The AIM Network

If only we could

Bronwyn Bishop - the person I'd like to see gone from Parliament (image from

It’s been a fairly heated week and perhaps it’s time for a bit of fun.

So . . .

Let’s imagine . . .

One member of Parliament was to stand down at your pleasure, never to run for Parliament again. Sacked on the spot.

Who would you nominate? And why?

I can foresee that Tony Abbott would rank high in the discussion and deservedly so. As would Joe Hockey, Christopher Pyne, Scott Morrison, Peter Dutton . . . crikey, I could run through the whole front bench.

It might even be Bill Shorten.

Personally, I’d select Bronwyn Bishop. She’s not the worse person in the House – far from it – but in my opinion her performance as Speaker has turned Parliament into a house of disrepute. Sure, she may not be Speaker forever but I don’t want to take the chance. I would like to see her gone. Now.

Also, as I watched in horror as she chilled the audience on QandA with her ideology I wandered just how much damage she could do as an ‘ordinary’ politician to what we ‘ordinary’ Australians call fairness.

So for me, goodbye Bronwyn Bishop.

Now it’s your turn.


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