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Opposition Budget in Reply: Peter Dutton has no plan on climate change

Solutions for Climate Australia Media Release

National advocacy group Solutions for Climate Australia called out Opposition Leader Peter Dutton for not making a single mention of climate change in his Budget in Reply.

“Climate change poses a great threat to Australia’s way of life,” said Dr Barry Traill, Director of Solutions for Climate Australia. “The economic impact of increased fires, floods and droughts is ignored in the Budget in Reply. The increased costs to households from the impact on food production and skyrocketing cost of insurance are also ignored.

“The Coalition has no plan to cut emissions this decade and no plan to protect Australians from intensifying heat, bushfires, flooding, or extreme weather.”

The Opposition leader’s budget in reply speech revealed that his energy policy will increase carbon pollution by burning gas, a dangerous fossil fuel, until his planned nuclear reactors may or may not come online in decades’ time.

“Mr Dutton’s proposal for nuclear reactors is a political talking point, not a strategy to reduce climate pollution or even reduce power bills,” said Elly Baxter, Senior Climate Campaigner for Solutions for Climate Australia.

“Even in the opposition leader’s best-case scenario, nuclear reactors would not be built and generating energy until the 2040s. His plan to increase the use of gas in our energy mix would see climate pollution increase in this critical decade when the scientific consensus says we must urgently reduce emissions to limit catastrophic warming,” she added.

The Coalition will oppose the government’s Future Made in Australia plan to grow clean industries critical to global efforts to tackle climate change, such as solar manufacturing, green hydrogen and metals, and critical minerals processing.

“With the global competition for a place in the clean economy, bipartisan support for green manufacturing and critical minerals is essential to securing thousands of jobs while meeting emissions reduction targets,” said Dr Traill.

“The Coalition is putting at risk the billions of dollars of private investment that will be required to secure our clean economy future by refusing to support this historic investment in our future.”


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  1. Roswell

    Damn. I missed his speech.

  2. leefe

    Last three words of that headline are superfluous.

  3. Douglas Pritchard

    Dutton has the ring of someone who has been promoted well above his level of competence.
    He obviously missed out on the chance to become a good copper, and is probably regretting this.

  4. paul walter

    Useless as a two-legged stool.

  5. Max Gross

    We all know Deadeyes Pete’s nucula “plan” is nothing but a vacuous brain fart, a smelly dead cat tossed onto the table to get the chooks clucking and keep the fossil fuel time bomb ticking away

  6. Terence Mills

    It looks as though immigration is shaping up as an issue the coalition want to fight an election on but I’m finding it very hard to identify reliable data on net arrivals and students arrivals over the last five years. Allowing for the Covid downturn when nobody went anywhere it looks to me as though migration arrivals are about level pegging.

    Anybody seen any reliable data ?

  7. Henry G Rodrigues

    The fuckwit talked about everything, immigration, nuclear power, etc, except when and if they would produce surplus budget. 9 years and nothing but a $ trillion in debt. But Murdoch and his minions still don’ get it. Just like the guy who keeps doing the same thing every time and expects a different result. The rest of the media joined in led by the vociferous sneering by Sarah Ferguson who kept harping on about the $300 to millionaires….. I’ve lost any respect I had for her fair mindedness. More like bloody mindedness. Then I remembered, the ABC is led by none other than Kim Williams, a dyed in the wool Murdoch acolyte and it all seemed logical.
    Then screaming Cash raised the ante by calling it a billionaire’s budget. Hysterical reeking heap of bullshit.

  8. GL

    P. Duddy opens his anus…mouth, and hydrogen sulphide laden sewer gas spews forth in an almost never ending supply.

  9. Rauli

    Dutton and Albanese are both capitalist politicians. Both have abandoned the poorest and vulnerable in Australia. We mustn’t vote for a capitalist government. Capitalism cannot be fixed, it is system of governance and economics designed by the rich for the benefit of the rich. Therefore capitalism cannot and will not address or rectify the injustices foisted on the poor.

