The AIM Network

Ignorant, ill-informed or just plain stupid?

I wonder how many of you share my feeling of desperation over our failure to elect a government which believes in research, science, evidence, improving life for those who need help and generally doing a good job of governing – for our benefit, not theirs?

They have just announced a policy designed to ensure some categories of undergraduates get a better deal than do others.

They argue that we should enable those most likely to be employed following graduation as matter of priority.

Does research support their rationalisation? NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! – to echo a former, never to be forgotten worst-ever (but Scomo is rapidly challenging that status!) PM!

We have made such a botch of our choices of governments, that we manage to have one in charge of the country which clearly believes that the poor would rather live on welfare than seek a job – when the only people who benefit from the job seeking process are the private firms who get paid every time they place a job seeker.

And not to mention the heart-breaking process of job applications which get no response, or those to employers who are inundated by applicants, given the unfavourable ratio of job seekers to job vacancies.

What is more, if they are currently on benefits then they surely must have rorted the system – this is not exclusively the prerogative of government Ministers who dole out community grants with a clear bias towards those recipients whose vote you are likely to get.

And if a welfare recipient has rorted the system, then they must be punished. That punishment is specifically reserved for those who are already at the end of their wits as to how to survive, while unpaid taxes owed by wealthy corporations are not pursued and others gain by selling non-existent water which they do not own and hide their ill-gotten gains well offshore to avoid ever paying tax on interest.

We all know all these stories. They do not hit the headlines because the MSM has a vested interest in keeping a conservative government in power.

Morality, transparency, integrity, competence – are a few of the qualities we should be able to identify in our politicians.

It increasingly becomes like looking for a needle in a haystack!

I sincerely hope that pressure from the Premiers in the National Cabinet will prevent any decisions to cut benefits by the originally suggested dates, as charities and other NFPs totally lack sufficient resources to make up the desperately needed shortfall that would create!

We might be coming out of shutdown, but many businesses will not have survived, and their demise adds to the long list of required vacancies being anxiously sought by the increasingly desperate job seekers.

Yes – Black Lives Matter. Yes – Hong Kong – is being given a bum’s rush by China. Yes – we have much to protest about.

What we need to be out on the streets protesting, is lack of action on climate change. Because that guarantees a massive increase in jobs – in manufacturing powered by renewable energy.

It also ensures a healthier population when we cease pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, so benefitting from reduced pollution in the air we breathe.

We cannot afford to wait another 30 years!

I end as always – this is my 2020 New Year Resolution:

“I will do everything in my power to enable Australia to be restored to responsible government.”


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