I was all set to write about Malcolm’s recent announcement about the Snow-job River Hydro Improvement scheme…
Earlier tonight I heard Malcolm tell us that there used to be some plan to extend the Snowy River thingy and all it lacked was leadership and money and that the current government had plenty of both.
Well, I thought, they’ve certainly got half a dozen or so who intend to flash their leadership credentials, but it was a surprise to discover that they had money. Budget emergency solved! Wow!
I was all set to praise Malcolm. And then I was going to condemn the ABC for allowing those protesters to say nasty things about the recently deceased Bill Leak. Yes, of course it was the ABC’s fault because you should always shut down anyone who wants to say anything negative about someone who said negative things about people when he was alive, once that champion of free speech is dead. I was going to say something about how we can say whatever we like about Hitler because he didn’t support free speech but once someone who supports free speech dies we should all just say how awesome he was and if anyone has a different point of view then they should be shut down immediately.
But enough about what I wasn’t going to write about. There are too many negatives in this world as it is, and if I mention Hitler someone’s bound to invoke Godwin’s Law… which, by the way, isn’t a law because I never voted for it and isn’t that how laws are passed?
It was the outrageous Sally McManus… I think that’s her name. Not that it matters because all those unionists are the same and they all support the Labor Party and that’s enough reason to dismiss them… Just as it’s a good enough reason to dismiss the Labor Party because of their union links…
Where was I? Oh yes, apparently this union hack told someone that she had no problem telling people not to support “unjust laws”…
How terrible. I mean, where would Germany be now if it weren’t for people prepared to support laws without ever questioning whether they were unjust or not? I mean they’d have never even been able to… Perhaps, we should pause for a commercial while I think about this!
Oh, sorry, I forgot. Godwin’s law…
We should always support the law no matter how unjust. We should never disobey. Or protest. If Donald says press the button, he’s President after all and nobody should stop to consider if there might be consequences. Never question or break the law, I say… Unless it’s something to do with taxation. Then we should find some way to get around the law, and, if we can’t, then we should just donate to some party or other who’ll pass laws that give us access to all that money that goes to waste in the public service.
Nobody should ever support breaking the law. Unless it’s to do with speeding tickets… We all know that’s just a revenue raiser and a speeding car never killed anyone and even if it did, surely that’s not as bad as a government trying to raise revenue.
Um, I’m almost confused enough now to be leader of the National Party…