Proud Boys, Donald J. Trump, J.D. Vance
Political sexual assault of Kamala Harris
By Tess Lawrence
Two-timing man-baby, the wannabe two time president Donald J. Trump and new bestie wannabe Veep, J.D. Vance are clearly shit-scared of Vice President Kamala Harris.
That much is clear.
To put it in language these red necks understand, she’s got them by the balls. Without laying a manicured finger on either of them.
In the relatively few weeks since President Joe Biden reluctantly passed the star spangled baton to Harris, the Dems presidential candidate is on her way to making herstory as the first black woman to do so and she is surely about to make history of Donald Trump himself when she is elected President. Yes, I’m calling it on this day.
Sweet Justice awaits for all those women assaulted, abused and publicly vilified by Trump the vector who thinks himself the epitome of masculinity and power.
Trump is Walking White Trash: No More Making America Grate Again
His abuse of them, is an abuse upon all women and ultimately, upon us all. For that is the invasive chancre of abuse.
Praise be the bemused Fates; no more making America grate again. May he remain a one hit blunder. A one-trick phoney. He’s walking white trash. Harris will make Kamerica great again.
Return of The MAGA not inevitable
Because of Kamala Harris, the return of the MAGA is no longer inevitable.
Like Trump, his campaign slogan is passe and long past its expiry date. The world has moved on but Trump is still tethered to his messianic delusions, still spouting the same old same old empty rhetoric as befits a gonnabe wannabe has been.
Remember how just a few weeks ago he said he would stop the war (take your pick) if he won the election – even before he was inaugurated? Sure, babe.
Trump, Vance and Political Gang Bang of Harris
The proud bully boys Trump and Vance – and their campaign platform – seem intent on continuing their vapid political gang banging Harris in ugly and ominous ways that should post red flags about the black white ops promulgated by a core of fundamental Republicans who form the vertebrae of Trump’s home guard patriots and evangelical camp followers.
Their continuing facile bilge and personal attacks on Harris reflect a clearly deep rooted fear and loathing that goes beyond even misogyny to incorporate wholesale gender and racial insult and white male supremacy. This despite both men being wed to women with ‘foreign’ blood in their veins.
Former First Lady, American Melania Trump was born in Slovenia. Vance’s wife, Usha Chilukuri Vance was born in California to American parents originally from India.
Seems you can bed them but don’t vote for them.
Being there as First or Second Lady is fine – but Madame President? No way Jose. That is really gender border jumping. Next, we’ll have Hispanics trying to run the joint.
Hatred by Proud Bully Boys Trump and Vance for Harris is Palpable
The hatred that these proud bully boys feel for Harris is palpable. Watching their body language and demeanor when they speak about her betrays a visceral response that is disturbing.
So is the apparent competition between them to insult Harris the most? If so, then Trump wins hands down. He always has his grubby hand reaching for pussy.
Trump, Vance, Creeps Who Can’t Fathom Harris
They really are a couple of creeps who are out of their depth with Harris. Trump can’t fathom her. And he can’t understand the political fever about Harris that is intoxicating the electorate and firing the imagination of those who had despaired of a reset in American politics and politicking.
The grotesquerie of these two needy and privileged power mongers ganging up against Kamala Harris is like watching them engage in the political assault of a rival.
Vance is Trump’s Political Toy Boy
The campaign rhetoric from Trump has descended into a continuum of sexual invective. It’s Trump’s scratchy playbook when he’s confronted by a female who is not an acolyte. He doubles down when it’s a woman of colour.
Trump and Vance are disgusting in their sexism. Vance is content to be Trump’s political toy boy.
His vulgar trash talk of Harris cannot be dismissed as ‘locker room‘ banter, as offensive as that is, although you will recall how Melania Trump seemed to not only condone her husband’s infamous pussy grabbing quote but also did some spin doctoring remedial work on the Access Hollywood tapes to contain the fallout and manipulate the media narrative.
In 2019, when Harris was campaigning, Trump was actually complimentary about her.
By 2020, Trump, who has a history of demeaning women on an industrial scale, changed his tone deaf tune. He turned even uglier than usual. As do his continuing lies.
