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Swift, Harris, Walz: New Eras Tour de Force

By Tess Lawrence

Even before Taylor Swift’s post debate endorsement, one sensed that the Democrats have a presidential winner in Kamala Harris.

Now the Taylor Swift, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz neon billboard signals a New Eras Tour de Force that will add more star power to the stellar juggernaut of Kamala’s Komet

The only ticket required to get into the presidential show is the one you pop into the ballot box. And it’s free. Voters may still have to cope with long queues, especially since the Swift thumbs up will increase the enrollment of first time and younger voters.

Wednesday’s first presidential debate between Trump and Harris was granular fodder for those of us who fancy ourselves analysts and commentators.

Harris certainly won the debate, but more on technicalities, logic and policy, but she was a far cry from the lustre and fire she displayed at her Democratic Convention acceptance speech.

Whilst she was no political dominatrix she nonetheless dominated Trump’s bombast and endless boring self aggrandisement.

Harris took the fight to Trump when she strode over towards his podium with her hand outstretched to shake his hand and introduce herself. Strike one to Harris.

His banging on with the same old same old, suited Harris very well. Her tactics lured him to display his huge ego on the outside of his trouser zipper.

Trump was bereft of original thought. He came across as yesterday’s man. Harris came across as tomorrow’s woman.

Trump’s performance was a perennial downer for the future. Harris was optimistic and excited about the future and its possibilities.

As I wrote elsewhere on this site, Trump was all about Me. Me. Me.

Harris was all about We. We. We.

When she did say “I” it was to promise what sort of president she would be, whereas Trump constantly talked about what he did as President, lying and misrepresenting the truth.

Several times his lies were caught out by the hosts, who cut Trump too much slack. The muted phones did nothing to stop Trump or Harris from speaking over one another.

Several times Trump was merciless in his cruel ridicule of Joe Biden’s age and elderly disposition. Harris scored a major hit when she reminded Trump that she was running for president not Biden. Ouch !

Trump has been cruel about Biden and now he has replaced the old geezer in the room. His ridicule is a red flag to senior citizens and their well being. He has no empathy.

Trump is tired and tiring. Harris represents youth but importantly a possible exuberant reset for America and its political countenance.

We world citizens are so used to polispeak and empty promises from our politiicians. Ergo, the Anthony Albanese led Labor Government.

We must hold onto the fact that the nation that gave us white supremacist Donald Trump had earlier given us the first black President, Barack Obama.

The United States of Kamerica may yet deliver the world the first black female President.


© Tess Lawrence

Tess Lawrence is Contributing editor-at-large for Independent Australia and her most recent article is The night Porter and allegation of rape.





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  1. A Commentator

    Kamala Harris is performing far better than I expected, I had thought she was acceptable only because she wasn’t Trump.
    But she has proven to be an articulate, thoughtful, compassionate, respectful candidate with a sense of humour.
    Harris respects democratic institutions and allies.
    She is entirely across the detail of her political platform.
    Trump is only a misogynistic , narcissistic, deranged wrecker.
    “They’re eating our dogs” will be recorded as the moment Trump lost the election

  2. Michael Taylor

    Trump could stand in Fifth Avenue and shoot a dog and people will still vote for him.

  3. LOVO

    If Trump shot a dog on fifth avenue… I’d be wanting confirmation on whether a suicide took place or he and Musk had a serious falling out. Jest sayin’😆

  4. Michael Taylor

    Lock the cellar, hide the key. 😁

  5. tess lawrence

    Michael Taylor

    Thanks for reminding us of the utter arrogance of this man – and his warped ideas of power and personal immunity.

  6. Ken Robinson

    Tess loved this this one if Trump doesnt get his way he resorts to a spoiled baby brat spitting the dummy and trying to convince people that he is brilliant and not the loser that he is, failing at everything that he has attempted, if the Yanks are stupid enough to put this crook in the White House instead of prison then the world will suffer.

  7. GL


    “Trump could stand in Fifth Avenue and shoot a dog and…”

    …and would blame it on the nearest non-white person nearby and then claim he wrested (snort, bwahahahaha) the weapon off the evil miscreant.

  8. tess lawrence

    Ken Robinson

    Thanks so much Dearest Ken, I guess the greatest danger is the Electoral College bizzo. Remember that Hilary Clinton won the majority vote of the people and yet lost because of the Electoral College.

  9. paul walter

    I would not vote for either, not with an eighty-foot barge pole.

    As Jill Stein said, not paying out tax for bombing other people’s kid’s.

    If Biden and Harris (like Albo) can’t be honest about what is REALLY up in Gaza, could they be relied on to tell the truth on anything else, any more than Trump?

  10. GL

    With The Trumpsters share price continuing to sink just like P Duddy’s supposed charisma I reckon he’s going to get rid of most, if not all, his shares as fast as possible when the restrictions on selling his 115 million shares lifts as of 19th of September hits. Yet another case of, as Rick Wilson put it, “Everything Trump touches dies.” He’ll (with no shame) toddle off with however cash he gets as fast as his fat wrinkly old mans legs can carry him and not look back at the Trump culties that purchased shares in TMTG watch their shares go into the rubbish bin.

  11. tess lawrence

    Story update:

    No more debates.

  12. GL


    What a great big non-surprise. The ignominy of the Great and Powerful Donald being shown up by a woman (and being scared shitless to boot) is just too much for him. Much better to hide behind the curtain and snipe and whine.

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