Dear Malcolm Turnbull,
I hate to distract you from the clusterfluck that is your political party at the moment. But I can’t help but notice you’re all very busy doing whatever it is you do during a painfully drawn out Libspill; you know – making phone calls, counting numbers, receiving phone calls, tallying numbers to be counted, and not really concentrating on your jobs that you get paid to do, by us the tax payers. It’s all actually fairly boring apart from being absolutely impossible to look away from. But while you seem to be personally readying yourself for the job you’ve been readying yourself for your entire life, I wanted to just let you know how I feel about your leadership ambitions and the type of Prime Minister you are going to be. I don’t think you’re going to enjoy this.
First I’d like to say that I do appreciate that you’ve previously been very vocal about your support of action to reduce the catastrophic effects of climate change and of course we know you lost the leadership of the Liberal Party previously for your determination to be bi-partisan and to support Rudd’s ETS. You should be applauded for this noble gesture. However, what you will not be applauded for my be, and all Australians who worry about our ever uncertain future in a post-climate-change world, is that you are willing to give up on this determination, this value, this hallmark of your political career, in order to get yourself a new job. It’s one thing to be a spineless, cowardly, lying little worm like Tony Abbott and to stake your political career on denial of climate change and the wrecking of a perfectly good Carbon Price. But honestly, I think your betrayal would be worse Malcolm. Because you have shown that you understand the science, you accept the science, and you’re alarmed about what the science is telling us. Yet for your own political purposes, for your own personal ambitions, for your own sense of individual achievement, glory, power and no doubt pay rise, you are willing to do deals with climate change deniers on the acceptance that you won’t, when in the most powerful job in this warming land, do anything about climate change. And that makes you the lowest of the low. That makes you worse than a denier. That makes you a grub. Please don’t think Australia isn’t going to notice.
Another policy I am similarly concerned about you getting anywhere near in your planned future as PM is the National Broadband Network. We already know that you’ve been beavering away doing your best to destroy this future-proofing world’s- best national infrastructure project for the benefit of your Telstra mates in your job as Minister for Communications. Or is that the Minister for not-as-fast-as-they-should-have-been Communications? You’ve proved over this NBN wrecking that you’re not fit to be in charge of Australia’s future technological innovation, and therefore you’re not fit to be making decisions about Australia’s future, full stop. And no, I’m not going to give you any benefit of the doubt about what motivated you to destroy the NBN and to instead create a joke of a copper fraudband. If you were thinking you might be able to blame Tony Abbott for everything that happened before you took his job, you’ll need to think again. Because if that’s the case and you did just do whatever you were told without protest, without care for the damage you were doing, then you’re even more unqualified to be our Prime Minister.
As a man who knows how to make money, and who lives in Australia’s most expensive suburb in a house that makes the Lodge look like a cottage, you must know that talk is cheap. Yet, despite your popularity due to presumably the leather jacket you wear on Q&A and your some-might-call-charming-but-I-would-call-smarmy demeanour, all I see from you is talk about your values and absolutely no action to back these values up. For instance, have you ever, once, whilst working as a member of the Abbott government, crossed the floor to protest Abbott’s policies? No? Have you spoken out publically about Abbott and Hockey’s outrageously unfair budget and actually fought them to change anything? Or have you just been laying low, like a snake in the grass, waiting for your moment to strike, your moment to take what you believe to have always been yours at the expense of the Australian public who never chose you as their PM?
The fact is that I don’t trust you Malcolm. I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you. You’re a wolf in sheep’s clothing who talks about supporting gay marriage, but given the chance would forget he ever said that and instead campaign to reincarnate Howard’s WorkChoices as soon as I can say ‘free-marketer’ or ‘neoliberal stooge’. You want what’s best for your rich mates. Though you might make this look a bit prettier than Abbott, we have learnt throughout this painful period of Abbott’s prime ministership that the most important thing is not how something looks, but how they behave. What policies they try to push through. You would deregulate universities, you would slash and burn to create a small ineffectual government, you would destroy Medicare, you would cut education funding, you would fight on behalf of miners as they deny Australians their fair share, you would get rid of penalty rates, you would decrease the minimum wage, you would deny rights to asylum seekers, you would destroy the NBN and you would deny Australia a climate change policy. How do I know you would do all these things? Because you’ve been doing it as a member of Abbott’s government and there is absolutely no reason on earth why someone like you, who shares Abbott’s values, would do anything differently. A turd with a cat-like grin polished across it is still a turd.
Yours sincerely
Victoria Rollison
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Couldn’t agree moreVictoria! Turnbull will still ensure that the big end of town is looked after (though more subtly than Abbott). Integrity flies out the window when a PM vacancy comes knocking at the door.
