It seems whatever he does, Scott Morrison leaves a bevy of disgruntled colleagues in his wake.
An early job was with the Tourism Task Force where he was 2IC. After he jumped ship to join its main rival, Tourism Council Australia run by Bruce Baird, the TTF was unimpressed and changed its employment contracts to prevent others from “doing a Morrison”.
From there, Morrison moved on to the Office of Tourism and Sport in New Zealand. Within weeks, the tourism board’s three most senior figures – the chair, the deputy chair and the chief executive – were gone.
“I suspect it was just about power,” said board member Gerry McSweeney. “You had the meeting of two people [Morrison and Tourism Minister Mike McCully] who were very ambitious.”
The Auditor-General was scathing about Morrison’s role in commissioning PwC to conduct a secret review of the board and then recommending they be sacked.
“We were surprised by the vehemence and timing of this advice,” the auditor-general commented. “Mr Morrison was aware that the board’s directors (including the chairperson) had deliberately been excluded from the review process, as part of the terms of reference.”
When interviewed last year, McSweeney said of Morrison, “Picking off soft targets, seems to have been a career projection of your PM.”
McCully resigned over the scandal and, with a year still left on his contract, Morrison returned to Sydney in March 2000, where he took up a position as the state director of the NSW Liberal Party.
After four years in that role, in a move that reeked of political cronyism, Morrison was rewarded when Joe Hockey, then tourism minister, gifted him the $350,000-a-year job as chief executive of its newly created tourism body, Tourism Australia where he, once again, ran foul of the board.
Its members complained that he did not heed advice, withheld important research data, was aggressive and intimidating, and ran the government agency as if it were a one-man show.
Confident that John Howard would ultimately back him, Morrison reportedly boasted that if then tourism minister Fran Bailey got in his way, he would bring her down. When board members called for him to go, however, Bailey agreed, and soon it was Morrison who was on his way. “Fran despised him,” says an industry insider. “Her one big win was ousting Scott. His ego went too far.”
“He was an invisible MD, he wasn’t present, he wasn’t around, he wouldn’t know anyone’s names,” one long-time staffer said.
A subsequent report from the Auditor-General regarding three contracts worth $184 million may shed more light on the real reason Morrison’s contract was terminated a year early.
The audit report revealed that information had been kept from the board, procurement guidelines breached, and private companies engaged before paperwork was signed and without appropriate value-for-money assessments.
Out of a job, Morrison found his next sinecure after being parachuted into Cook, the seat of his former boss, Bruce Baird. And even that was dodgy. He failed dismally in the preselection ballot until the Telegraph did a defamatory hatchet job on the successful candidate, Michael Towke, who was then disendorsed by the executive.
Purportedly a moderate, as the party lurched to the right under the leadership of Abbott, so too did Morrison. “Supreme opportunism,” scoffed one senior Liberal when asked about the one-time moderate’s confrontational approach on asylum seekers. The more publicity that came Scott Morrison’s way, the more hardline he became.
According to Niki Savva’s book about the spill that installed Morrison as leader, Plots and Prayers, at an April 2018 lunch Michael Keenan, who served as justice minister when Morrison was immigration minister, told his West Australian colleagues, including Finance Minister Mathias Cormann, Attorney-General Christian Porter and Mr Morrison’s chief ally Ben Morton, that Morrison was an “absolute arsehole“.
“Porter joined in, saying he did not think Morrison was a team player. Cormann said he had seen Morrison up close now, and, in his opinion, Dutton was better,” Savva wrote in her book.
Julia Banks described Morrison like “menacing controlling wallpaper” during the period where she decided to leave the Liberal party after Malcolm Turnbull was deposed as prime minister.
“It was the three months of Morrison’s leadership that … was definitely the most gut-wrenching, distressing period of my entire career.”
Leaked texts between Gladys Berejiklian and a current Liberal federal cabinet minister during the 2019-20 bushfires suggest they share that low opinion.
“In one, [Gladys] described you as a horrible, horrible person, going on to say she did not trust you, and you are more concerned with politics than people,” Peter Van Onselen said at the National Press Club on Tuesday.
