A joint statement from march organisers
Members of the March Australia movement have declared today’s March in March rallies a success, with at least 2,000 people in eight locations coming out to protest the failures and poor governance of the Turnbull government.
“We’re all delighted at today’s turnout” an organiser said. “People exercised their democratic right to unite in protest and made it crystal clear that they’re angry.
Our nation is suffering today because our government is failing us. Australians came out today to reclaim the Fair Go and demand government in the public interest.
Bewitched by its own desperation for power at any cost, this government is pursuing an agenda which divides society, erodes human rights and disenfranchises many. The people feel forgotten.”
March Australia rally organisers have each contributed to this joint statement outlining why they marched today.
The combined statements of these activists for positive change are a clear articulation of the progressive perspective shared by members of this grassroots people’s movement:
Jessie-Lee Peacock (Sydney)
“Marching matters and activism matters because change happens when people make it happen.
Marching in March gives people an opportunity to find their voice and power and realise that governments crack and systems fall because unity is powerful.
When the people of western Sydney start protesting, that’s a sure sign of a government not governing for the people.“
Susan Prince (Cairns)
“We march because one day it all just got too much.
We were shaking with anger and in despair at the unfair, hateful, lying tyrannous, treachery of OUR Government.
We had to do something; when March Australia set the date we just put our stakes in the ground and the ground swelled with constituents like us appalled at our government’s behaviour…
We will march until the tyranny treachery & appalling behaviour ends.”
Jeff Sundstrom (Gosford/Central Coast)
“With a world wide trend towards uncaring and deceitful government, we must stand up for ourselves, we must stand up for those without the capacity to do so for themselves and we must stand up for the environment.
We must march!
When the gap between the haves and have nots is widening and when the health of the less than fortunate is deteriorating because health services are being handed over to the profit-takers, we must march!
And when homelessness is on the rise, affordable housing is on the decline and land banking is considered a good and just economic strategy… We. Must. March!”
Vee Ness (Armidale)
“Armidale has participated in the National March In March events since the beginning.
While our political leaders come and go, the standard of living for most Australians has not improved.
Being an educational and agricultural district, we are a resourceful and active community.
Uniting today to find our common strength, we raised our voices in solidarity for justice, while promoting local services and grass-roots solutions.
As our representatives seem to ignore us, we will not be silenced. Generation after generation, we are the continuous current for change.
People power is the true renewable energy resource and Australians everywhere are tuning in.”
Liz Tearii (Brisbane)
“We march for many reasons… We have watched this Government attack, demonize, criminalize people on Welfare.
We have watched this Government attack and criminalize Unions and workers Rights.
We have watched this Government flaunt their travel entitlement spending while accusing people on Welfare benefits of not managing theirs.
We have watched this Government encourage and utilize the “fear” campaign to criminalize minority groups and implement more intrusive laws on citizens.
We have watched this Government change laws to suit their agendas…eg. Native Title and Adani.
We are sick of this Government, their lack of accountability to the People, their lack of humane governance, their lack of understanding and concern for the average Aussie.
There are many many reasons to march….but we march with others “United for better Government” “
Leigh Shears (Newcastle)
“The people of Newcastle strongly feel very little has changed from Abbott to Turnbull.
From stripping Medicare and the treatment of the unemployed to supporting the penalty rate cuts and the introduction of the ABCC there’s little surprise this Government offers no support to the people in our community.
The treatment of Asylum seekers, the lies about marriage equality and leaving vulnerable women, children and families out in the cold has ensured that we will do all we can to make to get this mob out of Government.”
Kathryn Wilkes (Brisbane, Stand Up Australia)
“It is important to march to stand up for our rights as equal citizens.
We must stand up against the government constantly attacking the ordinary people of Australia while lining the pockets of every multinational.
The Australia people don’t matter anymore, only the taxes raised and profits made from the poor through the job agencies, card trials and the like.”
Susan Jenvey (Nambucca Heads)
“People in Nambucca don’t want their local concerns taken for granted. They want a future based on community well being.
We don’t want privatisation.
We don’t want the destruction of regular work and the ability to bargain collectively.
We want energy-efficient towns using green technology.
We want education from preschool to uni, we want control over our services, over housing affordablity and population.
We don’t need the answer to all our problems to be a law to make racially spiteful comments about other Australians.”
Sarah Pinkie (Adelaide)
“Today Adelaide came together to demand that this Government see the 98% that are struggling.
We stand in solidarity because we have compassion, empathy and hope.
We stand with the First Nations people, the vulnerable and refugees to demand that they are recognized and treated as human beings. We stand with our workers – the back bone of this country to demand respect.
We stand with the environmental protectors who fight to keep our country beautiful.
Standing together, united, to demand better government.”
All I can say is that they are easily pleased! I was in Brisbane and was totally devastated at the poor turnout. A few hundred people at best! I am angry with those Australians that are too lazy and unmotivated to get off their backsides, even more angry with those who thanked me for marching on their behalf! I want to make it clear….no one can march for you…your feet are needed on the ground! It will take ALL of us….not 2,000 across the entire country!
My children and grandchildren, and yours, depend on us, each of us, all of us!! Or what will you say when they ask you why you didn’t stand up for them? Seriously, what?
