Site migration update

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Some of you may not be able to open the link to this post. For that I apologise. As we migrate the site to the larger server a small percentage of people are still being directed to the old server, which we’ve learned – frustratingly – is often the case during the migration to a new server.

To those who can access the current site you’ll notice the homepage looks like a skeleton of its former self. Namely, that all the pictures are missing. Again, this is a hiccup during the migration process.

Moving everything from a very large website such as ours is akin to moving from a very large house: everything has to be packed and once moved, be unpacked and put in the right place in the new house.

Some people have informed me that when they access The AIMN all content from June 2024 is missing (though the pictures on the homepage are visible). They too are being directed to the old server. Again, one of the mishaps of a site migration.

We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience the migration has caused to all our valued writers and readers. The site migration could not be avoided, simply, because we had outgrown the previous one.

I’ll be speaking to the migration team on Tuesday, when I hope to receive some good news.

In the meantime, bear with us. We share your frustration.



  1. Thanks for letting us know Team. And congratulations on your
    upgrade. Many of us can identify with tech woes and how frustrating it can be.
    It will all work out.

  2. You have my sympathy, Micahel and team. I am currently un dergoing a similarly frustrating and ridiculously drawn-out process on a very different matter and tearing hair out in unison.

  3. Funny (peculiar, not ha ha) how the humans seem to stuff things up so frequently. Migrations in the animal kingdom have been a thing for possibly hundreds of thousands of years; birds such as waders traversing the planet’s hemispheres, a couple dozen species of land-based mammals on massive annual hikes, whales moving across the oceans, fish such as salmon, bats, insects like the Monarch butterfly (now nearly extinct) and the Hummingbird hawk-moth, and many many more; all endowed with the instinctive intelligence to do what is part of their necessary behaviour without drama or issue, excepting where they encounter problems of human origin.

    Yet here we are, with this website’s admin entrusting a relatively simple task to so-called IT professionals, and still they struggle to get it right, days after initiation. Gotta feel for the admin’s frustration on this matter.

  4. You might have noticed that today’s comments – and today’s post – have disappeared. I’m told this is because those comments/post were published after the site migration was being finalised, so in golfing terms, they missed the cut.

    There are still some formatting issues (namely thumbnails of the featured image from the articles not showing on the home page) and these will be tackled separately over the coming days.

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