“The minister is even more scathing, describing you as a fraud and ‘a complete psycho’.”
And who could forget the French president who didn’t mince his words about Morrison’s lack of integrity – he’s a liar.
These criticisms are all coming from people who have worked closely with Morrison, people from his own side of politics, people who are supposedly part of his “team”, and other world leaders.
I can only concur with their informed opinions.
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I agree with everything in this article, but i take umbrage at the headline: it should say ‘…ARSEHOLE.’
Now he seems to be almost begging that ‘strayan’s don’t make election about him but concentrate on all the many good achievements the LNP has done while ruining…running…the country. His ego is just fragile as The Donald’s and he can’t handle anything negative without getting nasty and petty and then scuttling off to sulk.
Fair call Jack. I’ll change it.
The man seems to have more than his fair share of bad character traits. In fact, it’s hard to find one good thing about the man. Yet his colleagues voted him in as their leader and nearly half the voters of this country voted him in again. It seems to me, we got what we (as a nation) asked for and have nobody but ourselves to blame. Have we finally woken up? Check this:
Malcolm Turnbull accused Morrison of having a ‘reputation of lying’
Scummo, the epitome of a politician: Shit from both ends.
Have a good afternoon all, I’m off to listen to Hawkwind and Gary Numan’s new albums while reading When Montezuma Met Cortés by Matthew Restall.
The voters who used their precious votes to install this stinking arsehole in the nation’s top job, share as much of the opprobrium as the arsehole himself. That includes the rusted on dickheads, the braindead, the tax avoiders, the spivs and the shonks, and of course the gospel prosperity church fuckwits led by a defender of child molesters, but not to ignore all those religious heads up their arses, who vote according to what their priest, pastor sadhu or mullah tells them.
They are all responsible for the nastiest, most obnoxious arsehole we have ever had. Mention must also be made of the influence of the rodent and jugears, who helped shape the arsehole and his philosophy.
Morrison’s spiritual mentor, B Houston, was under active police investigation for concealing sex crimes against children when Morrison tried to book him as a White House dinner guest.
Morrison, of course, initially lied about extending this silvertail dinner invitation to a suspected accessory to paedophilia when questioned by the media.
Now scomo’s hill$ong guru is in the dock on charges of covering up the serial rape of children.
Scott Morrison is toxic putrid scum.
Now might be an ideal time to announce that I really detest Scott Morrison.
Barnaby Joyce has told the media that the minister (a federal minister still in the cabinet) involved in the text exchange should come forward as inevitably his/her identity will ultimately be revealed.
So far Simon Birmingham, Sussan Ley, Marise Payne, Paul Fletcher, Linda Reynolds, Anne Ruston and Greg Hunt have all confirmed that it wasn’t them.
It presumably must be a NSW parliamentarian to have such a close relationship with Gladys ; so who do you think it is ?
Angus Taylor was known to be close to Berejiklian and he has not as yet ruled himself out ………………
Another great read, kaye, the operative word that will sink the godbothered prick is EGO. If Albo has the guts he should economy shame him from his treasurer to pm and attack his smug ego at every interview. as should every labor pollie with a consistent smack in the face.
I am amazed that onselling was the questioner and that shows ant controversy will be chased by rupert’s mob. Go for the throat albo!!!!
I’m with you jack, trump is an asshole, but scummo and fryer are straight arseholes with potato head and barnaby starry as dags
Given the loose relationship with truth-telling and the obsession with creating or defending subjective ‘realities’ that seem to define the status quo of federal and state LNPs, it’s entirely possible that one of those denying involvement in the ironically truthful exchange of opinions on the toxic scumbucket is a liar. Unlikely that anyone will willingly ‘fess up and provoke the nasty man’s umbrage.
And thank you, Kaye Lee, for the essay.
I think this essay deserves wider distribution, perhaps to an unwilling mainstream media-ocrity. But then Rupert would not let the truth get in the way of a free Liarbral party handout for editorial support across all the mastheads.
Like Jack cade, I agree that ”Arsehole” is appropriate ….. except a rectum is very useful ….. and Scummo does NOT do anything by his own admission.