Couldn’t agree more. This is my message, these days: please, everyone, don’t think it will be good to have a completely two-faced liar who actually understands the truth behind the lies he’s telling on account of wanting to be our leader.
I’ve been vituperating about Malcolm for a long time: I’m glad to see someone who gets read doing the same.
We do not want a change of leader. We want a change of government. Push for a double dissolution.
My sentiments exactly Victoria . Thank-you
No, Mr Turnbull, you have lost any trust or respect we may have had for you. You would have to reverse everything, all of what Abbott is attempting to do.
Spot on, Victoria. Absolutely spot on.
Wow all that and not a mention of his shameless conduct over Utegate and Godwingate. The first a pathetic attempt to bring down Rudd FAIL. The second and worse in my book, the destruction of the hapless Godwin Gretch, and his dispatch to a mental institution
Labor will have a party on those two plus the other parties you mentioned Kay.
Talk about carrying baggage, Turnbull has a truckload. If Abbott goes the Opposition will not know where to attack the newbie be it Turnbull or Bishop. She has a helluva lot to answer for starting with her disgusting behavior towards Prime Minister Gillard.
Victoria great letter to Turnbull/Mr Flim Flam, he flops and folds like there is no tomorrow.
“You should be applauded for this noble gesture. However, what you will not be applauded for my be,”
I think you ment by me, not “my be” a small typo, I thought hold on I am going blind but not that blind yet maybe 🙂
Couldn’t agree more Victoria, by his actions be he known & his actions are venal & self serving.
Ah, revenge is sweet. Turnbull has little option but to carry on with the electorally disarsterous policies of his dysfunctional party. To do otherwise would alienate the RWNJ that infest its parliamentary benches and we all know what that means.
He is a nasty little twerp with a smirk. Funny how they’d all sell their arses for the top job. Never trust a merchant wanker
I want to add my agreement here too. Victoria you’ve read the collective mind of this household plus our friends and our friends friends as well. Malcolm should be aware that we haven’t forgotten … someone who is so lacking in integrity and acting purely for him or herself is even worse than an idiot who just doesn’t get it!
In the latest Akamai State of the Internet Report, which measures broadband connectivity from server to consumer, both Germany (average 8.7 Mbps) and the United Kingdom (average 10.7 Mbps), two countries often highlighted by you as shining examples of why Australian needs the MTM, languish behind many other European and industrialised countries but remain higher than Australia (average 6.9 Mbps).
The Akamai report goes on to highlight that only 14 per cent of Australian connectivity was above 10 Mbps.
Your MTM NBN may have been ok 10 years ago but countries who did that are now moving to upgraded HFC or fully fibre access networks. Why spend tens of billions of dollars on a system that leaves most people unconnected and is already outdated before you begin?
Nailed him. Absolutely nailed him.
i can’t help but think this might have been a little more persuasive without the puerile language and name calling. But I agree with the sentiment.
There are many areas in WA dirty on Turnbull and his copper crappy NBN. Under Labors schedule my area on the Sth Coast of WA was all set for installation in February 2014. Currently we are not even on the installation map for the foreseeable future under this Tory gutter swipe Turnbull…bastard
In July 2013 you said you hoped “the world moves to a market-based mechanism to reduce emissions.”
You also said that the Coalition will ”have a review in 2015, consider what is happening elsewhere in the world and plan our post-2020 policy there”.
Tony Abbott’s claim that “trading schemes are being discarded not adopted” was, like most of what he says, total crap.
On July 6, 2014, over 50 economists signed an open letter that asked the Government to reconsider scrapping Australia’s carbon pricing scheme.
It said: “Australia’s major trading partners are acting on climate change and it is important to have an effective price and limit on pollution in place now to begin Australia’s transition to a low-carbon economy.”
With the Paris climate change conference rapidly approaching and countries around the world calling for international co-operation in tackling the greatest threat our planet faces, will you do what you know to be the right thing and reintroduce carbon pricing now or will you wait until our trading partners inevitably impose sanctions against us?
Turnbull is the greatest conman of them all!! I personally want Bishop to take over, but am disturbed by how many people are sucked in by the Smiling Assassin! He’s charming. He’s witty. He has a nice personality!!
Wake up people!! Like all the others he has one thing in mind? Him!
Besides Julie will screw up being PM even though she will wallow in being “The First Liberal Female Prime Minister” and we will never hear the end of her achievements. But I want to see her suffer humiliation and vilification like she helped inflict on Gillard and more importantly I want to see her pay for the justice she denied all of those asbestos victims who, in her mind, shouldn’t be pushed up the hearing list “just because they were dying”.
