The following information was reported by Channel Nine news on the evening of Friday March 26, and has so far escaped the attention it deserves.
As Scott Morrison looks to shift the culture within parliament house, beginning with a meeting with Brittany Higgins, it seems the PM is being undermined by one of his own MPs. @jekearsley #AusPol #9News pic.twitter.com/BfsoYbglw9
— 9News Australia (@9NewsAUS) March 26, 2021
Prime Minister Scott Morrison states in this interview that when Brittany Higgins expressed her intention to resign from the office of Michaelia Cash in January 2021, she was offered the opportunity to speak with him before her allegations of rape by a senior staffer in Parliament House were aired in the media.
“At the time just before she departed she was offered the opportunity to come and speak with me with Minister Cash,” he says.
The Higgins story broke on February 15 2021. Morrison has steadfastly denied that he knew anything about the alleged rape of Ms Higgins until that day.
Ms Higgins left Cash’s office on February 5 2021, ten days before the story broke.
Why would the Prime Minister offer to meet with Ms Higgins prior to her departure from Cash’s office, if, as he has maintained for the last two months and stated several times in Parliament, he knew nothing about the alleged rape until it was aired in the media?
Facing intense questioning on the involvement of his department and himself, Morrison instructed Secretary Phil Gaetjens to conduct an inquiry into when the PMO knew about the alleged rape, and who had been informed. This inquiry has since been halted, though Morrison did not notify Parliament of its cessation, leading the House to believe it was still underway.
Senator Cash has denied that she knew the “full details” of the allegations until Ms Higgins indicated her intention to resign at the end of January.
Why would Cash consider accompanying Ms Higgins to a proposed meeting with the Prime Minister if Cash believed Morrison knew nothing about the alleged rape and indeed, had only just found out herself?
Ms Higgins, by the way, says she was never informed of this invitation from the Prime Minister.
It’s not clear if Cash was ever informed, either.
Morrison has gone to extraordinary lengths to convince Parliament and the general public that he was ignorant of the rape allegations until the story appeared in the media on February 15. He claims his office was unaware until February 12.
In one sentence, the Prime Minister has done irrevocable damage to this narrative. He has also exposed the unreliability of all other accounts that have been tailored to support his own, accounts from ministers, senators, senior public servants and staffers.
Morrison’s one sentence has the power to bring the entire dysfunctional edifice crashing down, if the press gallery will follow it up.
If the Prime Minister didn’t know, why would he extend an offer to meet with Ms Higgins in January?
If the Prime Minister did know, he’s been lying to Parliament and the public.
Either way, he’s a liar.
This article was originally published on No Place For Sheep.
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The P M is a known serial, committed, eternal liar, and his own old friends, colleagues, acquaintances, all know it. He is trained in inner liberal party office scheming in NSW, and then has a rotten track record in the lying industry of advertising where ingeniouis outrageous untruths are rewarded. But not Morrison the Moron and some.., for he Failed at the Lying industry of Advertising Ingloriouisly. He does not know truth for he lives a life of fictional fantasising superstious dogmatic assertion and lives in a world that never ever existed, in which psychological perverts assert their supremacy and undeniable ability, being saved, blessed, anointed, appointed, charged with setting the world right in their own distorted erroneous terms. We have many in conservative ranks, e g, Stuart Robber, a humanoid in a skin of iniquity and stupidity, full of dogmatic righteous bullshit, all filed and used regularly to attempt to find meaning in chaos. Such utter shitskulls should not be in public life, ruining people’s lives when they cannot create an honest working persona. The real Morrison is a shitstaikn on the nation and it follows an ACT called Morrison, the Imperious. We do not need an ACT derived from superstitious primitive savagery, we need an intelligent decent Human. Conservative ranks have nobody suitable, all being on the GREED and GRAB team of selfish anuses.
