By guest columnist and longtime Assange supporter, Tess Lawrence
Interpol’s Red Notice warrant issued for Julian Assange was bloated with corruption.
One of its presidents was the notorious Jackie Selebi, former Ambassador to the United Nations for South Africa. He reigned over Interpol for the usual four years, from 2004 to 2008.
Three years later Selebi was convicted of corruption and sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Interpol’s corrupt Jackie Selebi died at home. Assange may not. Oz gutless
Typically, he was out within a year, released on medical grounds. In 2015 he died at home, a luxury that might not be afforded to Assange now incarcerated in Belmarsh Prison – if America and its gutless servile client nation, Australia, have their way.
The thing is, the investigation into Selebi’s corrupt activities conducted by the since disbanded (of course) elite Scorpions Unit within the National Prosecuting Agency had already started when Selebi received the Interpol gong. That says it all.
If Interpol didn’t know Selebi was corrupt, it should have, but I happen to know they did know.
Interpol. A case of known knowns
It was not a case of known unknowns. No sirree, it was a known known.
Interpol’s Red Notices are supposed to be inviolate of political motive but in Assange’s case, it was. It continues to be thus.
In the Janusian reality of two American presidents, one of them the incumbent, staggering and swaggering into the crosshairs of criminality, breaching and compromising the nation’s security and intelligence, Uncle Sam’s espionage charges against Assange appear even more ludicrous, farcical and spurious, as well as an oblique attack on innocent Iraqi victims to divert attention from American perpetrators of murder.
Assange ‘crime’ was to expose US war crimes
Especially when Assange/Wikileaks’ only ‘crime’ was to expose US war crimes and atrocities, providing the world with categoric visual evidence and forensic proof, damning audio.
US military goons and WikiLeaks Collateral Murder video
It was as if these US military goons were down in the local downtown mall playing violent animated video games, instead of innocent human beings who they were about to deprive of both heartbeat and life itself, flouting the Geneva Convention on a number of body counts.
We witnessed for ourselves the depravity of the US war machine is all its gory, courtesy of the Apache gunsights. What did you do in the war Daddy? Why kids, I shot at innocent little children like you! But hey, don’t cry, they were only Arabs.
On July 12, 2007 in New Baghdad’s Al-Amin al-Thaniyah, during the so-called Iraqi insurgency, there was murder most foul.
Were it not for WikiLeaks or Assange, and his journalistic courage in publishing the video, we may not have ever known of the horror that visited this little village on that day; a day that still haunts those left behind to mourn and who are still trying to live with the after effects of such state sanctioned brutalism by those who once purported to be their liberators.
And yes, whither goest the United States, we go too. Australia remains a member of the Coalition of the Willing; the coalition of the killing.
Apache crew doped up on white supremacy! And meth?
Thanks to Assange, the world saw the thrill killings of mostly unarmed civilians including Reuters journalists and a good Samaritan bystander (killed whilst going to their rescue) and the severe wounding of two innocent children by a merciless army AH-64 Apache chopper crew clearly doped up on a deadly cocktail of white supremacy, racism, propaganda, testosterone and most likely psychoactive military prescribed drugs like meth and amphetamines, the latter a fave for pilots.
US Soldiers laughing as they kill
To hear the soldiers laugh as they kill is beyond macabre or any fog of war excuse. It was as if these guys were on a gang rape, jerking off together, brothers in arms as well as between the thighs. They behaved like psychopaths on a killing spree.
Collateral Murder
WikiLeaks leaked video of Civilians killed in Baghdad
The video humiliated the States and exposed their war crimes. It is the real reason the US wants to take out Assange, by legal means or other. It can’t handle the truth or any exposing of its hypocrisy and duplicity; especially by the likes of an Australian maverick like Assange.
The silly espionage charges against Assange for publishing the Collateral Murder video, should equally apply to ALL of us who published the video and did so voluntarily and in a considered fashion, in the public interest and for freedom of speech.
We all have our finger on Assange’s keyboard, surely. The world has a right to know. Families of victims have the right to know; just as those who are victims of the heinous Gaza-Israel war, have a right to know.
On April 5, 2010, WikiLeaks released the Collateral Murder video at the US National Press Club. Why wasn’t the Club indicted?
Assange is not the criminal here. Don’t shoot the Messenger. The individuals who fired on the civilians and shot them down in cold blood – their military masters – and the government that despatched them to Iraq are the real criminals here.
