The latest email from Labor read:
Roswell —
In case you missed it: last week Tony Abbott committed all of us to one of the weakest emissions reduction targets in the developed world – 26%.
This means we would fail to meet our commitment to help limit climate change to 2 degrees in the lead up to the Paris Climate Change Conference. Climate scientists say that if the world fails to limit warming to 2 degrees, we reach a dangerous tipping point where there are natural changes that release huge amounts of greenhouse gases like methane from melting permafrost and huge forest fires. That’s why we have to have a serious commitment to joining the world in limiting warming to 2 degrees, but it’s clear the only way to get real action on climate change is to get rid of Tony Abbott. He never believed the science of climate change, and not even the rest of the world can convince him.
The polls show the Australian people are well and truly over this guy, but a week is a long time in politics and we can’t assume we won’t have one hell of a fight on our hands to win back government and put in place a decent and responsible climate policy. To do that we need passionate Australians like you to give us a fighting chance at the next election and righting this wrong. Can you contribute $5 today?
The next election will be a choice between real action on climate change vs none. Labor has a vision to reach 50% of renewables by 2030 and we want to see our country do its part to reduce emissions. Please help us and together we can get this message out – climate change is too important for us to remain quiet.
Thank you for your support,
Skye Laris
Digital Director
Maybe, to a point, the next election will be a choice between real action on climate change vs none, but I don’t agree that it’s the only issue as they so suggest.
Perhaps they need to read my earlier post and start getting real vocal in their support for things like:
- same sex marriage (glad to see that they do)
- the National Broadband Network (which they’ve gone quiet on)
- raising taxes for the rich (which they haven’t mentioned)
- taxing the super profits of mining companies (which they’ve also gone quiet on)
- getting rid of internet regulation (OK, they’ll be called hypocritical after first having supported it, but they shouldn’t have supported it in the first place)
- holding politicians financially responsible for promoting false statements
- investing in the construction of a high speed rail (they’ve also gone quiet on this)
- pricing carbon emissions (we’re starting to here a whimper about this, but it’s all negative rubbish coming from Murdoch)
- not allowing Coal Seam Gas (CSG) projects in Australia.
For goodness sake, start fighting for what the people want and don’t be afraid to mention it.
And by the way, I can’t spare the $5. However, if you start being a bit more proactive in listening to your supporters then I might chuck in ten.
Your list reads like Greens policy.
Douglas, I’m starting to like the Greens more each day.
And Labor less.
The ultimate solution is an ALP/Greens coalition. It would be unlikely the LNP could win an election against a strong left wing coalition. Certainly neither of those parties is capable of winning an election on their own merit.
Plus we would ultimately be much better global citizens instead of the F… You I’m ok attitude of the current government.
Duh, the Greens have been saying all this for such a long time. Isn’t it about time more of us let them have a turn? They can’t possibly be any worse than either of the available options
in the list of subjects that the ALP is quiet on is Tax on high income earners. Given that many union members are earning much better than the true average wage of about $50,000 itn is hardly surprising! The basic wage for a mechanic is better than $87,000. Bus drivers in Perth with overtime and weekend work are often making over $100,000. Why would the ALP alienate it’s constituents by taxing them more?
It’s a fine article, only one problem , Labor first have to win the election before they can do anything.
A two degree limit to global warming is no longer possible. We are headed well beyond that which, will affect our ability to maintain our current populations let alone any increase. Factor in resource depletion and we are headed for a disaster that governments deliberately ignores.
Population does not appear on your list. ?
I don’t think it’s a big election issue. I doubt that many do.
Fancy going into an election telling the electorate you want half of them to die.
Can’t see that working for them.
Free condom with every how-to-vote card?
I don’t really trust Labor. Any donation would probably go in some consolidated fund to keep the members entitlements going.GETUP! or even The Greens seem a better bet.
Only one? Please, you need to extend your vision. And ambition (perhaps).
As for:
I agree. Tell the truth and perhaps the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It’s not half the electorate who will die, but all of same. And that applies to your offspring, their offspring, their offspring and so on.
I’m absolutely in agreement with this thinking. The ALP has become the old Greens – the ones with a very small platform. Whereas the Greens, having enlarged theirs admirably, have become the old ALP.
Well, sort of.
I know who I’ll be voting for, next time – even if Tanya P is a shoo-in.
Your comment suggesting that half of us should die is just plain stupid and you can do better than that.
How about, by lowering the birth rate and thus reducing our population and consumption, we and the environment will be better off. Business as usual is what will cause many to die and it appears that you and others are willing to accept that.
As a person of influence, you have a duty to say what needs to be done and the benefits of doing it.
It’s not an election issue so, do the right thing and make it one otherwise, be prepared to accept your part of the responsibility in the coming famine and conflict.
An angry mob is one thing, a hungry mob is a completely different animal.
Me a person of influence. I don’t think so.
Single issue party, Labor, please meet single issue blogger, Harquebus.
You’re right. My mistake.
But I’m happy to have my status elevated. 😉
Earn it.
increasing access to quality education and training and security in retirement (for not just those born into wealth) is the only relistic way to reduce birth rates. In the current political climate. If our voting population is easily scared of boat people and carbon taxes that they believe can wipe out Wyalla, imagine trying to sell population reduction. You have to pick your battles