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The ABC Shows Its Bias Against Dutton By…

The ABC is meant to be unbiased... Well, it's meant to be even-handed…


The ABC Shows Its Bias Against Dutton By Quoting Him!

The ABC is meant to be unbiased…

Well, it’s meant to be even-handed and to present a diversity of views… on some things, anyway. I mean, if we have a news item about a house burning down, nobody expects the ABC to interview someone about what a great opportunity this is for Harvey Norman when the family have to purchase new appliances…

So I have been quite shocked by the terrible bias the ABC have shown against the Coalition. For example, when Peter Dutton was holding a press conference recently, an ABC journalist had the temerity to ask him: “How do you know the vast majority of the public in Collie support the plan?”

Quick as flash, Dutton responded with: “How do you know they don’t?” which reminded me of my younger days when I’d hit my primary school colleagues with a witty insult and they’d reply with, “I know you are, but what am I?” It’s really hard to counter something like that.

Anyway, Mr Dutton went on to point out that the journalist could have an advocacy position but not when she was asking him questions which were difficult to answer and when she showed her bias by indicating that she’d spoken to people in Collie but he hadn’t been prepared to meet them. This is not the sort of neutral journalism he’s come to expect from the rest of the media who show no bias by asking even-handed questions like, “Is it too early to expect any detail on this policy?” or “How do you take your coffee?”

Clearly the ABC has been running an agenda to make the Coalition look atrocious for some time now. Just look at the number of times they quote exactly what Mr Dutton has said. It’s obviously an attempt to make him look bad and to get the audience to a point where they just wish the man would go away. This is the sort of thing that happens with elected leaders: the constant pushing of their face on camera and their endless photo ops make the public wonder if that other guy – what’s his name, the one who’s taken over from the previous leader when they lost the election – that one –  he could be a breath of fresh air and how bad can he be? (A question that Tony Abbott answered so quickly after being installed as PM that his own party got rid of him…)

Not content with trying to ruin Mr Dutton’s chances with endless quotes, they’ve also tried to sabotage the National Party by inviting Barnaby Joyce as a guest on any number of programs. While the publicity shy Mr Joyce accepts these invitations as a public duty, I’m sure that the other MPs in the National Party would rather that the public isn’t reminded that Mr Joyce is still a sitting member. Barnaby lost a little bit of credibility when it was discovered that he was so much in favour of family values that he’d started a second family.

At least, Scott Morrison had the good sense to ban Craig Kelly from appearing on QandA before he could show us all the depth of his belief in the latest conspiracy theory. I should add that this was before Kelly added all the Covid conspiracy theories to his collection. It was also before he left the Liberal Party to become leader of the UAP, as well as being before he joined and left One Nation. I have not confirmed the rumour that Mr Kelly wants to ensure that he sets a record by joining even more political parties than Mark Latham.

Anyway, if the ABC wants to ensure that people see them as fair and unbiased then they have to stop pointing out factual inaccuracies and to avoid putting to air any Coalition MPs who may demonstrate a lack of attention to detail and/or a complete lack of understanding of any aspects of the topic beyond what they were briefed on in the minutes before the show went air. This, of course, leaves Angus Taylor and most of the front bench with plenty of time on their hands so maybe they could take it in turns to ensure that nobody spends too much time at the Parliamentary bar.


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  1. Terence Mills

    I’m looking at the captioned photograph and I think I have spotted a seat filler. Those people who go along to public events and when an actual guest goes outside for a smoke or to the toilet, the seat filler slots in to make up the numbers.

    This bloke in the photo is fourth from the left and for the life of me I cannot identify him, he’s sitting next to that other bloke whose face is familiar but I don’t recall his name.

  2. GL

    “…an ABC journalist had the temerity to ask him: “How do you know the vast majority of the public in Collie support the plan?”
    Quick as flash, Dutton responded with: “How do you know they don’t?””

    The Spud dug deep and pulled a Trump from his arse with that Donald level childish reply. How…how dare that pissant journo ask a relevant question for the Great and Powerful Wizard of Tubers to expand upon.


    Like you I don’t know, nor do I really care to know, who the undead and unknown Lib is. They probably keep him propped up somewhere on the very back row and move him around as needed.

  3. Andrew Smith

    Unfortunately the childish and base narrative style of LNP, RW MSM and related is reflected in our public narratives; avoidance of joined up words, sentences and analysis vs. monosyllabic or glib one liners, orders and threats popular with white Christian nationalist authoritarians.

  4. New Bruce

    @ Terence.
    I was wondering the exact same thing. It’s not Quasimod, althogh the face rings a bel….
    Thumbing through some old Parliamentary match reports showed some light though.
    Who is LOTO.
    What is his deputy.
    Idon’tknow is the shadow treasurer.
    Today is the shadow minister for resources.
    Tomorrow is the shadow minister for the environment.
    And Idon’tgiveadamn is the fella in the big hat who screws everything and falls over potplants.

  5. Canguro

    Third & fourth from the left are Ted O’Brien and Kevin Hogan respectively. Curious to see that Tim Wilson is still listed as the member for Goldstein on the https://www.liberal.org.au/our-team website… smacks of incompetence on the part of the IT crew… years after Wilson’s demolition.

  6. GL


    Maybe they’re hoping that if they keep Princess Timmy on the list he’ll magically become Queen Timmy of Goldstein for reals.

    Urk, O’Brien reminds me of Hess minus the unibrow.

  7. wam

    when an ABC pinko, known for his easy questions, got the only honest answer from the rabbott ‘I am no tech head’. The ABC rid itself of the ‘easy asker’ and standardised their questions to ‘ Mrabbott, would you like me to nod whilst you speak?
    Shamefully, spud and sussoneverything have constantly been buffeted by this approach.

  8. Cool Pete

    Potty Boy Dutton expects to be given a free ride as he arrogantly believes that he should only be a one-term LOTO before being elected PM. Potty Boy has consistently demonstrated why he is totally unsuitable to be PM. Joking about rising sea levels, claiming that asylum seeker women are “trying it on”, denying medical care to asylum seekers, and a big one, when Defence Minister, a group of people in the Army held a Rainbow Morning Tea, and Potty Boy issued a directive to defence chiefs that it was not to happen again. The people were NOT derelict in their duty! Potty Boy was pushing his own agenda onto the defence forces, which was overarching bullying!
    We do not want a fascist like Tone the Botty in the role of PM ever again! And Potty Boy Dutton is just as bad and just as condescending as Tone the Botty.

  9. Cool Pete

    WAM, I can remember the same ABC pinko asking Tone the Botty on the night that the Poo Machine was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment, for a straight answer about the slush fund that financed action against the Poo Machine, being given a condescending reply by Tone the Botty that said nothing. The Poo Machine wasn’t very bright, however, as she asked Tone the Botty to launch the most expensive roll of toilet paper, and she supported him.

  10. John C

    Yes the chrome-domed loser does have a glass jaw. Same as the ridiculous tangerine traitor troll. They make out they are tough hard men but when the chips fall they are little more than big girl’s blouses, whiny little princesses who get all in a tither because a journalist asked them a question they either don’t know the answer to or don’t want to answer because it is too close to the truth. Most polies are nothing but a bunch of lying oxygen thieves, a drain on our tax dollars who are more interested in their own legacies than helping the people who elected them.

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