Refugees and Changing Political Narratives

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By Andrew Klein

The challenges of the Global Refugee Crisis often appear unmet or lost in the narrative of political leaders attempting to use the ‘latest military’ problem to divert funding from genuine refugee problems.

In other cases, such as Haiti, the UN response led to an increase in local problems such as disease spread by UN military personnel and allegations of the selling of services and goods for sexual and other favours.

There is no doubt that aid and assistance have by their very nature taken on a ‘corporate approach’ and as such is due for a serious independent audit and review of the nature of contracts and world’s best practice responses to a humanitarian crisis.

The inability to provide housing that is more substantial than plastic tents speaks for itself and raises concerns. The world is facing a global shift in populations and both Internal and external refugees seeking to either escape from either life-threatening situations or in some cases the search for a better economic life.

The West is often seen as frowning on those that become refugees for economic reasons; this is nonsense as the very desire to better oneself and to provide for families is otherwise seen as an admirable quality in human beings.

The crisis in Africa and Syria have now become the reading material of students, which gives an indication of how long these matters have not been addressed, though huge amounts of funds have been channelled to various locations. Syria and the displacement of persons due to the actions of the Islamic State have reached new heights and the response has been woeful.

It has become apparent to me that an entire new language has developed to minimise the impact of what it means to be a refugee. One that allows the conscience of others to rest comfortably as other matters are addressed.

Uganda is another case in point where ordinary people are willing to re-build, to learn and to contribute to their society. It would not be too difficult to provide not only proper housing but the infra-structure that young refugees will need to be educated, i.e. IT Services and PC’s. Decent Housing and stability is essential for any family group to thrive. The provision of required documentation is not a major hurdle in these days of mega data and the ability to put ‘standing armies’ in the field.

The abilities of western armies to provide quality housing, communication and other ‘comforts’ can be observed in operational areas. If this can be done for armies, this can be done for refugees as long as the profiteering and corruption is curtailed.

Refugees as people must be seen as an investment in the future and not a burden. Cultures survive because they are diverse and can draw on the skills provided by such diversity. Not to embrace diversity is to insulate and isolate oneself from the potential that human beings bring. The danger lies in creating persons who become generational refugees, with all the fears and uncertainties that apply. These same individuals may easily become so disenchanted with the promises made and broken that they are either forced into a life which many would regard as undesirable (prostitution, low level crime etc.) or on the other hand be driven into the hands of those recruiting for the many groups funded to create ‘terror’, and there seems plenty of funding and recruiters available for this.

No State and body of States can function with such variables and leave themselves open to social unrest for years to come. It is time to address the ‘refugee’ problem seriously, eliminate corruption and provide quality of life to those who, for whatever reason, have been driven to become refugees.

Australia’s solutions over the last nine years leads one to doubt not just the humanity but the sanity of those who implemented the Morrison solutions. The United Kingdom under the apparently intellectually challenged and spoilt man-child Boris Johnson is merrily heading down the path that Australia created.

The same self-serving populist speak and a rather bizarre solution, sending refugees and asylum seekers to Rwanda. What would we find if we followed the money trails, both in Australia and the United Kingdom? There are still many questions left unanswered and the mainstream media is complicit by giving race baiting and populist propaganda oxygen.


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  1. For some reason, no one is willing to accept this is a permanent and expanding problem. Governments delude themselves into thinking that these people will be able to go home, even as new generations are being born in the camps. The problem can only become worse between the desire for never-ending military adventures, and the accompanying destruction of functioning societies and infrastructure, and the new movement of entire peoples which must occur due to areas becoming unliveable due to climate change.

  2. Trump and this added on green foreskin Vance, two of the worst rubbish skins and skulls ever. Have we ever had two worse USA political offerings as this pair of nematodes? Lower than a lizard’s longprong, the republican team is just a bowelsquirt brownpong bowl full of poltical excrement fit to stain a nation and suffocate sense. Who would support this disaster for civilisation except marginally sane sickbrain yankee dreggies?

  3. Refugees are needed by the white Christian nationalists and far right platformed by RW MSM to make increasingly older above median age voters dribble fear and bigotry…. cynical RWnativist electoral and political tactics divide the electorate.

    PS This is under wrong email link of James Moore’s article.

  4. Uncle Sam’s siege state mentality and its rapacious insurgencies follow the pattern of the olde imperialist corsairs, the agents of aristocrats and royalty. They persisted in Britain exemplified by the economic disasters wrought by the racism and lies of Brexit, all so that the City of London corporation could continue to exercise its plunderous regime, much like the Crown’s East India Companies generations ago. These wiles have resulted in the complete collapse of Britain’s economy, and in Uncle Sam’s state, hurtling it toward the same demise.

    Their (white) supremacist operations represent a militarized nativist death cult that diverts massive resources to the increasing cost of incursions and oppression, an inability to sustain itself, whilst at the same time reducing demand for its increasingly strangulated ability to supply.

    Such closed systems of wrong thinking and criminality can only run on coercion and fail because of the build-up of unmet expectations and oppositional hostility, cycles of vengeance or flight ensue. As a result there are more than 700 million living in abject poverty and more than 120 million refugees across the world. Such a disenfranchisement of labour and skill just exacerbates processes necessary for sustainability.

    This is the path that neoliberalism sets for the world. And it appears that it can only be reformed from within, or there would be a likelihood of global warfare.

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