What of Biden and Trump and classified documents breaches?
The facile US pursuit of Assange is particularly galling given two American presidents, one of them the incumbent, have themselves been accused of breaching security and intelligence protocols in relation to harbouring secret White House only classified documents.
Truthout’s Marjorie Cohn points out one of the may peculiarities of the Assange case:
This is the first time a publisher has been prosecuted under the Espionage Act for disclosing government secrets. In December 2022, The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, El País and Der Spiegel signed a joint open letter calling on the U.S. government to dismiss the Espionage Act charges against Assange for publishing classified military and diplomatic secrets. “Publishing is not a crime,” the letter says. “This indictment sets a dangerous precedent, and threatens to undermine America’s First Amendment and the freedom of the press.”
Next week, on the 20th February, there will be a two day hearing in the UK High Court to ‘determine whether Julian Assange will have further opportunities to argue his case before the UK courts or if he will have exhausted all appeals in the UK, leading to the extradition process or an application to the European Court of Human Rights.
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“It’s not just Julian Assange in the dock.
Silence Assange and others will be gagged” (Julia Hall)
This week, Julia Hall, Amnesty International’s expert on counter terrorism and justice in Europe wrote that:
… If Julian Assange loses the permission to appeal, he will be at risk of extradition to the US and prosecution under the Espionage Act of 1917, a wartime law never intended to target the legitimate work of publishers and journalists. He could face up to 175 years in jail. On the less serious charge of computer fraud, he could receive a maximum of five years…
… If Julian Assange is extradited, it will establish a dangerous precedent wherein the US government could target for extradition publishers and journalists around the world. Other countries could take the US example and follow suit…
Australia’s political fellatio with US
No matter how appallingly the United States treats our Australian brother and citizen Julian Assange, special mention must be made of the reprehensible behaviour of successive Australian national governments, particularly Labor governments, specifically the current Labor Government led by the professed Assange empathiser, Prime Minister Anthony ‘Albo’ Albanese.
Political cowardice of Albanese
The political cowardice of the Albanese government and its continuation of the Coalition’s foreign policy of political fellatio with the US is sickening.
Australia’s diffidence to its nationals abroad is notorious. Include in that, Australians incarcerated or taken hostage overseas.
Our moral authority is non-existent. Any international standing we may have once had has long been squandered. There are few remnants. Our leaders lack leadership and political courage. The early promise of the Albanese government is fast waning.
There have been ample opportunities for the Prime Minister to consult with the US President about Assange, let alone successive UK prime ministers.
We have again become slaves to the frayed masters of the punyverse and now we are ungrown but frolic with men in long trousers, the secret Five Eyes Club. You scratch my back, I scratch your scrotum.
All these clubs, all these strategic alliances and yet Australia remains unwilling and unable to help Assange.
Time we saw Interpol Red Notice cables
It is time we saw the cables between Sweden, the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States and Interpol in relation the the Assange Red Notice. Can you believe, Interpol did not post a photo of Assange on Red Notice billboard at the time?
To give you an ‘in the moment’ sense of the Red Notice, AIM Network publishes in full Lawrence’s article headlined Investigation: Interpol and Julian Assange’s Red Notice, as it was published in the US based Truthout: Investigation: Interpol and Julian Assange’s Red Notice:
Why did Julian Assange receive an Interpol Red Notice, but Gaddafi only an Orange? Tess Lawrence investigates the murky world of Interpol exclusively for IA, asking some troubling questions and uncovering some startling facts.
- Why was Julian Assange – who has not yet been charged – given the most severe Red Notice by Interpol, when brutal dictator Muammar Gaddafi only received an Orange Notice?
- Do senior Interpol officials have a vendetta against Wikileaks and Julian Assange?
- Is the organisation and its Notice System fatally compromised?
What’s with the Interpol Colour Chart for the world’s most wanted?
Recidivist mass murderer Muammar Gaddafi – he of the all-girl vestal virgin Clit Squad – cops a mere clockwork Orange Notice whilst our Julian Assange of WikiLeaks – exposer of state-sanctioned killers and war crimes and who is fighting extradition to Sweden for uncharged sexual allegations – is king hit with the big ticket Red Notice. Go figure.
There’s something shonky going on in the shady world of Interpolitics. Let’s move in for a closer shufti.
