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Rutger Bregman And Why I Am Less Angry Than Sometimes…

Wilson and Sharma celebrate subsidised solar for Double Bay sailing club (Image from Twitter - @TimWilsonMP)

When Public Image Limited sang: “Anger is an energy,” they certainly had a point.

I mean sometimes things only happen when you’re angry.


This is a big HOWEVER and I’m not sure how to make it any bigger.

I remember reading this book by Rutger Bergman and thinking, yeah, most of us are just trying to be good people and help all the others around us… It’s why I find it strange that it’s newsworthy when some celebrity does exactly what most people would do if they had the time and/or money to actually help. So I don’t understand when people get angry…

Apart from a handful of people that we get really, really angry at. And when I say ‘we’, I am usually the Royal “We” which means that I’m speaking on behalf of my entire kingdom of one…

And that anger is, of course, justified because well, LOOK AT WHAT THEY’RE DOING…

And yes, I can point out the things that one should be angry about and I can say that Rupert Murdoch is a truly objectionable human who should make us all angry because of the way he wields power and…

I stop.

I consider the testimony of the people in certain places and I realise what Rupert just admitted which only makes one less angry – or more angry – if one actually stops and thinks.

Ok, folks, I admit it. Actually stopping and thinking has not been one of mankind’s strong points over the evolutionary process, but try it for a moment and you’ll see that it’s a good thing to do.

Rupert told a committee that they all knew that Trump was talking bullshit and they would have called him out but they were afraid that they’d lose their audience…

Now, I think this is important to understand in a way that makes you think rather than get angry because I sure-as-shit think that it’s pretty fucking outrageous that someone like that could keep peddling such guff in order to make money when they’re meant to be telling us what’s going on…

But if I pause, I have to say it’s not because that Trump character demanded it, or even because Rupert believed that it was right to support Donald that they felt they couldn’t tell the truth, it was because of THEIR AUDIENCE!

Their fucking audience. This folks may not be their first rodeo, but, gee, they’re not game to jump off the bull and they’re sending out the clowns to inform us that the bull is completely out of control and if you’d all just look the other way, we’d find a way to dismount but not while you’re looking, so I need to just hang on and show that I know how to ride this bull that’s about to trample all over me even though I’ve been the bull expert since forever…

Or to sum so that even PeeDutty could understand: Sometimes when you decide to ride the bull, you have no way of getting off, even though you know that you’re meant to be the powerful one and you can probably get someone to write something about how the bull was…

Aw fuck, that landing hurt!!

Now, when it comes to Robodebt and the Royal Commission, we have Stuart “Nosferatu”*# Robert telling us that it wasn’t so much that he liked it but when you’re part of a group you just go along with it even if you have personal misgivings and as for checking the legal advice, well, of course, and of course, I’d do exactly what I did just as soon I got the Cabinet to… Sorry, what was the question, that you’re accusing me of not answering… I think that anyone in the government has the presumption of innocence… unless it’s a Labor one because we all know that they’re going to leave the super tax thing at $3 million so that it’ll take away your grandchild’s super…

Anyway, the book I was referring to earlier was certainly worth a read. It was “Mankind: A Hopeful History” by Rutger Bregman and he explained how people – generally – just want to do a good job and if they’re given a job like rounding up people and sending them to the showers then they do it as well as they can without thinking. This paragraph has nothing to do with Robodebt and the previous one because I’m not suggesting that anyone involved with the whole process was a Nazi… I’m just suggesting that they – by their own admission – had no desire to do their job efficiently or check anything or give advice or tie their shoelaces or…

And while the previous paragraph that I referred to in the previous paragraph, might have nothing to do with Robodebt, it might have a lot to do with how badly the Coalition is handling being on the Opposition benches…

I did notice Timmy Wilson (who still has the Twitter handle @TimWilsonMP) pop again, reprising his one of his greatest hits, where he argues against any changes to super on the grounds that it’ll hurt the battlers who have been battling to avoid paying tax on any of their earnings.

Although I must say, I’m pretty upset about the $3 million super thing cause I’m only about $3 million away from it give or take a few thousand. However,  I’m pretty sure all those in their 20s and 30s are saying, “Fuck, I’ll have $3 million in super one day, Awesome!”


#Just like “The Project”, I feel that I should offer an apology. People can’t help the way that they look and if Nosferatu is offended by being compared to Stuart Robert, I must say that I’m sorry.


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