The news is that Morrison had ‘instructed’ Laming to receive ’empathy counselling…MORRISON ! EMPATHY! I used to say that Turnbull was a hologram -that there was nothing there. But there IS something there with Morrison, and its a very deep hole , moral- and ethic-free. A stinking tarpit. Nikita Krushchev, when denouncing Stalin for his crimes against the Russian people from the dais in front of several thousand people in the Communist Praesidium, heard a lone voice from the floor shouting ‘And what were you doing while this was going on, comrade?’ Krushchev said ‘Who said that? Come on, raise your hand!’ No hand being raised, Krushchev said, “That is what I was doing, comrade. That is what I was doing.” Morrison sees no evil in his government. Thinks no evil in his government. Admits no evil in his government. Even though its being poured up his arse through an enormous funnel… It is not a ‘gender’ quota the Liberal Party needs; its a talent quota. None of the cabinet has any talent, other than a talent for stealing the nation’s wealth. And as for women, I mean, look at the women who got in it without benefitting from a quota; Cash. Reynolds. Henderson. Flint. Shed no tears for Flint, by the way. She is a nasty piece of work, perfectly suited for a Dutton cabinet. But she probably DID get some bad shit thrown at her. And a special note for Michael… In a conversation with my daughter yesterday, , I admitted that I don’t hate Adelaide Crows fans. I just pity them.
Excellent and perceptive point Dr. Jennifer, it will be interesting to see whether anyone in the MSM or the Opposition, picks it up and runs with it. Wonder why the police haven’t become involved in the Laming business which seems like an open and shut case of online harassment. He’s an obvious grub and needs to go. Oh please, let Scummo fall into minority government, lose a no confidence motion and be forced to the polls. Please.
To mangle Dickens :”It was the best of lies,it was the worst of lies,it was the age of stupidity,it was the age of arrogance,it was the epoch of false belief,it was the epoch of credulity”
The Liar from the Shire has walled himself in by his unbroken chain of lies,which is now at breaking point.Pretty soon when the chain snaps,it’ll be men and cowards scrambling for the lifeboats,and fuck everyone else.This dysfunctional poser couldn’t manage a shit in a dysentery outbreak.The clock is ticking.
I would love to know what happened on any April 12th after Ms Higgins rape?
In question time ScoMo mis-stated that he knew on April 12th and then went back to the dispatch box for a quick correction to a February date claiming he misread his notes.
What in his notes referred to April 12th??
Given his pathological lying I wonder if it was April 12th 2019?
Would fit the timeline as the alleged rape occurred in March.
Also Morrison is following classical John Howard tactics, but whilst he is undeniably a lying little rodent, he is clearly not as clever as Howard. Remember the hit job on Pauline Hanson?
And yes Hanson is a blot on the nation but the meeting at a restaurant to strategise a means of getting her locked up was all done “without” Howard’s knowledge.
Or maybe he is following Berejiklian’s “I don’t need to know about that” strategy??
Its not really a minority government because the Independents in both House and Senate are almost all failed Coalition candidates who vote exclusively for the Coalition.
And we have a headless opposition, a la Calwell and Beazley.
The best operators in the entire parliament are all women, and all Labor, but none will ever become leader.
John Howard was called the “lying rodent” by his own side.
Tony Abbott was said to be “unacquainted with the truth”.
Malcolm Turnbull was a careful wordsmith. You decide on the extent.
Scott Morrison is the “liar from the shire”.
There appears to be a definite trend emerging with Liberal Party Prime Ministers.
A trend that says with all prime ministerial statements you will need two stat dec’s and a lie detector test to prove the veracity of the statement. Even then extreme caution would be advised.
A slippery slope when few believe anything a Prime Minister says is truthful.
In January 2019, Scott Morrison declared “I’m a prime minister for standards.”
Was he talking about honesty, integrity, transparency, accountability, workplace culture?
He was talking about a dress code for Australia Day banning wearing board shorts and thongs.
Yup, ScottyforStandards is really on top of the big issues.
Apparently Cash offered to go to the PM’s office but Higgins declined……
Ms Higgins went on to work for senior minister Michaelia Cash, who says the pair first spoke about the alleged rape on February 5.
“I offered to go directly to the AFP with her so she could provide them with a statement,” Senator Cash told parliament.
“She advised me that she did not want to pursue it.
