Peace be upon all

By Khaled

First and foremost, a heartfelt sorrow is extended to all the people who have fallen victim to the recent attacks in London. Know that the world is praying for you and your loved ones.

Through every media and social network, we keep hearing the words “attack”, “terrorism”, “extremism”, “radicalization”, “fanaticism”, “mental illness” and “lone-wolf” each and every time an incident or calamity transpires. And rightly so, they need to be called out for what they are. There is no denying that.

Following each incident, the occupier of the highest office of the country where the incident had taken place – as well as other leaders – the following statements are iterated; “With tackling and fighting terrorism and extremism, things have got to change … To the terrorists we say, enough is enough … The people of (whatever the country is) will stand together in solidarity in the face of terrorism and extremism and we will not be divided.”

Yes indeed, enough is enough. Yes indeed, things have got to change. Yes indeed, we will always stand together in solidarity. But what is it that both the governments and people are actually doing to address terrorism, extremism, radicalization, fanaticism, mental illness and lone-wolf attacks?

Well, governments would have you believe that they are fighting terrorism in their backyards to protect the people and citizens of our country … And that is true. Governments are fighting terrorists groups in their backyards. But is it really the right solution when the acts of terror are being carried out by our own people and not someone that is or was thousands of kilometres away? Thinking about this for some time now, I can’t help but think of the following questions;

Q: Is fighting terrorism in foreign countries actually keeping us safe?
A: No.

Q: Is this form of retaliation or action by our governments, actually working?
A: No.

Q: WHY ISN’T IT WORKING? Now this is the most complex question we are currently faced with. This is the question that no one seems to be asking nor pushing for an answer. This is the question that should be asked of our leaders. And we, the international citizens, should be demanding for an immediate answer so that the government can strategize an effective action plan.

The age of the terrorism problem that the world is faced with is almost 100yrs old (start of the 20th Century). Albeit some would disagree and say it’s either ~70yrs old (creation of the Zionist state of Israel) or 30yrs old (Desert Storm 1 – first invasion of Iraq). Whichever age you incline towards, it’s been far too long, one way or the other, to not have the right answer. It’s time for us to question the integrity and effectiveness of the currently implemented method(s) of address. It’s time to seek and demand for an answer because, quite frankly, the problem is worsening as time goes by. If governments remain on the current path, I am afraid to say that we may live the same life portrayed in the movie Mad Max.


Now I don’t claim to have the answer(s) either. I will attempt to identify the root causes; some of which may not resonate with you and that is perfectly fine. I welcome your comments, feedback, clarifications to consolidate all the applicable root causes.

The Root Causes:

Western Government’s Foreign Policies: Western Government’s Foreign Policies have failed miserably. This failure goes way back to the colonization and slavery of Indigenous and African people respectively. Post WWI, the western governments have ripped apart the Ottoman Empire within the Middle East, or specifically The Levant, and placed puppets as dictators. The Saudi Family (Capitalists), Assad (The Baath Party), Mubarak (pro-Zionist), Saddam (Baath Party), Gaddafi (Capitalist and pro-Communism) etc are all puppets placed in positions of power by the western governments. It was the British Government that initiated the Zionist Movement in Palestine (one of the biggest – if not the biggest – terrorist and oppressive organization the world has ever and would ever know).

Both the British and French governments cut up the Middle East and placed different borders around it to segregate and separate the people of The Levant. This is why the country Kurdistan no longer exists. Afghanistan was a peaceful country until Russia and USA fought over the Natural Gas-pipe Corridor rights. Sectarian war between Sunni’s and Shia’s in Iraq never existed until the USA invaded Iraq and placed Maliki in power, who oppressed the minority Sunni’s of Iraq. This was the catalyst and main cause for the uprise of ISI (Islamic State of Iraq), which then became ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and The Levant) when they joined power with the Syrian thug group Shabeeha. ISIL is now known as ISIS.

By the way, Baghdadi (head of ISIS) is one of Syria’s biggest collaborators. He was the head of Shabeeha. With Russia and Iran helping Assad slaughter Syrian people whilst USA invaded Iraq, the sectarian war in Iraq and Syria blew out of proportion. This is a 6yr old war and the only people that are intensely suffering from it are the poor public, followed by you and I. The current western policies are the same 100yr old policies only polished and made to look and sound presentable by current western living standards.

