Good poker players learn how to read signs from their opponents about when they are bluffing. For Malcolm Turnbull, one signal is when he says “as you know”.
And out it came on Monday night on Q&A when Aldo Donato asked about the NBN debacle.
NBN costs have almost doubled, and the NBN has paused the rollout of its hybrid coaxial fibre technology because the number of complaints are astronomical and the technology does not work. At what point do we acknowledge that the cost savings do not justify the incredibly poor service, and accept the need to revert to a fibre-to-the-house solution that an innovation nation deserves?
Turnbull began his answer with the dismissive smackdown “Almost…almost everything you said there is, uh, incorrect”, a response met by justifiable laughter and groaning from the audience.
“The fact of the matter is that if we were to do an NBN on fibre to the premises across the nation, as you know, it would take six to eight years longer and cost up to $30 billion more. That is a fact, Aldo. I’m sorry, that really is a fact.”
And how do we know this? Because Malcolm told us so.
When Opposition spokesman Stephen Conroy stated that “the cost of the Mr Turnbull’s second-rate copper NBN has nearly doubled to up to $56 billion,” his office was promptly raided by the AFP on the grounds that he was quoting from commercial-in-confidence internal NBN documents. Obviously, what he was saying was true.
The Coalition had promised that, by the end of 2016, all Australians would have minimum speeds of 25 Mbps. According to NBN themselves, at the end of 2017, the service is now “available to more than half of Australian homes and businesses nationwide.”
Malcolm said “it will be three-quarters built by the 30th of June next year, according to the company’s plans, and they say they’re on track to that, and they are committed to getting it completed by 2020.”
Cost blowouts and delays are undeniable, unless you are the PM who foist this dog’s breakfast upon us.
Malcolm went on to say “The pause in the HFC rollout is in order to ensure that premises that are on hybrid fibre coax – these are people with, effectively, mostly, Foxtel, pay TV cables – uh, will…they continue to get their broadband service from Telstra, and they won’t be switched over to the NBN until some technical issues have been resolved. The pause in the rollout is about six months.”
It is interesting to note that the good burghers of Point Piper have had their HFC connection to the NBN up and running for some time.
As NBN proudly publishes data about the increasing number of people who have taken up the service, they neglect to mention that you don’t have a choice in the matter. Once an area becomes “NBN ready”, a cease sales order is imposed. Any new connections must be to the NBN and existing connections must change over by a certain date whether you want to or not.
Living in a marginal seat, we became early guinea pigs for FttN and my life has been hell ever since. I cannot tell you how many hours I have spent on the phone trying to sort out the mess that has been thrust upon us but it would be in the hundreds.
My business was without EFTPOS, fax and security for two months due to a porting mistake by our Telco which Telstra and NBN made impossible to fix.
My home suffered continuous dropouts which not only affects the internet, it takes out our landline with it leaving us with no phone service at all as we live in a mobile blackspot.
Eventually they conceded that we have an “unstable connection” that could only be fixed by lowering the available speed.
I stupidly had been paying for 100 Mbps when Telstra have finally admitted that the maximum download I can receive is 40 Mbps, not that we ever achieve that. Interestingly, they informed me that, if you can get speeds that are half of what you are paying for, they consider that a “good” connection.
When the questioner on the Q&A show raised his hand to respond to Malcolm’s waffle, there followed a disgusting exchange where Turnbull the barrister sought to intimidate and belittle the man’s concerns with constant interruptions.
Eventually Mr Donato was able to get out what he was trying to say. “We’re rolling out a faster NBN, but it’s a far inferior NBN.”
Again, he was smacked down.
MALCOLM TURNBULL: “No, well, you’re wrong. With great respect, Aldo, you’re quite wrong. It is rolling out faster, and that means that more people are getting high-speed broadband more quickly. Believe me, the technology that you have to connect you to the internet is much less important…is irrelevant compared to the service level. What you want to do is…you need to have is the right service level to meet your needs. And what we are doing is ensuring that more people get connected more quickly, and at prices they can afford.
And, you know, do you remember the debate we used to have a few years back when they said everyone is going to need 1,000 megabits per second speed? Do you remember that? You would be a complete…you would just be a total loser, they said, if you don’t have 1,000 megabits per second speed. The vast majority of customers on NBN pay for products of 25 megabits per second or less.”
