By Sean Hurley
Here we are November 9th 2016, Trump is the big man on campus in the United States, the President Elect. Can you believe it? Well you better because it happened.
The political experts are all wondering how it happened, they will pour over polls and election data for weeks trying to figure out “what went wrong”. In a few weeks we will all be getting answers, being told about why the Latino vote, the woman vote, the youth vote, poor white American vote, the high school educated vote, went to Trump. There will be all kinds of reasons and excuses offered to us all. America’s “Brexit plus plus plus” as Trump put it, will be explained. It won’t make any difference though, Trump will still be the President Elect.
Trump Won for a Simple Reason
The reason is really very simple, it does not require weeks of polls or data crunching. The voting public did not like Hillary, very few people liked Hillary, in fact what is painfully clear is the majority liked her less than they liked Trump.
There were enough reasons not to like her, she kept a mail server at her home, breaking government policy and then dismissing it as nothing of concern. It was policy, for everyone, not just for people below Clinton, for everyone. If you broke a similar policy in the workplace you would probably be fired, not Hillary. Nope she walked away scot-free and the Clintonites rallied around her.
Then there were the emails, we were told there was nothing in them, then we were told it was the Russian government interfering. What was not a large part of the conversation was the content. They showed the DNC had not been impartial during the Democratic primary, they had actively worked with the media to frame messages to benefit Clinton. When Bernie brought the DNC working to sabotage his campaign to the fore he was dismissed, however the evidence is right there for everyone to see. Again the Clintonites dismissed this.
The secret speeches given to Wall Street. Wall Street. Remember 2008? Not a single banker went to jail, the banks got all your money and you got austerity. The Bankers got bonuses, you got job loses and mortgage foreclosures. There Hillary was, enjoying engagements with Wall Street, taking their money, making promises. The Clintonites did not mind, Occupy what?
The war, so much war, Hillary sound bites cheering for the death of Muammar Gaddafi, like human life meant nothing to her. Talking about how she made a mistake voting for the Iraq war, but being more than happy with the destabilization of Libya which gave ISIS (Al Qaeda) a place to operate.
Hillary is perceived as a liar, a war hawk and a Wall Street sycophant and that is exactly why the American public turned their back on her. Bernie would have beat Trump hands down, but we all let Hillary and the DNC screw him over. This was not a gender issue, it was a trust issue, it was a move against the status quo.
You had Your Chance to Stop Trump
Now it is already time for the “progressive” to block Trump. Really? He was elected to the highest office in the land winning the majority of electorates in the country, what right do the so called progressives think they have to “block him”? He won the popularity contest and as such deserves a fair shake. He worked his ass off to win and now has every right to prove himself. Maybe he will surprise many of us. He is not interested in more war, unlike Clinton. He is not beholden to Wall Street, unlike Clinton. Trump should get a fair shot to perform as the President without the “progressives” trying to sabotage him before he has even started. He worked for it and he won, hands down, it was not even close.
Besides the progressives had a chance to stop him, they could have campaigned for a better option, like Jill Stein. But they didn’t, they got on the USS Clinton and went down with the ship.
It is over, Trump won and Hillary lost, that is all. Protesting won’t change anything. If we have learned nothing else since Occupy we should have at least learned that. The elite, the government, they know exactly how to deal with protests, peaceful or violent. It is a waste of time. Just as any of us paying attention already know, thanks to the peace movement of the 60s that changing the system from within is a completely failed plan. It is 50 plus years on from then and here we are, at war with everyone losing our homes and futures to big business.
If the progressives of the world really want to change things then they will act in a way the system can’t cope with. They will work outside the political system, they will stop shopping and giving their little bit of money to the wealthy elite. I outline this in “The Elite Only Have the Power We Give Them”. So instead of spending the next four years coming up with new and interesting ways to waste your time trying to block a president, learn about the systemic failings of our social system and how we can end the entire system by creating something new.
If you are not ready to do that then please, stop calling yourself progressive. There is nothing progressive about tinkering around the edges of an archaic system trying to make superficial reforms when what we should be doing is abandoning the system all together. Oh and I am sorry to have to be the one to tell you this but, your “big plans” for reform that will make the system better, yeah that is tinkering. When you understand the scope and breadth of the many symptoms manifest by the fundamental problems with our social order, as we lay out in our free pdf “From the Ashes of Capitalism”, you will also understand why the tinkering will not achieve the outcomes some may expect them to.
Time to wake up, you just elected Trump as President of the most powerful country in the world.
This article was originally published on Social Rebirth.
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