Eastern Government Foreign Policies: The leaders of the Middle East countries are as much to blame, if not more, than the western governments. No patriotism whatsoever. Not one single leader stands up in the face of wrong and tries to make right. Saudi, Qatar, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iran, Palestine, Egypt, Yemen, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Turkey etc are all lead by deceitful, unfaithful, unpatriotic leaders/governments. They are consumed with greed, wealth and lust whilst their people suffer immensely. The recent $420b handover by the Saudi government to USA is $60b more than what’s required to re-build the entire Middle East. Imagine if that amount of money was spent towards the benefit of the Middle East and its people. You give no person a reason to be so angry at anyone. I guarantee you there will not be a single person that would have any sense of animosity or hate towards anyone or any foreign country.

Refugees/Asylum Seekers: The wars in the Middle East are the only reason why there are so many refugees and asylum seekers trying to enter out country (and I don’t mean that in a derogatory sense). These innocent lives are fleeing persecution, which is instigated by the western and eastern governments policies, which I like to refer to as (corporate greed or capitalism). They are fleeing their countries seeking safety and refuge in our countries. To add to the fact that our governments play a major part in displacing these beautiful souls, they also have the hide to treat these people with such disdain and inhumane means. When the youth of our country – who may share the same faith and ethnic background as those refugees – see, hear and read about the inhumane treatment and the condescending rhetoric from our leaders that’s directed towards the refugees, how do you think they will react?

Political Disparagement: Politicians are elected to represent all the people. They aren’t elected to scorn, vilify or denigrate people of ethnic background. Politicians with dangerous views and policies shouldn’t be allowed ‘free-speech’ because their voices and speech couldn’t be further away from free speech. It’s more like sanctioned racism and discrimination. As occupants of a national public platform, they must held responsible for dangerous political demagoguery. This type of behaviour should be banned as the consequences of it creates nothing but a divisive community that’s filled with nothing but hate and resentment. Furthermore, politicians always state “Islamic Extremism” as though the word extremism is only associated with Islam. What about White Supremacy Extremism or Christian Extremism or Zionist Extremism? I agree that we should call it for what it is but we must make sure that there is only standard that we abide by.

Media and Media Presenters: The quality and methods of presenting ‘news’ nowadays is appalling to say the least. There is no checking of the credibility of the story before it is aired. The majority of media outlets seem to work on the same premise. Any person incites hate, or stands by the extreme right (Tawhidi) or has an inclination towards radicalism or if the story has anything to do with sectarian tension, they get more attention and all the air-time than those who promote peace. Think about Justin Trudeau. How many times do we see him on our screens compared to Trump, Hanson, Dutton, Marie Le Pen, Tawhidi or Geert Wilders? Imagine if Trudeau was given the same air-time. Imagine if peaceful people were given equal air-time on the national and international platforms to promote the opposite of racial vilification and hatred. Imagine if people of faith, such as Pope Francis, was given equal time to share his peaceful sentiments around the world. Imagine if our own Mufti was given any air-time for each and every time he condemned terrorism. Furthermore, the media always flags any hideous act as terrorism when the perpetrator is a Muslim. If the perpetrator isn’t Muslim, then the hideous act is labelled as a crime by a mentally ill person or a lone-wolf. Terror is terror … irrespective of who performs it.

Education: Our kids are deprived of proper education. Correct me if I am wrong, but does any school curriculum include subjects such as Race and Culture? I am all for Safe School Education as it teaches our kids tolerance with others irrespective of gender and sexual preferences. So why not incorporate Race and Culture too? Growing up in Lebanon, I was taught American, African, Asian and European cultures. At that young age, with such openness to other races and cultures, I’ve become accustomed and accepting of the vastness of cultures I am surrounded by. I see the difference between us but my education allows me to see through or beyond it. Therefore it makes no difference to me and thus my behaviour and attitude is reciprocated by the others. Our youth are lacking decent education and that stems from our governments not providing the correct funds. Basically, the same politicians that provoke racial vilification are in control of schools funding. Weed out the racist politicians and we may have a good chance at promoting Race and Culture into our curriculum. On the topic of education, the majority of hideous crimes are carried out by our own people; not refugees. Lack of proper education along with the politicians and media personnel finger-pointing against anyone’s ethnic background and faith plays into the hands of criminals trying to radicalise the youth.

Video Games and Movies: Being privy to high-level violence in current video games, such as Grand Theft Auto (GTA), movies and TV series, has desensitized us to crime and crime scenes. The current form of terrorist acts is taken out of the game GTA. Hop in a vehicle, run over the public, stab and shoot and have no regards to life whatsoever. If you sit a 50yr old and a 20yr old together and tell them an awful crime, watch who would have a gross expression on their face. The 50yr old person would be disgusted at the story whilst the 20yr who plays violet games would be thinking “yeah that’s what I do in the game” …

Proper Scripture Teachings: Needless to say that terrorism and extremism are wrong. In fact, any crime is wrong. But there is a sad reality that the majority of these bad actors are home-grown perpetrators. There is a fundamental issue with the quality of clerics being allowed to address the youth. Community and religious leaders need to take a strong stand and have better means of a vetting process to determine who is a learned cleric with the correct religious/scripture understanding and religious jurisprudence credentials before they are allowed to address anyone in any teachings or sermons. This is applicable to all religion and not just Islam.