Have you checked out the profiles of alleged crims who normally make the Red Notice billboard? We’re talking big-time kahuna felons here. Terrorists, mass murderers, people traffickers, drug barons and their ilk. Got the picture?
Try as I did, I just couldn’t find anyone else in the entire of Red Notice history as far down the criminal dude chain as our Julian. And, apparently, never before has Sweden requested a Red Notice based on similar circumstances and allegations. What’s more, Interpol sources say that the Red Notice posting of Julian Assange is the first and only case of its kind. Is that true Interpol?
Interpol is such a funny little secretive and paradoxical clubbette – always going on about how worthy and important it is to data sharing, preserving international security, the ongoing tumultuous fight against terrorism and corruption and the eradication of international crime by enabling all of their 188 members with the power to fight organised crime – including that well known bastion of human rights, justice and democratic egalitarianism, Libya.
Ipso facto Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, the Philippines, Morocco, Sudan, Australia, Britain, the United States, Russia, India, Indonesia, China, Pakistan and Afghanistan and all of the rest of us who are guilty of hypocrisy and political expediency and who wallpaper our economies with banknotes sullied with the sweat and blood of the disenfranchised, the bullied, the defeated and the enslaved.
We dance naked before our fully clothed despotic masters and do their bidding on the pretext they do ours. Ahhh… political fellatio – a higher art form when conducted between consenting countries rather than desperate homo sapiens.
Only a matter of weeks ago, the West and its subordinates were extolling the virtues of the important geopolitical positions and posturings of the likes of dictatorial psychopaths Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak and Muammar Gadaffi – Libya’s self-proclaimed ‘King of Africa’.
The facts that these two share the same incompetent hair colourist as Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and appear to have been dipped in formaldehyde should have given us a few clues. They’ve had so much cosmetic surgery they probably haven’t any tear ducts left. That’s why they can’t cry, for pity’s sake, and why they didn’t need all those tear gas canisters we authorised and branded with our logo.
What do we care about their peoples; our brothers and sisters; our kith and kin? Other tribes they may be – but of our own species? Well, sort of. Just. But hey, they were really losers weren’t they? Big time. They deserved the Governments they didn’t vote for. Like us.

Former Interpol President Jackie Selebi Convicted of Corruption
Just like Interpol deserved its former President… who was done for corruption, fraud and racketeering and such things. True dinks, I kid you not. Yes, the President of Interpol!
While we’re at it, I’m puzzled as to how an international agency such as Interpol could be so incompetent that it couldn’t even find a photo of Julian Assange to go with his Red Notice posting (see above). C’mon, fair suck of the fellatio sav, haven’t they heard of Google or in-your-Facebook?
Interpol remains publicly contemptuous of – and unaccountable – to the world it purports to serve.
For a start, they’re supposed to be the top guns, the crème de la crème, of information gathering sleuths, data merging, analyses and people tracking. Well, I’d like to see a group like Transparency International investigate Interpol. You know that Interpol is not supposed to do any political favours?
But I’m not convinced. Call me churlish… perhaps I’ve been inhaling too much tear gas. Or not enough!
Take the way Interpol crisis managed their corrupt President, Jackie Selebi.
In 2002, the then National Commissioner of the South African Police Service, was elected as Interpol’s Vice President – and a couple of years later, in 2004 he was voted President.
I’m assuming that Interpol would practice normal HR due diligence and conduct background checks not only on its thousands of employees worldwide but also on its elected officers.
After all, doing these checks is their forte. Surely no-one would be exempt from these basic policing protocols and security checks?
Of course, on the surface of it, Mr Selebi’s credentials were impeccable, no question. As were his connections…well, most of them. After all, he was a former head of the ANC Youth League, an MP, South Africa’s representative to the United Nations and Chair of an Anti-Landmine Conference, Chair of Justice, Crime Prevention and Security and all of that. Goodness, the man even won a Human Rights Award! (What a co-incidence, Julian Assange has won several of those too…).
On September 10, 2007, South Africa’s National Prosecuting Authority issued a warrant for Selebi’s arrest. Did Interpol post a Red Notice on their President? Course not. How come he didn’t resign as President of Interpol until months later, on January 13, 2008?