Agree wholeheartedly Victoria – wish I could write my thoughts so eloquently.
Turnbull has never stood by any principle.
He invests his own millions in FTTH in France and Spain, while wrecking our NBN by wasting millions on an already obsolete inefficient maintenance intensive copper/fibre hybrid orphan.
The next Labor govt. will spend time and money tearing out this ineffective schemozzle of a system. It utilises 50+ year old cables that were already abandoned by Telstra as economically unmaintainable.
Labour is the most biggest installation cost of any communication system – FTTN locks in future labour maint. costs that will dictate it’s replacement with ‘no maintenance’ fibre.
Each Node requires an AC power connection for DC line power (in lieu of local exchange sourced power) – more labour and equipment cost to the project from an electricity supplier.
Why are so many taken in by this silver tongued snake oil salesman?
Don’t forget that Malcom was the advisor who helped engineer the HIH takeover of FAI, which led to the biggest corporate collapse in Australia’s history.
A quiet little settlement on the side by his employer, hushed all that up after the findings of a Royal Commission saw subsequent court cases which sent a few of the directors to gaol.
Spot on Victoria a snake in the grass
Abbott or Turnbull, peas in a pod
One is smarter, the other a clod
As Abbott keeps failing, Turnbull might rise
But there won’t be a change to liberal lies
The problem’s the way, their world is viewed
More for the rich and the poor can get screwed
They’ll nobble the NBN and the ABC
For the benefit of the Murdochracy
Malcolm may save them some seats as they sink
But Abbott’s made sure, they’ll forever stink
As Turnbull defends each Abbott lie
He becomes just another turd in a bogus blue tie
I didn’t realise how much I despised Turnbull until I read your letter Victoria. Thank you for articulating my thoughts and feelings. How did we end up In this mess? How have LNP managed to convince thinking Australians that their political agenda is right for this country despite RBA dropping interest rates to a record low, rising unemployment, sub trend productivity? I confess I am at a loss.
In 2009 you said “in an ideal world every Australian would have private health insurance”.
You attacked Labor’s plan to means test the 30 per cent private health insurance rebate as “the most flagrant breach of an election promise in my lifetime” and went to the last election promising to scrap it. I note you didn’t do so.
And what happened to the Coalition’s campaign against corporate tax dodging and the offshoring of profits? Did your Wentworth Forum donors say no? Do you still have your investment in a ”vulture fund” based in the tax haven Cayman Islands?
You are the epitome of an unprincipled hypocrite.
Malcolm Turnbull has called for more truth in parliament. I agree, so in this post we have a look at what a dirty rotten lying scoundrel Malcolm Turnbull is.
In a speech that Mr Turnbull gave in Perth last Wednesday it was reported “Malcolm Turnbull has decried the state of political discourse in Australia, saying it had deteriorated to such an extent that the nation suffered “a deficit of trust” and there was an urgent need for honesty in politics.” (Click here to read more)
Before Malcolm starts preaching he needs to have a good look at himself. His own party dumped him as leader in 2009 and from all reports trust and honesty were an issue. Mr Turnbull has also refused to answer a number of questions in relation to a grant he gave when he was Enviroment Minister in the Howard government to his friend Matt Handbury.
thanks Victoria, you’re onto the utter cad. Oh a little coincidence, in that Mr Matt Handbury is nephew to a certain Mr Murd
The Real Malcom, they can try to polish another turd but they all function on half a brain….
Machiavellian Malcolm.
Mr. used Car salesman.
Will tell you want you want to know regardless of the truth, moral probity or the facts.
Much more devious that Abbott and equally as untrustworthy.
Devious, slimy, conniving, cynic comes to mind.
The Scum also rises.
}}}}}}}But I want to see her suffer humiliation and vilification like she helped inflict on Gillard and more importantly I want to see her pay for the justice she denied all of those asbestos victims who, in her mind, shouldn’t be pushed up the hearing list “just because they were dying”.((((((((((((
Yeah Turnbull…And… You say the word “our” in the same smutty way Christopher Pyne does. “Ahhh policy”, “Ahhh track record”, “Ahhh NBN”. Plumb in mouth privileged little prats, many on this site predicted a while back that Abbott would just be used as the wrecking ball to push as many IPA wish list items through until public sentiment went sour, then by replacing him with some well behaved sell out puppet like Turnbull, he can wind the extreme policy back just enough to win some undeserved popularity from voters without upsetting his masters too much, meanwhile blaming everything else on Abbott, Labor and/or the whacky senate. I hope the Libs keep their current captain of Their “Team Australia” and he goes down with their sinking ship but the hard part there is that it means nearly 2 more years with the monkey in charge
Unfortunately for the public and Labor, Turnbull is the smoothest ‘silver-tongue’ the LNP has had for sometime, his honed ability to verbally deceive and dissimulate can only further blow ill-winds into the Australian debacle that is politics 2015.
