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King Charles the Liar King of Australia

By Tess Lawrence

Our constitutional master, bonnie King Charles III, the Liar King of Australia is gracing us with his presence on this Great Southern Land deemed terra nullius by his antecedents and theirs for the taking; popped into the empirical dilly-bag of the dominion’s vast booty of pirated treasures.

Always was since 1770, and always will be unless we grow up, beg for a Treaty with the league of First Nations and become a Republic, instead of a vassal state of the United Kingdom.

The Tampon King is accompanied by his Tampon Queen, Camilla, the first visit for the happy couple since the hitherto perennial king-in-waiting’s Coronation in May last year, although he actually took the throne upon the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth 11, Queen of Australia, on the 8th of September 2022.

Consider King Charles Visit a Landlord’s Inspection

We should consider it a landlord’s visit to inspect his sprawling estate and titular empire now diminished and euphemised as the Commonwealth.

Our King, with the blessing of his doctors is suspending his cancer treatment whilst on this trip and is understandably cutting the coat according to his tweed, reducing royal duties and the number of states their Majesties will visit. We get that.

Majority of Premiers Disinterested in Meeting King Charles, Queen Camilla

However that’s not the only reason. It became apparent earlier on in negotiations that the majority of state premiers had no interest in either hosting our King or even attending a reception hosted by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at Parliament House.

The premiers of Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania were just too busy to be bothered. All Labor states, save for the latter, they had more important things to do, like washing their hair and waxing teeth.

Victoria, you will recall, under the Labor premiership of Dan Andrews had embarrassed the nation by abruptly dumping the Commonwealth Games, so is already on the royal proboscis to say nothing of the anger his decision generated amongst local and international sports organisations and so many other aspects, including athletes, tourism, hospitality and regional Victoria.

King Charles Miffed at No Show

It’s said that the King is particularly miffed at the disinterest in him shown by the current incumbent in Victoria who was anointed by Andrews, the fumbling Jacinta Allan, because he was part educated in the state named for his great, great, great grandmama, the Queen and was keen to return as Monarch.

There is also the stark reality that the wasting of monies on regal vanity visits is to our distaste in these difficult economic times.

There are other frivolous things to spend taxpayer money on, that can bring us greater pleasure, like affordable and decent housing, aged care, dental care, accommodation for our legion of homeless, to say nothing of the pressing needs of our young and indigenous brothers and sisters, et cetera. Off topic? Certainly not.

I am ashamed to say that we live in an Australia that clearly still abides by the lie of terra nullius. In a way, the denial of The Voice adheres to that.

Our country mostly functions on this premise. The evidence is before and yet Indigenous Australians might as well not exist for many of us if we measure the reality of the abuse and neglect we inflict upon them.

This is a truism that should be the concern of not only all tiers of our government, but also a concern for our constitutional monarch and our Constitution and self respect.

King Charles Promulgates Myth of Palace Non-interference in Politics

Charles is duplicitous, that much we know. He promulgates ‘the Firm’s‘ myth that they don’t interfere in our politics. We have proof positive that he – and they – have done just that. Big time.

Investigative Melbourne-based warrior historian Jenny Hocking, author of the shocking revelatory non-fiction thriller, The Palace Letters, documents and proves categoric interference and direct intervention by Queen Elizabeth, the then Prince of Wales, Charles, the heir apparent and their courtiers, agents and representatives, in the 1975 sacking of the Gough Whitlam Labor Government, with the collusion of the Governor-General, Sir John Kerr.

Jenny Hocking Has Busted That Myth

It is because of Hocking’s extraordinary and grueling but successful four year legal battle against Buckingham Palace, that our King Charles has been exposed as a skillful liar.

Humiliating for Australia and Australians, our National Archives of Australia joined with the Queen and the Palace to try to stop Hocking from accessing Sir John Kerr’s letters between he and the Queen on the preposterous and silly basis they were ‘personal’.

Of course, the letters belong to us, you and me; the Australian people. It’s our history, mate, not Lillibet’s or John’s. We’re family.

The NAA is the custodian of our history. Rather than be obsequious to the Queen it should have expressed loyalty to citizen Hocking, inevitably representing the Australian people and history itself.

Hocking’s Work Proves Charles Involvement in Whitlam Dismissal

What Hocking uncovered was astounding! It proves Charles is a liar; a seasoned liar.

In 1994 when Charles was a mere prince, Ray Martin, then with A Current Affair interviewed him at Brisbane’s Government House.

