The AIM Network

It’s not the ABC’s fault that you look like idiots

It was inevitable that James Ashby’s One Nation would fall out with the ABC.  James likes to very much control the questions that can be asked of his band of miscreants, and by who, and he likes the power to terminate the interview when he sees fit.

And is it any wonder.  When One Nation Senators go off the leash, their lunacy is revealed for all to see.

Watching Malcolm Roberts dismiss Brian Cox and NASA evidence of climate change on Q&A was just a taste of things to come.

Pauline blames Barrie Cassidy for her self-destruction just before the WA election when she expressed her admiration for Putin and her opposition to vaccination.

And then there were those bastards at Four Corners who did a “stitch-up” by asking where James’, or is that Pauline’s, plane had come from.

Pauline’s response?

She would be talking about the allegations raised in the program “in my own time, when I think it is right.  I will explain everything if there are questions to be answered.  There is not really, but anyway, I will be making some comments with regards to that.”

This from the woman who sells herself as the honest politician.  If it was just a witch hunt by the ABC then it should be easily cleared up.

And now we have Andrew Probyn “big-noting himself” by reporting that Hanson and Brian Burston, along with four other MPs, were to go on an ANZAC day junket to Afghanistan and Iraq.  The trip was subsequently cancelled due to security concerns.

Malcolm Roberts went into full meltdown.

Pauline seems to think the ABC’s reporting of her upcoming trip would have put the soldiers that would have had to protect her at risk.  It apparently had nothing to do with her inflammatory remarks about Islam not being a religion and her concerted and continuing campaign to ban the burqa, halal certification, Muslim immigration, the building of mosques and pretty much all things Islam.

I would hazard a guess that the ADF were extremely grateful to be able to cancel the trip considering the government has already warned about a possible ANZAC Day terrorist attack.  As Crikey points out, while wondering how a small crossbench party can get two spots out of six delegates, “If you’re not in the Defence or Foreign Affairs portfolio, a trip to Afghanistan primarily consists of opportunities to don body armour and have your photo snapped with Australians troops.”

Brian Burston has demanded that funding be cut to the ABC or One Nation will block government legislation.

“I’ve contacted (Finance Minister) Mathias Cormann and said One Nation wants the ABC funding reduced by $600 million over the forward estimates,” Senator Burston told The Australian.

“If they’re not forthcoming in reducing funding to the ABC as part of their budget repair we’ll have to seriously consider what budget repair options (we ­support) that the Liberal Party puts forward. It’s about time we apply a little bit of pressure on the government to do something about the left-wing, Marxist ABC.”

Burston has been on a mission to destroy the ABC from the outset as shown by the following excerpt from his maiden speech:

“A further example of elite contempt for ordinary Australians is public broadcasting. The cultural Marxist takeover of the ABC began in the late 1960s when Allan Ashbolt stacked the current affairs department. Ashbolt introduced the radical critique of mainstream Australia that had become fashionable in university departments of humanities and social science. Almost 50 years later, there is not one conservative program or anchor on the ABC—not one, in a billion-dollar enterprise. The ABC’s oppositional stance to traditional Australia has grown to include the two other taxpayer-funded public broadcasters, the Special Broadcasting Service, SBS, whose explicitly ethnic mission is to cater to the identity and interests of the multicultural community, and most recently the National Indigenous Television network, NITV, created to represent the identity and interests of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. For budgetary reasons, NITV is now within the SBS stable. All three broadcasters are biased against mainstream Australia. They distort Australian political culture and support aggressive political multiculturalism. The systemic bias of public broadcasting is one of the clearest manifestations of a hostile cultural establishment. This bias has been known for decades but the conservative side of mainstream politics has failed to correct the situation. The time for complaint and diagnosis is over. It is time for the nation to break the bias of public broadcasting before that bias breaks the nation.

How might this be done? The main proposals have been to defund and privatise the ABC. But the country needs public broadcasters. Despite or perhaps because of their biases, the ABC, SBS and NITV have constituents who benefit from their services. It would be sad to throw the babies out with the bathwater. Might not balance be achieved between channels? A fair balance might be struck by leaving the minority ethnic channels intact while transferring funding from the ABC to establish a new channel that might be called the Patriotic Broadcasting Corporation, whose explicit mission would be to represent the identity and interests of mainstream Australia. It would present news and current affairs from the perspective of the historic Australian nation. Stripped of its mainstream content, the remaining ABC structure would receive funding commensurate with the size of its inner city, Greens-voting constituency. Australia needs more diverse public broadcasting in keeping with the growing diversity of the population.”

Just to be clear here, in the lower house, One Nation received 1.3% of the primary vote and the Greens received 10.2%.  In the Senate, One Nation received 4.3% of the vote and the Greens got 8.7%.

One Nation blames journalists for trying to “get Pauline Hanson’s scalp”.  What they fail to see is that they are the architects of their own demise by the sheer idiocy that spews forth every time they open their mouths.

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