We were never going to meet anything close to Morrison’s vaccine march and rollout, as he arrogantly pronounced. It was foot in mouth disease, a muppet show. The European supply issue was totally predictable from early last year even when Morrison placed his solo order on behalf of Australia and backed it up with the one and only domestic manufacture of the same product.
As for Pfizer, we have been promised 20 million, just enough to cover phase 1a and 1b rollout (14-16 million doses), but we don’t even have enough to cover 4 million now or the immediate future, only 1 million delivered to date and there are no eagles in the clouds as we speak. Again, same situation, US like Europe will protect their own market and citizens first, the US are always in the business of protective trade practices – free trade is almost a global myth especially on vital products and resources such as food, fuel, energy, medicines and vaccines, not to mention patents. And God, because of that grand muppet wizard, Trump didn’t they need it more than us for their 328 million population to our 25 million – all through last year, predictable. And right now, despite ramping up the US rollout, as many being vaccinated in one day as Australia all year to date, UK too (the allies); with all this vaccine, the pandemic is still rising on its fourth wave.
As we have all been saying here, Morrison put all our eggs in one basket last year and now we are reaping the result of his incompetent and arrogant gamble. No talk even of Novavax, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson other than a bare rumour or mention. The UK placed multiple orders last year across at least 5 vaccines, not relying solely on their Oxford AstraZeneca prodigy. Even the grand muppet wizard got 3 holes in one – all domestically produced free of potential border export restrictions (the allies). We were warned all along about national fences and vaccine nationalism in fighting this pandemic but no, we have allies who will protect the colony.
Morrison’s vaccine march and rollout – It was never going to happen.
Morrison thought AstraZeneca would get him to the next election with Pfizer as the backup. No doubt many Liberals bought shares for profit last year in AZ or CSL before and around the government announcements. And just may be this is why the Morrison and Federal Government have remained silent and procrastinated for so long.
Now the Liberal propaganda has shifted today on opening mass vaccination clinics – Well DOH! But where the bloody hell are the vaccines? A cart and horse with no payload. Thank God and our States and Territories for the miracle of such a low infection rate in Australia, the silver lining.
But isn’t it obvious to us all, we’ve been bled and shafted? Morrison doesn’t listen – big bag of wind and egg yolk, why are we still listening to him?
The killing is more than mere bullets, even Morrison understands that and the illusion of democracy, the placebo effect.
Our ecclesiastical prime minister –
He only listens to what he wants to listen to
and that will never change.
Women will never change him, man nor dog.
Therapy will never change him.
Reason will never change him nor common sense.
Empathy and compassion can’t change him
because there is no space for these to grow.
There is no vaccine to protect us from the likes of him;
after the party.
God will never change him,
no justice or angel of peace.
Jen won’t change him, no tongues, no prophecy,
no blinding light on the way to Canberra.
He is the epitome of stone,
the lava which spits in your face
as you hand him the keys to heaven.
He attacks anything that moves
in a direction not of his choosing;
after the party,
long live the party dead.
He is a failed managing director
in two countries, the tourism wars.
A liar and public, corporate thief.
He was absent in the thick of the fire,
absent from the crowd that gathered at our door.
He is ecclesiastical,
the land will never change him,
no wiser or elder evermore;
after the party.
He is a Liberal, the member for Cook,
they gave to us a shadow of the past
and he who stares at us from the dead
he places on the hill.
Misogyny and crocodile tears,
bullets, slogans, sermons, smears.
No cross, stars or serpent sky
will light the path and touch him now;
after the party,
long live the party dead.
Listen to the wisdom of women?
He doesn’t even hear himself
and this my friends is our prime minister,
our beloved leader and preacher,
preserver of the colonies,
the one who a handful of bogan
wayward parliamentarian vote for
to maul and govern this country;
after the party,
long live the party,
kiss and cuddle now you’re dead.
By Barddylbach
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