Neo Nazis – Will We Ever See Your Spotty Faces Again?

Image from The Herald Sun

By Jane Salmon

Neo Nazis vs Refugees – Will We Ever See Your Spotty Faces Again?

The sight of 20 masked neo Nazis dressed in all black being moved away from refugees by police using capsicum spray seems reminiscent of wingless Louie the Fly (or half hearted halloween spiders) being removed by bug spray.

Remember those Mortein ads? Remember insects on their backs with legs flailing in the air?

Time for rows of long-term refugees seeking permanent visas to slap on cork hats, zinc cream, singlets, stubbies and flip flops. They could carry a big can of spray captioned “Nasty Repellant”.

The joke is that these people look very much like they are in black face. Or mimicking anyone in head to foot black covering. Nuns? Pauline Hanson in a burka? Spot the difference!

In Melbourne on Tuesday evening, the masked band chanted “Will I ever see your race again?” (a racist twist on the song by the Angels, “Am I ever gonna see your face again?”) The original developed a very popular, negative chorus.

These cowards won’t even bare their own features.

To paraphrase the song, “Will we ever see your faces again? Get effed, no way, we’re scaredy fools!”

Who are they scared of? Their Mums?



When not working as Green Screen dummies or under-under-discount store managers, neo Nasties are busy writing bile-filled blogs.

Do these gormless wanna-be storm troopers type their words of hate under posters of Peter Dutton and Mike Pezzullo? What else is on their bunker walls?

What do they think about when they blog? Who is more punctual at work? The last time a migrant stepped in to help them build a house or clean their rooms? The many times they gladly accepted donated migrant blood after a motorbike accident?

And “Eff off, we’re full!” is their other slogan. If our boundless plains are indeed too clogged up to share, it is perhaps time to flush.

When they mouth old-fashioned Ted Bullpit racist slogans from daggy 1970s Kingswood Country, it is not larrikinism. Our narrow minded suburban selves were never that funny.

Free speech is only alright for some.

Perhaps these are even the same folk who didn’t want to vaccinate or wear masks during the Corona virus lockdowns because enforced group safety was “fascist”.

They seem very confident, no doubt because asylum seekers or new migrants have accents, limited rights and opportunities to respond.

Calling abstemious, disciplined, teetotal, hard working family people “rapists” seems to go unremarked while the count of all Australian women murdered by Australian men keeps rising.

Recently they captioned a photo with nasty slogans. The term “Curry munchers” was just one used. A physically disabled person with IT degrees was labelled a “moron”.

Going by recent arrest records, their drunken accolytes pull hair, punch heads, wave butane gas guns near occupied nylon tents, dislocate shoulders and smash knees.

Let’s unmask these jerks and show them the “small finger” flag.

Anyhow, we must congratulate them on highlighting our issue. Refugee advocates got a lot of important information into mainstream media as a result.

The 100 days of continuous protest rallies are great. We are also marking 10 years or more of refugees resisting vile Aussie racism. Good on ‘em!

May they get permanent visas soon.



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  1. The Neo-Nazis are like the KKK, but they wear black instead of white. They’re cowards who don’t want it known who they really are.

  2. The black uniformed ones above are either brainwashed, and like all brainwashed people cannot see through their prejudiced upbringing; or, a number of them could be part of a paid rent-a-crowd, agent provocateurs playing a role to help to build the narrative of the State so that more draconian legislation can be passed. They wouldn’t even need to be told what the final narrative is, they just get paid for protesting. Either way, useful idiots. With a bit more education they could have gone on to be politicians.

    These scenes often look contrived and reminds me of police split into 2 groups at riot-control training exercises.

    Who remembers the doco by Topher Field titled ‘Battleground Melbourne’?

    Take the black head burkas off the delicate somewhat flimsy frames of the people in the photo above and replace with the blue face nappy like the ones in the 2nd photo of this article
    and ask yourself, which group poses a bigger threat to your personal safety and our democracy?

    The first group can be dealt with, but the 2nd group, well, good luck dealing with the State machine that set them up.

  3. I think you’re right, Jane. They’re scared their Mum might see them and give them a slap on the legs when they get home.

  4. Gutless snowflakes is the only term that fits these pathetic little girl’s blouses. They have to hide their boat races so the people who know them won’t recognise them and be embarrassed beyond speech and reason. The best thing to happen to Australia was multiculturalism; adds new genes to the gene pool, decent food at last, most of them hard working quiet and harmless just wanting to improve their lives. Never forget that our ancestors all came here as migrants. Why does being here a mere two hundred years make some people think they are the rightful owners of a land populated by the indigenous for at least 60,000? Boag white trash that needs to be deported to Seppoland where that sort of behaviour allows you to run for president…

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