Thanks Kaye Lee for doing the nitty gritty research on Morrison’s early occupational path, and his ruthless rise to where he is today.
Your article deserves a wide readership, despite some of the basic facts being known by some Australians, yet few would be aware of the substance or the contexts within which Morrison has worked. You have certainly provided such information.
The evidence suggests a personal style and patterns that are profoundly sociopathic.
Imagine, taking a senior position in another country, as a relatively young person, as did Morrison in New Zealand, and that within a matter of weeks, three senior members of the National Board of the organisation that has employed you, each choose to resign ! A vote of confidence in the new appointment ?
I think not.
Morrison’s early career New Zealand experience clearly and comprehensively demonstrates the ‘Morrison effect’ on people whom have had the misfortune to work closely with him. This New Zealand scenario could in part be explained by the fact that the resigning Board members may have had another candidate in mind, probably a local applicant. .
But, the kindest view is that on meeting Morrison, and discerning what he stood for, these Board members quickly and presciently assumed a ‘Fran Bailey critique’ of this man ( as you refer to was her view some years later in your article)
The rest of the article demonstrates an utter consistency in how this man goes about in the world.
One of the key learnings from your article is that Morrison likes being a ‘one man band’, adopts a personal stance that assumes an epistemological superiority in relation to others, one that is pursued via a bullying, narcissistic manner in social relationships, and justified by a religious righteousness. As a politician, Morrison’s counterpoint to the Australian electorate who do not know the relationship dynamics within his private workplace worlds, is to seek to assume the guise of being ‘ an Australian everyman ‘ Thus we have emanating from him, all the stereotypes of sport, machines, food, etc, along with well recognised and nationally idiosyncratic forms of expression, and relentless photo opportunities designed to curry him favour in the electorate.
As an actor, he does this quite well, but more people are now beginning to see him, for what he is, an opportunistic, ruthless, uncaring, and basically, a politically threadbare leader. And his emotional intelligence seems to be off the scale, thus the forlorn attempt by his advisors, that he needed to undertake ‘ empathy training’
My wish for the nation is that he goes the way of John Howard and Tony Abbott in being out-voted in his electorate. My guess is that should this happen, Morrison has already effectively ingratiated himself with the captains of industry and finance, and will move on to other pastures and bring his capacity for poisoning relationships with him.
But that will be theirs ( and his) karma ! Good riddance !
Regional Elder,
The board members didn’t resign – Morrison recommended they be sacked so people sympathetic to the government could be appointed to what was supposed to be an independent body. Sound familiar?
Morrison had ordered that PwC make no contact with the minister, the minister’s office or individual members of the board. This meant no one had a chance to defend themselves as the report was being prepared, even though the report was ultimately critical of the board and the members “in a number of respects”.
PwC told the auditor-general that they were uncomfortable with — but did not object to — the restrictions placed by Morrison. They later conceded to the AG that “what occurred was not acceptable practise for a firm of management consultants”.
The PwC consultant had also told the AG that in his view the report did not justify moving on the chairperson the way Morrison had recommended.
Separately, the AG found that “despite Mr Morrison’s advice to the minister, we have seen no evidence which would have justified the minister terminating the appointments” of the two board members.
Australia is steering herself at the moment as there is no leadership whatsoever. Scott Morrison doesn’t know how to be a leader.
The spoilt brat got what he wanted but then didn’t know what to do with it.
I can almost picture Scummo, when and if he gets to heaven, white-anting and backstabbing the little bearded sky fairy to get the seat next to the big bearded sky fairy only to rinse and repeat to get the big job.
I feel like, rather than steering ourselves, we are rudderless, frantically paddling on one side then the other to skirt by the huge impediments the tide keeps us hurtling towards.
We need someone in the engine room who can read a map, check the forecast, and plot the course ahead.
Be prepared to be disappointed at the next Federal Election. The five per cent of the electorate who usually vote for the Nationals are likely to get ten seats in Parliament. The nine per cent who vote for the National Liberal Party can expect more than twenty seats and the ten per cent who vote Greens will be lucky to get even one seat.
As always far more people will vote Labor than Liberal but the Coalition will still win more seats thanks to this imbalance in democratic representation.
