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Oxfam responds to Lebanon crisis

Oxfam Australia Media Release

Oxfam is responding to the escalating crisis in Lebanon, providing essential support to the hundreds of thousands of people who have been forced to flee as Israeli airstrikes bombard their homes and communities. The influx of internally displaced people, primarily from southern Lebanon, will quickly create disastrous conditions for local communities, beyond the ability of an overloaded international humanitarian system to properly meet.

Oxfam and our partners are supporting internally displaced people in shelters in Beirut, Mount Lebanon and North Lebanon with clean water and sanitation, emergency cash, food, and hygiene and menstrual hygiene kits.

Oxfam’s Lebanon country director Bachir Ayoub said the country can ill afford this on top of existing crises.

“This conflict was predictable and avoidable. It is the result of the failure to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza. For decades, the people of Lebanon have endured one crisis after another without getting the opportunity to fully recover. This latest emergency will only deepen the existing challenges facing the people of Lebanon and further destabilise an already volatile region.”

The international community must condemn this escalation and take bold action to stop it now. Israel continues to act with impunity and it must be held to account for its actions in both Lebanon and Gaza. All parties must abide by international humanitarian law and held to account where potential violations may be involved.

The spread of hostilities into Lebanon has inflicted immense damage on civilian infrastructure and led to a tragic loss of life. Lebanon and the region cannot afford to bear the weight of this crisis. This broader regional escalation underscores the urgent need for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.


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1 comment

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  1. Phil Pryor

    Can you imagine the “ghosts” of Adolf and Josef looking on at Netanyahu? Would they admire the destruction and damage results? Would they admire the methods used of terror weaponry in indiscriminate usage? And the toll of agony, with civilians losing all, even their lives..? Can historical reflection become more bitter and evil? As zionism aimed to grab a slab of the legally established British mandate of Palestine, what went wrong? Why were the innocent hopeful residents of that land denied by naked aggression, for, Palestine existed up to May of 1948? Can any suggestion help achieve peace, while USA and NATO nations arm this slaughter? Europe got rid of an ages old jewish “problem” and never wanted to talk about it, as others paid the price and still are. It is agonising to wake each day to news of ruthless actions driven by some of the most violent superstitious obsession ever known, for all the haters within Judaism, Christianity, Islam, know that they are Right and all the others are Wrong. Kill, bomb, triumph, become supreme, employ any method, weapon, lie, story, excuse, for utter uncivilised criminality. And it isn’t over yet…

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