Like I said, you may not agree with some or any of what I’ve stated here above. This is purely my opinion. I know I didn’t address every root cause but nevertheless it’s a start.

It took us 30yrs to get to this woeful state of affairs. If we implement the right solutions to the above causes, we can and will eradicate racism, extremism and xenophobia within 20 to 30yrs. Alas, until we acknowledge the above root causes along with anything else that you, the reader, can contribute with, we will never be able to eradicate extremism of whatever faith or ideology. And this brings me to my last point: Until we identify and accept all root causes, we will never be able to answer the question: “WHY ISN’T IT WORKING?”

Until then, stay safe, live to love, live to respect, live to accept, live to tolerate and remain faith and colour blind.

Love and Respect,


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  1. Congratulations Khaled, there’s much I agree with in your post, (And there’s much I disagree with also but that can wait for another time.) That we in Australia have troops ‘over there’ explains, in part, why we have problems ‘over here’ – at least in the immediate. As John Menadue explains:

    The evidence is overwhelming that the cause of present-day Jihadist terrorism is the calamitous decision of George Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard to invade Iraq in 2003. The media, like John Howard, is in denial about the cause of terrorism. Look at the evidence.

    JOHN MENADUE. The terrorists are over here because our troops are over there.

    You can read about Menadue here. He’s hardly a radical.

  2. “There is a fundamental issue with the quality of clerics being allowed to address the youth”.
    There certainly is.
    Every one of them has an imaginary friend that tells them what to do and tells them that people who don’t believe in their imaginary friend is a sinner and is going to hell.
    People like that have no role in educating children.
    The imaginary friend delusion is the elephant in the room.
    It is being used by the oligarchs to sow dissent amongst Jews, Christian, Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists.
    You’re all suckers – dangerous fools.

  3. John, this article is about love and peace, but you would rather focus on your hate of religion. I’m not religious either, but it doesn’t disqualify me from understanding the message.

  4. Michael, these madmen are dragging the rest of us into a dystopic future to satisfy their delusions. It’s about time rational people stopped turning the other cheek and named this world hating insanity. All these fools use the excuse of a higher being or a better next life to justify the most ignorant and selfish acts.

  5. Excellent summary, Khaled.

    There are many actions we must take, preferably simultaneously – but I can’t see that happening.

    A good start would be to devalue oil and other fossil fuels. Twenty years ago this was more a dream, now we really do have the technology to wean off oil. Sure oil will still be necessary, but nowhere near in the same quantities which continue to be guzzled.

    A side benefit would be a cleaner atmosphere. 🙂

    I sometimes wonder if there is not a giant conspiracy between East and West governments, private corporations and religions to retain everything just as it is; keep feeding armaments spending, demand for oil, people continue to be disenfranchised; makes ’em easier to rule and there’s always ‘convenient’ attrition (drowning, caught in friendly fire, permanent detention, suicide).

    Keeping people frightened means retaining the status quo – I can see who benefits from this and it is not the majority of people.

  6. Sums up a lot on several interconnected issues.

    Firstly, the carve up of the Middle East from colonial times but particularly the last century, since the Sykes Picot treaty at the end of WW1 whereby the areas was carved up for the benefit of Western empires often ruled through local stooges.

    Which brings us to Wahabism and Salafism

    Very easy to prop up feudalist puppets who will buy weapons to keep the local masses in line,but the West has always been very keen to throw out nationalist of leftist regimes, particularly since the discovery of oil in massive amounts..funny that, since it all supposed to be a bout principles and civilisation.

    But what if Salafism and Wahabism turn out to be a call to arms to rise up against the West? God knows, Mid Easteners have been given enough reason to fear and hate us. Only a few fanatics need to turn monies over to insurgents (eg the Bin Ladens) and these realise that they can then to take the war against the West to Western territory.

    Guess what, the West made a rod for its enemies to beat it over the back with, for their bad faith dealings with the Islamic world. However, it must be remembered that only the plebs suffer as to this so far, as is also the case in the Mid East (but with much more bloodshed).