Remember we are talking about a highly successful ex-banker from Goldman Sashs .. what kind of reference is that!
And what fathoms the LNP has plumbed to come up with such grossly unsuitable candidates to lead this terrific country of ours leaves me bereft of hope for the welfare of the Country and its citizens.
Interesting bit on ABC Radio National this morning. Turnbull is completely unpalatable to the Nationals and they would go as far as to have a revolt against the Coalition if Turnbull became leader of the Liberals.
As it stands the Nationals are beginning steps to openly challenge the Liberals, and their first attack on this front will be for the seat of Indi at the next Federal election.
An excellent summary as usual Victoria.
If Turnbull is so overwhelmingly popular within his own party, who are the “faceless men” who would deny him the leadership?
History has shown that he only needs to win by one vote.
History has already shown that his ego will allow him to sell out the future of the country for personal ambition.
I think it was Groucho Marx who said something like “these are my long-held beliefs. If you don’t like them, I have others”.
While you can’t polish a turd, you can certainly roll it in glitter.
There is a simple explanation for this behaviour. It happens in a majority of organizations of any size. The fear of “Detriment”
causes people to act against decency and conscience.
The party is controlled by this threat. This destroys the democracy of the party room which by the very nature of politics, should offer the voter influence in that venue.
This enables this corrupt prime minister to implement policies that are against the true beliefs of not only the public but also the members elect.
When detriment is in place for so long it will twist the culture to a state of Authoritarian rule. This is why Abbot openly denies political process in the choice of leader. Eventually detriment comes home to roost and such policy leaders find themselves enforcing bad policy to save themselves. Their actions have by that time lost all democracy.
I used to like Turnbull, until he started acting like a politician. A Liberal one. It brings out the worst in people.
Absolutely agree! Malcolm is just a prettier Abbott, without the courage of his convictions. He is dangerous. If he had any guts why has he not crossed the floor? There was also the equal marriage bill, Sen Sue Boyce crossed the floor.
I think that we are stuck with Abbott because Libs have no one else. No one.
Recognize Someone or something?
Exactly: Malcolm “Von Ribbentrop” Turnbull. A pretend Democrat!
What, not one comment in support of Malcolm? The Liberals and Nationals have never been so totally appalling as they have been during the term of this government but does that mean that all of their politicians are without any merit? Is Malcolm really complicit in all that went bad? He can take responsibility for the NBN lite and for his part in promoting the current crap neo-con philosophy but for most of the rest he was probably just thinking what a bunch of dick heads we have become. I agree he’s not a progressive nor should he be, he’s a Liberal. He must be thinking of the long term future of the Liberals and Australia can only benefit if they become more competent. Competition, different points of view and debate are essential in politics. The ALP are currently having it way too easy. Tony is just too dangerous. He must go.
As Michael T commented following the First Cracks Appearing article. “Whoever topples Abbott will be knifed if they lose the election in 2016. They take on a big job.” As Malcolm is no dill he will probably not offer to take the leadership during the term of the current government and some caretaker will get the job.
A good read as usual, Victoria. It would be interesting to know if the vulture schemer pays the Medicare levy? Remember he only lost by a vote??
ps any of them would sell their arse for the top job. With nothing to lose, he won’t wait or hesitate if he has a good chance.
Victoria, when all is said and done Turnbull remains a wealthy “tory” who will do the bidding of the extreme right wing of his party if it means that he will be PM, we should never forget that. He has been a senior Minister in the most nasty and cruel government that this country has ever seen, who dish out constant and consistent punishment to those of us who live in families at or below the poverty line. The LNP are an absolute disgrace and have no idea of the Australian idiom “give a mate a hand.”
100% with you on this Victoia
Beware a Turnbull resurrection he is a very dangerous individual, why because he can appear “so nice” and can complete a sentence even if it is rubbish without ums and aahs.
Everyone new Tones was toxic some accepted it, those of us from a different political persuasion new and tried to fight it but Murdoch won that one, however things change people do not.
Think back to the republic debate Howard screwed that movement Turnbull failed then he failed as opposition over utegate, grechgate etc he has decimated the NBN. The LNP parliamentarians hate him and will trash around for anyone but Turnbull even keep Abbott.
” Andreas BimbaFebruary 5, 2015 at 9:09 am
What, not one comment in support of Malcolm? ”
Turnbull like Abbott does not have one redeaming feature that I can see and others also, that is why there is not one supporting comment so far. Keep alert we all need more lerts.