And why is my feverish mind and feint heart suddenly darting over the Kenyan border and thinking of the tragic murders of human rights activists-lawyer Oscar Kamau Kingara and his assistant John Paul Oulu? Both men were gunned down in their car whilst stuck in a traffic jam near the University of Nairobi on their way to a human rights meeting. These courageous whistleblowers had refused to cower before corrupt police and political thugs—and the report they helped produce in 2008 was to result in that courage being met with even greater cowardice by their killers on March 5, 2009 and indifference by the rest of the world.
Like their brutal executions, the report The Cry of Blood – Report on Extra Judicial Killings and Disappearances – and there were thousands of killings attributed to the Kenyan police – was largely ignored by Western and mainstream media. Still is. But Julian Assange and WikiLeaks grasped the significance of the Report and published it and were damned, earning Amnesty International’s New Media Award for 2009.
So, a kangaroo hop and a carjacking skip from Kenya back to South Africa. Both Interpol members. We shan’t bother joining any dots.
On July 2, 2010, after being subjected to a scathing dressing down by the Judge in South Africa’s High Court, Selebi was found guilty of corruption. He was subsequently sentenced to 15 years imprisonment and has since been given leave to appeal.
From the evidence submitted to the Court, it was obvious that Selebi abused his privileged position – like alerting people that they were under police surveillance—not a good look for a President of Interpol – and made preposterous assertions that he was unaware of the criminal activities of his longstanding decidedly criminal civilian associates. This from a man who was his country’s Police Commissioner and the head of Interpol. Our Interpol. The World’s Interpol.
And let us not forget that while holding dual office, Selebi was the dude who first suggested legalising prostitution—but only for the duration of the 2010 World Soccer Cup, mind you.
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Nice one Jackie. Your heart was in the right place – right behind your trouser zip. You can see why he was elected head of Interpol.
Now let’s be fair about this. Just because a President of Interpol turns out to be corrupt does not mean we should condemn the whole organisation. After all, excreta (it’s the lapsed Catholic in me) happens, to misquote Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.
Interpol’s Nazi Past
And nor can you blame today’s Interpolsters for what happened years ago either. There is the Hitler connection of course. Yep. SS Excreta happened there. The organization that was the forerunner of Interpol, the International Criminal Police Commission, had a succession of four Nazi Presidents because of Germany’s annexing of Austria in 1938, though we must remember that for two of the gang of four SS Generals who headed the ICPC the Fates intervened. Ernst Kaltenbrunner, a lawyer and war criminal who replaced Richard Heydrich after he was assassinated by Patriots, was actually executed after the Nuremberg Trials for war crimes.
Not sure if this is all on the Interpol website; maybe it is, but then again, if the Assange Red Notice is anything to go by, Interpol is capable of a bit of revisionist history.
The Singaporean Connection
My sources confirm that the Lyon-based organisation is not a happy place to work in these days.
Here are just a few reasons why so, according to informants:
- There continues to be great disquiet within Interpol about the Assange Red Notice.
- The Assange Red Notice was distributed to all 188 Interpol member countries on November 20, 2010 – a mere 10 days after a remarkably short speech was delivered to the 79th Interpol General Assembly in Doha, Qatar by the current President of Interpol and Singapore’s former Commissioner of Police, Khoo Boon Hui. (Interpol’s bio on Khoo yet to be updated). Mr Khoo is also an Honorary Officer of the Order of Australia and has a number of other international gongs, including from Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia.
- In December last year, Fairfax Media (and others) published sections of a WikiLeaks US State Department cable relating to former Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim under the explosive headline in The Sunday Age: ‘Sodomy charges were a set-up’.
In an exclusive, journalists Philip Dorling and Nick McKenzie wrote:
A leaked US State Department cable reveals that Singaporean intelligence officials told their Australian counterparts that Mr Anwar engaged in the conduct of which he is accused, a claim he has steadfastly denied.
The journalists also wrote that “Australia’s Office of National Assessments (ONA) also states the conduct was the result of apparent entrapment by Mr Anwar’s enemies” and that the “…document says the Singaporeans told ONA they made this assessment on the basis of ‘technical intelligence’, which is likely to relate to intercepted communications”.
According to Dorling and McKenzie, the cable that “deals with Mr Anwar’s sodomy case” is dated November 2008 (a month after Mr Khoo formerly replaced the disgraced Jackie Selebi as President of Interpol) and “released to The Sunday Age by WikiLeaks”.
At the time, Mr Khoo was also Singapore’s Police Commissioner.
Many of the players in this complicated and ongoing saga, including Interpol, would have scores to settle with Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. Join your own dots.