In an affable but very revealing conversation between the two, Martin asked the Prince if he’d like to be King of Australia, interestingly, it prompted Charles to bring up the subject of republicanism.

Ray Martin 1994 Interview With Charles Proves Charles Has Lied to Oz

… all I’ve ever tried to do as far as Australia is concerned er… is to … try and help and encourage and assist in any way I can…

what it is very important to get across about all this… all this debate about a republic or whatever, is that um… my family or the… Sovereign herself or…we as a family… don’t own this place, doesn’t belong and it is not as if we are making money out of it… this is what annoys me so much about … so much that’s written in the media… is this extraordinary idea… that you know, you are liable to be denied the great chance to be king of Australia as if it was… taking a toy away from a spoilt child…

… but I can understand everybody desperately … hanging … on if you were making money out of this place but it is very important to remember that it is not the case…all that anybody has tried to do is to help ..and assist and encourage and bring people together and to see what we can do…”

Wot a load of bollocks.

But wait, there’s so much more. First up, the notion that the Monarchy doesn’t make money out of visits to Australia or other Commonwealth countries is fatuous. It does, whether through the well oiled machines of Royal Tourism or by default. Or both.

As for claims the Sovereign does not own Australia, here’s what Craig Francis has to say about that in his compelling and eye opening article in Property Investment. It’s rather chilling.

Crown land and the Commonwealth

So, while it’s true the King and his investment vehicles do not own property overseas, there is the small matter of Crown land.

Although we have come to think of the British Empire as being a ghost of its former self, in reality King Charles III owns only 22 per cent less than Queen Victoria did during the height of the Empire.

The King will continue to, in strict legal terms, own all the lands of Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, 32 other members (around two-thirds) of the Commonwealth, and Antarctica.

Despite the belief held by many Australian landholders that they own their land absolutely, including anything above or below it, due to the Doctrine of Tenure, the law in Australia holds that the Crown has absolute ownership – not withstanding any native title claims.

According to Brisbane and Melbourne-based DSS Law, while freehold property ownership (the most common property title granted in Australia) entitles the owner of the land to own it for perpetuity, it is in essence a type of legal relationship landholders are granted with the permission of the Crown.

All an Act

While it may sound like largely irrelevant legalese, there are some very real ramifications arising from property rights issues in Australia right now involving Crown land.

In Australia, minerals, oil and gas are ‘reserved to the Crown’ which means Australian state governments retain the rights to these resources if they are found on freehold land,” DSS Law notes.

We encourage readers to watch the Martin/Charles interview in full:


Charles: ‘it’s up to Australians to decide how they want it to be, it is not up to me to decide…’


ote the Prince’s sarcastic tone and sense of privilege. What Prince Charles is saying to Ray Martin in 1994 belies what we now know he was up to, thanks to Hocking.And yet see how easily the untruth spills from his royal lips.

Here’s Where Charles Is Caught Out

Quite simply, Charles is lying to Martin, because 19 years earlier, he was taking a pro-active decision to collaborate with his mama the Queen, and her scheming Private Secretary, Sir Martin Charteris (who’d known Lillibet since she was a mere slip of a gel) and Australia’s 18th Governor-General Sir John Robert Kerr, a pompous vainglorious git, bloated with the trapped flatulence of a gaseous ego, to dismiss the Whitlam Government.

From the Australasian Legal Information, this from Emeritus Professor Jenny Hocking, so it’s official:

A critical letter from Charteris in early October confirms that the Queen and Prince Charles knew that Kerr was considering dismissing Whitlam; Kerr had discussed this with Charles on 15 September during the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Independence Day celebrations in Port Moresby.[22] Kerr had also discussed ‘the powers of the Governor-General to dismiss a Prime Minister’ with PNG’s Governor-General, Sir John Guise, at the same event, and it was clear that this prospect was firmly on his mind.[23] Kerr told Prince Charles that he was ‘considering having to dismiss the government’ and that he feared Whitlam might recall him from office should the Prime Minister become aware of this.[24] The Queen, Charles and Charteris then discussed how the Queen would deal with such advice by the Prime Minister, advice Whitlam was perfectly entitled to give. Charteris noted to Kerr:

‘Prince Charles told me a good deal of his conversation with you and in particular that you had spoken of the possibility of the Prime Minister advising The Queen to terminate your Commission with the object, presumably, of replacing you with someone more amenable to his wishes. If such an approach was made you may be sure that The Queen would take most unkindly to it.’[25]

Hocking Calls for King Charles to Apologise

Hocking has called upon King Charles to apologise for his interfering role in the Whitlam Dismissal. In fact, this demand came about when she was interviewed on the British based cult podcast then hosted by the dynamic duo of another celebrated investigative journalist/historian/author Andrew Lownie (who has had his own battles trying to access royal documents that he wrote about for The AIM Network) and his colleague, the erudite Phil Craig, The Scandal Mongers. These days, Craig is sole host. The episode caused a sensation.


