Illawarra offshore wind zone declaration good news for climate

Illawarra locals celebrating offshore wind at the Yes2Renewables Wollongong family fun day

Friends of the Earth Australia Media Release

Today the federal government officially declared the Illawarra offshore wind zone 20 kilometres off the coast of Wollongong in NSW.

Environmental justice organisation Friends of the Earth welcomes the announcement, saying it’s good news for action on climate change and job creation.

“From Gippsland in Victoria to the Illawarra and Hunter in NSW, offshore wind represents a massive opportunity to take action on climate change while creating thousands of new jobs” said Pat Simons, Friends of the Earth’s renewable energy spokesperson.

“As we all experience the worsening impacts of climate change from severe floods, storms and fires fuelled by burning fossil fuels, offshore wind has a critical role to play in cutting greenhouse gas emissions and providing a new source of electricity” added Simons.

With ageing coal fired power stations set to close over coming years, offshore wind represents a significant new source of electricity generation alongside onshore wind and solar power.

Earlier this year in February, Friends of the Earth’s Yes2Renewables project joined locals at Wollongong Harbour for a family fun day celebrating renewable energy and climate action, bringing together people who want to see offshore wind go ahead.

It’s good to see the work of local advocates is paying off, but the work of building the industry is only just beginning.

With at least four offshore wind zones declared around the country, it’s essential that the needs of communities are front and centre of this important new industry.

The federal government can build on today’s positive announcement with a plan that delivers community benefits from offshore wind, deep engagement with First Nations, local job creation and strong environmental protections.

Friends of the Earth will be following the next steps for offshore wind closely and will continue to work with communities to get the most out of the energy transition for people and planet.


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  1. Can we expect an announcement from P Dutton to the effect that he will tear down these windmills should he gain office next year ? Our own Don Quixote tilting at windmills……..

  2. Terence Mills; Beat me to it; there will have to be some form of RW media & LNP beat up vs. windmills e.g. the effect they have on whales a la Trump’s recent statements…..

  3. I shudder to think how many whales will die because of this decision, how the fishing industry will suffer as all the fish disappear to escape from the swish of the wind turbine blades as they feed electricity into the power grid, how many birds will be tangled in the sweep of the blades, how many people will be seeking out the sight of the tips of the blades powering their homes as they complain of the destroyed view.

    It is a frightening thought.

    Off shore wind farms in other countries have seen …….. oh dear, cheap power supplied to power grids in many countries, Britain, Scotland, Denmark, The Netherlands and in the USA, the New England region……. mmmmm, yes the prospect for off shore wind farms is a frightening thought for some.

  4. Sit on a bike with a dynamo rear wheel, Bert, They had them in Wartime. Or, attach a generator to B joyce, the furious fornicator. Power.

  5. @ Terence Mills: We have a clutch of wind towers on land here in New England where Boofhead Quixote could challenge the turning blades of wind turbines without any fear of drowning during the attempt.

    @ Bert: Be afraid ….. be very afraid!! Providing over the horizon fresh reef habitat may even improve deep sea recreational fishing. Of greater concern would be the reservation of wind energy generated in regional centres presently despatched directly into the national grid without any reservation for local consumption by any re-located industries or upgraded transport services, especially railways.

    @ Phil Pryor: I believe that such dynamo bicycle generators are still available on North Coast NSW at the Rainbow Power Company Lismore NSW

    But please ….. no more Beetrooters ….. there are already two more bastards too many

  6. Like Alice in Wonderland I sometimes think I must be living in a parallel universe particularly when the polls are telling us that Dutton is now backed by 36% of voters as future PM, compared with 35% who prefer Albo.

    It’s the first time Dutton has beaten Albanese in the Resolve Political Monitor poll, and the bad news for Labor doesn’t stop there: 40% rank the Coalition as best to manage the economy, with only 24% choosing Labor. On the question of national security and defence management, Dutton got 42% compared with Albanese’s 23%.

    Labor’s primary vote fell from 29% to 28% in the new poll, while the Coalition’s remained unchanged at 36%. What has happened?

    Some commentators are noting that this is how Abbott managed to fool some of the people from opposition and subsequently win an election – and we all know how that turned out.

    So, it seems that some of my fellow citizens are warming to Peter Dutton and his policies : I have to ask them which policies as he doesn’t appear to me to have any and those he may have he won’t tell us about until after the election.

    I also hear that there is a move against National’s leader David Littleproud as Nationals move to bring back Barnaby Joyce as their leader……..and a possible deputy prime minister in a Dutton government.

    I think I may have to migrate, the question is where to go ?

    But I don’t want to go among mad people, Alice remarked.
    Oh, you can’t help that, said the Cat: we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.
    How do you know I’m mad? said Alice.
    You must be, said the Cat, or you wouldn’t have come here.

    ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

  7. I’d suggest that latest poll,if it to be believed ,is more a reflection of the disappointment in Albo and co ,rather than an endorsement of the cretin Dutton.And didn’t someone say,when it comes to politics, always back self interest.There is yet another article in today’s New Daily pointing out the missed opportunities to differentiate themselves,clearly ,from the arseholes in the Opposition.So, to repeat,unless Labor gets their shit together,and pronto,minority government beckons.

  8. In democracy, one votes for a leader, so theoretically the voter assesses a person as being better, more able, trustworthy, honest.., such a disappointment then to see a dunce and skidmark as potential leader, from polling. Dutton is empty, not empathetic, deluded, not delightful, infected, not informed, a fraud, not a friend. Following filthy fantasy is not leadership.

  9. Ha ha ha haaaar. Some think it’s better coming from behind. Albo seems to have established that he’s not such a front-foot man coming from ahead to cop a bashing on the Voice.

    Who would ever know what Resolve can wrangle from a can of worms wriggling with alarm over a climate crisis and hooked by the cost of living. I’d call it a premature ejaculation.

    But rest assured there’ll be be a commotion over the dirt track needed to service the spin of them whirligig thingies. I understand Dutts and the Beetrooter have got it in hand.

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