- But wait, there’s more. At last year’s General Assembly, in what Interpol Secretary General Ron Noble described as an “investment” but what Sheikh Abdullah Bin Nasser bin Khalifa al Thani, Qatar’s Minister of State for Internal Affairs pointedly described as a “donation” on behalf of the Emir and his Heir Apparent (who said there was no succession planning in the Middle East!) it was announced that Singapore would be the happy recipient of US$2 million towards the fund set up to establish the Interpol Global Complex, housed in Singapore. That’s a bit of a coup for Singapore AND Singaporean born Interpol President Hui. (In truth, Qatar seems to have shouldered the financial and practical responsibilities for a number of Interpol-related initiatives.)
- Incidentally, Australia’s Federal Police Chief, Tony Negus also attended the General Assembly and gave a short speech, quite rightly complaining that he was given only 10 minutes of airtime.
Interpol and Assange’s Red Notice
- It should be noted that in the mere 11 paragraphs of Mr Hui’s closing speech, a precious singular paragraph was devoted to extolling the virtue of the Red Notices. Interpol insiders say President Hui’s reference was a primer for the Assange Red Notice bombshell and that in preparation Sweden withheld permission for the Assange Red Notice to be immediately posted online and ordered it to be held over.
- Inexplicably it was not posted on Interpol’s website until December 1, 2010. Sort of defeats the whole purpose of the urgency of a Red Notice, dunnit? Unless it wasn’t really urgent…
- I was told:
- … there were several reasons for this. Firstly, there was an internal dispute about the posting of the Red Notice for Assange. Secondly, Sweden kept revising their requests; and, thirdly, our bosses wanted to do a bit of showing off. Julian Assange was a star chamber pin-up for us and the Red Notice program and the Pres wanted to highlight that at the Assembly.
- The paperwork for the Assange Red Notice failed to comply with Interpol’s own regulations.
- Sweden revised its requests on several more occasions.
- The documents were incorrectly filed.
- The Assange Red Notice was designed to compromise and damage the personal reputation of Julian Assange and cause him to be held in disrepute.
- That there was a serious internal dispute between Interpol staff and Interpol Executives over the posting of the Assange Red Notice.
- That the Assange Red Notice may, in fact, be defamatory because it breaches Interpol’s guidelines.
- Further, that the tenuous and spurious requests made by Sweden to Interpol could be used as supportive evidence that Sweden and Interpol (and others) deliberately colluded to inhibit Assange’s chances of a fair trial and diminish his international public standing.
- That Interpol has email correspondence, text and communication notes/recordings that confirm such discussion and collusion between Sweden, Australia, the United States and Interpol Executives and these materials attest to political interference by these countries and their representatives, in contravention and violation of Interpol’s own regulations.
- That the current Secretary-General of Interpol, Ronald K. Noble is “too close” to US intelligence and remains partisan to preserving and protecting the legacy of the George W. Bush administration and that, despite his formidable qualifications, he has been in the position too long – he is now in his 11th year as Secretary General and his third term. Some of the other 188 member nations understandably want a stint in the high chair.
- Interpol’s own rules and regulations allow for Julian Assange and his representatives to access and have copies of his Interpol files. These rules are available in a document entitled Operating Rules of the Commission for the Control of Interpol’s Files.
- Informants within Interpol are fearful of being exposed but say they will be prepared to speak with an investigatory body such as Transparency International. They do not trust any of Interpol’s internal mechanisms or dispute resolution procedures.
Interpol’s Notice System is Compromised
Moreover, they are concerned that the Travel Document program – designed to fast track travel for Interpol operatives and preclude the need for Visas – can be easily abused by rogue member states and despotic regimes and their familial groupings and coterie, especially when trying to flee their countries and safeguard loot.
They cite the irony of the Orange Notice postings of Muammar Gadaffi and members of his family and close associates.
Said one operative on condition of anonymity:
Typically, these close family members and associates are nearly always in charge of security and intelligence. They are the last people in the world who should have unbridled access to international travel. But that places us in a diplomatic cleft. We need to revisit the eligibility criteria of the Travel Documents – and we need to subject card holders to more stringent security and character checks.
The Australian Government’s Shabby Treatment of Julian Assange
Despite Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s assertions that she will not be discussing the Julian Assange matter with US President Barack Obama, the word is that the Prime Minister will instead be discussing the matter with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
It may be a long plane journey from the Opal Office in Australia to Washington’s Oval Office, but hopefully it gave our PM time to contemplate her unimpressive political performance thus far.