In actual fact, no-one suggested that we all need speeds of 1,000 Mbps right now, just that fibre connections are capable of being upgraded to higher speeds as they become necessary. Let’s not forget that Malcolm scoffed at the idea of needing 100 Mbps.
And one of the reasons that most people have signed up to 25 Mbps is because the system is not capable of delivering higher.
Malcolm assured us all that “the approach that we’re taking is consistent with the approach that is happening right around the world.”
With rapidly evaporating respect Mr Turnbull, that’s crap. The rest of the world is moving to fibre whilst you have made us a communications backwater, ranking 50th in the world behind places like Thailand, Estonia, Bulgaria and Kenya.
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I’m so over this NBN fiasco. Downloads 13.6, uploads 4.9. Drop outs almost daily. I run an online business. And I’m told that’s the best I can expect. I’m 1.1km from the green box. My daughter had to move to Indonesia to run her IT business. She has fibre to the premises there.
I’d kill for your NBN speeds, Baby J. I’m getting download speeds of 2.9 (on cable) and 3.5 (WiFi). With ADSL2 I was getting a massive 4.5. And I’m paying $30 a month more.
No, wait. Make that $60. In desperation I upgraded to the Business Package to see if that would make a difference, which was an extra $30 wasted.
Turnbull’s claim that he fixed Labor’s mess was the biggest lie ever. In Canberra I had Labor’s NBN and my download speeds where 98.5 mps, and as I didn’t need a landline I was able to wipe $30 a month off the cost.
Malcolm Turnbull, you’re a fraud.
B uuff errin g Turnbul NBN is a reall fi zzzaaaaaaaaaju st lik e himmmm
Wow when the NBN salesman came a knocking (ringing) at our home, I told them flat out “I’m not interested in your crap…pissoff.”..the reasons for my reply has been nailed by the people above Baby.J, Michael Taylor and Vixstar, I’m feeling for you guy’s
I have long held the view that (VL)Abbott the Impaler very deliberately put Toffbull in charge of the NBN because in that wonderful Abbott way, he was ensuring two things:
1) In the way that a new pride male lion will usually kill the cubs of his predecessor, Abbott sought to destroy any vestige of anything implemented by Labor (whether good or bad); and
2) To make Toffbull responsible for the ensuing disaster to damage Toffbull’s political credibility (boy hasn’t that worked, but to nowhere near the extent deserved).
Nothing I have read since, including today’s article, has changed my view. The LNP’s NBN-lite is an utter cock-up and was always going to be. My son is very computer savvy (his chosen course at Uni) and he has long been saying that the LNP’s version of the NBN was never going to work as well as promised; was always going to be way more expensive than the LNP stated and was old technology even before they started. A lot of this is from leaks by the NBN’s own staff – they know what is going on and see the lies, corporate psychopathy and cover-ups first hand and in frightening close-up). I would also add that the cost overrun was guaranteed – whenever the government foots the bill for services that are pushed out to private service providers, the gouging is extraordinary. and the work done sub-standard (a la health and education – two other excellent examples [if I say so myself] of systematic and rampant profiteering by the private sector).
I did not watch Q&A on Monday-last. I often record the show so I can fast-forward over the bits where mindless politicians are spouting their party-line drivel (e.g., O’Dwyer and her “Labor’s debt and deficit disaster” answer to every question) and blaming the politician for the “other side” for metaphorically “opening Pandora’s Box”, but that won’t work when the only driveller is Toffbull. He has nothing to say that I want to hear – and a lie, however mellifluous the tone and loquacious the statement, is still a lie. With Toffbull, you have to ignore that he sounds persuasive and listen to what he is actually saying (I have long believed that one of Toffbull’s greatest weaknesses is he is the one person who isn’t listening to what he says).
I got an unprompted email from telstra advising me that they were unable to deliver the speeds they have been charging me for with a few options of what I could do
“You are paying to receive internet speeds up to 100/40 Mbps. The maximum speed you can receive is 94.582 Mbps download and 33.628 Mbps upload.
