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Peter Dutton and the pursuit of fame

By Noel Wauchope

Peter Dutton is the leader of Australia’s opposition party – the Liberal-National Coalition.

Which is pretty noteworthy and important, anyway. But of course, he would be more important if he is elected as Prime Minister in 2025. But is that enough fame for him?

Dutton aspires to a greater, global, significance. He would be the first world leader to introduce the commercial, peaceful, advanced nuclear industry to not just a country, but to an entire continent. And not to some “third-world” “undeveloped” country “in need of charity” – but to a prosperous, privileged, purportedly well-educated, and still mainly white population.

For the global nuclear industry – that would be a first! And not just any old first, but an extremely timely one. Just released this week, The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2024 describes an industry on life support. Even back in 2016 Former World Nuclear Association executive Steve Kidd spoke to this problem, noting that “the industry is essentially running to stand still.”

For Australia to adopt a government-run nuclear industry involving both large and small nuclear reactors across a continent – what a wonderful shot in the arm for the global nuclear lobby. And Dutton – what a hero!

Dutton would be famous not just in Australia, but world-wide

Is this why Peter Dutton is promoting his nuclear policy?

I can’t think of any other reason.

Australia, especially in the State of South Australia, is becoming a world leader in renewable energy use – particularly in decentralised household rooftop solar, but also in large solar and wind programmes. Of course, Australia’s mining magnates are pretty happy with Dutton’s plan, as it will mean more mining, not just of uranium, but of coal and gas in the decades before nuclear power actually comes into use.

So – look – it’s a winner for Dutton’s fame.

And if that doesn’t work, there’s fame in another way

The last Liberal Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, is a great contender for the worst Prime Minister in Australian history. Just a few of his achievements to merit this award were:

Economically, the nuclear power programme, added to the continuing AUKUS nuclear deal, could pretty well bankrupt Australia. Although Dutton claims that nuclear power will be cheap, he’s given no costings, and the over-riding opinion of energy and economics experts is that nuclear power would be the most expensive form of energy for Australia.

Environmentally, Dutton’s plan includes advanced nuclear reactors, which will require plutonium or enriched uranium – so this brings virtually eternal radioactive pollution into Australia (something that has been nearly avoided up until now). It also brings the hazards of nuclear weapons proliferation, and terrorism targets.

So – it’s a bold venture for Peter Dutton, to centre his election campaign on promoting the nuclear industry. He is to be commended for bravery in taking such a big risk.

If Dutton carries this through, as Prime Minister, he will rapidly gain world fame.

But also, as far as Australia is concerned, he could beat Scott Morrison into history as the nation’s worst Prime Minister.

Dutton’s big risk is that he might not get elected in 2025, and vanish very quickly from history.


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  1. John C

    Infamous is a much more accurate word to describe the towball headed toss pot. A lot like the bloated orange felon across the big pond. They will both go down in history as embarrassments not only to their respective countries but also to the world and our species in general. If enough Australians were gullible enough to vote the thing from the swamp in to the big chair our country will spiral down the toilet faster than a big mac fueled turd from the ‘pussy’ fondler himself. I shudder to think of the consequences..

  2. Clakka

    Is it a sprouting Spud, a burbling Diving Bell, or a flamin Intercontinental Bullet Head? Yep, certainly all three, as he emerges from ground zero, tosses a line in to go fission or perhaps generate con fusion. Even he’s not sure, but will let us know when he gets off his red ess and accesses a load of kryptonite from the Daily Planet.

  3. pierre wilkinson

    considering the abysmal record of the lib/nats at building anything, it is more likely that this will become a non core promise

  4. Andrew Smith

    Useful idiot and wiling dupe for the fossil fueled faux free market authoritarianism in RW MSM, wise elders, Atlas Koch IPA, CIS etc with a mining heiress, bought politicians and white Christian nationalism.

    If one was a current Liberal Party normie, one would be alarmed at how the far right QLD LNP with a US ‘southern strategy has been hijacked or become a Trojan horse to take over the Liberal Party nationally, especially now NSW, Victoria next?

    Normally one would be not be worried but our skewed nativist RW media conditioning older &/or regional voters negatively to support power eg. the CIS-Advance-Rhinehart-Murdoch Voice No campaign…. too easy

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