    What happens is that a golden opportunity is presented to Western capitalists/conservatives to operate in tandem with Mid East feudalists to undermine democracy and create surveillance states, with the public kept in a state of fear, ignorance and confusion through an information vacuum and sophisticated consent manipulation. Money is thus looted all all over, power maintained via a smokescreen of religion, jingoism and hatred paid for with blood by the ton..

  7. John Inglis, while I may share your sentiments – a strategic approach may be more fruitful at times. One example. A teacher appointed to a particular Aboriginal settlement. First night, he witnessed, in the moonlight, a man belting a woman. He intervened with all the best intentions in the world. The overall result was he alienated all ‘tribal groups’ in that location. Had to get him out soon after. All sides simply didn’t want to know him. He was rendered completely ineffective. He didn’t understand the complexities of what he was intervening in and upset everyone. Sad but true.

    Travel a bit. Understand the world as it is. As well as it ‘might’ be. Above all – exercise judgement. There’s a time and a place.

  8. Peace be with you Paul Walter

    If you are a Sydney sider, I would love to meet with you over a coffee and cake, my shout, to discuss Salafism and Wahhabism.

    As a proud Australian Muslim (Sunni, Salafi/Wahhabi), I have the duty and obligation to clarify people’s perception, or misperception, about Salafism and Wahhabism.

    But for now, in a very short summary, the Wahhabi term was established after sheikh Mohammed Abdul Wahhab who was a student of the most senior Imam Ibn Taymeyah. Wahhab was born early 1700s and died later that century. He called for Muslims to follow and adhere to the basis and Fundamentals of Islam. The term Wahhabi is just another word for Fundamentalist (not fanatic).

    Wahhabism is over 300yrs old. If it were an extremist faction, history would show that terrorism would be off the same age.

    I am a Muslim Sunni Salafi Wahhabi Fundamentalist, call it what you wish. What I am not, is an Extremist Delusional Fanatic. And that applies to every decent Sunni Muslim almond the world.

    The association of Wahhabism to Extremism was fabricated by the West within the 20th century and mainly after the invasion of Iraq during the early 1990’s.

    Peace Love and Respect to All

  9. Khaled – I think now you are stretching the (historical) friendship. Be careful. Just as I am.

    I am a Muslim Sunni Salafi Wahhabi Fundamentalist

    Now that’s an admission that’s worth unpacking. I suspect you have a mountain to climb. But please post again. And explain.

  10. Khaled, by way of explanation. I’ve been to a few Muslim countries. Turkey (80% Sunni) in particular where I heard on numerous occasions that Wahhabi-Salafi views were problematic. Indeed I heard arguments as to why Salafists consider the term “Wahhabi” derogatory. So your ‘admission’ of being a Salafi Wahhabi Fundamentalist is of particular interest.

    I note also claims that Erdogan is implementing Wahhabi-Salafi policies.

    While I am an atheist, I understand that the role of religion in history cannot be ignored. Thus I am extremely interested in same.

    Thanking you in anticipation.

  11. That was very very well expressed indeed, showed neither favour nor prejudice, true eloquence

  12. Peace Be with you Matters Not

    You should read that paragraph in its entirety to obtain the correct meaning purpose and context.

  13. Yes Glenn Barry, Khaled expresses himself very well. His presence ought to be valued. As should his future contributions. Some may not like what he has to say but at least they might understand what is said. And why.

    Even then they are likely to disagree. As I probably will.

  14. Thank you Khaled, peace be with you my friend.
    Is the fundamental tenet of religions not peace, love, tolerance ? If all those who espouse these views hold fast and strong with those of us who have no specific faith – just a basic faith in humanity – then we can defeat the powers of darkness on every side.
    We just need to work that out, and then carry it out.

  15. An excellent article Khaled, with a great deal of thought given to it. Thank you.

    You mentioned the media. I believe the MSM are complicit in spreading the blood & guts terror reporting, and giving ISIS or any radical extremists, the most inordinate amount of unpaid for publicity that anyone could imagine. It is in fact a form of brainwashing, and yes – I know I may well be blasted for attacking “freedom of speech” and all that, but for all it’s OMG shock, horror, lowered tones of (reporter style) grief, it sells the wrong message to some of the disenfranchised, depressed, drug addled youth of today who, in seeking both a cause, and / or retribution to those they have a tendency to hate (police, parents, teachers, the law, other groups or gangs) will or may be persuaded by promises to a better (???) life. – – impossible to gain. They are targets, easily “turned”. Equally, as are disenchanted lost souls, “turned” to extremist Christian sects.

    I believe it is fairly widely accepted, that governments can put “blankets” on reporting they don’t want widely known by the public. Happens daily. Why can’t they order a much lower state of reporting of these horrors, and limit the time afforded them. 8 continuous hours, ( ch.7) of updates, horror, ribbon messages, live crosses to reporters at the scene, not to mention corrections of previous reports !! must have ISIS leaping for joy. …. Because just about anything reported these days, that even hints at possible terrorism, will be claimed by ISIS /al Qaeda. Thus they are given the opportunity (the MSM now publicise their ‘wait’ for claims) to claim and thus spread their poison ever further.

    It’s time a muzzle was put on the MSM for their irresponsibility, and their thirst for drama, chaos, horror, and their never-ending search for “what bleeds, leads.” At some time, the danger will be desensitisation by and of many …. a further degrading in the populace.

    Less publicity = less impact to and from these monsters. They revel in their MSM assisted notoriety.

  16. A major root cause is bud dajo and trump would dive in to such slime again.
    Afghanistan may have been a peaceful city(like Iran/shah) for women but a peaceful country when my memory says the taliban were just armed and there was no peace there?
    The root cause is absolutely vital but the base purpose is equally important.
    What was the aim in manchester, london, paris, germany? Why did a boy kill curtis cheng?
    Revenge for heavenly reward is a root cause??

  17. Before I depart to the land of nod. I should point out that I most probably (certainly?) disagree with Khaled’s implied ‘philosophy’ – defined in terms of his metaphysical assumptions, his epistemology and his axiology But I don’t want to make my problem – his problem. At the moment. In the spirit of good will.

  18. Thank you, Khaled. As I was reading your thoughtful essay, a phrase from the preamble of the US Constitution (or is it the Declaration of Independence?) came to mind, “We hold these truths to be self evident….”
    What you say is beautifully expressed and presented with impeccable logic.
    As an atheist I find religious faith incomprehensible, but recognise that it is a source of comfort and guidance to many.
    Still, it is undeniable that more war and destruction is committed in the name of religion than anything else. It is also true that the name of religion is frequently used to mask greed for land, resources, or power.
    Since the middle of the 20th century, wars have also been fomented by arms manufacturers to create a market for their obscene products.
    It seems to me that humankind is intent on self destruction. If not by war, by refusing to act in time to avert catastrophic climate change.
    Now I’m rambling.
    Peace be upon you and all who read this.

  19. Where is the discussion about the fact that often-times these countries invite western powers into their countries because they need the development our businesses bring and the stability our military offers. Idealists love to judge our military from the sidelines as if the problems they address are simple. Our soldiers are human beings and to expect them to be perfect is unrealistic – they may not be perfect but they are the good guys.

    Christian and Jewish communities have been largely ethnically-cleansed from the middle-east across the centuries but the muslim apologists don’t want to talk about that. Further, the apologists don’t want to talk about the way women, gays and other religions are treated in the middle-east. The Jews have one tiny little piece of land, but their peace-loving ‘neighbours’ are determined to take it from them. Israel allows christians and muslims to practice their religion but many of the muslim countries won’t allow other religions to practice. The West may not be perfect but we are acting in good faith and that is why refugees from around the world vote with their feet when they migrate to the west.

    The west didn’t invent taharrush or bacha bazi.


  20. If women around the world had an equal role and voice in religion, politics, education, and economics, we might well address many of the root causes. I know there are many female leaders who have not been ideal but they are working in essentially a man’s world of greed, violence and power.

    (Not suggesting it as an ultimate solution, just a step along the way)

  21. matters not. from your patronising tone on this site i would say that you are a retired school teacher who has not lost the habit of marking student assignments. It probably still gives you some sense of importance and superiority u need in order to maintain any self worth and the myth that teachers are some sort of intellectuals. you have my sympathy on that.

  22. Atheists can no more ‘prove’ the absence of God than believers can prove God’s existence. Whichever path you choose, the fact remains that being an atheist requires a leap of faith equally as large as the leap of faith the believer takes.


  23. War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
    John Stuart Mill
    English economist & philosopher (1806 – 1873)

  24. Darrel’…How does one “prove” the absence of an absence?..Can one “prove” the legitimacy of a dream?..Can one “prove” an intuition of an event?..but on the other hand, surely one needs not prove the reality of the five senses.

  25. Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods.

    Antitheism is the opposition to theism.

    I consider myself an atheist and don’t know if there are gods or not, but 4000+ religions can’t all be right, and I believe none of them are. If there is a god or gods then they may have started the big bang, but have had nothing to do with it since that moment.

  26. You can’t prove there isn’t a God – period. It’s a leap of faith either way.



  27. You can’t prove leprechauns and unicorns don’t exist either.

    “The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.”

    War has never been the best way to solve a problem. That does not mean there aren’t values we must hold dear – it just means violence is a problem, not a solution.

  28. Kaye,
    Violence was the solution in London when the police prevented countless deaths when they bravely put their lives on the line to protect the innocent people. Violence was the solution in Brighton. If someone you care about is held at knife-point then violence may be the solution.

    One thing we know about Hitler is that appeasement didn’t work – war did work.


  29. Ya think?

    Depends what you mean by “work” I suppose. Did it stop violence from happening in the future? Did the war build schools and hospitals and roads and bridges? Did it lift people out of poverty and make them safer? Imagine if those trillions of dollars were spent on helping people rather than bombing them.

    Violence begets violence.

    The point of this discussion is why do these violent terrorist events happen. Shooting someone stops him – it doesn’t stop the problem.

  30. Kaye,
    Shooting the Nazis stopped them. Violence doesn’t always lead to more violence.

    If you catch a sadistic pedophile or rapist you can try to discuss it with them or you can kill them which will stop the problem.


    p.s. I didn’t support the war in Iraq. Further, if we had a voluntary taxation system then those of us who didn’t support the war could not have been used to fund the war.. We could, instead, have chosen to spend our taxes on hospitals, schools, etc.

  31. Thanks Khaled for fleshing out some context to this debate about terrorism.
    Terrorists don’t just appear in our midst as if by some magic evil fairy-dust was thrown by the devil from the sky and landed on someone as they went for a morning walk around the lake.
    To the main question, “what is it that both the governments and people are actually doing to address terrorism, extremism, radicalization, fanaticism, mental illness and lone-wolf attacks?”
    The govt is nothing other than various sets of individuals working on this or task on any given day. The understanding of any one individual, govt or non-govt person, is a product of their exposure to ‘their environment’, the environment including static rules/regulations plus whatever background education they had. We are each, including terrorists, a product of our environment.
    The problem of dysfunctional thinking and the contexts that it creates stretches back more than the 300 years you mention. The fundamental question I see is how we do create a society that replaces erroneous thinking and structures with more natural and conducive ones?
    We’re each our own answer to the question, finding peace is up to individual.

  32. Neo-Nazi activity is a global phenomenon that is very much still alive.

    Interestingly, their doctrine includes ultranationalism, racism, ableism, xenophobia, homophobia, and persecution of ethnic and religious minorities. Sounds a lot like One Nation to me.

  33. Kaye,
    I notice you conveniently chose to leave out the obvious reality that Nazis and Neo-Nazis are socialists – the letter Z represents socialism. Lefties will not face the facts in this case.


    p.s. did you see the footage of the leftie fascists physically ( and gutlesly ) attack Andrew Bolt at the book launch in Melbourne yesterday?

  34. Oh so you know who the attackers were? Perhaps you should call the police because I don’t think they do. As for the physical attack, they used shaving cream and glitter. Bolt used his fists. Did you see the guy who attacked Alan Joyce the other day? Was he a leftie fascist?

    What scares you about socialism? Do you think Medicare, the PBS and the public education and hospital systems should be abolished? Should we get rid of the aged and disability pensions? Should the unemployed starve?

  35. Kaye,
    I’m not scared of socialism, rather, I don’t think it works. All of the socialist programs you mention could be provided by institutions other than the government. All three of the systems you mention are rife with corruption and the people are sick of it.

    The loser who attacked alan joice is no better than the three chicken-necks who assaulted and photographed the assault on andrew bolt.


  36. Kaye,
    I notice you conveniently chose to leave out the obvious reality that Nazis and Neo-Nazis are socialists …

    She also forgot to mention that I caught my first fish when I was 5.

  37. Hey Khaled.

    Thanks for your considered article.

    If I were asked what is the root cause, I would say that there are many solutions to this question. If we decide to employ a complex model to describe the root causes we will often get complex solutions. Personally, I think that complex solutions are only going to cloud the issue. I would prefer a simpler model which produces simpler, but correct, solutions. There are, in fact, many simple models that we could apply to the question of root cause/s. One such simple model is that of ‘choice’ – every single terrorist (islamist or otherwise) makes a violent choice.This modelling exercise shows us that the root cause of terrorism is the personal choice of the terrorist.

    I, for one, am not interested in making excuses or shifting blame for rapists or pedophiles and similarly for terrorists.


  38. Yes, I remember my first fish also when slightly older, a small bream off Pt. Vincent Jetty.

  39. darrel nay

    You stated you prefer a simpler solution for “rapists or pedophiles (sic) and similarly for terrorists”.

    Please tell this what this “simpler model” actually is. I think I know, but I may well have misinterpreted your comments.

    As for social and other variations, the flagrant use of of these words in the name of any organisation or ideology means diddly squat as to whether socialism is actually practised or even considered. It is also known as advertising, helps to attract the gullible. Capiche?

  40. darrel, your ‘solutions’ are reactive rather than proactive.

    Punishing people for their crimes is one thing. Crime prevention is another. Understanding why they commit the crimes might help us stop others from following the same path.

    (PS I also forgot to mention that I got a medal for coming third in physical culture when I was 8)

  41. Kaye Lee

    darrel’s solution is quick, easy and requires little effort or thought, apart from a knowledge of methods of execution.

    (I failed the curiously named “Mother Craft” at school, although I came top in Religious Studies).

  42. reply for diannart,

    I offered no prescription for punishment. The simpler model, as mentioned in my post, is ‘choice’.

    my point was that if you choose a more complex model, such as Freud’s, when analysing the root causes of terrorism, then it follows that you will produce a more complex view of the solution. Whereas, if you choose a simple model ( such as personal choice) when looking at the root causes of terrorism then we can produce a solution which is plain for all to see.

    Terrorists, like rapists are responsible for their own choices ie. The root cause of rape is rapists and the root cause of terrorism is terrorists.


  43. diannaart, now darrel nays icon makes sense, he sees himself as a dark ages wizard. So much for progress.

  44. reply for dianaart,
    The ‘solution’ I referred to, if you read it carefully, was a solution to the question “What is the root cause of terrorism?” not, as you incorrectly deduced, a solution to the question of how we should treat terrorists.


  45. We did not eradicate smallpox by treating those with the disease. We beat it by finding out what caused it and innoculating the population against it.

    There has to be fertile ground for hatred to grow. If people feel safe, if they feel included and cared for, if they have the opportunity to live a productive life in peace, if they have self-determination, if they have education and a voice,
    if they are allowed and encouraged to contribute to their community, they are less likely to commit violent acts. Mental health is also a very important contributing factor, particularly in Australia.

  46. I dunno Ann, even dark ages wizards understood a clear question, such as “what is the solution to terrorism” – choice? If I choose to go shopping today will this help?

    Not that I am suggesting darrel is deliberately obfuscating, but…

  47. Apologies, darrel nay, I thought I saw the word “solution” and ran with that. A shame, really, I am more into solving problems than assigning blame to people, particularly those who are so disenfranchised (by poverty, having their homes bombed) they believe they have no choice.

  48. reply for kaye,

    you are right to believe that the contributing factors are many and worth studying. I haven’t disagreed with you on that point. There is a difference between the root cause and the contributing factors. I will leave you to discuss the contributing factors, but it remains a fact that the root cause of rape is the choice of the rapist and the root cause of terrorism is the choice of the terrorist.


  49. Then we have the millions who had no choice but to flee for their lives and instead of finding sanctuary they are locked away in camps indefinitely.

    I don’t think anyone (except for psychopaths) ever look at themselves deeply, reflectively and say “I choose to be a rapist or terrorist”, they have other reasons from religious fundamentalism, revenge for injustice to a need to feel powerful in an environment where they have no power. You, darrel, no doubt just see people as excusing themselves for their actions.

    I posit your rants on religion are offensive to many people, however, you believe you have fair reasons for your opinions – but that’s your choice, eh? You could choose to be accepting of others who hold different opinions and cease proselytising.

  50. darrel nay, you mention choice. You seem to be one of many who believe that people exercise ‘free’ choice in making decisions. I see decision-making is really a mimicry of learned reactions following a period of ‘how to think about stuff’ training. It doesn’t matter where the training happens, at school or home, in an Islamic Madrasa, in a Navy Seal Academy, etc, the result is always the same. The ‘pupil’ is taught to react to certain stimuli in a certain way. This is especially true if the trainer has the pupil from an early age. To not see that indicates a lack of self-awareness. Kaye Lee’s comment is worth re-reading as is that of diannaart.

  51. I just won’t buy into the notion of shifting blame from the individual, otherwise every sicko will have an excuse. A drunkard that beats his wife will often claim the alcohol was a factor – at the end of the day the drunkard is the cause and alcohol is a factor. The problem is not the alcohol or even being drunk – No, the problem is the loser who chose to beat his wife.


  52. darrel, get a dictionary and look up and study the words ‘excuse’ and ‘reason’.
    There’s a big difference. Do try to keep up with the other posters here.

  53. reply for Ann,

    With all due respect to you, I don’t need you to tell me what to do. If you want to look up the dictionary – go nuts. I am not so interested in the rapist’s/terrorist’s reason/excuse for their actions. I am abhorred by their choice to act in the way they do.

    Hope I’m keeping up.

  54. So it’s all about choice, huh?

    You have a perfect opportunity, darrel nay, an opportunity I offered you in my last comment above.

    You can choose not to promote your religious beliefs, not denigrate the opinions of others, atheists are humans too.

    Walk the talk.

  55. reply for dianaart,

    If I have denigrated an opinion, I apologise. I will continue to both agree and disagree with peoples opinions – it’s healthy.

    As for religious comments, I will continue to express my commonly-held opinions. I won’t ask you to suppress your beliefs and similarly, I expect you will continue to allow me to express my thoughts. There is no such thing as a right not to be offended. Free Speech is a cornerstone of civil society and it is pivotal to note that free-speech laws are to protect speech you agree with, rather these laws are specifically to protect the speech you may not like.


  56. darrel nay

    Facetious and empty challenges to atheists to prove there is no god, clearly reveals your contempt for people who are not religious.

    Not free speech, just you trying to rubbish others.

  57. Anthony Foster was farewelled this morning. It has cast a different perspective on my response.
    For the past few decades, every disturbed individual committing an act of terrorism (in its literal, rather than political, sense), has been publicised, and their acts magnified, by a complicit MSM.
    Ad nauseam.
    Whilst the MSM will seek a link to Islam, or Muslim’s, they will ignore the bleeding obvious. Most of these git’s have extensive criminal histories, punctuated by mental illness and substance abuse.
    Whilst that is a generalisation, it is far more accurate than the MSM portrayal, IMO. The fact that we have ‘world leaders’ so ready, willing and able to use this circumstance to promote their own vested interests, and those of their benefactors, is an indictment. Whether it is an indictment on ‘them’ or ‘us’ is up for debate. For what it’s worth, I’m on the ‘them’ team.
    They need to be called out for what they are. Whether it be the idiot creating the mayhem, the idiot promoting the mayhem, or the idiot benefitting from the mayhem, they need to be called out for what they are. Idiots. Promoters of hate.
    ‘Terrorism’ is much older than a century, IMO. It is, historically, the use of fear by an inadequate military force to amplify their impact against a far greater military force. Whether they were ‘freedom fighters’ or ‘usurpers’ is another topic for debate.


    If Governmental foreign policies create refugee’s and asylum seekers, in the modern paradigm, we need to ignore the damage, and trust the governmental policies. We need to disparage the truthsayers, and pay homage to the naysayers.

    With regard to education, from the Malala Fund (

    “Last week, more than 27,000 people signed Malala Fund’s letter calling on G7 leaders to release their education accountability report before their annual summit in Italy.

    We had one easy ask of G7 leaders at this summit — publish the report, as they promised in January — but they failed to deliver, leaving education advocates without an update on their plans to address the global education crisis.

    Instead, they released a joint statement claiming “girls and women today are better educated than ever before” — neglecting to mention 130 million girls out of school around the world.”

    Every so often, you get to see blunt truth. Truth to power. The likes of Mr Foster. When institutional abuse, when institutional protection of that abuse, was sanctioned, he spoke truth to power. I don’t think it’s too far a stretch to say there are enough people who can see the truth and ignore the ever decreasing power of the status quo.
    Paul Kennedy delivered a eulogy. It’s not online, yet. I can only quote from his article;
    “With tears, my wife Kim said of Anthony: “He was the type of person who made you think everything was going to be OK.”

    Which world leader would make you feel everything was going to be ok?

    During the service, Tennyson was quoted.

    “’Tis better to have loved and lost
    Than never to have loved at all.”

    Don’t know why, Ms Midler came to mind.

    “Some say love, it is a river, that drowns the tender reed
    Some say love, it is a razor, that leaves your soul to bleed
    Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need
    I say love, it is a flower, and you, its only seed
    Its the heart afraid of breaking, that never learns to dance
    Its the dream afraid of waking, that never takes the chance
    Its the one who won’t be taking, who cannot seem to give
    And the soul afraid of dying, that never learns to live
    When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long
    And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong
    Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snows
    Lies the seed, that with the sun’s love in the spring becomes the rose.”

    Thank you Khaled. Haters are going to hate. It is my honest belief they are in the minority.
    As-salāmu ʿalaykum.
    Sláinte mhaith.
    Thank you AIMN and commenters. Take care

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