Because you can’t receive the speeds you have been paying for, you can choose between the following options:
Option 1 – Move plans and receive a refund
Option 2 – Exit your contract without cost and receive a refund
Option 3 – Remain on your current contract with no refund ”
I was instructed to ring them to confirm which option I would prefer. When I pointed out that I am not getting anywhere near the speeds they are suggesting they said they would check with “back of house”. They got back to me saying that the max we could get here was 40/16. I blew up saying how can I make an informed choice when you continue to lie. If you are trying to fix a problem why talk crap. I am waiting to hear back from the complaints people.
I have already received several lots of compensation – one for the work fiasco, one for the several days when the internet dropped out, one because they had been overcharging me from the start because my package included the higher speeds, and now the offer for selling something they can’t deliver. I had to involve the ombudsman for the work issue and the home issue is ongoing. So much time, so much angst. They are turning me into a twitter and bisted old woman who has to be aggressive to get anything done. Sigh….
With Optus – download speeds (today) of 97.6mps but uploads of only 1.9. Dreading the switch to the NBN. Costs me $60 for 100 GB and that cost includes all local calls.
Windsor et al said at the time – “You do it once, you do it right, you do it fibre”.
Turnbull will be remembered. But not in a way he wishes.
Kaye, you are city blocks ahead of us, we have tried paying for faster speeds but are unable to get any faster than 25 bps, it is hopeless with the copper slowing down the fibre, as was Turnbull’s plan as Communications Minister under PM Abbott. This mob are hopeless let’s kick them out!
Guy’s isn’t it illegal, I mean it’s false advertising it’s clearly not doing what their claiming, I always knew it was giving people trouble, I just never knew to what extent the trouble was, that just stuns me
townsvilleblog, I rarely reach 30 Mbps download.
James, this is what I am currently arguing with the complaints people who are, of course, in India. They will get back to me next week.
I’ve already written a comment on John Lord’s page, so to continue. I’m ashamed to admit I had high hopes for Turnbull, how wrong was I.
Turnbull is as big if not bigger liar than Abbott. How sad is that?
As for our No Bloody Network what an absolute debacle, that this incompetent clown can appear on national TV sprouting complete lies beggars belief. How stupid does he think the Australian public are?
The NBN is a total disaster, doesn’t this clown have any idea what’s going on, doesn’t he read the reviews, the complaints or even the newspapers?
Out of dozens of people I have spoken to three were happy with the NBN, all three of them had fttp. the rest were seething, home phones not working, speeds lower than promised, dropouts, it’s not even a joke it’s a complete and utter disaster.
Oh, and one of people I spoke to that was happy with the NBN says he gets a constant speed of 8 Mbps ??? Whopee. On adsl I get a constant speed of 10 Mbps and it’s reliable… Dreading getting connected to the NBN luckily I’ve got wireless backup.
I’ve had quite a few dealings dealings with NBN as a wholesaler and Telstra as a service provider in recent months.
NBN have their administrative base in Manilla, Philippines and the staff are efficient, polite and attentive but everything they try to do is undermined by the inefficiency of NBN on the ground in Australia.
Telstra have their administrative base in Bangalore, India and they too are efficient and attentive but once again are let down by an inefficient operation in Australia where everything has been outsourced to contractors who are not accountable : when they visit you they never give you anything beyond a first name and none have an official ID or business card.
I have had three NBN contractors come to link us up with fixed-wireless and each has said that we don’t have a viable signal : NBN Philippines cannot understand what goes on in Australia when their records show we are within fixed wireless range.
Twice in the last two weeks I have received a text from Telstra Bangalore advising that a technician will attend my home between 8 am and noon on a given date and to ensure that somebody is home, but they just don’t turn up : the folk in India are most apologetic but we just don’t progress.
Our telecommunications in this country are a joke as is our Prime Minister who deludes himself and us!
PS: I originally posted this on John Lord’s blog instead of here; sorry to double up
Under the Now Bloody kNackered we are going to have to go over to the damned fixed wirless at some stage in the future. Thing that had us spewing was the following statement –
The NBN wireless broadband is “‘theoretical network maximum speeds’.”
“rapidly evapourating” I think he’s gone to Mars dry respeect ages ago.
So we’re going with what we’ve have at the moment until they literally cut our service and force us onto Malfeasance Turdshits prehistory network.
