Decadent wealthy whites’ elect trump and hanson etc? Did decadent poor whites do the voting?
sent this june 22.
Spent 4 hours on a booth in town, today. Standing opposite the hastily prepared sign with the turnball visage beaming his vow that medicare stays!
Well first of all that disingenuous sign does not preclude privatising as long as the name stays (think of those Aussies who got stung for hundreds of millions by investing in dick smith’s electronics because of the iconic name??)
Then, secondly, when i got home I found a letter telling me that from friday week, my diabetes plan podiatrist will no longer bulk bill and be charging me $69 up front.
Even worse, they will not charge me the $16.05 gap and then they claim from medicare. No, the office will no longer DEAL with medicare and I pay $69 or go without.
$69 not insignificant for anyone, but for a pensioner, the $69 cash is a lot of money to disappear from the bank?
Lying suits the clp twisters but shame on you ordinary women ‘manning’ the booths for your silent complicity in the art of deception. Will you ever find a voice???
The hansonites have found their vote will this awaken the largest minority??
Unlikely, as long as the god of the boys pulls the strings,
ps sadly, JMS your little personal tirade against labor laboured because the dixxxbransims are charging after billy and tanya.
Well said Christian. Australia was once called the lucky country. A more apt description could be the greedy racist country.
Far more than that, they are now rewriting history either by omission, as I heard on ABC National radio the other day, or by distortion.
In an interview with some supposed expert on Australia/US relations, but who was obviously a right wing spokesperson, the subject of Australia’s place in South East Asia and its effect on the US relationship came up. The interviewee went on for quite a bit on how successive Liberal leaders, from Menzies to Turnbull, had successfully and fruitfully engaged in the region and how beneficial their initiating engagements with various SE Asian countries has been. He cited examples, and in one instance the interviewer butted in and gave a glowing report of Howard’s engagement with Asia. Not one mention of Labor except for a very brief throwaway line about both parties having done various things over time, but that was added to by saying Liberal leaders had done the bulk of the work that had been successful whilst still maintaining a good relationship with the US.
If you listen to ABC radio great deal as I do you will now find many examples of historic distortion like the one above. The other thing you will notice the large amount of air time given to the L-NP and right wing spokespeople as compared to what is given to their oppositions. This started with Abbott in opposition and is one reason Labor finds it so hard to get any message out, they are not given much opportunity across the media to do so.
A bit of a conspiracy theory that I don’t know is fact or not, but I have noticed that since the advent of Abbott as the Liberal leader there are a considerable amount of issues with live interviews with Labor that rarely occur when speaking to the L-NP. This goes for ABC radio and TV, but I’ve lost count of the number of times Labor has been cut short because of a technical problem or had terrible sound or picture quality. Yet conversely when speaking to someone from the L-NP you get a full uninterrupted interview in good quality picture and sound just about every time.
It seems to be convenient to continue making conclusions about usa voting and ascribing their election result to white middle aged men etc regardless of reality (regardless of trumps mysoginistic attitudes 53% of white women voted for him). Similarly in australia the same kinds of conclusions are drawn. It is not the truth and the truth is far more insidious. That Clinton recieved more votes was known at the close of counting, but the electoral college system produces a gerrymander which gave three states more decision power over who is president. Later recounting is suggesting that the overall count would put Clinton some 2 million votes ahead on total vote count. The usa electoral system appears to have a lot of problems.
Similar, but different, the boundary divisions in australia produce a disproportionate number of national party mps and a government which at present represents a minority of voters. A great breakdown of this was in AIM back in July by Kate M…https://theaimn.com/ever-wondered-nationals-seven-times-many-seats-greens-less-half-votes-gerrymander/ political commentaters like to use cherry plucked numbers to support their personal angle. They would do a great service if they stopped the bullshit and kept the realities which almost amount to vote rigging to the fore.
It seems to be convenient to continue making conclusions about usa voting and ascribing their election result to white middle aged men etc regardless of reality (regardless of trumps mysoginistic attitudes 53% of white women voted for him). Similarly in australia the same kinds of conclusions are drawn. It is not the truth and the truth is far more insidious. That Clinton recieved more votes was known at the close of counting, but the electoral college system produces a gerrymander which gave three states more decision power over who is president. Later recounting is suggesting that the overall count would put Clinton some 2 million votes ahead on total vote count. The usa electoral system appears to have a lot of problems.
Similar, but different, the boundary divisions in australia produce a disproportionate number of national party mps and a government which at present represents a minority of voters. A great breakdown of this was in AIM back in July by Kate M…https://theaimn.com/ever-wondered-nationals-seven-times-many-seats-greens-less-half-votes-gerrymander/ political commentaters like to use cherry plucked numbers to support their personal angle. They would do a great service if they stopped the bullshit and kept the realities which almost amount to vote rigging to the fore.
The realpolitik nationalist elites are desperate to hang onto what they have while at the same time exploiting the rest of the world, especially the dispossessed indigenous populations. They have their hands deep in the cookie jar, knowing that time and resources are running out, They are desperately hanging on in fear of losing everything and are unable to let go with their fists. Consequently they lie and cheat and twist history in a deluded belief they can get away with it without penalty – just business as usual – provided they are the benefactors. Stuff the rest of the world.
Great article, Christian.
Well said, Jennifer Meyer-Smith. great article Christian. Shared.
With respect, Mr Marx, youse guys are all wrong.
Just yesterday, poor pauline had to actually speak to the notion that 18C should be repealed. How dare we make her articulate a reason for dispensing with such nonsense? Why shouldn’t we just be grateful that she will allow the rest of Sect 18 to continue? She will have to spend months trying to work out that, if 18C is dispensed with, 18D will become 18C and she might have to start all over again.