Writing for National Public Radio, in October 2020, Juana Summers wrote this scathing article about Trump and his vile insults against Harris and women in general.
From the get-go Trump has been unnerved by Harris, as the Summers article points out.
Trump has never got over losing the Presidency with the Biden/Harris ticket.
The demeanour of Trump’s Republican campaign is now repetitive and boring.
Like Opposition Leader Peter Dutton in Australia, Trump bangs a single beat on an already broken drum. They douse their flags in the incendiaries of hate and racist rhetoric of the ‘other’ seemingly oblivious to their own historical familial roles as the ‘other’ and colonisers to boot.
Big Trump and Little Trump Throw Red Meat to Throng
Narcissist The Donald picked J.D.because he reminded him of himself. Mistake number one.
Big Trump and Little Trump are good at blooding the crowd, throwing red meat to the throng as if it was the Fourth of July or January 6th.
That doesn’t mean what they say is of any consequence or has any veracity. Far from it.
Truth Not Legal Tender for Donald Trump
The truth is not legal tender as far as Donald Trump is concerned.
Ever since the Kamala Komet soared through the cosmos of the star spangled banner mere zeptoseconds in light years and campaign time, the Kamala Harris phenomenon has thrown asunder any notion by Donald Trump and the tethered Republican Party that The White House and the United States were simply theirs for the taking.
They have a fight on their soiled hands that they didn’t ask for and certainly didn’t anticipate. Silly proud bully boys. They fight dirty but they fight stupid.
So how are these two alpha white males coping when pitted against alpha black female Kamala Harris? Not very well. Not very well at all. And the Grand Old Party ain’t doing so well either.
About five weeks ago, Trump took to the stage to answer questions from the National Association of Black Journalists Conference in Chicago, where the Democratic National Convention was held and where Vice President Kamala Harris accepted her party’s nomination to stand for the Presidency of the United States before a rapturous audience.
Trump is used to his ego being oiled by partisan applause and invariably, sycophantic hosts; otherwise he rarely fronts.
But when he loped out from stage left, it was already clear to him, from the few who put their hands together to welcome him, that he was not preaching to the converted.
Rachel Scott, senior congressional correspondent for ABC News (US) was the lead interviewer and was in no mind to pander to the former President. She got straight to the point querying Trump about just a few of his racist rantings.
Trump Loses It Big Time at NABJ Convention
He lost it. Big time. He turned ugly and he turned on Scott, as you will see from the revealing and compelling YouTube video we’ve posted. Watch his hands and body language as he fails time and again to justify his behaviour and dangerous, divisive asinine comments and conduct.
Bear in mind that Trump has referred to black women journalists as ‘stupid,’ ‘loser’ and ‘nasty’. He showed his true colours at the NABJ Conference.
He lashed out at Kamala Harris as well,implying she had earlier identified as Indian and only latterly identified as black for political reasons. It was a lie of course. And the Harris membership of the Congressional Black Caucus is only one of the reasons it is.
For someone who has culturally appropriated the colour orange, he’s got a damn cheek.
And, oh yeah, he called Vice President Kama Harris a “fucking bitch.”
Trump shows his true colours at the NABJ Conference:
Ever since the sermon on the Butler mount when Trump mercifully dodged a bullet, depriving him of martyrdom and thereby an excuse for losing the election, Trump has tried to peddle the preposterous notion that he was saved from assassination by an interventionist God in order to save America; ergo to save the world (vomit bag please).
He wrongly assumed he would be delivered unto the White House via the ballot box and not a bullet on a wave of national sympathy, carried aloft by the better white angels of supremacy.
Trump God’s man. Watch out Baby Jesus, Baby Man is coming for you
All he had to do was keep reminding his followers, hunters and conspiratorial gatherers that he was God’s man. Watch out baby Jesus, Baby Man is coming for you.
He wouldn’t have to campaign, or have a political platform. Wouldn’t even have to walk on water. He would just have to be.
Trump Got What He Wished For, But All Went Awry
Biden Stood Down. Harris Stood Up
Alas things have gone awry. Clichés are truisms for a reason. The Donald should have been more careful about what he wished for.
Biden stood down. But then, Harris stood up. Turns out she is twice the (wo)man Biden is, and twice that again when it comes to Trump, as far as the people are concerned.
