Spreading hate and fear the Murdoch way

Image from stormfront.org

The video below has been going viral and I post it here in the hope that it gets even more of a push along.

But first, the background.

Nearly one in five British Muslims has some sympathy with those who have fled the UK to fight for IS in Syria, claimed the Sun, despite the Sun wrongly interpreting an opinion poll of British Muslims’ attitudes to Islamic State (formerly ISIS/ISIL).

The Sun (a Murdoch paper) has received enormous backlash for the article as well as receive criticism for basing the headline on a dodgy poll.

Despite a record 1200 complaints being lodged with British press watchdog over the article, this bloke has done the best job yet:


I think bloke says it all! What more can I say?

More on the backlash here:

Murdoch’s Sun slammed for wrongly claiming 1 in 5 Muslims supports ISIS.

About Roswell 61 Articles
Roswell (not his real name, of course), is American born though he was quite young when his family moved to Australia. He holds a Bachelor of Science and spent most of his working life in Canberra. His interests include anything that has an unsolved mystery about it, politics (Australian and American), science, history, and traveling. Roswell is our SEO guru so most of his work at The AIMN is in an admin role, though he does produce regular articles.


  1. Sent this to my brother a Vietnam vet so will most likely never talk to me again as I find the military very very anti Muslim(if you could see some of the emails they share) so see how I go eh.

  2. (good luck, jim. I put it on my facebook. I hope for, but I don’t expect a like or share.) Murdoch readers and ch9 watchers eat up this headline negative crap and ignore any opposition to such ‘ front page facts’.
    The police often recruit from the military who bring their attitudes with them. As these negative attitudes are taught and reinforced the only way is for the politicians to undergo anti-sexist therapy, then teachers, the forces, police and public service. Then repeat the exercise with anti-racism therapy.

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