Gillard has to undertake some serious reparation work to restore her credibility both at home – and equally with supporters of The First Amendment and America’s many supporters of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. Not everyone is baying for Assange’s blood. And let us not forget poor Bradley Manning.
Gillard’s preposterous and legally prejudicial inept remarks last year, condemning Assange’s activities as “illegal” will forever staple her to the marginalia of Australia’s political history. It immediately signalled to all Australia’s sons and daughters that at the first sign of any ‘trouble’ we are to be immediately abandoned by our Prime Minister and also by her obsequious and flaccid Attorney General, Robert McClelland.
Still, we should be getting used to it by now from our Governments. Think Hicks. Think Habib.
Think Van Nguyen. Think pensioners. Think indigenous. Think disabled. Think refugees and asylum seekers. Think little kids who watch their family members drown. Think elderly. Think homeless. Think unemployed. Think mentally distressed. Think defence personnel. Think parliamentary super packages. You’d think that the results of the last Federal election would have taught them that we, the people, have had the proverbial gutful. But they’ve already reverted to type.
It is time we learned from the children of the revolution.
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Tess Lawrence is Contributing editor-at-large for Independent Australia and her most recent article is The night Porter and allegation of rape.
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Every single part of the sordid story of political vengeance against Assange is an indictment of the corruption of law and outright illegal or unlawful actions of innumerable states. Not only that, those acts / omissions by those states, can be clearly seen as exceptions solely applied to Assange.
The entirety of it is utter filth.
This has got to be the most shameful and treaturus act by any Australian parliment in our history, both gutless parties are complicit in what has to be the ultimate act of cowadice, the sacrifice of an AUSTRALIAN citizen to cover up the criminal acts by foreign powers makes our parliament complicet in this treachery, thank you Tess for telling it like it is, the truth has been consigned to the gutter where political system has taken refuge.
Today [14 February 2024] Andrew Wilkie moved in the parliament —That this House:
(1)notes that:
(a)on 20 and 21 February 2024, the High Court of Justice in the United Kingdom will hold a hearing into whether Walkley Award winning journalist, Mr Julian Assange, can appeal against his extradition to the United States of America;
(b)Mr Assange remains incarcerated in HMP Belmarsh in the UK, awaiting a decision on whether he can be extradited to the USA to face charges for material published in 2010, which revealed shocking evidence of misconduct by the USA; and
(c)both the Australian Government and Opposition have publicly stated that this matter has gone on for too long; and
(2)underlines the importance of the UK and USA bringing the matter to a close so that Mr Assange can return home to his family in Australia.
The motion by Andrew Wilkie was passed 86 to 42 : the Liberal and National Parties opposed.
One wishes him no ill will, but if so many are compromised then a court case will allow him to sing?
However ‘Assange/Wikileaks’ only ‘crime’ was to expose US war crime’ is easily challenged via th3 Mueller Report summaries by both Mother Jone’s Korn and also Abramson.
Assange and Wikileaks went ‘off piste’ accused of becoming Russian ‘cutouts’ and he liaising with RWNJs and/or Trump’s campaign people including Farage, Bannon, Stone et al. on stolen DNC emails.
Weird twist was Downer’s coincidental meeting with Trump’s Papadoupolos claiming to have access or know about the stolen emails, was allegedly related, hence, nervous people if Assnage is extradited?
Great work, Tess. Brilliant.
Yes, on this issue I have nothing but praise for Tess Lawrence and her detailed article.
The issue reeks of repressive tolerance and Gaza shows where this sort of thinking from that, must lead, when truth and fact are tampered with and suppressed .
The law is supposed to facilitate justice not impose its reverse. .
G’day Dear Ken, from the get-go Assange was hung out to dry by the then Labor Government. Now, with PM Albanese the Party has the
chance to chance to put an end to America’s outrageous extradition bid. But will it ? Is it waiting for next week’s decision, first ?
Tess Lawrence, do you believe we really still have a power of self-determination?
I wonder if we are not a modern day Vichy, a colony or protectorate.
They can’t even respond to something as appalling as GAZA, so what hope?
The Extradition Treaty does not permit extradition based on political considerations : the court originally rejected extradition because of Assange’s mental and physical health.
That’s it – follow the law !!
