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In Liz We Truss!

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In Liz We Truss!

There’s a bit of a tall poppy syndrome in Australia where we shoot down people more successful than ourselves, so I must say that I find it odd that people should mock Liz Truss who, after all, did manage to become Britain’s PM for a whole two months… Ok, it wasn’t quite two months but it was certainly closer to two months than two years and I think we have to all admit that none of us have been Prime Minister of any country for that long…

So, let’s hear it for Liz and give her a big slap on the back and congratulate her for taking it on the chin and not going into a foetal position. She’s out there giving advice on how Australia can avoid making the same mistakes that Britain made… no, not the one about letting her take over from Boris… and no, not the one about making party boy Boris the leader… and no, not the Brexit one.

No, none of those. The one about getting too woke because we all know that it’s this woke thing that keeps us awake at night when we’d be better off sleeping like Britain seems to have done since it ruled the waves…

For those of you unfamiliar with our history, Britain once ruled the sea. The waves doesn’t refer to those Mexican ones that have been banned at certain arenas. A thing that happened before Trump told us how bad Mexicans were. In fact, the original second verse of our national anthem goes:

When gallant Cook from Albion sail’d,
To trace wide oceans o’er,
True British courage bore him on,
Til he landed on our shore.
Then here he raised Old England’s flag,
The standard of the brave;
“With all her faults we love her still”
Britannia rules the wave.”
In joyful strains then let us sing,
Advance, Australia fair.

For reasons that are probably part of that woke agenda, we deleted that. (Note to self: let Sky After Dark know so they can launch a campaign to have it restored!) 

Anyway, for those who are unaware:

  • Cook is James Cook who was a seafaring man
  • Albion is an alternative name for Britain. I don’t know why Britain needed an alias, but it may have been so people didn’t associate her with past crimes. Possibly that’s what’s being referenced in the line “With all her faults we love her still”!
  • The word “still”, I presume, refers to the fact that we haven’t changed our minds, not a device for making moonshine… Although the early convicts probably did love anyone’s still.
  • I don’t know the difference between “British courage” and the regular kind but if someone can find out I’d be grateful.
  • I also find it confusing that he raised the flag of “Old England” and not the newer British one, which suggests that there may be some confusion about the whole claim and we may need to test this in the High Court.

Whatever, I guess it’s lucky that Liz is here in Oz so we can pose some of these questions to her. Looking forward to her answers…


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  1. Andrew Smith

    She is way out there, but plenty of fellow travellers ie. flawed and/or failed former RW conservative MPs, Ministers and PMs* doing the bidding aand PR of Atlas – Koch Network think tanks fossil fueled faux ‘free market’ ideology, and Tanton nativism for deflection; in UK’s case both share Tufton St. offices.

    *Their role seems to be flooding the zone with talking points, domestically and globally (Abbott, Downer, Sheridan et al are all over YouTube etc. offshore interfering in other nations’ politics….), to promote white Christian nationalism, ‘free markets’, authority and religion to the Anglosphere, also to confuse ageing voters…. ‘

    Social Darwinist policies for 1% on business and society hoping for ‘agents of chaos’ to upturn liberal democracy e.g. Brexit,Trussonomics’ crashing budgets and economy, for a return to an society based on 19thC planter economy of the deep south, 1930s US, Germany and Italy, or post WWII Spain of Franco, joined at the hip with Opus Dei (who with Koch Federalist Society & CNP manage both US evangelicals for votes and Opus Dei dominated SCOTUS…with Tanton and their Heritage, contribute to Project 2025)

  2. Phil Pryor

    Take a sausage of self fixation, roll it in doggydoodropping, coat with fantasy flavoured foulness from fraud, fiction, fibs and farce oil, dust with conservative dung and doubletalk, deepfry in battered taxpayer depression droppings, serve hot with scorched lies, illusions, frothy fakery, sauce it up with political promised poopy pillockery and untrustworthy seasoning, and there you have it, a delicious foulness of bowellery, bumblastery and boggeration. It’s ducking felicious and you can TRUSS me about that.

  3. Canguro

    re. Liz Truss “taking it on the chin and not going into a foetal position” after her 49-day tenure crashed and burned, one can at least suggest that she was more Boadicea than bawler, unlike the former member of Goldstein, the hapless Tim Wilson, who on losing his seat to Zoe Daniels was widely reported to have regressed into that said position – where exactly is unclear; on his bedroom floor, in the kitchen, on the porch, the bathroom floor, the lav – where he presumably remained until the instinctive urge for continuity of life overcame his massive sook, and he managed to reassemble himself into some resemblance of a functioning human being.

    Aside from this significant difference, I suspect there’s little to differentiate the pair inasmuch as they’re both remarkable fantasists with an extraordinarily overrated sense of personal significance and self-regard, along with that typically conservative belief that the world owes them a living.

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