  10. Phil Pryor

    The Canberra show is so sour at times, one wonders at the sanity, balance, ability and decency of some ranting raving ratbags, like M Cash, the cheapest idiot around when screeching is unleashed. M Cash is totally ignorant, having abandoned civilised phenomena like education, reason, logic, knowledge, analysis, judgement, balance. They say her father was a totally untrustworthy old sour fart, and perhaps some genetic evidence could be found or suggested. The leader of the brainlessness of conservative thrusts is Peter Duckwit-Futton, a plodder and plop, Dutton has the intellect of a pillock of possum putridity, failing to mention climate matters at all. These conservative tasteless tarts will take the money in an organised system of facilitation. I, and surely you, and it should be everyone, want and need proper enough representation for all of us and for the nation’s future, its health, its prosperity, its integrity.., and we must all fight for that now, as far as is possible to get some positivity.

  11. Michael Taylor

    Phil, any one of the politicians in Canberra at the moment could have had a role in The Three Stooges.

    I’m over them: Labor, Liberals, some independents. Bloody corrupt bastards.

    Actually, I have more respect for The Three Stooges. At least they weren’t corrupt.

  12. Phil Pryor

    Michael is right to amuse himself , for the old Stooges had some professional integrity. Today’s politicians are mostly the symptoms of a disease at the end of an infection or plague, the post-ultra-neo-fascist-liberalism-conservatism-excess consumerism-bribery and corruption-lobbyist driven dumbed down unwoke stupido LIFE we Lead. So, as the soldier said looking at his distant gear, Far Kit.

  13. Michael Taylor

    Phil, I was being unfair to The Three Stooges.

    Larry, would you believe, was a longtime friend to my Mum.

    I just tried to upload a photo she took of him when they last caught up (not long before he died) but the upload failed. ☹️

  14. Terence Mills

    The coalition do have one policy that hasn’t received much coverage.

    The Albanese government have announced that the live-sheep trade in Western Australia will be phased out by 2028 and have provided funding of $107 million over 5 years for sheep producers and the supply chain to plan for and adjust to the phase out and to establish abattoirs in WA to facilitate a frozen and boxed sheep meat export trade.

    The coalition have announced that they will instantly reinstate the live sheep export trade when (and if) they get back into office.

    Most middle east (Kuwait has been the principal market for this diminishing trade) and Asian markets have already transitioned away from live sheep – which generally arrive in poor condition – and appreciate the more efficient and hygienic supply chain.

    The coalition refuse to evolve.

  15. GL


    Larry was always my favourite Stooge.

  16. John C

    A far more accurate headline would have been: Peter Dutton has no clue whatsoever.

  17. Andyfiftysix

    hahaha, Dutton has no plan. He is just following the Abbott formula. Terence, you are right. “The coalition refuse to evolve.”
    The nuclear option just isnt working, lol. A scattering of issues that just cant be tied together, presented as soft points. Nice try at ” look over there……”

    Rauli, you are right and you are wrong. Capitalism has opened up wealth undreamed of. So as a tool for society, it has no peer so far. Unfortunately its been fine tuned to cripple us into submission. This i agree, but what stops us from turning it around. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

  18. Florence Howarth

    I wonder if Dutton took time to read this year’s budget. The little he raised in reply has already been addressed by the Treasurer in his budget. As one leading journalist said, there is little to see in Dutton’s reply.

  19. Teiresias

    Micheal Taylor,

    you say: “I’m over them: Labor, Liberals, some independents. Bloody corrupt bastards.”

    Have I missed something?

    I have been trying to understand Bernie Sanders, “It’s OK to be angry about Capitalism” but I find him hard to pin down. He says on the cover: “If we would finally recognise that economic rights are human rights, and work to create a society that provides them.”

    And I thought that Labor has done much better that the Liberals. But is an economic surplus enough? Is a Future Economy enough? Is gas enough? Are so many houses enough? Are prisons full of young people enough? (I heard John Mendoza and Matt Noffs speaking at the Press Club this week.)

    I find it all too much. Can you help? I’m trying.

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