I went to the Adelaide march. I chose the attack on 18C for my banner (Harquebus, I totally disagree with you). Considering Adelaide’s population I was disappointed with the turnout. The speeches at the end were excellent. Thanks very much to the organisers.
It seems the general public have little concern with the Turnbull Government and the direction it is taking us in as the turnout of less than 2000 spread over 8 localities indicate.A pathetic effort really and it gives me concern about the apathy of the voting public
2000 isn’t a success, I’m sorry but its a shame but that people probably felt its overly whelming feeling of despair now the country is seemly infested with conservatives. Another thing to add is that not a single news story could be found after a quick look around this morning. Oh well there is always the 2019 election to look forward to for a hopeful removal of the far right.But good on everybody that that did show up for the event
Sharon, I don’t know what your comment didn’t get through. As you can see it has now been saved.
SharonMarch 26, 2017 at 1:17 am
” even more angry with I want to make it clear….no one can march for you” are my sentiments also.
The disconcerting issue for me is that past Reclaim Australia rallies attracted more than the all encompassing March in March rallies of yesterday.I find it hard to accept the arguments of the ills of the Turnbull Government by those too apathetic too unmotivated too lazy to defend their rights and protest the attacks on needy Australians when the best they do is post a comment now and then on Facebook or Twitter.
It makes me angry to see self proclaimed progressives sit back and expect others to hit the streets on their behalf and dare to “thank those who thanked me for marching on their behalf!”
Well I made the 140km trip to the big smoke & did the “March in March in Adelaide” on Saturday which only attracted a bit over 200 other concerned citizens & the only conclusion I can make from those numbers is that apathy is alive & well in South Australia because if it wasn’t for the Anti Nuke Protesters marching against SA becoming “The World Nuke Dump” the numbers would have been below 100.
Needless to say the turn out was really disappointing seeing that the first March in March in Adelaide against Tony Abbott in 2014 attracted thousands…mind you, everyone was marching against Tony Abbott then & seeing this march was against the FiZZA the numbers probably explain why he still leads Shorten in the popularity stakes.
To all those who did March in Adelaide, well done & wear your heart on your sleeve with pride in the knowledge that there are still a few people who still care enough about the future of this country!!
The only way forward is rid the world of right wing governments (like Australia’s LNP) it’s the only way
We have the worst government . since 1949 and it’s the LNP,……As the Australia Institute’s research in June found – across a broad range of economic measures, the Abbott/Turnbull government has performed the worst of any Australian government since 1949. Economist Jim Stanford’s report examines economic performance across 12 indicators – including GDP per capita, the unemployment rate, employment growth and the growth of real business investment and intellectual property investment …STOP LIBERAL CUTS ……….Thank you marchers and Jackie Lamby
The Melbourne “March” was cancelled. Fear, ignorance and apathy are alive and well. We have to wait for major natural disasters to clean the slate, it seems.
I made the 6 hour return train trip from the Shoalhaven to Sydney to participate and was disappointed to say the least at the turnout. I was taking pics and was approached by someone I can only assume was an organiser and was bluntly told to wait until marchers were in tight groups before taking snaps.I can only assume this was to give a false impression that the March in March was well attended.
This will be my last rally unless organised by Unions or at least some group that know what they are doing,
The demise of March in March from its original well attended beginnings to 2017 is alarming.
Is Australia and more to the point those who claim themselves progressive so apathetic that the effort to protest is all too much?
Sadly this was ignored totally by the COALition’s MSM.Just like the first one.Hence proving the MSM is a MAJOR part of the problem.The first one had a bigger turn out then,the anti-carbon price rally against Labor and Gillard – Yet that was promoted by the MSM,like it had massive amounts of people.
BOTH this excuse for a government and their MSM are MASSIVE MAJOR PROBLEMS.
Because of the way the organisation advertised in Darwin I think they thought no one was going to turn up so they cancelled. I also feel there is an alarming level of apathy generally. People despair and feel that nothing they do could make a difference but that is not true!
I have no desire to set fire to myself in order to start people moving but it is going to need something dramatic to get people out on the streets.
Centrelink Robo-Debt is simply awful.
Politicians’ expense rorts are brushed aside.
Jobs and Growth means jobs for their mates and growth in their bank accounts and investment portfolios – and bugger you Jack!
And the ALP is not helping because they have moved to the right of centre and only pay lip service to helping us while they share all the benefits that the other side have.
I have been hearing people say ” Wake up Australia” for decades, …
obviously no-one was listening … then or now.
Fizza and the LieNP must take considerable heart from the fact that of 24.5 million
Australians, a mere 2000 odd bothered to turn up.
They could be forgiven for thinking that almost no-one gives a stuff about the future lying in wait for the good ship Oz.
Unfortunately, Facebook itself went out of its way to limit the reach of ANY promotional post or meme for March In March.
Shame on you Facebook. 🙁
More people watch golf on TV. It’s pathetic. It’s tragic. It’s depressing as hell. No wonder the world is going straight down the toilet
I agree totally, and the spin shovelled out to The Aim network makes me more angry than the turnout itself. If March Australia is satisfied with that turnout then it is itself irrelevant!