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‘Staggering’: ANU cuts more jobs while asking staff to take pay cut

National Tertiary Education Union Media Release

The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) has slammed Australian National University’s bid to cut pay while announcing more job losses.

ANU management today announced another 108 job losses across three central divisions after earlier this month cutting 50 jobs from the College of Health and Medicine.

Management has also asked staff to give up their already agreed 2.5 per cent pay rise in December.

Quotes attributable to NTEU ACT Division Secretary Dr Lachlan Clohesy:

“It is staggering that a Vice Chancellor thinks they can convince staff that giving up their pay will save jobs, while at the same time announcing further job cuts.

“It is unconscionable for millionaire Vice Chancellors to go to staff, cap in hand, to bail them out of financial problems caused by poor governance and financial mismanagement.

“Millionaire Vice Chancellors seem to have no appreciation that most of Australia is in a cost of living crisis.”

Quotes attributable to NTEU ANU Branch President Millan Pintos-Lopez:

“Staff were asked to give up pay to save jobs in 2020. It didn’t save jobs then, and it won’t save jobs this time around.

“ANU staff are furious that a Vice Chancellor is promising to save jobs while cutting them.”

“We think the Vice Chancellor should not proceed with a ballot to vary the Enterprise Agreement, which was signed less than a year ago, and should instead listen to ANU staff. If it does go to ballot, we’ll campaign strongly for ANU staff to send a resounding message by voting no.”


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  1. Phil Pryor

    From the very top down, these deluded, swollen, inflated, incompetent idiots, from V C to the bottom, must resign and be fined!!! This shit is choking the nation and its education.

  2. Andrew Smith

    Would be interesting to see details over time on how ANU with a global reputation and many fee paying students over the years, could get into such a pickle?

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