Kamala Harris caught the world by surprise. But not prolific truth-to-power Texas based journalist James Moore.
In his Texas to the World Substack episode headlined The Tortilla Curtain republished here in The AIM Network, he shamed many of us by posting her many accomplishments in relation to ‘the border problem’ and exposes the lies and misrepresentations of Harris by Trump and other Republicans in relation to her assigned role with the notoriously porous borders.
But Moore’s article also reveals the extent to which the Biden Administration suppressed the achievements of Kamala Harris.
Here’s just some of what we (me) didn’t know:
“… Our involvement in the Contra War in Nicaragua and the Civil War in El Salvador included American aid for interests that consistently violated human rights. The results of these interventions have been long-term political and economic instability that created an environment for drug cartels to exercise violence and outsized influence.
Those are the issues President Biden charged Vice President Kamala Harris with addressing. He did not put her in charge of border security; her task was to begin finding methods to reduce the social and economic crises plaguing Central America and causing migration. No matter how many times Greg Abbott and Trump lie about her being a failed “border czar,” Harris’ responsibility was to mitigate the root causes of migration, which, unsurprisingly, she accomplished. Initiatives established by the Biden Administration and instituted by Harris have included numerous investments in jobs for the region by American corporations.
- Gap committed to increasing its material sourcing from Central America, aiming for $150 million and is expected to create 5,000 additional jobs in the region.
- Visa plans to invest $270 million over the next five years to integrate more people and small- to medium-sized businesses into the global financial system
- AgroAmerica, a family-owned food corporation is investing $100 million across several projects, including a food ingredients refinery, a banana plantation, and an avocado plantation and processing plant, which will create 1,000 permanent jobs with living wages.
- Nespresso (Nestlé) is supporting over 7,500 coffee producers with regenerative agriculture practices and training.
- Target has committed to increasing its spending by $300 million in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras by 2033.
- Columbia Sportswear plans to create over 6,900 jobs in the region by purchasing up to $200 million in products.
- Millicom is investing an additional $350 million by 2025 to expand and maintain its mobile and broadband networks in the region.
Those are plain and stubborn facts, not the political untruths… ”
Make Kamerica Great Again!
Kamala Harris is set to reset the political demeanour of the United States.
Make Kamerica great again! She is making the improbable possible.
Her enthusiasm and excitement is infectious. Little wonder she’s described as a ‘Happy Warrior.’
She is clearly up for the fight. And is taking that fight up to Trump and his sidekick.
She’s fearless. She’s unfazed by her opponents.
Despite Trump’s constant clit baiting and feeble attempts at click baiting, she has remained resolute and focused.
First Black Woman in the White House
Harris is destined not only to be the first female President of the United States but the first black female President of the United States. Thanks to no small measure to Donald Trump.
Cometh the Hour Cometh the Woman
Virtually within minutes of entering the presidential race, money literally started to pour into her campaign coffers, unsolicited. It’s quite fascinating.
She clearly takes great delight in the opportunity she’s been bequeathed. The joy and the scent of victory are both palpable.
It would be unfair to simply reduce her burgeoning popularity to the fact that she’s not Trump. Harris represents a new promise, in many ways an old fashioned promise with a progressive political dialect.
Kamela Harris Femocracy Saves Democracy
Democracy needs saving, we know that. We know that in Australia as well.
Men like Trump and Peter Dutton are dour and bleak harbingers. They are irritants, messengers of doomsday rhetoric.
They are men of yesterday.
Harris brings the promise of a new tomorrow. I’ve argued that in many ways the President of the United States is the President of the World. You know wot I mean.
Childless Catwoman Set To Take Out Trump
Little Trump, J.D. Vance has doubled down on his “childless cat ladies” cruel insult and jibe. Fathom it here.
Such insult is almost a badge of honour. Surely Little Trump Vance will get his comeuppance when Harris is sworn in as President.
If Harris wins both the popular and College vote, it’s likely that Trump will cry foul again. Somehow, I don’t think many will tolerate such nonsense a second time.
Madame President Kamala Harris?
Yes, She Can, Yes, She Will!
