In yet another gobsmacking display of cognitive dissonance and implausible deniability, Barnaby Joyce has urged the Federal Government to “wake up” after the New South Wales Coalition suffered swings against it in the bush.
According to the Beetrooter, “Those who want to give rifles back to the farmers and people are winning seats.”
“The Liberal Party and other people have to understand there is a different message in regional areas,” he said. “You better wake up and understand that the political scope of Australia is vastly different from what we’ve been reporting on, and if you don’t recognise it, votes move.”
Then he blamed the ABC.
“It’s the heartland that has come out and said that we’ve got some issues that we need to address,” Joyce said. “We’ve got to stop taking our political advice from the ABC.”
Right. So the reason the Nationals lost seats in NSW was because the Liberal Party didn’t recognise the call from country people for more guns and because the ABC has been dictating Coalition policy…according to Barnaby.
Nothing to do with his disgraceful conduct in his personal life, in his disloyalty to first the PM and then his party’s leader, or, more importantly, his climate change denial in the face of drought and floods and fish kills and his shocking mismanagement of the water portfolio he demanded as a condition of support for a Coalition government.
The people of Barwon seem to have a different message for Barnaby.
Darryn Clifton, president of the Broken Hill and Darling River Action Group, said “The NSW Nationals have decimated the environments of the Darling River and Menindee Lakes and their plan was to further destroy the Lower Darling.”
Resident Karen Page said the return of the Berejiklian Government is a “nightmare” for the people of Menindee.
“Everybody out here is devastated … another four years of neglect for our river, it’s just not good.”
The Coalition seem completely incapable of taking any sort of responsibility for mistakes they have made or any form of accountability that might indicate they have learned from them.
There is an interesting article in the SMH today about the dangers of what private school principals are calling “concierge parenting” which sees “parents rushing to rescue their children from everyday challenges and minor failures.”
Timothy Wright, headmaster of Shore School, has noticed more parents querying team selections, or essay marks, or invitations.
“I think some parents are more anxious about managing their children for ongoing success than they are about ongoing learning,” he said. “The notion that ‘my child must always succeed’ is profoundly dangerous.”
It creates students that are too fragile to accept feedback. “They can’t cope when a teacher says, ‘you need more reasoning here’, or ‘this is unclear’,” said Dr Wright.
It reminded me so much of Tony Abbott whose father complained when he wasn’t chosen in the First XV at school. Whose mother raced to fill in and fast track a citizenship form for him so he could take up a Rhodes Scholarship offer. Who, when charged with indecent assault, arrived at court flanked by his parents, a legal team including a QC, and seven witnesses.
These cossetted privileged private school graduates that infest the ranks of the Coalition have never learned to admit when they are wrong, they have never learned how to accept advice, they seem incredulous when anyone questions the ethics of their actions (looking at you Tim Wilson), they have a hugely inflated sense of their own capabilities, they are impervious to criticism, and they ALWAYS look for someone or something else to blame.
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