“I also offered to go to the prime minister’s office – she said no. She advised me that at all times she wanted her privacy respected.”
“The Liar From The Shire” … Harry Lime: You have a delightful way with words. I very much enjoy your amusing and entertaining comments. I’m sure Dickens would understand.
Ross: You missed at least one. Holt told us America and Vietnam had asked Australia for help in the Second Indochinese War. Later, when the cabinet papers were released, it became known that Harry enthusiastically volunteered us. All the way with LBJ.
When will the MSM take up and examine some of the points raised in AIM articles and comments? None of us should hold our breath while we wait … Might as well wait for Godot.
Surely inconceivable that pure of heart Morrison would even think of telling lies?
“Blessed are they who suffer for righteousness’ sake
For theirs shall be the Kingdom of Heaven”.
And he is giving his sex a bad name.
Soon women will wonder, if other men tell lies, also.
And Sen.Cash.
Is it possible that even some women tell lies as well?
Like that “Lying cow”?
Its all about gender equality, calculus.
Don’t go getting your hopes up. The offer to meet with ScoMo was extended to Higgins BY Cash; (“I also offered to go to the prime minister’s office – she said no.”) There is plausible deniability that Morrison knew that the offer had been made. Morrison is saying that he is aware that Cash had made the offer to meet or was aware the offer had been made, this is different from saying that he personally offered to meet with Higgins. “She was offered the opportunity to come and speak with me with Minister Cash” is not the same as “I offered to meet with her and Minister Cash.”
Yes in the end, it is unrelenting and heartless cynicism when a little compassion is required. This, from Katharine Murphy:
What a hollow man, empty vessel he is.
@Doctor Wu: It was bad enough that Bob Menzies , who resigned his Australian Army commission on the first day of WWI, asked America if Australia could send Australian troops to Vietnam to assuage his guilty conscience for that earlier decision. If Harry Holt volunteered Australia to fight in the Vietnam imperialist war for the USA (United States of Apartheid) then it was likely karma rather than a Russian submarine that took him off the beach …..
Or a bloody big Noah’s Ark..
Doctor Wu, MorriSCAM has been referred to as “The Liar from the Shire” for AGES, going back to when he was a useless, pathetic non-achieving Treasurer under Malcolm Turnbull. Morrison is ALSO known as the “Jerk with the perpetual Smirk” for obvious reasons – it really doesn’t matter what the latest moniker for Morrison is, the derogatory expressions relating to the loathsome Morrison is just an indication of how much he is despised throughout Australia right now! Let’s hope the overwhelming majority of Australians wake up and kick these corrupt, supremely arrogant, totally self-serving, misogynistic elitists in the LNP to the gutter at the next federal election because that is RIGHT where they belong!
Again I ask, didn’t dear Mrs Morrison the elder, teach her offspring to always tell the truth, or if she did, did her precious offspring hear that advice. Mrs Morrison can’t be held to account for the sins of her offspring but her offspring can and should be held for full accountability.
Voters of the shire, take note, your man is an inveterate unmitigated liar. Besides he belongs to the Liberal party of liars.
Doctor Wu,
It seems you can call him all sorts of derogatory nicknames, just don’t call him “Scotty from Marketing” because it upsets the poor little petal something terrible.
I’m finding it difficult to comprehend that Morrison might have lied. NOT.
KERRI – the mystery date that Morrison read out from notes, in parliament from his list of relevant dates, was “5th April this year”. (the notes we assumed was from his own PMO office) He then went to sit down, realised the impossibility of that because this was only in February and we hadnt yet got to any date in April this year. So he quickly got back to the despatch box and said Sorry Mr Speaker I misspoke It was the 15th February …… SO WHAT DID THE “5th APRIL” REFER TO ???
He lies so much that the lies keeping running into each other and the mistakes and slip ups compound and he is continually having to rapidly backtrack and try to repair the damage he causes to himself. He has a massive amount of rat cunning and little else, which is great for marketing but not the position he back stabbed his way into as leader of a party and a country.