You go, girrl! Hands up those who can’t wait to watch Kamala Harris take on Donald Trump in the next Great Debate next week on September 10?
Now it’s Trump’s turn to be the old geezer in the room. She’s not going to take his shit if he tries any pussy baiting, verbal or otherwise. In fact this lady don’t take no shit from anyone, not from Netanyahu and certainly not from the former President.
Within minutes of President Joe Biden’s withdrawing from the Presidential race and announcing Kamala ‘lotus flower’ Devi Harris as his heir apparent, there was a seismic shift in the earth’s political axis. Not sayin’ it righted itself, but it sure tilted back in a certain direction.
Obama Gave Biden His Day In An Unjealous Sun
Unlike Biden for Harris
When Biden was Vice President to the self confident cool dude President Barack Obama, he was permitted his days in an unjealous sun, building on his already impressive public and political profile, enjoying kudos for ambassadorial and diplomatic jobs well done for a nation well represented by him on the international stage.
When Biden in turn became President, his sidekick Kamala Harris was not afforded that same degree of media exposure, profile or public acknowledgment of achievements by Biden’s Administration, especially in so far as press conferences and authoritative latitude and policy were concerned.
Consequently Americans – and the world – were not as familiar with the Vice-President as they should be on this day.
There was no succession planning; Harris was an outlier from the outset. That didn’t stop her from making her own way, forging a reputation for problem solving and standing her ground, establishing and nurturing international contacts that will stand her in good stead should she be elected president.
Biden, his minders and strategists were so obsessed with ploughing already barren ground where the Commander-in-Chief is concerned.
Keeping up appearances and propping up the President literally as well as figuratively was a prime concern and as we know, getting through the day without some kind of blunder by Biden, made it a good day.
His impressive deeds fell into the shadows. And those prepared to sing his praises dwindled.
If Biden wore odd socks, no one would believe it was just a fun thing to do. Indeed, it is said that Jill Biden literally supervises and dresses her husband. Vintage First Ladies did such things.
For a while there, the madding crowd aided and abetted by many, conspiracy uglies and Trump MAGA pretorians, started to demonise Dr Biden, holding her responsible for Biden’s intransigence on standing aside. Cherchez la femme? Rather cherchez the Democrat Party.
The Church of Former and Latter Day Trump, the saviour now anointed by a Republican God who spared his life so that he might again lead America into the Trumpian wilderness. All along that hair was as a halo around St Donald of Butler.
Remember, Harris still remains a heartbeat from the Presidency. If Biden was to drop dead tomorrow, or prove to be incapacitated, Kamala Harris would become the President of the United States.
That means the Donald would be up against an incumbent President Kamala Harris.
I can hear the childless cat ladies of the world purring. Me among them, as a childless dog lady.
© Tess Lawrence
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Tess Lawrence is Contributing editor-at-large for Independent Australia and her most recent article is The night Porter and allegation of rape.
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Bravo, Tess. You write with passion, enthusiasm, and with a punch.
Again, an enjoyable read.
Speaking of creeps, keep a close eye on our very own Mini-Me version of the Mango Mussolini right here in Australia: Deadeyes Dutton.
If all trump has are racist and sexual insults, then he has nothing. As Michelle Obama said, “When they go low, we go higher.”
Thanks, a great article.
It’s quite telling that the Trump campaign has insisted on mics off for the upcoming debate – even they can’t trust their “man” to do the right thing and keep his filthy mouth shut.
I also imagine that the orange nutter stalking Kamala (like he did with Hilary) on the stage unless they are told specifically not to move.
What’s the bet that the mutant hairy orange tries to flog off virtually all the 115 million shares he owns as soon as the restrictions lift as of the 20th of this month and then just walk away. Screw the idiots that bought into Truth Social, he just wants his cash. As Rick Wilson said: “Everything Trump touches dies.”
It would seem, to an ordinary rational person, that the orange orifice is clearly a highly deficient subhuman, incapable, litigious, foul of character, totally untrustworthy, basically an untouchable oaf, but NO, for he has supporters, renters, patrons, parasites, a deluded queue of dizzy dills who imagine being rich, saved, noted, improved, defended, all by a Huge Turd of no substance. Trump’s “choice” as a running mate seems to be a hollow person, changeable and unreliable, who could not run an office, shop, team or playgroup. Another mass shooting by a disaffected armed child is quite typical, very regrettable, and indicates that the USA, actually a murderous selfdeceiving bunch of delirious optimists, is just not much good as a fact, an example and as an ally.