As a keen astronomer, know round the globe, I participate in live broadcasts direct with NASA JPL for their live national TV broadcasts on current positions on large NEO near earth objects (asteroids) and I am often in the right place-Tasmania which is nighttime for us and daytime for the USA, so it fits well for live crosses and as it is happening interviews. Earlier this year we were switched to a micronode and our old copper, the last line along the road. Slow speeds and constant drop-outs made it impossible to take part in a June event, and had to be cancelled. A near full page article in the local press titled “Houston we have an NBN problem, had NBN techs 3 3 at my property for three days tying to fix problems, many in the old degraded copper lines buried in the soil. We have no upgrade path and no option to get fibre as we are 12 km from the centre of Hobart-(Regional Australia) Across the ditch, New Zealanders have gigabit speeds.!! I will never vote LNP, or any concoction that involves the Liberal party or Nationals-who to my mind are there just to make up the numbers.
Grr! The ‘net (surprise, surprise) froze up as I was making changes and corrections.
Sometimes you just have to laugh. When I was on the phone to the Telstra complaints department the internet dropped out. As that takes out my phone, they tried to ring me on my mobile which gets no reception here. When the internet came back on, they rang again on the landline which dropped out again mid conversation. It would be comedic if it wasn’t so effing frustrating.
Hey, This isn’t going to sound convincing but I heard a smarter person than me on the radio a few months back talking the NBN. Speeds are restricted to us plebs due to the high cost of the main backbone of the NBN network. To make it affordable(as possible) they restrict the speeds so it puts less pressure on the backbone network. It has practically nothing to do with whether there is fibre to your house or copper. His analogy was its like spending money paving your driveway, when you have a dirt road to your house.
I have FTTP here and my speeds are ~12down and 10up.
Maljudgement’s NBN lie has been on very public display for quite some time now – his incessant repetitions of the blame and lies degrades and disrespects the electorate each and every time he utters them
I believe that disrespect is accelerating his downfall more than everything else combined
This is just staggering, would their be a case for a class action do you think? I really can’t believe what they’ve done to you guy’s, I effing hate politicians
I rang a motorbike shop in the Barossa the other month to order some oil for my bike & got through to a message bank for a number completely unrelated to the shop, hesitantly I left a message but tried ringing again & the same thing happened again, so the next day I called into the shop to buy the oil & I asked him about the call going to a different message bank number & the guy told me it had been happening ever since the NBN was connected & if they didn’t get to the phone by the 4th ring it automatically went to a strange message bank & they weren’t the only business in the area having the problem, go figure!!
IMHO,The internet should be free like are they gunna run out of data or something, Free like water.
Think of the extra brain power it would encourage.
KICK This mob out !.
Interesting how ‘buzz’ phrases get overused by our non-thinking politicians. I started to get annoyed on Question Time by the ‘hard-working Australian families’ that Dorothy Dixers kept using. Over and over, day after day. Then, I noticed Bill Shorten over-using ‘the fact of the matter’ in his speeches, a quirk occasionally copied by his follower Bowen. Now, in this article, Mal, the workers pal, decided to sweep the market and used both hackneyed phrases. So, memo to our pollies–in the New Year, can you avoid both brainless contributions to Aussie English?
I am just SO over this government. Its a disgrace. I trust them with nothing. Everything Turnbull touches turns to ….
turnbull and abbott should be in jail for the greatest fraud ever committed in Australia. Surely there must be some means of holding these bastards accountable? Other than voting them out of office so they can live happily ever after on all their tax payer funded lurks, perks and jerks. Respect?…Nah, just a pair of assholes.
Since i can’t get a landline, I signed with Telstra Wi-fi for $56 for 9.5.GBs. Apart from a large update for Win10 this month, I used the normal quantity. This month’s bill is nearly triple that. Any other provider with a better deal?
I’m totally wireless. In my household we use our phone’s hotspots to connect to the internet on laptops, PS3. We even watch Netflix through it. I’ve not had a landline for years and doubt I’ll ever sign up to the NBN.
NBN is so good in Tasmania that it is hard for me to believe the bad experience that you all have in the other states.
Here it is faultless and fast.
But do not worry, I do not give credit to Malcolm & Co.
Ross check out OneRepublic. NB I am now NBN capable but will not get it until I am forced to. Dropouts on my ADSL happen everyday since the are became NBN enabled. Jack not true. You have got 2 things mixed up. You are getting that speed on FTTP because that is what you have signed up for. The driveway analogy you refer to is for those with Copper on the last ‘mile’ the speed cannot get past it’s limit which is governed by state of copper and no of users. For those wishing to know your theoretical speeds this tool is helpful
If you need over 100 GB go NBN if not stay wireless.