If I recall correctly, wasn’t the main accusation in the Swediish allegations that of what is commonly called “stealthing – ie, removal of condom during the act of intercourse? And he gets a Red Notice for that?
The nature and method of the pursuit of Assange over those allegations always seemed cock-eyed; this emphasises the problems with them.
Dears Roswell, thank you so much for your shoutout and support – means a lot.
Always my pleasure, Tess.
Oh Paul, where would we be without Hope ? But I certainly have more hope – and faith in the goodness of so-called ordinary people.
It’s our governments that seem intent on trashing the Earth and our lives.
He garners little sympathy from the European and US left, accused of helping Trump campaign, he’s no saint vs. journalists, activists et al. who’ve been imprisoned and / or murdered by authoritarians regimes. Mother Jones:
‘Denounce Julian Assange. Don’t Extradite Him. The prosecution of the conniving WikiLeaks founder poses a threat to American journalism. David Corn
….one PR problem with the case is that Assange is a highly unsympathetic character, for he is partly responsible for the damage done by Donald Trump during his presidency: 400,000 or more preventable deaths of Americans in the COVID-19 pandemic; the lack of action to address climate change; the promotion of disinformation and lies to incite a violent attack on the US Capitol; a tax cut that favored the wealthy and added to the national debt; right-wing appointments to the Supreme Court that could lead to the severe curtailing of reproductive rights for women; the spread of bigotry and racial hatred; the suppression of voting rights; cutbacks in government health programs; creeping (or galloping) authoritarianism; and so much more.
The United States has suffered greatly because of Assange. In 2016, he collaborated with the Russian attack on the US election to help Trump win. As has been detailed by several government investigations—including in special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report and in a bipartisan report issued by the Senate Intelligence Committee last year—after Russian intelligence teams hacked Democratic targets, they passed the stolen emails and documents to WikiLeaks, which then publicly disseminated the material. The Senate report notes that Assange’s group “timed its document releases for maximum political impact.” That is, WikiLeaks wasn’t acting in a noble information-sharing manner. It sought to weaponize the information pilfered by Vladimir Putin’s operatives to cause harm to candidate Hillary Clinton, whom Assange and WikiLeaks had disparaged as a “sadistic sociopath” and a threat to the world. (“We believe it would be much better for [the] GOP to win,” WikiLeaks had tweeted.)’
Andrew Smith makes a very good point.
Journalists should be of unblemished character, be immune to the common human frailty of making mistakes, and should only associate with people and groups approved by a select committee made up of Andrew’s mates.
(sarc off)
re. “The United States has suffered greatly because of Assange”; I don’t believe so. The suffering of the USA is entirely self-inflicted. They reap what they have sewn. Imperialistic hegemony coupled with hubris, arrogance and hypocrisy are the primary contributors to the woes of that deeply dislikeable community, with the usual and appropriate exceptions as is the case within all nations.
A country wedded to imposing martial & economic control over others, willing to ignore international norms wrt the so-called ‘rules of law,’ unwilling to call to justice its many miscreants… Kissinger as one example among many, a supporter of despotic and murderous regimes, uncritical governments at both state and federal levels that are utterly compromised by their parasitic reliance on corporate support – arms manufacturers, big pharma, agrichem and fossil fuel – as the chickens come home to roost and the whole shebang slides irrevocably into the morass of their own making, it’s hardly relevant to blame Assange for any of those woes. And as far as Hillary being called a sadistic sociopath… well, gawd blimey, talk about being slapped with a feather duster.
Tess, I envy you your youth. Live in hope…
I would would think that having prostituted ourselves so energetically to the US, the least they could do is send Assange back home.
Even Trump looks better than oily Joe Biden at this moment.
Dear Paul, you gave me a much needed giggle.
Julian Assange is one of the reasons why our govt, and I don’t much care who that is at the moment, want a Misinfo-Disinfo Bill – to eliminate forever the possibility of any whistle-blower informing the public of corruption. Most of the legal system & politicians have no problem with getting JA off the streets. From recent photos, it looks like the holding company of his body decided on a slow-kill. That is the go-to tactic of late if you haven’t noticed.
Re sleepy ‘Joe Biden’, which one? He’s the only leader on the planet who seems to get younger over time. There was a Super Bowl ad featuring ‘Sleepy’ and the only conclusion I can draw is that the puppet-masters are now officially taking the piss. ‘Sleepy’ was sitting on a theatre seat, next to some bags of snacks and giving a lecture on shrinkflation. Anyone remember the movie ‘Idiocracy’? If you haven’t seen it yet, no need, just watch tv.