Couldn’t agree more. Foul temper in private, smarmy on the outside, and will never be forgiven by me for being in charge of the destruction of the NBN which would have suited the Australian people, that’s right the Australian PEOPLE for the next 100 years. Can’t wait until this “Liberal Party” is consigned to the dustbin. They have absolutely no functional value to offer Australia!
In 2010 Tony Abbott invited his predecessor back into the shadow cabinet as communications spokesman with the explicit instructions to :
“Tony Abbott has ordered Malcolm Turnbull to “demolish” the Government’s National Broadband Network (NBN) as he today brought him back to the Coalition frontbench to head up its communications portfolio.”
Since then, the NBN has gone the way of border protection nobody seems to know what is going on and I have yet to hear of anybody in my region who has any information on the timelines for installing the modified fibre to the node NBN. We don’t even have a node, whatever that may be.
It seems that Malcolm may have succeeded in his mission
Bishop is a bigger arsehole that Abbott and Turnbull combined. Remember what she did to asbestos victims when she was a lawyer forr the asbestos companies
Stupid dickhead who ruins one of the most needed infrastructure of Australia for years to come. we’ll be playing the “catch-up game” for decades while all the innovations go to other countries. retarded short sighted government.
Another politician happy to sell his soul for personal glory. Makes me want to puke!
On authoritarian rule…what does it say about that very subject when Abbotts Chief of Staff Credlin denys the new Minister of Health Ms Dey her own choice of COS.
If that is not authoritarian even dictatorial, then love to know what it is. Abbott must have agreed with Credlins decision, proving again she rules the roost
I’ve never forgotten nor forgiven Turnbull’s saying after the referendum on the republic that Howard had broken Australia’s heart, only to turn around and join Howard’s government. Are Turnbull’s beliefs any different from Abbott’s? Or just the same, but in more sophisticated packaging? How could we possibly pass over the prime ministership of the country to someone who has gutted the NBN, and is doing his best to gut the ABC? There isn’t anyone in the senior ranks of the LNP I’d trust to do anything but feather his own nest. How did we get to this awful impasse?
Turnball the environmentalist…
Straight talking! Great! But I agree with Andrew Curtis that it would have been even more persuasive without the puerile language and name calling.
This nation needs a PM who has brains and a heart. Are there any such in the Lying Nasty Party ? We DON’T need a strong leader, we need a dreamer and a visionary, before this land hits the garbage heap. Visionaries look forward, not Back.
Sorry Victoria but this is another example of your unprofessional journalism. The issue is not the general substance of the article or the opinions expressed but that the tone of the writing is little more than abuse and name calling and once again brings your publication into disrepute. Independent media faces an uphill struggle against the right wing forces arrayed against it and your efforts do nothing to maintain it’s credibility or it’s image. Comparing a minister, on whichever side of politics, to a turd reduces the standing of the publication to that of a gutter blog. Let’s see if anyone complains to the Press Council.
Sorry Evisrevbus but it is hardly opinion. The truth does sting but it does reflect the general views of those that follow politics.
Couple of sensitive types here, Politics is not for the faint hearted, How about the couple attacking victoria present us with an example of their writings and not just a couple of sentences but similar length. I look forward to something from you that is warm and fuzzy, which seems to be your preference, of similar length as victoria so we can critique your style of communicating.
David, I wouldn’t be surprised if those people who find Victoria offensive are also busy over at Larry Pockering’s blog . . . cheering him on.
“Independent media faces an uphill struggle against the right wing forces arrayed against it and your efforts do nothing to maintain it’s credibility or it’s image.”
Evierbus or what ever their name is shouldn’t have anything to worry about then, let alone complain to some umpire somewhere
because the “right wing forces” are in control,
“May the force be with you” 🙂
I wouldn’t have thought patricawa would be a Pickering fan Michael… 😉
You could point David towards the Pollie Pomes site for some enlightenmemt?
Now now, Bacchus, you know I wasn’t referring to Patricia. E’bus was who I had in mind. 😳
Sorry Michael – I did realise that, but our good friend Patricia also wasn’t delighted with Victoria’s style in this article. I thought it important to acknowledge her POV. 🙂
In all honesty, Bacchus, I’ve been on the road all day and hadn’t seen the earlier comments – Patricia’s included. I just caught the last couple of comments when I opened up the computer; from E’bus onwards and was replying to David’s comment. Naturally I apologise if Patricia took offence.
Victoria, great article.
These blow-ins are concern trolls.
