By Khaled
This post has two objectives. It addresses two audiences:
1. Non-Muslims, and
2. Muslims
For argument’s sake, let me give you a bit of background information first, thus leading to the purpose and reason for this post.
On an international scale, we all agree that Islam is and has been the ‘flavour of the month’ or the ‘Hottest Topic’ for almost 25 years. It started with the first invasion of Iraq, which lead to all sorts of false/mass hysteria and fictitiously associating Islam with terrorism. Twenty five years down life’s pipeline and we are still dealing with the same issues but only on a larger and more exacerbated scale.
With the awakening of the Alt-Right extremists groups; actually let me rephrase that; with the ‘cleaned and polished’ facade of the old time racism, bigotry and xenophobia the attacks on Islam and Muslims has reached an unprecedented state. And if you ask me who was the subject prior to Islam, my answer would be Communism, but that is a separate topic.
For those who know me, I have been on the activist trail fighting racism, bigotry and anything that demoralises and denigrates humans and humanity for only a short 9 months. I am ashamed of myself for not starting this part of my life at a much earlier age or phase. My ‘feel good’ response to this dark spot in my mind and heart is “better late than never”. But that only lasts for a few seconds.
I have also been advocating Islam for the better part of my 43 years through different and various means. May Allah swt (Arabic words “Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala,” or “Glory to Him, the Exalted”) help me to continue on with this path until the day I lose my amanah (life).
During the last nine months I have come across thousands of people, other than Muslims, of different walks of life, different backgrounds, different cultures, different faiths, different genders, different ages and different sexual preferences. The noted variances are absolutely enormous but just as much, rather gorgeous. They all seem to share the one single commonality; and that is an acknowledgment and belonging to the human race. They see and know the differences, but through the sheer power and strength of the mentioned commonality, these differences are overshadowed thus rendering them rather insignificant. These people have an objective and that is to end Islamophobia and protect Muslims by any means necessary.
Now that I have covered my first objective, which is the non-Muslim addressee, I shall proceed onto addressing my second objective and that is the Muslim addressee.
In the last nine months I have seen far more non-Muslims working tirelessly at abolishing Islamophobia and protecting Muslims than Muslim people. The scare and fear mongering campaign of the Alt-Right extremist groups only works if we submit to it and run away in fear of retribution and retaliation. Our ill-actions or little-action, plays into their hands and makes their task much easier to implement and complete. Consequently, our lack of action makes the task of the first addressee of my post, i.e. the non-Muslims, far too difficult to achieve.
So I can’t help but ask, where is the cohesion that our Prophet Mohammad pbuh (“Peace be upon Him”), ordered us to have for each other including all of mankind? Where is the sense of solidarity and camaraderie for your brothers and sisters? Did the Prophet not order us to stand beside one another like a solid object? Out of 1.7b Muslims around the world, there are over 500,000 in Australia. Imagine if we all stood together along with our non-Muslim brothers and sisters, how quickly we could diminish Islamophobia. Imagine how easy it would be to remove that false facade off the face of racism and bigotry.
I remind myself and you of two stories from our Prophet pbuh. Two of great significance and teachings.
1. Narrated by Qais ibn Sa’d reported: A funeral passed by the Messenger of Allah pbuh, and he stood up. It was said to him, “It is a Jew”. The Prophet said, “Was he not a soul?” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 1250, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 961
2. Narrated by Anas: The prophet pbuh said, “Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is an oppressed one. The people asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! It is all right to help him if he is oppressed, but how should we help him if he is an oppressor?” The Prophet said, “By preventing him from oppressing others.”
So I make this oath and declaration before Allah swt; that I will keep fighting for humanity. And when Islam isn’t the hot topic nor the flavour of the era, I will keep on this path fighting for humanity and fighting for what is right irrespective of who is or are being oppressed. And if the oppressor are Muslims for some type of unscrupulous reason, I will stand besides my non-Muslim brothers and sisters in the face of oppression. Let’s find the bond to unify humanity and mankind. Let’s drive this fight together to end disgraceful, inhumane and immoral acts against mankind. This is our obligation. This is our duty. #changestartswithme #istandwithhumanity #FU2Racism
Peace, love and respect to All,
a powerful article. Also, one that I imagine was hard to put together when balancing separate perspectives that actually in reality need not be separate.
