The AIM Network

Introducing The Patriotic Broadcasting Authority And Coming Out Going Back Honours!

One thing Donald Trump’s done is make it so much easier for people to show exactly how out of touch they really are, now that they’re no longer constrained by political correctness gone mad…

Although as I’ve often pointed out, many of the people complaining about political correctness don’t seem constrained by it at all. However…

Anyway, I was gratified to read about Brain Burston… Whoops, sorry, Brian Burston (no, not the guy from “Breaking Bad”, the new One Nation senator) and his speech calling for the ABC to be sold and a new “Patriotic Broadcaster” to replace it.

Senator Burston’s reasoning was that the ABC was a Marxist organisation and he’s dead against that sort of ideology because in those Marxist countries there’s no freedom of expression and you have state-run propaganda through the national broadcaster. There’s not “one conservative program or anchor” in the entire organisation. Take that, you lefty, Amanda Vanstone.

But it wasn’t just the ABC that was in his sights. No, this member of the party that calls itself “One Nation” was also concerned that we’ve let other nations in, telling us that immigration was responsible for all the “Car-jackings, home invasions, flash riots, drive-by shootings and of course when citizens object, endless complaints under Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, administered by the ethnocentric Human Rights Commission”! Yep, there were no complaints under 18C before we had foreigners and car jackings were non-existent back in the nineteenth century. A time when we were doing great things which is unfortunately no longer pride of place in our schools. As the good senator told us: “The acknowledgement of country ceremony, recited in school assemblies across Australia, finds no place of honour for the British and other European explorers and pioneers or the nation they created.” Yep, there were no home invasions back in the nineteenth century unless you’re one of those who take the black armband view of history that suggests that’s exactly what white folks did to the indigenous population.

We were also treated to a wonderful bit of nostalgia about how great the sixties were when the proper people were in charge. I just wonder how a man with views like that could possibly have joined a party run by a woman when we all know that she should be back in the kitchen preparing babies or whatever it is that those mysterious creatures do.

I guess our new patriotic broadcaster will be the perfect place to honour those wonderful people who have come out as heterosexual. In case you missed it, while launching a book Stealing from a Child: The Injustice of Marriage Equality, Senator Abetz reflected on the terrible discrimination by the media against those coming out as heterosexual… No, I am not making this up… He wasn’t taking about all straight people, just those who’ve ceased – what’s that expression – batting for the other side… Damn strange expression when I think about it. Surely if you’re gay, you’re batting for the same side. Anyway, I was thinking of starting a flood of complaints to Senator Abetz’s office along the lines of:

“I’m a good clean-living chap who’s never even entertained an impure thought about another man – in fact, I even disgust myself when I take my clothes off to shower! So why aren’t you honouring me? It’s discrimination and it’s just typical of you people.”

Yes, when the Donald said that he was pleased that the Republicans were deserting him because it freed him from constraint, you had to wonder what he on earth he was stopping himself from saying. Similarly, when you listen to what Abetz says in public, you have to wonder what he says without the filters on.

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