Youse guys probably don’t even know how upset poor pauline is. Youse guys probably don’t even know about her inspiring address to the senate on this important matter.
“I am fed up with people calling me a racist if they cannot define one word that I have ever said in policy or anything that is racist. I’ve had it up to here with my tolerance.”
See? She’s really good, isn’t she? Now all of youse ungrateful lefty commie pinko muppets will probably go looking for something she may have said that may have sounded racy.
Youse guys probably didn’t even notice that peter peter, pauline eater is also upset. That horrible bill bloke is using peter peter’s comments as if they were facts. It’s ok though, peter peter really stuck up for himself.
“I’m not going to be intimidated or misrepresented by somebody like Bill Shorten.”
That’s telling him. Youse guys think that these words hurt people. It’s not like they mean anything is it? Ok, that Egyptian Lebanese Arab Muslim woman may have received death threats. But they were only words, weren’t they? Asides from which she’s Egyptian, she’s Lebanese, she’s Arab, she’s Muslim and she’s a she. What the hell was she doing out of the kitchen? Only special women should be allowed out of the kitchen, like poor pauline.
Like peter peter said.
“The question she should be asking is of Bill Shorten, why did he seek to whip this up into an issue of political advantage for himself? Why did he seek to misrepresent my words?”
That’s what peter peter told reporters in Canberra on Thursday.
Don’t youse guys see? These good people are constantly being reminded of what they say and made to look silly just because of what they say. That’s just not right. These people are from the right, so that makes them right all the time. If you can’t get that through your lefty, commie, pinko heads, we can always get georgie porgie to explain it to youse again.
Thank you, Mr Marx. Take care
😛 Kyran
If you want to see Liberal contemporary corruption in action then follow the Brandis/Gleeson affair in light of the deal done for the WA Liberals with regards to the Alan Bond Bell Group liquidation settlement.
If Turnbull doesn’t sack Brandis over this, as he should have sacked Dutton, then the most corrupt of them all is Turnbull.
The cost of another scandal is revealed.
a $25.6 million bill . neither here nor there. And Turnbull is just ‘road kill’ – there to be just meat for the crows.
“The forced move of a public service agency from Canberra to northern NSW would rip more than $157 million a year from the capital’s economy as well as costing the ACT region 365 jobs. ”
That’ll teach ’em to elect a Labor government!
“Industry lobby groups CropLife Australia and Animal Medicines Australia added their voices to the chorus of opposition on Friday, with both groups saying they opposed the move to Armidale”
The cost benefit analysis by Ernst&Young that cost us $272,000 said “the strategic and operational benefits of having the APVMA operate out of Armidale appear to be limited.”
But wait…it’s all ok…Barnaby’s porkbarrelling has “the endorsement of former Burke’s Backyard TV presenter Don Burke”. We could have saved ourselves the over quarter of a mill for the CBA. It’s like asking Maurice Newman for climate change advice
Again, not the exclusive domain of the right.
I suggest a careful look at what’s going on in American and English universities.
There you will find an authoritarianism, from the left, that will make your eyes water.
We must clean our house before we turn our attentions to our adversaries.
Hypocrisy is perhaps the worst charge I can think of.
You may, of course, differ.
But wait, there’s more.
“The APVMA relocation is part of Mr Joyce’s broader plan to relocate parts of several government departments, including the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation to Wagga Wagga and the Grains Research and Development Corporation to Toowoomba.”
From memory, he targeted five agencies for relocation, these are only three of them.
It seems entirely appropriate to note the demise of ‘Barnaby grass’.
“At the time of its release Barnaby Tall Fescue, or Barnaby Grass as it is more commonly known, was described as “persistent” and “bred in the New England”.”
It was a photo opportunity for bananas.
It was entirely unfit for purpose and had to be recalled. Remind you of anyone? For the life of me, I can’t find out if it was passed by the APVMA. The cost of its removal is to be borne by the farmers.
bananas advice to the farmers?
“You’ve just got to deal with these things.”
Why do people get upset? Nah, I got nothing. Take care
Just a quick heads up to anyone interested in such matters:
I can no longer post on the “Worlds Apart” thread.
It appears that immediately after my Friday afternoon post Kaye Lee has determined that censure
is the best way to address my critique.
How fitting!
After Michael’s clarification I’d like to apologize to Kaye for the suggestion that she had
censured my posts.
She had not.
Harquebus, see what happens when you plant the seed?
Again Kaye, my apologies.
Returning to this thread,
Long, I know. But it does speak to several key issues that i believe are critical to any discussion
of censorship and the complicity of the left.
My intellectual sympathies are with Haidt.
Mainstream media is also full of cowardly ‘journalists’ wanting to please their owners like a loyal dog
“cowardly ‘journalists” most likely forcefully installed by the RWNJs no doubt.
I believe you mean censored, not censured. I don’t normally comment on spelling and grammar typos but as you have repeated the mistake a few times, I thought you might like to know.
PS I don’t think it was Harquebus’s fault. See what happens when you make assumptions with no evidence?
Good to have new blood in on the discussion.
I for one, need keeping on my toes but I do want to know, who discusses issues with me, has an open mind for identifying problems and finding solutions.
I also want to know that whomever interacts with me, does not hide behind party politics or nasty comments conveniently delivered under pseudonyms.
I’m prepared to be told I’m wrong, if and when I see balance, fairness and open minds to bring about socio-economic reforms for All Aussies and the Environment..
Stale blood with a new label gets noone anywhere.