So all those people blaming the majority of the electorate for voting in an arsehole Government are being unjust. It is the apathy about an obviously undemocratic electoral system that is responsible.
Proportional voting would give the Greens fifteen seats, the Nationals seven or eight and the National Liberal Party thirteen or fourteen, thus depriving the Coalition a majority in Parliament.
There was no miracle win in the last election, just a system heavily biased against democracy and fairness.
So please stop blaming the majority of voters for the Morrison Government. Once again they could be returned with a minority of electoral support.
I’m detecting a sense of negativity here about someone who is having a go so should be given a go to get Australia back on track after the dark years of Labor. Who among you would tolerate being followed around the house by some nosey photographer capturing those embarrassing moments: cooking the spag bol, on the bog, washing his underwear in the kitchen sink, the little things that has endeared himself to a certain part of the political spectrum- like most of us on this site! As a man of the Arts, he has engineered a phenomenal growth in employment of satirists. He will, undoubtedly be knighted; probably while still Prime Minister. I’m hoping Phil Prior, with his objective, entertaining, alliterative accolades will support this plea for balance.
Interesting article in the Guardian about the Liberal preselection debacle in NSW…..
“Hawke, who represents the prime minister on a crucial vetting committee, is being blamed by all for the delays in choosing candidates by failing to make himself available to scrutinise candidates. Some think the pair are engineering a crisis so the PM can pick candidates.
Those of us who have peeked inside the feudal court of the NSW Liberals can vouch that the prime minister and Hawke are extremely unpopular with many right and moderate factional figures.”
I have a theory about the leaked text messages PvO was obviously fed for political purposes. I think Glad’s text exchange may have been with Marise Payne but leaked by her live-in toy boy, Stuart Ayres. This is, of course, total speculation but it gives everyone plausible deniability and distances the NSW government from Morrison’s stuff ups in time for the by-elections.
(Barnaby Joyce insinuated the culprit was female and called on them to “out themselves”…..)
Kaye, Thanks for your further clarification ….. and for the web link.
So after a couple of months into his new job in New Zealand, Morrison manoeuvred to persuade the government to sack these people.
Delusions of grandeur ?
Absolutely, a dangerous and unscrupulous operator.
The utter gall of the young Morrison in New Zealand, not his home country .
Yet I am not surprised personally.
I was disturbed by what I saw in him 10 years ago, when the ruthless certitude came through in his public utterances, and his subsequent behaviour speeding through several Ministerial portfolios until August 2018, just repeatedly confirmed my gut feeling then, so many times over.
I actually tipped him as a likely leader of the Liberal Party in 2012 ……. and that says as much about the Liberal Party, as it does about Morrison, …… just as I tipped a bullish and resolute Malcolm Fraser in the mid 1960s to become Prime Minister, ….. then in his early 40s, and at the time, Minister for the Army during the Vietnam conflict.
Of course Morrison is also just a glaring symptom of what has become a diseased body politic at the national level in Australia, since John Howard became PM.
A change of government promises the prospects of some early steps in reversing the steep fall in healthy governance we have experienced since the appalling Tony Abbott, but that needs to be more than one term. That’s the national challenge we face.
In the best interests of Australia and its people, the nothing-burger persons who installed Scummo as PM should do the right thing,
eject him from their party holus-bolus, he can wander off and go find himself a Centrelink office let him push and bully his way to the
head of the queue.
Since Jack Howard, an old school and class member, the game has worsened as absolute arseholes have perceived that outrageous pushy coercion is likely to receive little opposition and that the insolent, ignorant, ambitious, regressive, needy, deficient arsehole can win and find the field empty of real opposition, And, if you stand for an artificial normality, a conformity to that shit of indoctrination through church, tradition, bullshit loyalty, received patriotism, indoctrinated obedience, we have the potentially independent freedom seeker kissing the arse of a filthite low level deficient like Jack Howard, a DUD, or Morrison the Pig in disguise. Far Canal, as in Venice. Trumping civilised behaviour is now easier than ever, with electronics, social media shittery, deadbrain attitude. If a sausage of slobbery and totally lying life record of laziness and failure, Morrison, can get up, in, on, the planet is stuffed along with meaning itself…
There’s no surprises in any of these revelations. The bloke has always shafted people his whole life. The tourism exit has never been clearly laid out , despite the excellent efforts here & by Karen Middleton in The Saturday Paper.
