After an entirely unexpected election win, Morrison is being hailed as a genius. His judgement is impeccable according to those who aren’t still traumatised by the disaster of another three years of inaction on climate change, contracts without tender, jobs for mates, unregulated profit gouging, undermining of job security, and increasing wealth inequality.
Whilst our tireless PM never resiles from a photo opportunity, be it shearing a sheep or serving up a snorker, is he actually up to the job of leading the country? Can he turn off the political posturing and start thinking about what is best for the nation?
His choices so far make that doubtful.
One of Morrison’s first actions was to appoint a rich white man who arrived on a boat from England, who has since only ever lived in Sydney aside from a couple of years spent in the hallowed halls of Oxford, and who had recently cut over half a billion dollars from the ATSI budget, as Special Envoy for Indigenous Affairs.
Tony’s best effort at achieving anything was to employ more truancy officers.
Morrison also appointed the man who pretty much single-handedly destroyed the Murray-Darling Basin plan, handing over millions of dollars to mates and unmonitored water to irrigators, a man who does not believe climate change is real and who wants to build more coal-fired power stations, as Special Envoy for Drought.
Aside from handing out potloads of money, Barnaby’s mission seemed to be a never-ending country pub crawl.
Scott interceded to overturn the local preselectors’ choice in Hughes and insist on Craig Kelly again being the candidate in the safe Liberal seat.
One visit to Craig Kelly’s facebook page reveals an absolute nutter obsessed with the worst case of climate change denial one could ever find. It’s all he ever posts about.
Scott’s decision to parachute Warren Mundine into Gilmore to replace the preselected candidate was not as successful.
As Tanya Plibersek put it, “For a long time Mundine was desperate for the Labor Party to give him a seat in parliament. There is a reason we didn’t, and I’m sure the voters of Gilmore will discover that.”
It doesn’t take long listening to Warren to realise he is as dumb as a post. But that hasn’t stopped the Coalition from giving him hundreds of thousands of dollars to host a tv show on Sky.
Peter Dutton’s incompetence in every portfolio he has ever held has been no impediment to his continued power grab, and so it remains in the Morrison government. The Monkey Pod group are reconvening.
The choice of wind farm opponent and Cayman Islands company director, Angus Taylor, as Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction may seem particularly perverse, but the Taylor family have done very well from their foray into public life.
Matthias Cormann is hailed as a competent strategist. It was his idea to court Pauling Hanson before the Western Australian state election and it was his backing that led to Peter Dutton challenging for the leadership. He retains the Finance portfolio despite his disloyalty and obvious inability to count. When he assures us that the economy is strong, it’s about as believable as when he said he was loyal to Malcolm Turnbull.
When you knowingly surround yourself with unscrupulous incompetents for political purposes, the question needs to be asked – were you just trying to win an election or do you seriously want to take on the job of actually running the country?
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The Coalition was geared up to lose the election, and because of that they left IEDs to blow Labor up.
But they forgot where they buried them.
Their only goal is power, the power to look after themselves and their mates, the power to inch the country further down the road to a fascist state.
As for actually running the country………..well they just got voted in again on the back of 6 years of incompetence and chaos. At this point I don’t think they really care, 3 more years will give them more time to leave an even bigger mess for Labor.
The only beneficiaries of the present Scummo Liarbral Notional$ misgovernment are the foreign owned multinational corporations operating in our peaceful Australia and using the too many legal tax concessions, deductions and rebates to pay no tax for the benefit of Australian voters who provide the market for their goods and services while allowing miners to extract our nature sources for processing overseas against the best interests of Australian voters.
What a hopeless, bunch of ignorant, right wing, flat earth, climate change denying so called “politicians” this complete mob of COALition “members” really are! You have summed them up very well–as usual–Kaye! I am hoping that the new look Labor mob will get their act together & really get stuck into this hapless mob of deranged liars–like their “beloved” (sic) Rabbott did to so bloody successfully to Julia Gillard. Maybe, just maybe, this might actually start to make a difference to what they are doing to our once proud & fair Australia?
