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Nominations open for Les Murray Award for Refugee Recognition

Australia for UNHCR / SBS Media Release

Nominations are now open for the third Les Murray Award for Refugee Recognition, presented by SBS and Australia for UNHCR.

The award is named in honour of the beloved sports broadcaster Les Murray AM, who hosted The World Game on SBS and was himself a young refugee who arrived in Australia in 1956 from Hungary.

“This award celebrates people from refugee backgrounds who are promoting positive awareness of refugees through their work in the community, including in the arts, sport, and as community leaders,” said Australia for UNHCR’s CEO Trudi Mitchell.

“Every year, the judges have the challenging task of choosing from a list of outstanding candidates from across Australia; people who in many instances have endured great hardship and are now contributing to their communities in remarkable ways,” she said.

Managing Director of SBS, James Taylor, said the award is a tribute to Les Murray’s legacy.

“We’re delighted to once again open nominations to recognize the outstanding achievements of former refugees who have been quietly making positive contributions in their communities through arts, sports or media, through this special award dedicated to Les Murray’s memory,” he said.

“We invite nominations for this award from authors, artists, actors, community leaders, sports people, film makers and journalists who have resettled in Australia as refugees, a homage to Les’s own story as a refugee from Hungary who became an iconic Australian and had an impact on so many through his love of football, advocacy and passion for uniting communities.”

In 2023, former refugee Anyier Yuol won the Les Murray award for her diverse achievements across sport, women’s empowerment and refugee advocacy. In 2022, Danijel Malbasa, a lawyer from Melbourne who grew up in the former Yugoslavia, won the inaugural award.

The winner of the Les Murray Award receives $10,000, donated by SBS, to encourage positive awareness for refugees.

Nominations should be emailed to Submissions must include a brief biography, examples of work, details on the nominee’s community work and two references.

The closing date is 29 February 2024.

For further information visit


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