Ep.13 | 1975 An Australian Scandal… and a Royal Apology?

Hocking’s call for Charles to apologize ricocheted around the globe.


On March 20
th, 2023, under the headline Hocking tells Charles, “apologise!” The AIM Network covered the story and I quote from part of it:

… Many Australians may be unaware of the King’s (previously known as Prince) blatant fraternising and sneaky facilitating in the political scandal known simply as ‘The Dismissal.’ The improper Charley was also a go-between to Her Majesty and her man in Australia. Please read on.

In Pearls and Irritations, founder John Menadue, himself a former private secretary to Gough Whitlam when Opposition Leader, quotes from the warrior historian’s publication, The Dismissal Dossier:

John Kerr sidles up to Prince Charles in PNG

In the heat of early spring 1975 in the New Guinea highlands, the Governor General, Sir John Kerr sidled up to Prince Charles and suggested a quiet chat. Their topic? The possible dismissal of the Prime Minister whose guest at the Papua New Guinea Independence Day celebrations they both were. Kerr’s prime concern in confiding this exceptional matter of state to the Prince was, as ever, his own job security. … In Kerr’s own mind he and Prince Charles went way back – to at least the previous year when Kerr had been blessed with a startlingly frank discussion about the Prince’s endless wait to ascend to the throne. His royal ennui, a sort of privileged loose end that the Governor General had been only too willing to help tie up. … John Kerr also discussed with Prince Charles the suggestion that he might one day come to Australia as Governor General.’…

* Note: Australia’s Senator Lidia Thorpe is one of many Indigenous leaders from Australia and throughout the world who have called for King Charles to apologize for colonisation and the harm it continues to cause. As well as acknowledgement, some request compensation and reparation, repatriation and citizenship.

Earlier this year, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation published a powerful documentary The Search for the Palace Letters, about the struggle and eventual triumph of Hocking and her legal team, by Film Art Media, written and directed by Daryl Dellora, Hocking’s partner and produced by Sue Maslin.

This gripping documentary reveals the horrible extent that the Royal Family and our National Archives fought, to stop Hocking and thus Australia and the world from accessing our own history. The Archives spent millions of dollars of taxpayer money defending the indefensible.

The film is still available on ABC iView and you can access it here.

The revelations and documents that Hocking unearthed, when forensically analyzed alongside the 1994 Martin interview with then Prince Charles, shows the important intersection of historical record and journalism, what I term ‘jistory.’

The now King was caught out by his own words, verbally and in print.

Charles has done a power of greater good for sure, in other aspects of his life, but that doesn’t excuse him misleading us.

Sickening We Still Swear Allegiance to King and Heirs Even If Heir Accused of Sexual Assault and Battery

It is sickening that we still swear the Oath/Affirmation of Allegiance to the King and his heirs, successors rhubarb rhubarb, even if one of them has been accused in a civil action of sexual assault and battery and like former President Donald Trump has paid hush money to his accuser.

Soldiers Die Because of That Oath

Hocking continues her relentless crusade to prise history from the clenched fists of the establishment and indeed, the Monarch(s).

Little wonder Charles doesn’t dare to do a press conference whilst in Australia.

He knows what would be among the question(s) asked of him. Or should be.

Will the Liar King and titular head of the Church of England apologise to Australia for his role in the Whitlam Dismissal and will he apologise for lying to us?

May well we say, “God Save the King.”


© Tess Lawrence

Tess Lawrence is Contributing editor-at-large for Independent Australia and her most recent article is The night Porter and allegation of rape.





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  1. uncletimrob

    I’ve said this before but here goes.

    My dear departed Mum said to me back in the 70’s,”The royal family is nothing special – the eat, sleep and go to the toilet just like everyone else.”

    My experience as a high school teacher is that virtually no student either cares or wants to know anything about them.