Yay, well put Tess,
Trump. Fake hair, painted face, platform shoes, wears a girdle, fails in business – hates himself. Afraid of his father, mother, siblings, other relatives, associates, advisors, journalists, military officers soldiers sailors and seamen, politicians, religions, British, Europeans, Chinese, Koreans, Taiwanese, African Americans, Central Americans, Mexicans, anyone else of colour, immigrants, women and children, and others I may have left out. And microbes.
And what do we get from him? Trumpery via his double-headed succubus cum incubus, never to be exorcised.
Go for it, all the way, Kamala
Thanks so very much Dearest Roswell, lovely to read your words !
More power to your pen, Tess, always a pleasure to read your contributions. 🙂
From the NYT, Allan Lichtman on who’s going to win the presidential election… [paywalled but accessible]
Thank you so much uncle, and I think the latest is that the mics will be switched off whilst the contenders are not speaking, ahem…
Yay Clakka, more power to your pen as well.
re. Trump’s wide-ranging & non-specific fear & loathing, you left out the Australians… Malcolm Turnbull & Kevin Rudd come to mind.
He’s more the masculine incubus than the feminine succubus though, don’t you agree? Or perhaps he’s just so fu^ked up that both shoes fit.
Thanks Dear Clakka, and love the way you are reticent and hold back !!!!
Tess we are still on the same side in this great article and I hope that the people of the USA and the world can see how dangerous this maniac is to the US and the world, lets have some more.
Stan Grant on Kamala Harris’s false promise that further dooms America.
Stan Grant is too quick to judge Harris after a single network television interview with CNN.
He says : What I saw and heard was a leader lacking a serious moral vision for her nation. I am content to be largely alone in that conclusion
I think Stan has to be alone in that analysis although there would be a cheer squad at FOX News who would join him and mini-me SKY after Dark have already received the memo from on-high telling them that Trump is the Messiah.
Let’s wait and see how VP Harris goes in the debate next week – I have great expectations !
Thanks for your thumbs up Canguro, morale lifting and thanks for the link too.
“Everything Trump touches dies.” Truer words have never been spoken. Perhaps if he touches himself enough the same thing will happen to him. The world would be far better off.
Terence, Stan’s no flash in the pan, man; 11 years with CNN and many trips to the States across many locations, as he has previously written, along with the cumulative thirty + years of depth journalism… he’s ably qualified to comment on the status quo of American society and the current aspirants for the presidency.
He’s correct, Kamala Harris is a lightweight, and nothing much will greatly change under her prospective leadership; The USA will continue to give carte blanche support to Israel, continue to provoke Russia, continue to provoke China and use this country as a proxy forward defence position, will continue to be a major arms manufacturer & exporter, as well, the poor will stay poor while the rich get richer, fossil fuel extraction will continue apace, environmental decline will continue, along with pollution of air, water & soils; social goods will continue to be poorly executed in areas such as healthcare, education, housing, and infrastructure maintenance and development will woefully lag behind what’s needed & necessary…
I’m certain if you were to be granted an hour or two of his time, he’d be able to put all of these issues to you in a far more eloquent fashion than I can, nevertheless, methinks it’s you who rushes to judgement a tad too quickly.
I may be mistaken…. and kudos for having great expectations, but unfortunately – let the records show – there’s not many who become great statesmen from a background of pedestrianism. She’s certainly the preferred option to the criminal ogre who’s challenging for the same role, and Americans have every right & reason to support her, but as an agent of change… we’ll see. As Grant correctly notes, the internal collapse of the empire is well under way, and there’s little evidence to support the notion that it’s about to reverse its momentum.
On a heartening note, Republican heavyweight and former Vice President under George W Bush, Dick Cheney has said this :
“In our nation’s 248 year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” Mr. Cheney, 83, said in a statement. After Mr. Trump’s actions trying to steal the 2020 presidential election and then using “lies and violence” to keep himself in power, Mr. Cheney said, “he can never be trusted with power again.”