“..with rapidly evaporating..”
Ha,ha! Nothing left to evaporate. All respect vanished, the day Turnbull announced his plan for the NBN and it dawned on everyone who knows anything about communications technology that it was a “fraudband”. No point driving the point home and saying “I told you so!”.
Why do you think he fired the entire top management of NBN Co. and brought in his team of sycophantic liars?
I just got my latest Telstra Bill. In light of this discussion it is hilarious…..
“As of November 2017, our internet Speed Boost and speed descriptions are changing for nbn, ADSL, Cable and Velocity customers. This will have no impact on the speed of your internet service and provides a clearer description on the speed you may receive as a Telstra customer.
If you have a Speed Boost the name changes will be as follows:
Very Fast will now be known as Standard Plus Speed
Super Fast will be called Premium Speed
If you don’t have a Speed Boost the changes will be as follows:
Fast will now be Standard Speed
Super Fast 100/Ultimate will now be Premium Speed”
Premium, I assume. is a good geeneric term to mean the best we can deliver.
My dear old 80 year old mother – who has a chronic heart condition, BTW -was forced onto NBN a month ago and immediately lost her landline phone connection. The only way it works is to have it plugged into the router next to the PC… at the other end of the house, NOT where she needs the phone in the lounge room beside her armchair!
Turnbull should be renamed Passion Fingers he f#cks everything he touches
Oh, and her wireless no longer reaches throughout the house and in some instances is not detected by handheld devices like mobile phones etc. I agree with a previous poster: class action MUST be an option. We cannot let Turnbull’s saboteurs retire scot free and leave their excremental mess behind.
@Ross Cameron – when we moved house (within a metropolitan area), Telstra could not supply us with Broadband, except for hopelessly expensive wireless Broadband. Promised us ADSL “when a port becomes available”. Who’d thunk this is 2017 – such an innovation nation. Anyway we went with Optus Wirless Broadband – costs $70 per month for 200 GB. Seems pretty stable so far, and almost the same as Cable at our previous address. NBN to the Node has been promised for 2019. I’m going to tell them where they can shove it.
Remember when Kevin Rudd used to lecture us with extensive explanations, but at least he knew what he was talking about.Then we had Julia Gillard who spoke clearly and precisely on any question – and with respect for the questioner. Now we have Bill Shorten in Opposition, but able to make strong and telling speeches when he has the opportunity, and to answer questions in a forum such as Q&A with assurance and precision because he knows what he is talking about and he respects the audience.
Then we had Tony Abbott who repeatedly showed that he knew nothing about anything and could only stumble along with boring three-word sound bytes.
Now we have Malcolm Turnbull as PM, who ums and ahs and waves his arms about as he tries to make the audience believe that he knows everything and the audience knows nothing and deserves to be treated with disdain. In fact, I wonder if he believes they should be heard at all.
With rapidly evaporating respect, Mr Turnbull, that’s crap!
Some questions for anybody that can help and are more tech savvy than I am.
If I go wireless instead of signing up for the NBN am I able to keep my landline?
What happens to people with medi-alerts if the phone is inoperative?
What happens to the old and infirm or anybody that needs to dial 000 in an emergency if their phone is inoperable?
Maybe if Malcolm Turnbull is reading this he could answer my questions, then again a flock of pigs just flew past the window.
Humph … even Turnbulls “With great respect” is condescending spin
We wanted a land line so we got the NBN a turk and a kurd came and we had a lovely chat and they went up into the ceiling etc and the box is right next to my desk. We went to telstra and a young tattooed woman of grandaughter age was enthralled by my darling and worked out what we would use and we are perfectly happy. However our grand son rocked up and in a few days used much of our download and off to telstra she explained to the lad and worked a timetable for him, reset the data download and bob’s the uncle again.
It seems funny that telstra is weakest when phone contact?? The luck is finding a human with empathy??
Premium usually means believe me it is better so that is why I am charging you more.
Just watch the voters of Bennelong (I wonder how many Eastwood locals have any idea of the indigenous man whose name their suburb has coopted?) show just how little they care about the Liberal’s politics of inequality, ecosystem decline and climate injustice as they vote on Saturday.