And in the midst of all this turmoil, lies, lies and more lies, what do the voters think about the perfomance of the “beleaguered” PM? The latest Newspoll reveals that 55% of Aussie voters approve of him. Says something profound about Aussie voters and how they are being manipulated by the MSM and the machinations of the Liberal and National Party machines. Porter, Laming, Reynolds resign now – you are not doing the jobs we are paying you to do.
Cheer up Frank,the mortally wounded marketeer has just “shaken up” the dross in his grab bag of incompetents,and it looks decidedly worse than before.If the Liar thinks this is the end of his problems,he ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Yep Harry, shake it up by reshuffling the pack so no one can use Freedom of Information to attempt to ascertain facts pertaining to these soiled “Ministers”. Evade responsibility, hide any evidence, and give a self-satisfying smirk as you lie, lie, lie – Oh, “how tricky is that?” thinks the beleagured PM. And of course set up a “Women’s Committee” in the classical “Yes, Minister” style of Government to ensure that any action never sees the light of day. Cynical? Yes, I plead guilty – this mob has considerable form using these disgusting tactics. .
Great tweet from Rex Patrick just now:
“Suez Canal unblocked. Australian politics remains constipated”.
In order to be successful at lying, one has to have a very good memory – poor SootyfromMarketing can’t even remember which line he has just read from his talk notes.
The cloaca maxima of the multiverse, Frank.
Uh…ah…I’m absolutely gobsmacked by the behaviour and utter bullshit being spouted by this horrible little creep!
Marise Payne is now Minister for Women.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t she the Minister who called an alleged rape victim a “lying cow”?
No, that was another Tory “heavy”, Linda Reynolds.
Thank you, Paul. My error.
Very sloppy of me.
Michael, if you are like me, you will find it hard not feel exasperated to a point of distraction in these obnoxious times..
Paul, I’m clearly like you.
Morrison was, without any doubt, the absolute WORST, most destructive, self-serving and narcissistic Crime Minister this nation has ever seen! Morrison, like the unconscionable war criminal, John Howard, is a recidivist pathological liar without conscience; a pompous, thoroughly arrogant reprobate who tried – and failed – to hide a litany of vices behind a fake facade of nauseating bible-thumping hypocrisy; who, like the inarticulate alpha male sociopath, Phony Abbott, who preceded him, is an appalling arrogant condescending and regressive misogynist. Morrison, forever known as the infamous Liar from the Shire, has no conscience, no remorse and no filter – he proved himself to be a dangerously devious, born-to-rule, undemocratic fascist who, surreptitiously and undemocratically, tried to single-handedly take over a wide range of powerful political portfolios in order to rule over us like some deranged third-world African dictator! History has proven that there is nothing good one can find to say about the bone-idle, non-achieving and unspeakably depraved Sloth Morrison! The only dubious achievement this political psychopath ever managed to push through was the infamous ROBODEBT, a callously inhumane Witch Hunt against the poorest, most vulnerable people in our community that caused the preventable suicide of more than 2,000+ desperate Australian citizens!
Morrison is a sadistic, self-important, self-promoting megalomaniac who did so much to destroy the very fabric of democracy in our nation and just about ruined our national reputation in rapid time. Morrison’s political legacy was to “normalise” political lies, promote division and encourage hate and racial intolerance in order to thrive on chaos and dysfunction! The French President, Emmanuel Macron, was one of many international leaders who justifiably recognised Morrison as a treacherous, devious and totally unreliable sociopath who was – and still is – totally incapable of telling the truth nor having one iota of empathy for ANYONE but the treacherous, backstabbing, self-serving political psychopath who stares back at himself in the mirror every morning! It is almost IMPOSSIBLE to think of anyone who was more unsuitable to be our nation’s “leader”, who has done more damage, spread more hate and created more chaos than Morrison, an internationally-condemned, unhinged, racist and misogynistic political megalomaniac who, as a heartlessly cruel condescending elitist, achieved absolutely NOTHING to benefit anyone other than a small selection of self-serving, totally corrupt and avaricious predators in the Top 1% !! The only people as equally dangerous, easily manipulated and more stupid were the gullible, racist and hateful intellectual midgets who voted for him!