His pathological avoidance of accountability & responsibility,& always taking the back door of side door is all on display now.
The good thing about yesterday’s speech at the NPC was that he has to answer questions , as opposed to his usual belligerent & bellicose way.
Regarding the text messages , my tip is Trent Zimmerman.
Funny that labor get 3 or 4 times the green vote per state but only get 1 more senate seat.
The miracle was christine giving scummo splashing it to advantage and labor losing two seats in qld to boobby’s harridans.
It’s an old, old story, ‘live by the backstab, die by the backstab’.
Strange it is the person that sent the text has not come forward.
But I suppose that would take courage, and courage don’t live in politics.
The intrigue grows and more questions arise.
Why leak to Van Onselen who is a relative newcomer to the ranks of journalism. Indeed, as he only writes a weekly opinion column for The Australian and sometimes hosts The Project on Channel Ten could he really be considered a journalist ? He self describes as an academic.
Is he bound by journalists ethics ?
Did he research and verify the authenticity of the texts : one party to these communications can’t recall having received or sent them ?
Why release the text content now ?
Van Onselen has some questions to answer and his source must reveal themselves or be revealed. If the person is a minister in the federal cabinet (as we are advised is the case), surely they represent a security risk as they appear intent on undermining the government and destroying the prime minister of the day.
As Dutton is so worried about national security and wants to make it an election issue shouldn’t he be more concerned that they have a mole in the inner circle of government ?
The last thing that Morrisons wants is a resignation (or sacking from Cabinet) at this time so it’s quite possible that he knows who it is and he will wait until after the election to take his revenge.
It appears that our very own”arsehole” is caught between a rock and a hard place..should he go for an election sooner,before his tenuous position deteriorates further,precipitating a rug pulling by his own “colleagues”,or should he stonewall and hope for another miracle?Of course he could take the cowards way out and resign to spend more time with Jen and the girls.Actually, he’s progressed way past just being a common garden variety arsehole..he’s now a fully paid up 10 star C#!*t. And it’s all his own doing.Something he CAN claim credit for.
I think all he has left is the vain hope of some sort of “miracle” occurring. He really could use a message of reassurance about his future from his eagle photo now.
Personally, I think he knows that he will be Caesared no matter what happens and would most likely slime his way off the political stage like the hagfish he is into the sunset.
Interesting short piece about Covid –
In conclusion, what we have here in government, is a full pack of arseholes with Scummo the leader of the pack. They’ve used up all the jokers and aces, I’m thinking the rodent, Jugears, Turdball. Joshie is still a wet behind the ears jerk and Dutton looks like an auk who escaped from the set of the Lord of the Rings.
I object. This article is unfair to arseholes. I know my body couldn’t survive long without a functioning arsehole; I am convinced the Australian body politic would function as well or likely better without this arsehole.
Henry, Murdochs simple business model is to replace each incompetent PM with even more incompetent one next election, if possible.
So far so good.
Mm, freshly baked parmesan and cracked pepper bread roll with butter. Mm…
The Rupert’s idea of the perfect PM is one who would be than willing and eager enough to become part of the Murdoch centipede.
I agree, wam: it’s hilarious.
With about 35% of the primary vote to each of the sharp elbows and the hairy backs ( there’s two quotas each), the greedy bandit falls over the line.
Oh, the injustice, the lost money.
The quota system is SO undemocratic.
The Greens got over 10% of first preference votes in both the HoR and the Senate. That is a hell of a lot of people to disenfranchise. IMO the Greens have the best policies which are inevitably taken up by the majors years later because they are what must be done. The inability of Labor and the Greens to find a working relationship is beyond frustrating.
Morrison is a good case study of the type of senior manager who always moves onwards and upwards before mistakes have time to catch up.
But now there is nowhere to go for him and his mistake heavy past has him cornered.
