By Mark Clifford
Does the name Godwin Grech ring a bell with anyone?
Of late I have been saying and writing such profound words like ‘Malcolm Turnbull is a wolf in sheep’s clothing’, ‘Malcolm Turnbull is a liar’, ‘Malcolm Turnbull is a sneak’ and many other such attributes befitting a sly democratic/dictator in the making.
Just think back to when Kevin Rudd was deposed and likewise Tony Abbott, they both sat in the Parliament seething and bemoaning their demise and it was written all over their faces, and we all knew it was only a matter of time before they struck like a viper, although in Abbott’s case it is still a case of ‘watch this space’. With Malcolm it was a case of slimy, sneaky, smiling, sickly ‘I love you Tony’ and the rest is recent history.
Malcolm Turnbull has many houses in Australia and around the world plus a nice beef farm and of course he lives in his ‘little’ $55million abode at Point Piper but his main investments are not in Australia, where if he had faith he would be investing in infrastructure but in Hedge Funds based in the Cayman Islands.
Hedge Fund – definition
noun: hedge fund; plural noun: hedge funds
- an offshore investment fund, typically formed as a private limited partnership, that engages in speculation using credit or borrowed capital.
People who make it from nothing to super wealthy are applauded by society but almost without exception they have skeletons in their closets in one form or another and they all profess to be nice people just like the public perception of Malcolm Turnbull. I must admit that when he booted that jackass Abbott out of the chair I was hooked momentarily by Malcolm’s ‘niceness’ but when he opened his mouth he soon showed his colours and at the same time Bill Shorten suddenly grew up and also grew on me as a formidable opponent against the righteous Right in this country. I can now say I watch and listen to Shorten intently whilst I listen to Turnbull for 15 seconds and fall asleep, he is one big flop. I’ve said it before, you only hide your assets in the Cayman Islands if you indeed have something to hide because the Cayman banking system is British mandated with British governance therefore it is deemed to be safe but at the same time very convoluted so as to almost prevent forensic investigation from succeeding.
As far as the NBN is concerned, I worked in this industry all my working life and the Malcolm Turnbull model was doomed from the start and is in fact RATSH*T based on industry stories. Just the complex interoperability of the multitude of platforms was enough to doom this setup and almost double the cost and to top all that off, deliver no real speed increase.
I’m sure that Malcolm didn’t ring the AFP and tell them when to raid the Labor Party people but I bet one of his hacks (remember Godwin Grech?) had words to the effect “How is the investigation into the government leaks about the failure of the NBN going constable Plod?” Constable Plod replies “Eh yeah, was going to wait until after the election, sir.” Hack then seals the deal; “Your budgetary needs are coming up for review soon.” Plod in a trembling tone. “Yes sir, tell the boss we are onto it straight away”. This is fictional of course.
I enjoyed your piece Mark! So true, I do the same, watch Bill Shorten intently, and then I turn the sound off on Talcum. Nothing he says these days is worth listening to. Will be very interesting to see how polls go next Monday. Im still reading that the LNP is going to win, but Im not so sure. I think there is a lot of anger out there. Of course the rusted ons think the opposite, clinging to the past as usual. Of course depends on developments between now and voting day, but Bill Shortdn seems to have found his stride, and is on top of each little (or big) drama that arises. Malcolm is looking a bit frazzled, perhaps being unauthentic is extra tiring.
NBN’s own report identified as a significant challenge their ” capacity and capability to deal with the scale, scope and complexity of the plan: the ability to manage the process complexity, resource contention and speed to maturity required to overcome the multiple simultaneous challenges of deploying commercial service over new FTTN and HFC networks as well as the new Long Term Satellite Service (LTSS) network, in addition to scaling the existing FTTP and FW businesses.”
It was a dud. The concept was flawed but it just had to be cheaper than Labor’s real NBN. Entirely political in its inception. Australians were conned into thinking Turnbull’s fraudband would work. Now, it is clear that it is way behind schedule and likely to cost not $29 billion but at least $56 billion.
…..Indeed ….. and all of the above ! …Plus the fact that the NBN was set up to fail, so as not to hamper Murdoch’s Sky (expansion) platform !! … Rupert … ” The Don Who Must be Obeyed ” !! …..
So true ozibody
Colvin was an Abbott appointee, need to say anymore?
Turnball’s hand on his hip gesture or his Pirates of Penzance stance defines his body language as a man so out of touch with the common man. Yes’ Malcolm your pose is so swashbuckling you could get a walk on part in your Local Amateur Theatre production.
Turnball is just another professional bullshit artist. That’s why his business succeeded.
Anybody who has read Alan Pease knows what this body language cluster means.
Remember what Paul Keating said about Turnbull – brilliant, fearless, and no judgement. The first 2 might have served him well in the world of high finance, but the last one is surely showing up more and more. No judgement. And yes I notice the touching nose/face thing, always means either lying, or uncomfortable with what you are saying. Bob Hawke did it a lot too by the way!