Certainly unexpected! But the winning description is more contestable. Seems to me that the last election is best conceptualised as a Labor loss rather than a Morrison win. Equivalent to a Steven Bradbury Gold. Never to be forgotten – but will it be a learning experience? Possibly not.
And what New England Cocky said. There are beneficiaries.
It really annoys me when Morrison says the Australian people have spoken and demands parliament must do what he says. Most of us didn’t vote for them.
The first preference vote to them was 41.44% . Without wanting to invoke squeals of outrage, the combined vote for Labor and the Greens was 43.44%.
In the HoR, there are 74 people representing electorates where the majority voted against the government. Are they supposed to meekly abandon the people who elected them?
@JC “they forgot where they buried them’…………… what will prove to be even more disastrous for this country is that they have absolutely NO idea how to disarm them.
Kaye, you know that ONLY the RWNJ’s are allowed to be in COALITION.
Hence Arthur Sinodinis’ removal. Jim Molan, despite being rejected by his own party pre-selectors twice, feels he deserves the job.
Are you allowed to calculate Labor and Greens on the same page? Yes I know that the Liberals and the Nationals do deals(and win government) but progressives are more circumspect aren’t they? That Labor is made up of factions and develops policy via deal making is rarely recognised. That Labor enters arrangements when it suits individuals is just another unmentionable skeleton in the closet. See the ACT as an example of realpolitik.
And dont forget they put that liar fraudster corrupt idiotic moron Stuart Roberts as head of the NDIS…God help any poor bugger with a disability in this country! ……………………
john ocallaghan, Stuart, as one of the chief plotters, was owed a favour. Methinks he was given a political hospital pass instead.
It seems that for purely childish reasons the coalition have labelled their tax cut laws with an
Orwellian sounding :
Treasury Laws Amendment (Tax Relief so Working Australians Keep More of Their Money) Bill 2019
I have no doubt there were some who wanted to call it :
Treasury Laws Amendment (Tax Relief so Working Australians Keep More of Their Money and our mates at the Big End of town get what they wanted and Labor can suck on that, so there) Bill 2019
I have nothing against cutting taxes when the economic outlook allows and forecasted revenue is in excess of our requirements to maintain services and we are in surplus and debt is being paid down but I have a feeling that this is largely ideological and will lead to an austerity budget requiring significant cuts to spending and essential services over the medium term.
Peter F,
The AIMN often serves as an illustrative smaller-scale demonstration of how the acrimonious bullshit that is regularly slung between supposedly ‘progressive’ parties (and their blinkered fan-clubs) consistently divides and distracts from any commonality of purpose, which is, of course, to the ultimate benefit of the coalition.
What do you get if you put 3 left wingers in a room together?
2 factions and a splinter group.
Yup cb. I’ve been soundly abused by both Labor and Greens supporters. Me meekly spluttering that we are on the same side doesn’t get heard.
And when the recession really bites, we shall see their real economic credentials. DOING NOTHING.
morrison, aping menzies, tries to make himself look good by surrounding himself with not just mediocrity but bottom of the barrel luddites.
If you are looking for political change, it’s not going to come from any of the mainstream political parties. The system is broken, and a completely new political approach is needed. I would encourage readers to visit the Real Democracy Party website and if you are impressed, consider joining and help make a real difference. Website link: https://realdemocracyparty.net.au/
Neoliberalism is the enemy of the people unless you are part of the 1%. Neoliberal economics has been a 40+ year failure for the vast majority of Australians: https://renegadeinc.com/neoliberalism-doesnt-work-can-prove/
It’s time to move beyond the two-party system based on neoliberalism and look for an alternative political party that bases its policies on factual research. The Real Democracy Party is such a party: https://realdemocracyparty.net.au/Policy/Economy/
Isn’t it time we stopped talking about Tony bloody Abbott start with a new title or just leave Tony Abbott out I’m sick of hearing about a non person your fixation open him is almost paranoid get over it.