I would be interested to know what the dopey, not very subversive one thinks a “complaint to the press council” would achieve though. In a way, I think they are inadvertantly complementing you 😉
And for the record, I agree with Victoria – the Malcolm turd is tarnished beyond polishing.
Listen to Turnbull, at the Dam pub near me.
He came across as being very impressive. Was asked some hard questions. Sadly much of what he said about NBNfraud was wrong, but he sounded good.
What he was attempting to do, put a kinder face on politics. Would have loved to be there. Crowd did not appear to be hand picked,
I would not be surprised if he did challenge.
Many good interviews on that site today.
Cannot get link to work on this site
A-Pac Australia Public Affairs Channel
Will work by copy and paste
Much amused by the attack on Evisrevbus. A blow-in? I have seen this person commenting before-what is it you have here-a private members club? The opinion expressed is valid. You do not make decent political commentary by calling anyone a turd. It is not professional and it takes away from intelligent opinion. There seems to be no disagreement that the Liberal Party is failing this country big time, more that a professional journalist, which Victoria is purporting to be, owes it to her readers to be objective. Let’s face it, that’s all you need because the LNP are cooking their own goose day by day. The truth will suffice-anything else is merely hubris and ad hominem.
For those who have made unfounded inferences from my post, for the record I am not an LNP supporter nor a troll, I do not support Larry Pickering and I am not an apologist for Malcolm Turnbull. I will be as happy as anyone to see the LNP out of power at the earliest opportunity. My point, for those who actually read what I wrote, was that name calling and personal attacks (such as grub, turd and snake in the grass) are less effective as tools of persuasive argument than objective analysis of actions and behaviour. Respect and credibility are important for a journalist and they hard to build and easy to lose. Just ask Mr Abbott (and many of this colleagues).
I have much respect for Victoria, and her credibility is in tact
she calls it how it is, a spade is a Spade and a turd is Malcom Turdbull,
We all have different ways of expressing ourselves, and Victoria has expressed hers succinctly
Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me,…..
Florence you have been taken in by the snakeoil salesman. Go back through all the comments and read what your fellow contributors say about Turnbull. He also charmed Godwin Gretch who ended up in an institution for the mentally disabled.
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves
David, I have no time for Mr Turnbull. What I am saying, he came across as being good. Was charming the audience. I pointed out, he was lying about his NBNFraud.
Many other lies as well. When asked a passion question about affordable housing, he gave a long tirade on house prices, about all who are to blame. That it is not responsibility of Federal government. Yes, all about home ownership.
When I think of affordable housing, I immediately think of rental. Not a mention.
No, I have not been taken in by snake oil salesman. No way is this mob going to allow Turnbull to government as he would desire. He will have to put aside too many of his own beliefs. No action on CC. No action on asylum seekers.
Would pull back on Pyne’s and Dutton’s legalisation. Not sure about what he would do to Andrews welfare changes.
Now you are talking Florence, from the heart, onya cheers…:-)
Different blogs cater for different demographics. Bolt caters for the brain-dead, for example. (he’s not a journalist either). The AIMN has a wide range of followers – from salt of the earth types to highly educated academics – and an equally wide range of authors, catering to various people.
I’d reckon Victoria would have a much better idea of her readership than some wanna-be subversive. 🙄 So she can’t count you as one of her readers then? That’s a net positive then!
The school of if you don’t think like me you are a dumb duck.
Arrogance is such a complete cover for a lack of tolerance.
Stephen time you got to the topic at hand, Turnbull. You have had your say on contributors, now extracting of digit required. Carry on.
Recently Julie Bishop (or one of her staff) blocked a whole lot of people on Twitter-including me. I wasn’t a follower, but I had made a comment about her treatment of Bernie Banton. Obviously a nerve was hit. She not only blocked me, she stopped me from seeing her tweets. Victoria Rollinson blocks people on Twitter who merely call Labor’s policies, such as those on asylum seekers, into question and she is ruthless about doing it. She hasn’t blocked me as I haven’t fallen foul, but all this reminds me that on both the Left and Right of politics you have people who just won’t listen and it seems that many of the contributors to this blog fall into that category. I won’t be bothering reading Victoria again since there are many writers on sites such as the New Matilda who are so much better. More than that, such a media outlet has a much broader readership and is interested in talking about policies, not simply attacking, name calling, not just starting every other sentence with ‘I’ as Victoria has the unfortunate habit of doing. So, I shall leave you all to it, but remember, Labor supports a lot of Liberal polices. Labor has helped to destroy asylum seekers and is still doing it. Vote Greens.
So you’re judging a whole site because you have an issue with one of the writers. That’s not very objective. Or logical.
