The AIM Network

Is Scott Morrison guilty of cloning Donald Trump?

Image from The Australian

Amid the trumped-up support of Donald Trump, you might remember the time he made some lewd comments, on a recording, about women. The one where he mentioned grabbing them by the p#ssy.

At the time, his running partner Mike Pence said, “I do not condone his remarks and cannot defend them.” After that episode, he continued to come out strongly in support of his partner:

“Pence vigorously defended his running mate against the claims and promised evidence casting doubt on the claims was about to be released.”

Pence said Trump personally assured him that the allegations were untrue:

“Before the day is out, there’ll be more evidence publicly that calls into question these latest allegations.

Stay tuned. I know there’s more information that’s going to be coming out that will back up his claim that this is all categorically false.”

Nothing eventuated.

In the same breath, Pence also defended Donald Trump’s use of the Tax Code, racism, and the disgusting remarks he made against the Army Capt. Humayun Khan.

He defended Trump against what he said were unsubstantiated allegations of sexual misconduct made by multiple women.

We are entitled to ask the question: How is it possible for a man who places his belief in God above all else, including politics, able to defend a man who is so obviously at odds with the teachings of Christ?

Is he not sinning in defending a racist misogynist who has little time for righteous behaviour?

Are we not also entitled to ask the Australian Prime Minister and his deputy, who display the same God-fearing traits, why they both defended Trump’s actions.

Well-known journalist Dennis Atkins concurs:



How is it that godly men married to the ten commandants and believe in the absolute Christian tenants of faith, love and truth can defend a known narcissistic liar and cheat? If you are a Christian, then perhaps you should ask your God.

Too often, those of faith hide behind the omission of facts and actions. They deny things that can be proven to be true. In front of their God, they deny their actions.

In my knowledge of faith, every time Scott Morrison tells a lie or puts into action a policy that will hurt people, he sins. He cannot have it both ways.



Morrison’s refusal to criticise Trump’s behaviour – let alone accept that the violent mob was incited by Trump – can only mean that he condones it. Even now, he continues to imply his admiration for the man.

But then their policies and decisions show that they are both opinionated, self-centred, narcissistic, and without empathy. The only difference is that Trump thinks himself a genius.

In a survey conducted by The Australia Institute, 56% of respondents agreed when asked whether Morrison should either criticise or condemn Trump for his role in inciting the riots. In comparison, 26% disagreed and 18% were unsure.

The Labor leader, Anthony Albanese, was circumspect in his response to what he called “effectively an insurrection”, saying there was “no doubt that both the words and actions of Donald Trump have encouraged this activity.”

I agree with Dennis Atkins. We have a weak, spineless and character-free Prime Minister.

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My thought for the day

Religion does not have a monopoly on morality. Or anything else in my experience.



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