Yes Kaye its time Labor and the Greens settled on some kind of working relationship. There are too many people being disenfranchised but the Greens also must learn to compromise, instead of always being a party of protest. I am thinking of their scuttling of Rudd’s ETS for which many people including me, will never forgive them.
I agree the Greens must learn to compromise but I don’t see any point in continually going back to Rudd’s ETS. Along with Windsor and Oakeshott, they actually got the Labor Party to put a price on carbon subsequent to that.
Everyone can see the benefits of Labor and the Greens making up except Labor and the Greens.
It’s maddening.
Seems ol’ rubber spine is bending over backwards yet again. Has nothing to do with a looming election. Nothing at all I say, nothing.
Trouble is Cash and Stoker have both said it would be separate legislation later on. “the Liberal-National Government has committed to taking away those exceptions, and we will do it as soon as we have the Religious Discrimination Act in force. The only reason we can’t do it beforehand is that we need to be able to tailor it to whatever product ultimately emerges from the Senate.”
I cannot understand it. It smacks of putting personal power before what is best for the country. Some of the comments on the AIMN facebook thread for this article are quite disturbing. They seem to be swallowing the Coalition propaganda without ever checking.
475 comments on the Facebook page. I’m working my way through them and have banned a few who were obvious trolls.
Kaye Lee,
Try and ram it through in February then, “Oh, gee whiz, we’re calling the election for X date so we can’t make any changes. Sorry about that.” is how I see it.
I also see some of the rabid christian dog botherers are screaming their little heads off at any thought of changing the bill.
Speaking of ramming through legislation, the esafety commissioner, Julie Inman Grant spoke today before the parliamentary inquiry into social media and online safety.
It has come up through the course of the inquiry that the government’s Social Media (Anti-Trolling) bill is anti-trolling in name only – literally. It’s a bill tackling defamation – in particular removing liability for page owners like media companies, and shifting it to platforms like Facebook if they refuse to help unmask anonymous commenters in defamation action.
Inman Grant was asked whether it was a concern the bill was being misrepresented as a way of protecting children.
“I don’t think it is ideal,” she said.
Inman Grant said the existing anti-bullying scheme operated by her office “will probably be a much more effective way to adjudicate those types of harms that are that are happening to young people.”
Many of the comments are not what I would call trolling so much as blind allegiance to the Coalition. It is astonishing how well their propaganda works……or perhaps they are rusted ons who barrack for their team regardless. All I can say is if Labor lies to me like the Coalition have I will be calling them out. We need a change but not in name only.
Seems remarkably quiet this morning, almost disconcerting.
Just recharging our batteries, GL. ✊
Batteries? What are these batteries of which you speak? Are they like big mugs full of the mystical freshly ground and prepared with milk super charger called coffee?
This is putting a bandaid on a gaping wound caused by Scummo and Crony Co. Inc. with the invisible minister right at the centre of the debacle. Can’t wait (maybe I’ll wait for the movie instead) to see what spin Mediocre Morriscum attempts to put on the situation. Colbeck…I just remembered Mr. Invisible’s name…won’t resign and Saint Scotty of the Marketing and I Don’t Hold Anything isn’t game enough to get rid of him.
This is getting beyond weird. As the aged care crisis worsens, Morrison is on tv washing a woman’s hair?????
Washing a woman’s hair ?? Doesn’t this arsehole have any political standards at all ?
What next, kiss her arse ?
You beat me by five seconds, Kaye. 😀
I find it rather creepy.
What’s he trying to prove? Has he got nothing better to do? Does he think this might dispel the opinion that he has a bad attitude to women?
Once the election is called he might even go to an Aboriginal community. 😳
But one thing is a certainty: he’ll go on a baby-kissing spree.
He’s in full on Clayton’s electioneering mode and can’t let himself be distracted by anything as mundane as reality. Scummo getting Scummo back as PM is paramount. We will hear hundreds of meaningless distracting and deflecting words when he has to front journos and throw others under the bus while he skates off on the slime trails he leaves behind him wherever he goes.
Response from Tim Watts to the latest photo op….
“Why is this Prime Minister always play acting at doing other people’s jobs instead of just doing the job that he was elected to do for the Australian people?”