    Frankly, a parasitic bunch of non-entities, who have little to no relevance in the day to day life of Australia.

  2. Ken Robinson

    As usual Tess you tell it as it is and straight from the heart and truthfully not like the ones who suck up to the outdated and pompus monachy, its time AUSTRALIA decides its own future without this baggage from the past, well done Tess lets have more true JOURNALISM NEWS.

  3. tess lawrence


    Dearest Ken, you are a mighty inspiration. Thanks for your support. I reckon AIM Network is a good place to start. Please share with your vast contacts. xxx

  4. GL

    I raised enough energy to yawn when I heard King Big Ears (reminds me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrL7cZ06MWA) was coming here.

    Yay (twirls finger in the air).

    How many remember being a kid in the 50’s and 60’s and having to stand for Dog Save Queen…a facist regim…oops, at the flicks. And the outrage if you refused.

  5. Canguro

    Thank you, Tess, a timely reminder that this redundant circus is well past its UBD. I’m perplexed why the local powers that be haven’t taken the bit in their teeth and gotten on with the necessary job of severing these monarchical ties and finally ridding ourselves of this historical burden of bloodline twits having influence over this country’s mechanics and behaviours, not to mention the egregious aspect of still retaining regal ownership of these lands… an appalling fact!

  6. wam

    spot on uncle but my little sister is called margaret and I am william, (Mum won) big sister is called Jannifer. (Dad won).
    I have been a republican since Dad came home. Yet I will not support any of the suggestions, so far, and will support a campaign of ‘if you don’t know vote no’, till the appointment and powers of ‘el presidente’ are known.

  7. tess lawrence


    Now I do remember that GL, thanks for reminding us. Dammit, I should have liked to have put that in the article !
    *Also remember rebelling against it too, at a given point and refusing to stand.

    Please share the article, so important to encourage public discourse

  8. Ian Joyner

    What childish nonsense, along the kind of tone we expect from the loathsome right-wing press of Bolt, Jones, and Credlin. Get people angry rather than give them something to think about for themselves. While there are many points I agree with in the article, it is the tone. We don’t need to match the right-wing press — that will just feed it.

    Let’s be clear that the crisis of 1975 was of Australia’s own making. Of course, the monarchy was drawn in somewhere.

    Kerr was the wrong appointment. We had Bjelke Peterson replace a Labor senator with a Coalition one.

    Then the Coalition taking advantage with Malcolm Fraser colluding with Kerr.

    When the crisis broke, Whitlam went home for lunch. It was bad timing.

    If we replace the Monarchy, there will be a power vacuum in the place where there is very little power.

    And what did Lidia Thorpe have to do with any of this, dropped in in the middle of the article? She was one who campaigned against the Voice with Jacinta Price. They should go down in history as traitors to their own along with Mundine (where was the real work that was supposed to start the day after referendum), although Thorpe had more of a point than Price.

    The defeat of the Voice is the most shameful thing that has happened in the country for a long time. Yes, we need truth and treaty and for First Nations people to have their own say. But again this all arose from the perfidious nature of the Liberal Party when Howard abolished ATSIC rather than fix it.

    This has always been the nature of politics in the colony: “I was disappointed in the state of society. The whole community is rancorously divided into parties on almost every subject. Among those, who from their station in life ought to be the best, many live in open profligacy, that respectable people cannot associate with them. There is much jealousy between the children of the rich emancipist and the free settlers; the former being pleased to consider honest men as interlopers. The whole population, poor and rich, are bent on acquiring wealth; amongst the higher orders wool and sheep grazing form the constant subject of conversation. The very low ebb of literature is strongly marked by the emptiness of the booksellers’ shops; for they are inferior even to those in the smaller country-towns of England” — Charles Darwin ‘Voyage of the Beagle’ January 1836.

    In Britain the validity of monarchy is also questioned. But look at what we get if we don’t have it, mainly dictatorships. And then there is Trump.

    Australia will not make progress on anything like truth, treaty, voice whether it gets rid of monarchy or not.

    While it is ridiculous to keep hold of a monarchy from another country, I dread to think that some white immigrant is appointed president by either the government of the time (we might end up like Kerr) or democratically elected.

    Until Australia can treat its first people with dignity and respect it will never be a mature country.

    Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.

  9. tess lawrence


    Ultimately it falls upon us – not the King – to change things.
    It’s really time to cut the umbilical chord from the Monarchy.

    Thank you for your comment too – please share.

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