Dear Mr Turnbull,
You may believe that you have won, in some fashion, to keep being the government of the day. You may believe that you will be able to restrict the people with your extremely harsh agenda against the quickly growing disadvantaged.
You don’t appear to understand history very well. Since it has always been one of my favourite topics, and I read far outside the realm of history classes at school, I will explain something to you.
Revolutions occur because of austerity. Plain and simple.
The French, British, Chinese, Russian, Irish, Italian, German, Danish, Indian (and therefore Pakistan), Mexican, Spanish, South African, Polish, Egyptian, Chilean and Argentinian revolutions are just several of many.
When people on a mass scale start seeing injustice, they can no longer take it and they do finally start using their energy to overpower the perpetrators. The fact that you aren’t listening, nor are you looking to history, means that you are repeating history, over and over again.
I have seen extreme levels of absolute waste on pointless, pathetic projects that your government undertakes. I have also seen funds being allocated to support big business at the expense of the working class and the poor. I see you selling off parts of the country that were always for the benefit of community. I see your government stripping away Australia’s assets for the benefit of overseas conglomerates. And all the meanwhile you prefer to hold millions in offshore banks saving yourself a few precious dollars in Australian tax.
Others have started seeing it, too.
The thing is, you may be able to smother us for a short while, but the timing will be temporary. People have already noted how sick to death they are of you, as well as where the funds should be going. They are seeing how wide the gap between disadvantaged and advantaged is. In silent witness they have seen your government give more to privileged in our country and less to the disadvantaged. They are silent no more.
People in the community have started caring for each other. You are left behind in this. Unless you stop the austerity on us, and put austerity onto the organisations that pay little to no tax, then according to history you won’t be in your job for much longer.
People will get sick of seeing your government introduce oppressive laws. They will get sick of the rich getting richer. They will get sick of you thinking you have control over everyone, the way a perpetrator of domestic violence thinks they have control over their victim.
And, eventually, they will do something about it. And nothing you do or say will be able to stop them.
This is your warning. Stop changing the laws and budget for the benefit of the chosen few, or suffer the consequences that history has shown us can easily happen. Start changing the laws and budget for the benefit of Australia, so the rewards reaped can be immense, or we will be doomed as a nation. And you will be doomed with it.
Tracie Aylmer