Ace reporter, Peter Van Onselen has the full story :
Terry, was she smiling? 😁
I also heard that some customers would prefer to have their hair done by Jason Vorhees or Freddy Kruger rather than seeing the creepy balding fat man coming at them with a hose or scissors.
In good journalistic tradition the fact checking for Mr Van Onselen was done by head of journalistic integrity and ethics at SKY after Dark, Peta Credlin AO.
It’s a mad world we live in !
Amazing, the deputy PM has finally said something I agree with. Allegedly he sent an SMS that called the PM a “liar” and a “hypocrite”.
“He is a hypocrite and a liar from my observations and that is over a long time,” Joyce said in the message, dated March last year.
“I have never trusted him, and I dislike how earnestly [he] rearranges the truth to a lie.”
For someone who “professes” to be a small “c” “christian” and a signed-up member of the (lunatic) paedophile-protecting CULT of Hillsong, Morrison has all the compassion and empathy of a starving crocodile, the foresight of Mr Magoo (sans spectacles) and a relentless, self-serving, self-promoting ambition that is so brutal he is prepared to stomp on the carcases of fellow colleagues, betray anyone and everyone and backstab his way to the top with zero remorse and a level of callousness that is rarely seen in ANYONE who isn’t a stone-cold, pathological psychopath! Morrison has revealed himself to be an unrelenting sociopath, a bible-thumping hypocrite, as shallow as a carpark puddle and about as genuine as a forged $3 note!
The bone-idle Sloth Morrison expends MORE time trying to shirk his responsibilities, delegating 99.99% of his job as the worst, most deceptive, non-achieving and disingenuous crime minister in living memory! This smirking, shirking political parasite is one of the most internationally condemned, despised and stratospherically arrogant politicians seen since the last EPIC tragedies the LNP vomited up, ie the despicable war criminal, John Howard and that swaggering, incoherent misogynist, Phoney Abbott – ALL of them relentless, unapologetic, recidivist LIARS! However, in so many ways, Morrison is even worse! At least you KNEW where you stood with the gormless intellectual midget, Abbott and that miserable little war criminal, John Howard! The BIG difference is Morrison FEIGNS compassion, PRETENDS to care when, in fact, his level of callous inhumanity for the most needy and desperate people in our community, his cruel disregard towards desperate asylum seekers and his self-promoting delusions of grandeur is so appalling it is receiving worldwide condemnation! Morrison lies, lies and LIES to the point where anyone with an IQ >10 now believes that Morrison couldn’t tell the truth if he had a loaded gun to his head! Morrison is a stone-cold, inveterate PATHOLOGICAL LIAR who would lie about anything and everything and, indeed, if he surprised himself by accidentally telling the truth, he would lie about THAT for the sheer hell of it! Combined with his level of appalling, self-serving corruption, total disregard for our democracy, a level of self-entitlement and repugnant hypocrisy that is BEYOND depraved, makes Morrison an incredibly dangerous person to be at the helm of our nation!
The ONLY genuine thing about Sloth Morrison is the patronising, superior SMIRK which reveals the level of condescending contempt he has for everyone INCLUDING other members of his appalling cabinet. Morrison has a stratospheric arrogance, an undeserved ego as HUGE as Western Australia and a nauseating level of sanctimonious bible-thumping hypocrisy that is thoroughly offensive to anyone or anything with a pulse! The sooner this totally corrupt, self-serving, megalomaniacal narcissist gets his pretentious a*se kicked to the kerb, the better! The damage Morrison has done to EVERYTHING Australians cherish INCLUDING our international reputation, our children’s education, the quality of life of our most vulnerable citizens and the EXPECTATION by egalitarian Australians that our nation should be ruled by a fair and SECULAR government that is not mismanaged by a reprehensible, insignificant, non-achieving parasite who is driven by religious hypocrisy, relentless greed, insufferable elitism and the rigid ambition to enrich and empower HIMSELF and his billionaire donors in the Top 1% at the expense of ordinary Australians!
Well done, Kaye. At last someone in the media calls this PM what he really is. A total ARSEHOLE.