Great article, thanks Tess.
Plainly, as ever, corrupt and brutal politics feeds and hides behind bent coppers and their masters – locally and internationally.
How many times do we hear,
“We cant interfere in the laws of other countries.”, and today,
“We need to respect the processes of other countries.”
What about when those laws of other countries are ignored and abused by them politically and judicially?
What about the operation of diplomacy when it sums to toadying and turning a blind-eye to the extra-judicial, political pursuit and incarceration of our citizens?
What about participating in the besmirching of our own citizens?
The close-out of the article, urging the reader to think, is particularly pertinent. Not only of the 46 that voted against Wilkie’s recent ‘Assange’ motion, but also about their motives. It more generally goes to the political brutality and abuse of and by our own laws. It goes not to caution, negotiation and diplomacy, but to the institution globally of corrupt and covert, mostly martial means of maintaining partisan power, and the increasing paranoiac overlay covering the guile of being competitively self-serving.
I well remember being a wide-eyed young adventurer of the 60s and 70s, traveling the globe marveling at the geography, the ecology and disparate cultures, warmed by the welcoming, the interest and shared humanity of the ordinary folk. Seldom was there any danger, and if so one would be given a ‘heads-up’.
From the late 80s onwards, my travels were more about business, and at times with other governments and sometimes sponsored by our government. Regardless, one could be assured that eyes would be upon you. Through those times, despite one’s lawful and ethical pursuits, one met with persuasions, innuendo and implications that carried with them tangible dangers. Always from those connected to power, and always in circumstances arranged to ensure deniability.
It seems now to be universally brazen and accordingly much more dangerous. I’m glad I have no more such business, or desire for such travel.
Journalists and activists are more than ever, perpetually in grave danger, not only from those outside their own country, but also from those within, including their own masters.
G’day Dear Clakka and thank you for your kind support – and your comment that’s made me think about a few more aspects. Your last par really hit home.
Message for Senator Janet Rice
Dear Senator Janet Rice,
I am a jobseeker being robbed and abused by Services Australia. In the last 1,5 years they illegally withdrew thousands of dollars from my payments. This is the 3rd year in a row I am paying off their debts made under illegal schemes.
Initially, Services Australia provided me with a fake review decision. Instead of a formal review decision made by an authorised review officer- ARO (required by law), they sent me an objection decision made by a delegate or authorised officer. This is illegal.
They also demanded me to pay back over $4000 of my Rent Assistance which was a component of my Jobseeker allowance. They waived $3600 and demanded my rent assistance again.
In relation to my last debt, Services Australia sent me a letter that an authorised review officer would “complete their review in 49 days”. Services Australia failed to conduct a formal review in 7 months and started withdrawing the debt from my payments anyway.
Senator Janet Rice, I emailed you several documents regarding the abuse. Please respond to me and take action. I need a formal reply from your office. If I don’t deserve it, I want to know why.
I think by now most Australian citizens understand if they get into any sort of trouble over seas,the last people to call upon for help would be the Australian government,no matter who is in power.We have not been a sovereign country for decades,maybe even never.All our polices especially foreign affairs are dictated to us by America,with also input from the British.It amazes me how anybody would be so silly to sign up to our military,your basically signing you life over to American politician,most of them deciding which country to invade next,or which puppet they are going to get installed into countries that don’t tow there line.For me i think the biggest farce is when we hear the words.World based international law,what most don’t realize,this is actually American law,which i might add does not stop America from breaking it,just manipulating it to suit there purpose.I don’t worry about Russia China Iran North Korea,there not affecting Australia,the one country that does affect us all is America,as we know they have been in a perpetual war since there existence,maybe apart from 10 years.There end goal is world domination and control,and they for sure are not going to let any country or individual stand in there way.Life cannot continue on this planet like this,we need real leaders,not the spinless jellyfish that have taken control of most Western countries now,including Australia.I honestly don’t know what the future will be,i did think you had a choice when you voted who was going to run you country,but does not seem to matter now,your just going to end up with the same just a different name
I totally agree with you, I feel that we would have to have an Eureka style revolt (hopefully peaceful) to get our gutless pollies to do something that benefits AUSTRALIA.