Privilege really does dull the human senses and snuffs out any residue of compassion for country that might once have existed – but that’s neoliberalism for ya.
A (nother) dud delivered courtesy of neoliberal ideology. Rudd’s version was sound, it would have replaced the ageing and increasingly unreliable copper lines with fibre to the premises in most city/urban areas.
Sure it would have taken longer to roll out than Abbott/Turnbull’s Frankenstein network but it would have resulted in a reliable system that does not require a lot of maintenance compared with FTTN etc.
The current mis mash will inevitably require further injection of resources to bring it up to somewhere near global standards and to future-proof it. We could have learned from NZ.
It seems the richer we become as a nation the less we can afford to nation-building infrastructure. Why is that?
Below is an example of the bullshit tellstrar weave to make you feel important and moreover how they change the subject”
, “As of November 2017, our internet Speed Boost and speed descriptions are changing for nbn, ADSL, Cable and Velocity customers. This will have no impact on the speed of your internet service and provides a clearer description on the speed you may receive as a Telstra customer.
If you have a Speed Boost the name changes will be as follows:
Very Fast will now be known as Standard Plus Speed
Super Fast will be called Premium Speed
If you don’t have a Speed Boost the changes will be as follows:
Fast will now be Standard Speed
Super Fast 100/Ultimate will now be Premium Speed”
WTF is that?.
What utterly pissed me off today, and got me angrier than I have been in a long time was a piece on the news with Turnbull showing up on the last day of the RCCSA saying to victims in an obvious media set piece, he’s here to help. It was vomit worthy in his sickening condescension of those victims whose hands he grabbed as though he was deeply concerned as to their fate.
The only commissions the Liberals are interested in are ones they can spend 100’s of millions in destroying the Labor party any other opposition.
Fact is if it wasn’t for a Labor government with the assistance of two independents, this commission would never have happened under any Liberal government, including a Turnbull one.
Here is a link with other expert opinions about the fraudband. But who needs experts now, eh?
Everyone has an opinion and (like me) happy to voice it online but very few have the guts to get out and stand for what they believe in. Main problem is professional politicians (never done anything but), second is the cost/jumping hoops to stand for election and thirdly being gullible enough to believe you can succeed. Look around and see Pauline Hanson keeps doing it, if a twit like her can win a seat it is obvious, all you need is narrow vision, small brain and a touch of bigotry to be in control of our beautiful country. Enough to make a grown man cry. Another can of Jim Beam please!!!!
Yes, the NBN has been totally compromised by rAbbott/Turdball. In its present form it can never provide the internationally transformative communication channel that it was capable of. And this enormously expensive national loss is down to the wedge politics that the Coalition dickheads pursue because they have no ideas of their own. Regrettably, the totally compromised “mixed technology” that these dickheads have inflicted upon us will be impossible to disentangle once this mob of self-serving idiots are replaced. And guess what: “It will all be Labor’s fault”.
Kaye why do you write so politely about this prine minister. why not call a spade a spade Turnball is a fraudulent scumbag. Please stop calling him ‘Malcolm’ .
As I’m heavily dependent on the internet to operate my business I’m dreading May 2018 when “NBN will be introduced progressively in your area”. I’m currently on Telstra ADSL2 and the best I get is 8-10 MBPS download, under half of the 20+MBPS promised, and I live less than 600 metres from the Telstra exchange. But at least service is consistent and doesn’t often drop out so I’ve learned to live with it.
The NBN in Tasmania is crap where it has been rolled at as fibre to a micronode, then by existing direct buried degraded copper to the premises such as in many cases 40 odd years old.(mine) Some locations got fibre to the premises which was rolled out under Labor in the start, but it is not without its problems as more connections come on-line after a three year delay in activating the premises lines. I attended a public meeting concerned about the many NBN issues , poor service, slow speeds, drop-outs etc. so all is not rosy in Tasmania.
Go get him! He foisted this debacle, knowingly and with his arrogance forethought, on our entire nation. He always thought he could get away with downplaying the inefficiencies of fttn against the politics of championing a lower cost NBN. Labour wanted to spend the money and the Luberals wanted to highlight how much they could save. And as the most pivotal national infrastructure project in 100 years it was always going to be way too important to opt for second best. Always…..so the public swallowed it and voted.
