A few years ago I heard a comment on radio that independent political media sites – and in particular blog sites – increase in popularity under a conservative government. The reason behind that is fairly obvious: most independent sites favour a progressive government whereas the mainstream media (MSM), especially in Australia, openly support a conservative government. And who is in government determines who is going to be the most vocally active.
Over the last six years we have seen our MSM (especially the Murdoch media) find something to condemn the Labor and Minority Governments about and witnessed a disgraceful amount of mud throwing. The daily news turned into a daily complaint. But they’re happy now: a conservative government is at the helm and look how quiet the MSM have gone in their political attacks. Soft. Shallow.
So now it’s our turn.
The radio comment that independent sites increase in popularity was very prophetic. Independent Australia mentioned the other day that they experienced their best day yet and September was the busiest month ever for another independent site, Café Whispers.
And so it was with The Australian Independent Media Network. During September over 501,000 people visited the site. Yes, a half a million people read our articles.
We can not let that achievement pass without saying thank you, to you – our readers. It gives our writers great heart and encouragement to know their efforts are rewarded by your readership. You inspire us. You help keep us motivated.
And it is via other social media platforms where our readership generates from. It is obvious that people are turning to Facebook, Twitter and the independent blogs in a political environment they find unsatisfactory. These media offer people the opportunity to have a voice.
But remaining active can be hard work. For all of us this is a labour of love. We do what we do here because we believe in it. We believe it is important to provide an alternative to the MSM ‘opinions’. We will always give you an independent alternative to Murdoch, Gina, Kerry, and the government-owned ABC. However our contributors don’t do this for money. We are not fortunate enough at this stage to be generating enough of an income to cover running costs let alone provide some compensation to our writers.
Due to the continued ongoing success of The AIMN, we have found our running costs are increasing to match our increased popularity. Everyone here does so on a volunteer basis – contributors, writers, editors, researchers etc however there are still running costs involved with running a successful site.
Even if we don’t earn a red cent we will still keep doing what we’re doing, however, the efforts of many on this site are worthy of some reward and as such we’ve introduced a Donate to Site facility. Readers are not expected to contribute as we are grateful and honoured just by your readership. To those who have already contributed I say thank you.
But to everybody, I say a big thank you for all of your dedicated support.
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Like what we do at The AIMN?
You’ll like it even more knowing that your donation will help us to keep up the good fight.
Chuck in a few bucks and see just how far it goes!
Your contribution to help with the running costs of this site will be gratefully accepted.
You can donate through PayPal or credit card via the button below, or donate via bank transfer: BSB: 062500; A/c no: 10495969
My blog too is going gangbusters lately……. and I sure as hell NEVER read Limited News garbage….!
Thank you very much for your effort. It’s nice having an alternative and independent media.
You are a light in the darkness… Thank you!
The voice(s) of the future in media. Thank you all.
Thanks to all of your contributors and those of other sites who seek to inform honestly about the matters which concern us all. We of the general public would simply be groping in the dark without your vital efforts. Whatever your motives Australia needs people of ability to investigate and report the truth. May you all go from strength to strength.
Well you know how I feel Comrades.. The fifth estate in general is not only taking over MSM it is their main source.. Well done Migs and you’re more attractive half 🙂
I can’t remember how I found my way to AIMN but I am ever glad that I did. Thank you for all the great articles and the the laughs along the way. And thank you to all the posters – I very often feel I learn as much from ‘comments’ as I do from the blogs.
Migs, Min and all at CW and AIMN congrats on your Sept numbers, that’s a hell of an achievement, and well deserved 😎 yes, my site also had its best month in Sept. 😀
Keep up the great work.
Cheers 😀
Can only hope that Murdoch passes on as a lonely old creep, as most megalomaniacs do. More power to the AIMN.Thanks for the shining light through the dark days leading to the election of these clowns.Keep the blowtorch on them please.They are an embarrassment.
I can’t even go to Limited news or Fairfax Lite websites anymore. I was so disgusted by the election coverage of both- Fairfax have been woeful following up every bit of trash printed by News. Genuine journos like Ross Gittins have been turned into an oddity by Fairfax so a pox on both their houses.
And I cannot believe I am alone and numerous of my friends say similar( and they are mostly on the right).
This election proved social media is rapidly rising. Obama used to effectively in 2008 and won. The next 3 years will define the media and it won;t be pretty for the majors. News will end eventually and Fairfax have busted their once good name.
I come free, but I cost a lot.
Public perception of journalists is abysmal. A reputation they and their proprietors & editors brought on themselves.
I join in the thanks Michael. A very big thank you to you. Your site and othere independent media have kept me sane for quite some time, and especially since this new “government” (i can not bring myself to name them). I often quote your articles to whoever gives me only the slightest sign of interest, especially since not all my friends have access to the internet, most of us being of vintage years. I have donated before and will again soon. I have to move once more – hopefully the last time in my life- and that always takes more money than planned, so i am a bit careful right now. In the meantime a great wholehearted thanks to you and all the contributers here.
Another big THANK YOU to AIMN and all the independent media sites, I do the rounds regularly and you inspire me, give me hope! In WA we are wall to wall liberal biased papers …. counting …. counting … oh yes all two of ’em! No wonder we’re the most conservative state, or close to it anyway! We stopped following the MSM at least a decade ago so that makes my partner and I truly appreciative of your efforts.
I wonder if there is a ‘coalition’ (ouch) of independent media sites? I was thinking of a central place for donations to be shared around! Just a thought, but maybe that would counterproductive and cause friction in the sharing.