The former vice president added: “We have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution. That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.”
Go Dick !
Yes Canguro, well said in your reply to Terence. I read Stan’s article, and it is imo and excellent summation.
I note in my last comment, where I say “Go for it, all the way, Kamala”, I think there’s Buckley’s chance of Kamala uncoupling from beige to go all the way, as she’s beholden to an utterly corrupted, broken and soulless system that dances to the tune of the ego-fixated wealthy and mega-multinationals in a status quo that is seeing in America’s demise and further global chaos.
Nevertheless Kamala on the face of it represents many magnitudes of improvement over the labile lunatic Trump.
And there’s little chance of a coup as wrought by the self-sacrifice of brave and educated young in the serially fucked-over Bangladesh.
Terence, re. your enthusiastic “heartening note, Go Dick!”, I’m blushing. Your swooning for the evil incarnate Dead-Eye Dick Cheney is practically embarrassing. The Machiavellian puppeteer who manipulated Bush into an egregious, illegal, disastrous and obscene war against Iraq, an operation that killed hundreds of thousands and ultimately set the Middle East onto a course of conflict that will continue for generations, while at the same time profiteering from that conflict, along with endorsing torture and being an enemy of democracy in America and a war criminal, as well as an utterly untrustworthy companion to go quail hunting with, and here you are, with all the enthusiasm of a naive teenage cheerleader at the latest Dallas Cowboys game.
Your lack of moral concern is on display for all to witness. Maybe pause and consider before you rush to pump out your latest two bob’s worth in your never-ending quest to give an opinion on everything that flashes past your eyes.
Why, one might fairly ask, do you find it heartening to read such a comment from such a vile & evil individual as Cheny? It’s akin to saying that ‘I heard Hitler’s taken up reading the Bible. That’s great!’ Or, ‘I heard Netanyahu’s expressed concern that the ICC have issued a warrant for his arrest. Poor guy, I feel sorry for him.’
Nuance, matey, nuance. Don’t lose sight of the big picture just because someone tosses a pebble in the pond.
I don’t like Cheney or his politics but what I think (hope) I’m seeing is the Republican Party being wrested from the clutches of the MAGA hoards – that’s all.
A great read, Tess,
The only declared trumpissed in my group believes his lies about war and terrorist but she will not read any evidence of the lies. Just as she wont read any evidence for the voice or welcome to country and her daughter is a barrister verbose in her opposition to anything Aboriginal spurred on by her mum whom was asked for money by an Aborigine in Nhulunbuy.
If The Trumpster can stay on script for more than 10 minutes at the upcoming debate (using that word loosely because the orange faced tribble stapled to the top of his head nutter only does childish invective and bile loaded whining and bitching) then I will be greatly surprised.
Ken Robinson Dearest Ken, I always wonder what you will think. No doubt you will be watching the great debate. It will be wonderful reality television that’s for sure ! xxx
Tess, even trump is not that arrogantly stupid, he will excuse himself and send Vance for a VP to VP debate.
G’day Dear Wam and thank you for your kind words and your comments. If Trump pulls such a stunt and doesn’t front, I rather feel that more senior Republicans will publicly condemn him and urge votes for Harris. I think we’re up for fascinating television on Wednesday morning our time. Trump’s team will surely be dreading the hour and I think the ratings will go through the global roof. Will you be watching in real time, Wam ?
Neither side of US Politics inspires me. Spending lavishly on war to the tune of a combined expenditure of one trillion in both Britain and the US is a threat to world peace. Sanctions on Venezuela and Nicaragua are contributing to the economic collapse in those countries and fuelling the exodus of residents. Lots of Biden Administration initiatives are really economic nationalism in disguise. The US economy is slipping into recession with the reduction of interest rates. Australia will suffer from overly close links to the incoming Kamala Harris administration. Time to develop our own economic diplomacy that anticipates what’s happening in the two major Anglosphere countries of the US and Britain with their neocolonialism supported by economic nationalism at home.
The Donald is rapidly descending into complete derangement and lunacy because he’s utterly terrified of Harris and losing the election.
And now he’s throwing a massive tantrum about Fox: