The AIM Network

Let’s Play: “What If A Muslim Leader Had Said It?”

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Ok, I know with a title like that I’m going to get a lot of people complaining that I’ve restricted their free speech even though I’m nowhere near them, but I always work on the theory that if they’re writing their comments here, at least they’re not writing them on a site where anyone might get them to join one of those nationalistic movements that wants to promote Australian values by deporting everyone in Australia apart from a handful of people who agree with them.

Let’s see this week, we’ve had a whole range of things happen and it’s taken me a while to get my head around them. There was the Eddie Maguire joke about drowning a female journalist, the Scott Morrison complaint about being subject to the sort of bigotry that gay people just don’t understand, the Labor Party’s scare campaigns that concern the Liberals because it could lead to a change of government which would result in open borders and the sort of debt that not even Malcolm Turnbull and Jon Faine’s grandchildren could pay off, various sporting bodies being given almost as much money as it would take to hold a plebiscite on gay marriage, and…


I’m sure that there’s something that I’ve forgotten, but I’ll probably remember if I just start to put my brain in gear. I mean, remembering is sort of my plan, and because I have a plan then just saying something like “brains and recall” will be enough to make my plan work. Yes, I have a plan for “brains and recall”, so you can trust me because I’m the one with a clear plan and we need stability.

Where was I? Certainly not at Malcolm Turnbull’s dinner for Muslim leaders. And not just because I wasn’t invited! I wasn’t there because I’m not a Muslim and how unfair is that. When’s Turnbull going to have a dinner for old, white males, eh? God, we’d have to be one of the most neglected groups in this country. Why isn’t there a day to remind everyone to be nice to us, eh?

And anyway, I would have boycotted the dinner because of who else he had on the guest list. I would have joined the outrage of the Murdoch Minions when I discovered that one of the guests had made statements to the effect that gay people were committing a sin against Islamic teachings.

I mean, where does this man get off? He has no right to say such things. This is Australia and we all know that gay people are committing a sin against Christian teachings and that this part of the persecution that Scottie Morrison was complaining about. Being hostile to gay people is the exclusive preserve of people like me. Good Christian people. Or at least, if I’m not Christian, I’ve at least been to Church and I say “Merry Christmas” and send Christmas cards, even if I ignore every other teaching for 364 days of the year.

But I guess that’s the thing, isn’t it? We’re all judging people based on who they are, not what they’re saying. Take Eddie Maguire. He’s the president of the Collingwood Football Club and when he made a joke about drowning a female journalist because she’s written things that he didn’t like, the political correct brigade jumped all over him. They were suggesting that just because he’s on air joking about violence to women, that this somehow encourages violence to women. I’m sure Eddie would be happy to encourage drowning anyone he didn’t like, male or female and that he wasn’t be sexist. Or serious. So why aren’t the PC brigade out there complaining about people who are actually committing violent acts rather than worry about a joke between some men. It’s probably because they’re white. As Scott Morrison pointed out, privileged white men are subject to a lot of misunderstanding… And not just because they talk like Barnaby Joyce.

I mean, let’s be real. If some Muslim leader had come out and suggested that it’d be good to drown Christopher Pyne – whether as a mercy killing, or in anger – nobody would have cared a fig. It was only because Maguire’s target was a woman that people got all touchy feely and called it inappropriate. Nobody worries when a Muslim leader says things that are politically incorrect. Why the Prime Minister even has them for dinner and serves Halal food – which as we know funds terrorism and enables vaccines which cause autism in people who look up and see the chemtrails – and nobody has a problem with that until it’s pointed out by intrepid journalists like me and Andrew Bolt.

No, it’s only when people like George Pell and Eric Abetz attack gay people that the left get all concerned, which is just the sort of oppression for religion that Scot the Brave is complaining about…

Mm, I was going to say something else, but I seem to have forgotten. Let’s see, brains and recall, brains and recall, brains and recall… I have a plan for brains and recall…

Nah, it’s just gone.

Gee, you would have thought that if you just keep repeating something often enough, that it’d happen.

Well, thank God, we have the Liberals in power so we can have stability in government, whereas Labor want us to change the Prime Minister again. And they want us to remember how badly that turned out last time.

Oh wait, they want us to remember how badly that turned out the time before that…

No, the time before that. Not Abbott, Rudd. Oh, and Gillard. And Rudd.

The change to Abbott was awesome, as was the change to Turnbull, so just remember when you go to vote, that an election is not the appropriate time to change a Prime Minister. Wait until after, when Tony will have the numbers to challenge again.

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