Ok, if I make the various links you can probably put the whole conspiracy together for yourself, but then you’d have no reason to read on and Facebook would have no reason to ban this like they did my last post… which, by the way, has nothing to do with that bugle thing they play on ANZAC day.
Before I start though, I’d like to say exactly how confused I am by the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Apparently – according to some people – it was a staged event designed to win him popular support. And – according to the same people – the last one was too. This is confusing because I can’t see how anyone would be silly enough to agree to be part of a staged attempt to kill Trump after what happened to the last guy who played the role of pretend assassin. I mean, you’d have to have no memory and you’d be almost as brain dead as… well, I guess Trump may have a few supporters like that, but still!
Of course, the alternative point of view is that it’s part of some Deep State to kill Donald. Sounds plausible, until you ask yourself – with all their deep statey control of things they can’t find a marksperson as accurate as Lee Harvey Oswald or even, Jack Ruby, and why they keep stopping the person before they’ve completed the job.
Whatever, I’m moving on to the whole Paul McCartney thing and I’m prepared to give you a series of unverified facts which I believe that I’ve heard over the years. When it comes to the world we currently inhabit, I understand that this is what’s called: DOING YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!
- Paul McCartney released a song called “Give Ireland Back To The Irish” which was such a radical concept that it was banned in the UK. Or maybe the BBC just refused to play it… either way, he was annoyed at the censorship in the same way that Matt Canavan is annoyed at the proposed misinformation bill because he knows that it will stop him from posting 98% of the things he writes.
- In response, Paul released his version of “Mary Had A Little Lamb” which became the sort of hit that could be compared to his time as a Beatle but not in a good way.
- With Paul taking the sort of political action that was as effective as John and Yoko lying in bed for Peace, he was obviously someone who needed to be nobbled.
- Princess Di accidentally pressed a button which called for an ambulance or something. The speeding police motorcycle hit Heather Mills who lost her leg in the resultant accident. (Check this, it’s true. I promise. Do your research, people!)
- Because of her accident, she met Paul and this led to him marrying her and ceasing to write any songs that encouraged us to do anything leading to a complete breakdown of all that promise of the sixties when we were promised that all we needed was love… although I must say that I think it’s to the credit of whoever owns the rights to “The Beatles” songs that we didn’t get someone singing “All You Need Is Gloves” in order to sell disposable ones.
- I’m not suggesting that the incident in the tunnel with Di and Didi was so that she didn’t reveal her role in all of this because it’s too soon and there’s no link but I think you can draw your own conclusions…
And I guess that’s the problem, isn’t it? There are all these events happening in the world and people are just drawing their own conclusions and when the facts don’t suit these conclusions, well, then the facts must be made up or… or… we can find alternative facts and we can have things that are true as well as their opposite being true as well. For example, we have – according to Elon Musk and others – “socialist billionaires”… which I find hard to believe because I’m yet to find a billionaire who actually believes in the redistribution of wealth. (Obviously, they wouldn’t be a billionaire if they did!!!)
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