Generally speaking, every sane person and groups of people want your over-arching message of “Peace, love and respect to All”.
As a woman however, I struggle to see how varied religions focus on equality between women and men.
I understand Mohammed had respectful teachings towards women and I accept that vast numbers of Muslims respect those aspects of his teachings.
However, for me in the 21st century, there is so much more that needs to be done even by the most equitable members of the Muslim community.
Those things include such simple things like gender-inclusive language, re-definition of what constitutes moral or modest clothing and who should be community role-model leaders. These would be good starts from my perspective.
Thanks for your communication. This is how diverse communities come together to understand and respect each other.
It is not necessary to adhere to a religious belief to fight oppression. Indeed, consider Marxism, which argues that religious belief is used by the wealthy as an instrument of distraction and oppression.
Beautiful words, Khaled.
It is written for Muslims and non-Muslims. It could easily have been written for religious people and non-religious people: the message is the same.
I am in awe of a Muslim brave enough to admit those who kill indiscriminately are not martyrs and will not be rewarded in heaven by Allah.
You should be commended on your efforts in fighting for Allah, the god of peace.
Pleasewould you make a comment on Jennifer’s post?
Which part of my post in particular, wam?
There are reasons that Islam is the “hot topic”. It hasn’t been plucked out of the air for no reason and it is important to acknowledge that.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of Muslims who just want to live their lives in peace and have the opportunity to be productive members of their community are tarred with the same brush as those Muslims who have chosen violence.
Even worse are those who have chosen to influence vulnerable young people to give up their lives as cannon fodder for machinations far more cynical than some love of a religion. Violence comes from greed and the pursuit of power.
I despair as I see innocent civilians caught up in the horror of the struggle in the Middle East – attacked by all sides. I do not know what it is like to live with bombs raining down, but far too many people do know what it is like.
How can humanity continue this murder that is perpetrated by Muslims and non-Muslims alike, both sides claiming to be fighting for freedom as they bomb schools and hospitals?
I fear the truth is some rich people make a lot of money out of keeping us scared, fuelling tensions, and selling weapons to anyone with the money to buy them.
Politicians love to pull “national security” reins for their own political purposes. Make them scared and then tell them that only you can protect them.
We also need to hear more Muslim voices joining others in condemning the abhorrent abuses inflicted on women and girls around the world. I stand in awe of Malala Yousafzai. She is an inspiration to us all.
Thank you for your words. We don’t hear enough from or about ordinary Muslims in our communities living their lives in peace and harmony and accepting of all cultures and beliefs.
Very moving Khaled.
I am an Atheist. To the core.
With a father who ”got religion” at somewhere around 60ish and became a jehova, and a brother who got religion at 16 and is an asshole I see little reason to change.
IF I was changing my mind these words could get my vote.
@ JMS. If Khaled had used ”HUMANkind” would he have gotten through more ?
”So I make this oath and declaration before Allah swt; that I will keep fighting for humanity. And when Islam isn’t the hot topic nor the flavour of the era, I will keep on this path fighting for humanity and fighting for what is right irrespective of who is or are being oppressed. And if the oppressor are Muslims for some type of unscrupulous reason, I will stand besides my non-Muslim brothers and sisters in the face of oppression. Let’s find the bond to unify humanity and mankind. Let’s drive this fight together to end disgraceful, inhumane and immoral acts against mankind. This is our obligation. This is our duty. #changestartswithme #istandwithhumanity #FU2Racism
Peace, love and respect to All,”
Says it ALL in my book. Makes no difference who, or why is oppressing, or being oppressed.
The message is let us ALL fight it. TOGETHER.
Kaye, I lived in the UK around the time of the IRA bombing.
Twenty years later I happened to be in Donegal and met some people from Belfast who were the best of friends. One was Catholic, the other Protestant. They said that the troublemakers were a very small minority on both sides.
My point is this: do we vilify all Catholics and Protestants from Ireland because of what a few did? If not, why do we vilify Muslims?
It makes no sense Peter. As Khaled says, we must stand together against those few who would cause us harm, those who would divide us. I fear there is political capital in conflict and am ashamed of our politicians for exploiting it.
The nearest I come to believing in anything would have to be nature and the infinite beyond when one looks at the stars at night. That aside, I am all for peace and love between all peoples and the genders. Thanks Khaled.