Bacchus, yes, I take your point about demographics. I’m simply advocating an improvement in the standard of debate. Since you also engage in name calling I can see why you favour the lowest common denominator demographic. The sad thing is it will probably work for you, at least within your own constituency. Actually, it won’t be sad if it helps rid us of the LNP. All the best with it…We share the same objective; just different ideas on how to get there.
I’ve been reading AIM for a while. It’s just not that good. To each their own.
Jo you must be hell to live with, the Greens deserve you…
Jo only likes the sites that write about what SHE likes. Fair enough.
I guess they’ll be seeing more of her.
We’ll be seeing less.
That’s a win/win.
Don’t believe that the Libs will elect Turnbull at this time. Later maybe.
Best possible result is that a ‘spill’ happens. That there be several nominations with Abbott winning a close, exhaustive, final ballot by a few votes from Turnbull.
For the Deputy position, the hope is that Morrison just scrapes in.
The resulting Cabinet reshuffle sees Morrison as Treasurer. Pyne as Foreign Minister (need for comedic relief). Bishop the Elder as Finance Minister as well as responsible for Age Care, with Turnbull on the back bench
Now that should result in enough internal tensions to produce a lame duck government for rest of their term.
The spill is happening. Luke Simpkins has called for it and its been seconded by Don Randall, confirmed by chief whip Phillip Ruddock
Come off it David. Jo has a perfect right to offer her concerns without being insulted. As has Evisrevbus.
On the article, I don’t get this propensity hereabouts to label a personal attack an ‘open letter’ – as if Turnbull were ever likely to read it.
Although I can hardly assume to know what Turnbull thinks and what his motives are, I agree with Victoria that he is very untrustworthy. I would have written it differently.
If it were a ‘letter’ of any sort it would surely use less abuse.
Clearly it is written for the rusted-on AIMN-ite; as they show by their defensiveness. That’s OK, except for the pretence/ambition of the site and its contributors to active and effective participation in Aust. politics.
This site will better serve as a forum for debate should it ever get past the inclination to tell every differing opinion, even written in mild language, to bugger off. You never know, now and then the dissident might be right. Truth can be a difficult customer. But unanimity stinks.
Luke Simpkins said:
More power to his arm. We must keep out the ‘economic vandals’. (Hockey probably fits that category now, given the increasing deficit). LOL
Will Morrison run? Will Mal Brough nominate? How many ‘tickets’ will there be? Who will pay for all these phone calls? Will Bishop again be Deputy to another Leader (She has form). So many questions.
The MSM now have a reason for their existence.
Perhaps Abbott will resign and be appointed “Groom of the Stool” to the Prince Duke?
Morrison unlikely to run – he wants to be treasurer. Julie is “living the dream” as foreign minister. Peter Reith suggested Andrew Robb – doubtful in my opinion. What I hope is they have the spill and Tony hangs on – now THAT would be funny.
Tony to make an announcement in 20 minutes
While Morrison might want to be the Treasurer, he needs to be in a position of ‘power’ or to look like he might be in a position of power. Threatening to run may enhance his negotiating position re Treasurer
Abbott probably hopes that if Turnbull runs, then Bishop does as well – splits the ‘liberal’ side of the party.
The big loser (in several senses) may well be Hockey, handicapped by shots in both feet via an ‘unfair’ budget. Wiped from the slate by a ‘new’ leader or by an ‘old’ leader, both desperate to make a fresh start.
Now Abbott will have to both get on his bike and get off his bike if he is to succeed. Much work to do.
Regardless, he is finished. if not now then in the medium term. A pity.
Abbott said this morning that he’ll be the prime minister for another five years. It was obviously a slip of the tongue: surely he meant five days.
Randastella, we’ve often invited right-wing leaners to offer a post for publication. The few weve got have been hysterical lefty bashing, racist, xenophobic rubbish not fit for publication on the back of a toilet door.
By the way, we regularly publish articles that are critical of Labor policies or personalities. Up until a few weeks ago you would have been struggling to find any anti-Abbott or anything critical of the Abbott Government on a right-wing site.
Yep it’s the start of the end for Tones and Co,
Maintain the rage untill the rest of the fascists are kicked to the curb in the nearest future…
They have all dug themselves a hole for the last 16 months, and now they are in panick mode.
Abbott’s Press Conference just set a new record for brevity. Good to know he has a ‘strong’ Plan, and he has a ‘strong’ team.
So did Campbell Newman.
Slow learners.
If the spill motion is carried then the Abbott Bishop ‘arrangement’ will crumble. Then it’s everyone for him/herself.
So sad. Tone’s in trouble regardless of the outcome. Let the phones ring.
Tony isn’t game to take his leadership to a vote – what’s THAT tell you!
It confirms what we already knew, Kaye. 😉
Kaye it tells us the psychology of a bully, chicken shit on the inside, he ran from that presser
30 seconds of “strong” this and ” strong ” that, what a weakling Tones is and that showed in that 30 seconds
Ruddock told us that in the rush to ‘get rid of red tape’ the Liberal Party has no rules on how motions of this sort are dealt with. LOL.
Not likely there will be a secret ballot on the ‘motion’ for a spill, probably just a show of hands. Thus motion lost. Many cowards present.
Which means that disaffection will fester. And fester and fester.
Another Malcolm, when in similar position, allowed secret ballot after being told by Howard a show hands would be OK. Yes, that was Fraser. Abbott seems to believe himself to be special and above normal conventions.
Hey has anyone seen Greg Hunt in the last few months? I know he’s not allowed to go to any climate change conferences but I haven’t seen or heard from him for ages. Should we ring 000?
Perhaps we could ask the ‘Walri’? You know the ones at the South Pole.
She also lies.
“Turnbull crosses floor on ETS vote”
Can’t understand the hatred for turnbull here. He is an embodiment of true ‘liberal’ values, something that was lost in the era of Don chipp. As a ‘wet’ liberal he understands the value of action on climate change, the necessity of welfare and health care and a genuine fair go whilst maintaining the economy. Does anyone here have anything positive to say about shorten?
Victoria Rollison
You are a complete fool and an idiot. Your lengthy letter is mumbo jumbo.
The planet has been cooling for at least 3000 years
We are at the end of an 11,000 year interglacial
Our interglacial is actually an Ice Age
Medieval warming 1 degree warmer than now
Roman warming 2 degrees warmer
Minoan warming nearly 3 degrees warmer
And most of the Holocene same as Minoan
Planet earth is plunging further into an Ice Age
Carbon below 150ppm and life ceases to exist
400ppm is only a little higher
Crops do better with higher
1000ppm would be a good level
The Antarctic has previously experienced no ice and supported forests and animals
Anthropogenic Climate Change is a criminal pseudoscientific scam
Brian, Brian, Brian…….How can this be put nicely ?
You have been sucked in by the criminal pseudoscientific scam. Not ‘everyone else’.
There is so much sensible information out there but you haven’t seemed to have found any of it.
Can I suggest :
More Than Scientists
and this is really good to keep up to date
There is plenty more where that came from.
Brian, where are the links to support your statistics? Or is your comment, to use your own words, mumbo jumbo?
Michael Taylor He doesn’t have any supporting evidence for those claims. Most of those are even fringe ideas amongst science deniers. I’m pretty sure you would have to call that ‘trolling’ and nothing else.
These videos however makes some important points….. : )
Climate Scientist James Hansen Warns World is on Wrong Track to Prevent Runaway Global Warming
Why 2 degrees Celsius is climate change’s magic number
He is the sort of person who deserves to be adversely affected by extreme weather and climate effects……often those types are also arsonists… accident of course.
Michael Taylor and Chris, understand Brian Johnston. He’s here for ‘comedic relief’.
Humour him. Just laugh. Then he ‘makes sense’.
You’ll be pleased to know that I ignored him. I was almost tempted not to though, as a follow-up comment from Brian would have provided much amusement.
Matters Not and Roswell As I said ‘a troll’. I will still tell them where to find information but usually don’t bother arguing with them….Although I actually convinced a doubter in a long running argument in youtube comments. It turned out they were an oil company employee. Of course they deleted the conversation but I did keep a screen shot of their final answer where they admitted defeat and that it was just that they didn’t like the idea of a carbon tax….
Unfortunately, this is the “best” Australia has to offer. Look at the derivative debt the Liberals have created, yes it is $35 thousand billion debt (35 trillion debt) in the so called Liberal efficiency. This country is bankrupt under the liberals and it will only get worse.
Written three years ago and absolutely nothing has changed, other than the lies, pubic theft, pillage and rorting under Turnbull’s Prime Ministership has become a serial matter… criminal acts hidden behind the napisan corridors of privilege and power. Turnbull is worse than a turd, he is not fit to spread in the fields of Australia as fertiliser far less be a government minister and PM. I think clusterfluck and boondoggle come to mind, but they would be nowhere near strong enough to explain what Turnbull has done to our country in less than three years since this open letter (article) was first published. Not even a raw satirical poem would capture the humiliation the Australian people have had to face, but may be these words will remind us we have a job to do –
Malco Turbo and the Bent Apostles by Barddylbach, February 2017
Malco dreary Bligh YOU!
UNSCRUPULOUS company fly,
splat in the paddocks
of Trump and Murdoch
bleeding the people dry…