The debacle of the Abbott government continues to haunt the nation. Sigh.
The public bought it…aided and abetted by the shreiking MSM….
If you want the truth of what is happening in the rest of the world, I highly recommend reading the attached paper (or totarams link to the article about the paper)
The Tragedy of Australia’s National Broadband Network
Australia’s National Broadband Network is heavily dependent on a soon-to-be-obsolete technology (FTTN) that most of the world has rejected. The FTTN-based network was sold to the Australian public based on an underestimate of Australia’s broadband needs (Tucker, 2014), and continues to be justified using incorrect estimates of the cost differentials between FTTN and FTTP.
The FTTN network performs poorly compared to FTTP networks used elsewhere in the world. What is worse is that the NBN does not have a clear and affordable upgrade path. FTTN is of limited value to some users, such as high-end users and small businesses, who require affordable access to higher speeds than FTTN can deliver.
In the meantime, the rest of the world is moving to FTTP and gigabit cities are thriving. Leaders in broadband delivery around the world are already planning for upgrades in their FTTP technology to even higher speeds.
This situation is nothing short of a national tragedy and a classic example of failed infrastructure policy that will have long-term ramifications for Australia’s digital economy.
This looks suspicious to me and I hope that I am wrong, on today’s news we have two from USA:
One “The US’s top media regulator voted to end rules protecting an open internet on Thursday, a move critics warn will hand control of the future of the web to cable and telecoms companies.”
The other “Rupert Murdoch has begun the breakup of his global media empire, announcing a $66bn (£50bn) deal with Disney to sell assets including his Hollywood film studio and a controlling stake in Sky.”
It would not surprise me that he knew about the media regulator scraping the rules well in advance and now he will look into control the internet.
As soon as this man and other media magnates have control of the internet we will have a good NBN in Australia to control the masses.
Kiss goodbye to any independent media in the future.
Kaye Lee, if you, or anybody else, are having difficulties with the Telstra NBN I suggest you write an old fashioned letter to the CEO of Telstra at
Andrew Penn
Office Of The CEO
Locked Bag 5639
Melbourne Vic 3001
listing details of your experience. You will be contacted by someone from the Executive Customer Contact Team who may be able to help. At the very least you will have contact with a real person at Telstra HQ. I don’t think many people know of this option.
The most infuriating element in all of this – Maljudgement Turncoat continually lies and NO-ONE in the MSM will haul him up on it
Telstra will tell you that it is not their fault. Whilst that is not entirely true, it is the government who have f*cked us over. I dealt with the ombudsman’s office for over a year. It was a hellish experience for all concerned. They are a toothless tiger. I await the next instalment of this ongoing saga on Monday when the complaints people are supposed to ring me back…..again.
Two years ago, when Abbott was dumped, the nation breathed a collective sigh of relief. But all we got was a snake-oil salesman replacing a thug. What will we exhale when Turnbull is justly dumped? Oil of vitriol?
Over a year ago I signed up to receive email updates from NBN on progress in our area. Not one single communication since then. Our ADSL gives us always less than 7 Mbps download (upload 0.3) but recently it has become very erratic and sometimes impossible to connect to a website. I often wonder if this is Telstra’s way of softening us up for the impending NBN connection. Our node is over 2 km from our premises so not much hope of a 21st Century connection anyway. We are becoming a third world country and it is being foisted on us by a bunch of incompetents looking only to score political points. To paraphrase the snake-oil guy, “It’s never been a less exciting time to be an Australian.”
Turnbull, a megaphone for the neo-conservatives. What a lot of Australians refuse to believe, as they voted neo-con. To see Turnbulls Bennelong acceptance speech on the ABC Saturday night, is the very ugly and very real side of Australian politics in 2017 soon to be 2018 Australia. Watching this pompus,rabid, self-absorbed prick..reminds one of 1930’s Europe and the little corporal who became a dictator. The neoc-cons have taken over and don;t want to let go
A homily about large organisations comes to mind; a particular matter might smell like a sewer at workman level, by the time the matter is dealt with by management it has become a bucket of roses.
Turnbull must be getting truck loads full of roses, when he should have been receiving real information about what’s going on with the NBN.
It is so obvious that there are problems with the NBN that Turnbull makes himself look foolish in trying to push contrary views.