Will our Immigration Minister Dutton allow Mojgan Shamsalipoor to stay in Australia… I caught the tail-end of the Australian story and thought first that she was just another Aussie girl…
Will Mal have mercy and do a captain’s call..?
‘Humanity’ and ‘humankind’ work for me. My comments apply to the way most religions are taught.
I support Khaled’s call for peaceful co-existence and inclusiveness. Sorry to be anally retentive … but that inclusiveness means language and gender balance in leadership roles at all levels throughout all our communities too.
“In a sense we’ve come to our nation’s capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the “unalienable Rights” of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked “insufficient funds.”
But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so, we’ve come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.”
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
28th August, 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr.
When your religion (or, for that matter, your colour, your gender, your sexuality, your ethnicity, your age, your wealth, your politics) becomes of no consideration and the content of your character becomes your definition, we can enjoy neither the riches of our freedoms or the security of justice.
Thank you Khaled, and commenters. Take care
These words of inspiration speak for me, “…the content of your character becomes your definition”. Well done, Kyran.
In my opinion, religion should be discouraged at every opportunity. Those that advocate religion are perpetuating a curse upon humanity and brainwashing children is the mechanism they use which, is child abuse. Let’s unite together and destroy this curse once and for all.
“Mohammed made it clear that wherever there was a contradiction in the Koran; the earlier verse would be abrogated (cancelled out) by the later verse. Since the Koran is not written chronological order, it is impossible to understand it without knowing which verses have been abrogated. Muslims often point to non-violent quotes from the Meccan Koran, but fail to point out that these verses have been abrogated by later ones.” — Harry Richardon “The Story of Mohammed”
Sorry, Khaled gets no support from me.
I agree with Harquebus. The world would be a far better place if religion was eliminated. Religion has been used as the excuse for most of the greatest atrocities.
I don’t believe in religion either, but I believe in the underlying message of this article. Peace, love, and tolerance.
No matter what you or I think of religions, well, this is irrelevant to the message.
The European Court of Justice has handed down a ruling on religious or political symbols in the workplace
In its first ruling on an issue that has become highly charged across Europe, the Court of Justice (ECJ) found a Belgian firm which had a rule that employees who dealt with customers should not wear visible religious or political symbols may not have discriminated against a Muslim receptionist it dismissed for wearing a headscarf.
The judgement on that and a French case came on the eve of a Dutch election in which Muslim immigration is a key issue and weeks before a similarly charged presidential vote in France, where headscarves are banned in public service jobs.
So I take from your post that there is a question mark over the authenticity of the European Court of Justice because of its timing in making such a politically-charged decision.
Jennifer Meyer-Smith
“So I take from your post that there is a question mark over the authenticity of the European Court of Justice because of its timing in making such a politically-charged decision.”
How in heavens name did you come up with such a strange conclusion
Court of Justice of the European Union
March 2017
I beg your pardon?
You slipped it in without any explanation and that was my interpretation of your intent. Not theirs. Explain otherwise.
HarquebusMarch 15, 2017 at 10:39 am
“In my opinion, religion should be discouraged at every opportunity.”
It was in response to that comment, seems the ECJ agrees
Make sure you explain better next time and take ownership for your own politcal position so others can determine whether yours is just a convenient pragmatic piece of politics or a philosophical point of view.
Jennifer Meyer-Smith
Don’t lecture me !!
Religion is all about mind control. Any reference to peace, love and tolerance is for the gullible. These are human traits and do not need religion.
The beauty of religion is, in order to receive ones reward for a lifetime of obedience, sacrifice and piety, one must die. Brilliant!
Harquebus; when Jesus spoke of the kingdom of heaven being among us now, he was not speaking of the dead . He meant us to see a way of being human that we have never totally understood, sometimes achieve, and that could change the world. Sadly, before he was born, and still today , those who love power use religion as a tool to gain it and wealth as well! Look fora faith community that gives rather than takes, loves rather than hates and you will find this heaven NOW ! They do exist, but lacking the hunger for power you might never hear of them.
Wan, plenty of Muslims would not believe that people who die in a battle of questionable justfication are martyrs. I was struck by the remark of a young man of Afghan origin whose father had died in fighting during the Soviet occupation. He said, “I don’t know whether he is a martyr or not.”