The AIM Network

Spreading hate, the Murdoch way

The stabbing of a police officer in Germany (image from

The second most important story on this morning was ‘IS teen girl stabs police officer in Germany’. You can see the link to it from the screenshot (below) of the front page of I apologise for the small image, but you should still be able to see the link: its at the very top.

The article begins with:

A teenage Moroccan girl who cops now say was furious at having to move away from the Islamic State has been arrested following a shocking stabbing attack on a German officer.

Breitbart reports that the 15-year-old was wearing a headscarf when she was approached by the officer at a Hanover train station in November.

It was in November! But:

Now, months later, authorities have confirmed the motive behind the attack.

The girl had reportedly spent time living on the Turkish-Syrian border and was reportedly angry that she could not rejoin her IS compatriots.

‘Reportedly spent time’. ‘Reportedly angry’. Is that another way of saying ‘unconfirmed’?

I see that they have taken the article from ‘Breitbart‘. I clicked on the link to Breitbart and the article to read that:

The event garnered no media attention at the time but it has now been proven the attack was inspired by Islamist ideology, with the young girl attacking a target in Europe because she was unable to travel to the Islamic State itself to join her co-religionists.

Oh, so it was her Islamic beliefs that have made this a story. (Not an important one, it seems, as if you click on to the front page of Breitbart you’ll be hard pressed to find a link to the article anywhere. And by the way, Breitbart took this article from the German paper ‘Bild‘. You won’t find it on their front page either).

My point is, why is this a story? And why is such an obscure story a headliner in the Murdoch media?

If you spend some time on Google – as I just did – you’ll find that in America alone there was probably 45 murders committed yesterday. Hundreds would have been murdered worldwide. There may have even been some in Australia. But unless they were committed by a Muslim then they’ll more than likely go unreported.

IS is an evil organisation. True. Most IS members are Muslims. True. IS murders people. True. But it must be very hard to promote hate about Muslims or IS when there are no murders to report. I guess the best thing to do – if it is hate you want to spread – is dig up some obscure article about a November (non-fatal) stabbing and jump for joy in the knowledge that it is suspected there is an IS link.

How many people will use this Murdoch media headliner to feed their hate or spread their hate even further? What other purpose would it possibly serve? Absolutely none.

It does nothing but promote fear and hate. This seems to be the Murdoch media’s game.


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